Vuepress is creating a static site that requires far too many requests, is there a method to reduce this? - vuepress

I tried setting evergreen to true in .vuepress/config to reduce but that doesn't seem to help.


Performance tools (Lighthouse) show very slow "Time to Interactive" on my Gatsby site. How can I improve it?

I'm looking for some help. My website is getting a very low time to interactive score (over 10 seconds).
It tells me I need to "Minimize main-thread work" and "Reduce JavaScript execution time".
Could you share some advice/tips on what I can do? How do you improve these metrics in your projects?
From googling, it seems like the main thing people do is code splitting, but Gatsby does that automatically already, right?
What else can be done?
You have quite a good Lighthouse Score. Try to test your page in anonymous mode to disable extensions.
However, you can improve it.
Load bundle-analysys and check what is inside your bundles. Try to find duplicated scripts or scripts you are not using.
Check importing strategy for the big scripts. If you are doing smth like import * from 'lodash' change it to import {groupBy} from 'lodash'
Find possibility to use lazy loading. This is not done automatically. The best candidates for this would be other pages of your site.
Then do revision for all scripts you have. Might be you can remove something that is not very important for you. Some people using jQuery for the querying page only.
Do general performance improvements:
Reduce image sizes (on your landing page you have one quite big image for the 450KB).
Reduce the number of fonts (you have 4 of them 547kb)
Think about removing analytics or change it for something simpler
For tracking performance changes use perfrunner or lighthouse-ci

React spending 100ms on mixins, even though my app doesn't have any

My React app has become incredibly laggy, and I'm trying to find (and destroy) the bottlenecks. The app updates every 10 seconds. And right now, that update is taking >100ms, which is too long.
When I went to record a timeline with the Chrome dev tools, I found that something called "Mixin.perform" was taking 107 ms. Screenshot attached.
This part confused me. Normally, I'd aim to fix whatever appears to be taking the longest. But my app doesn't have any mixins, that I know of at least. It's all written in ES6, so mixins aren't even possible.
I do use some third party components, so maybe it comes from one of those - is there any way I could tell which mixins are slowing things down? Or is there a different explanation?
The Mixin object is part of the React source code:
There is some description there as to what it's for. I understand it to mean it that is helping preserve state during reconciliation, the technique React uses to make rendering React applications performant enough for production use, and not just theoretically speaking.
You can read about reconciliation here:
It's likely that many of your components are receiving props changes, causing re-renders, which will bubble down to their children. At the end of this cycle, React will do its thing and will call Mixin functions to help with reconciliation.
You can try to add some logging information in componentWillReceiveProps or shouldComponentUpdate to compare nextProps with this.props. There may be times when you want to return false in shouldComponentUpdate, which will reduce the amount of work React core has to do. You may also find components are receiving new props many more times then you expect.
This article helps somewhat when trying to understand why components are updating when you think they should not be:
Good luck!

caching snippets (modX)

I was simple cruising through the modx options and i noticed the option to cache snippets. I was wondering what kind of effect this would have (downsides) to my site. I know that caching would improve the loading time of the site by keeping them 'cached' after the first time and then only reloading the updates but this all seems to good to be true. My question is simple: are there any downsides to caching snippets? Cheers, Marco.
Great question!
The first rule of Modx is (almost) always cache. They've said so in their own blog.
As you said, the loading time will be lower. Let's just get the basics on the floor first. When you chose to cache a page, the page with all the output is stored as a file in your cache-folder. If you have a small and simple site, you might not see the biggest difference in caching and not, but if you have a complex one with lots of chunks-in-chunks, snippets parsing chunks etc, the difference is enormous. Some of the websites I've made goes down 15-30 levels to parse the content in come sections. Loading all this fresh from the database can take up to a coupe of seconds, while loading a flat-file would take only a few microseconds. There is a HUGE difference (remember that).
Now. You can cache both snippets and chunks. Important to remember. You can also cache one chunk while uncache the next level. Using Modx's brilliant markup, you can chose what to cache and what to uncache, but in general you want as much as possible cached.
You ask about the downside. There are none, but there are a few cases where you can't use cached snippets/chunks. As mentioned earlier, the cached response is divided into each page. That means that if you have a page (or url or whatever you want to call it), where you display different content based on for example GET-parameters. You can't cache a search-result (because the content changes) or a page with pagination (?page=1, ?page=2 etc would produce different output on the same page). Another case is when a snippet's output is random/different every time. Say you put a random quotes in your header, this needs to be uncached, or you will just see the first random result every time. In all other cases, use caching.
Also remember that every time you save a change in the manager, the cache will be wiped. That means that if you for example display the latest news-articles on your frontpage, this can still be cached because it will not display different content until you add/edit a resource, and then the cache will be cleared.
To sum it all up. Caching is GREAT and you should use it as much as possible. I usually make all my snippets/chunks cached, and if I crash into problems, that is the first thing I check.
Using caching makes your webserver respond quicker (good for the user) and produces fewer queries to the database (good for you). All in all. Caching is a gift. Use it.
There's no downsides to caching and honestly I wonder what made you think there were downsides to it?
You should always cache everything you can - there's no point in having something be executed on every page load when it's exactly the same as before. By caching the output and the source, you bypass the need for processing time and improve performance.
Assuming MODX Revolution (2.x), all template tags you use can be called both cached and uncached.
[[!*pagetitle]] - this is pointless
In MODX Evolution (1.x) the tags are different and you don't have as much control.
Some time ago I wrote about caching in MODX Revolution on my blog and I strongly encourage you to check it out as it provides more insight into why and how to use caching effectively:
(PS: If you have MODX specific questions, I'd suggest posting them on - there's a larger MODX audience there that can help)

