What's the optimal amount of queries an ExpressionEngine page should load? - performance

I saw #parscale tweet: How many queries are you happy with for a home page? When do you say this is Optimized?
I saw responses that < 50 is good, 30 or less is best, and 100+ is danger zone. Is there really any proper number? And if say you do have > 50 queries running on your pages, what are some ways to bring it down?
I generally have sites that run the gamut that are under 50 queries and some more, though the "more" don't seem to be too slow, I'm always interested in making it faster. How?

How to reduce queries will vary from site to site, template to template, but there's been a few articles on EE optimisation and performance:
But if you've done all that and still need to speed things up, then your next step is to look at add-ons like CE Cache.

Thing to remember is not all queries are created equal. You can have 1,000 queries that do very little in the way of impacting performance, or a single query that can slow everything way down.
In EE its actually better to look at the template debug output and identify key slow down spots in the template build then to always focus on just the query count.
As others have pointed out products like CE Cache, Solspace's Template Morsels, or even adding a varnish caching server in-front of an intensive EE web site can do wonders, though with the added work required to fully get a varnish setup in front of EE setup, I would currently stick to the other solutions/directions first.

There is not a magic query number. In my opinion, your server environment dictates what can be supported. The more resources you have, the more complex your code can be.
With that said, there are lots of options you can use if issues do arise on an EE website. The links in the answer above give you a solid list but here are some first things to check:
Remove search:field_name="" parameters
Reduce use of channel tags, combine if you can
Add disable="" parameter to channel tabs to disable what you don't need
Reduce use of embeds
Turn off all EE tracking code
Stop using advanced conditionals if you have a channel tag inside

Following on from Nevin's point. I find that the JB Graphite is a huge help, it turns the debug output into a pretty graph, so you can easily spot bottleneck queries.

I'll expand on MediaGirl's point number 6 - you can often greatly simplify conditionals by using Croxton's Ifelse and/or Switchee add-ons. Definitely worth a look.

I used CE Cache on a really intensive build and it reduced page load from 6 seconds to 0.7 seconds. Awesome addpon, with incredible documentation and the best support you can get anywhere.


XPages performance - 2 apps on same server, 1 runs and 1 doesn't

We have been having a bit of a nightmare this last week with a business critical XPage application, all of a sudden it has started crawling really badly, to the point where I have to reboot the server daily and even then some pages can take 30 seconds to open.
The server has 12GB RAM, and 2 CPUs, I am waiting for another 2 to be added to see if this helps.
The database has around 100,000 documents in it, with no more than 50,000 displayed in any one view.
The same database set up as a training application with far fewer documents, on the same server always responds even when the main copy if crawling.
There are a number of view panels in this application - I have read these are really slow. Should I get rid of them and replace with a Repeat control?
There is also Readers fields on the documents containing Roles, and authors fields as it's a workflow application.
I removed quite a few unnecessary views from the back end over the weekend to help speed it up but that has done very little.
Any ideas where I can check to see what's causing this massive performance hit? It's only really become unworkable in the last week but as far as I know nothing in the design has changed, apart from me deleting some old views.
Try to get more info about state of your server and application.
Hardware troubleshooting is summarized here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/Domino_Server_performance_troubleshooting_best_practices
According to your experience - only one of two applications is slowed down, it is rather code problem. The best thing is to profile your code: http://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/blog.xsp?permaLink=NHEF-84X8MU
To go deeper you can start to look for semaphore locks: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21094630, or to look at javadumps: http://lazynotesguy.net/blog/2013/10/04/peeking-inside-jvms-heap-part-2-usage/ and NSDs http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/Using_NSD_A_Practical_Guide/$file/HND202%20-%20LAB.pdf and garbage collector Best setting for HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize in Domino 8.5.3 64 Bit.
This presentation gives a good overview of Domino troubleshooting (among many others on the web).
Ok so we resolved the performance issues by doing a number of things. I'll list the changes we did in order of the improvement gained, starting with the simple tweaks that weren't really noticeable.
Defrag Domino drive - it was showing as 32% fragmented and I thought I was on to a winner but it was really no better after the defrag. Even though IBM docs say even 1% fragmentation can cause performance issues.
Reviewed all the main code in the application and took a number of needless lookups out when they can be replaced with applicationScope variables. For instance on the search page, one of the drop down choices gets it's choices by doing an #Unique lookup on all documents in the database. Changed it to a keyword and put that in the application Scope.