What's the optimal amount of queries an ExpressionEngine page should load?

I saw #parscale tweet: How many queries are you happy with for a home page? When do you say this is Optimized?
I saw responses that < 50 is good, 30 or less is best, and 100+ is danger zone. Is there really any proper number? And if say you do have > 50 queries running on your pages, what are some ways to bring it down?
I generally have sites that run the gamut that are under 50 queries and some more, though the "more" don't seem to be too slow, I'm always interested in making it faster. How?
How to reduce queries will vary from site to site, template to template, but there's been a few articles on EE optimisation and performance:
But if you've done all that and still need to speed things up, then your next step is to look at add-ons like CE Cache.
Thing to remember is not all queries are created equal. You can have 1,000 queries that do very little in the way of impacting performance, or a single query that can slow everything way down.
In EE its actually better to look at the template debug output and identify key slow down spots in the template build then to always focus on just the query count.
As others have pointed out products like CE Cache, Solspace's Template Morsels, or even adding a varnish caching server in-front of an intensive EE web site can do wonders, though with the added work required to fully get a varnish setup in front of EE setup, I would currently stick to the other solutions/directions first.
There is not a magic query number. In my opinion, your server environment dictates what can be supported. The more resources you have, the more complex your code can be.
With that said, there are lots of options you can use if issues do arise on an EE website. The links in the answer above give you a solid list but here are some first things to check:
Remove search:field_name="" parameters
Reduce use of channel tags, combine if you can
Add disable="" parameter to channel tabs to disable what you don't need
Reduce use of embeds
Turn off all EE tracking code
Stop using advanced conditionals if you have a channel tag inside
Following on from Nevin's point. I find that the JB Graphite is a huge help, it turns the debug output into a pretty graph, so you can easily spot bottleneck queries.
I'll expand on MediaGirl's point number 6 - you can often greatly simplify conditionals by using Croxton's Ifelse and/or Switchee add-ons. Definitely worth a look.
I used CE Cache on a really intensive build and it reduced page load from 6 seconds to 0.7 seconds. Awesome addpon, with incredible documentation and the best support you can get anywhere.

How can I boost my performance in a CakePHP application?

I'm currently using CakePHP for my training plan application but I have rendering times of 800 ms per page.
Do you have any tips on improving the performance?
Thanks in advance.
br, kms
In general the tool that will give you the greatest speed boost is caching, and CakePHP has a dedicated helper. The second most useful thing to do is optimizing the queries, only asking for the data you need - this can be done with the containable behavior.
You can find more detailed tips in this post.
Install APC, if you dont have it. that will instantly make it < 500ms. also without touching a single line of code.
Make sure your tables have all the proper indexes so that queries are as fast as they can be.
Next up look at some things about caching routes / urls as that is a huge drain.
Those will give you the most speed boost for the least amount of work
Have you tried any of the CSS/JS asset combiners for CakePHP? They combine/compress/minify your CSS/JS scripts and cache them where applicable. Here's one that's quite recent.
Not specific to CakePHP but you could go through all the factors in Google Page Speed, it will help you speed up your page loading times by suggesting what scripts you could combine and advice on how to reduce requests.
Other than that, look into the containable behaviour, see if you can cut out any necessary info/queries by only selecting what you need at any time.
This question is well-populated with information on speeding Cake up.
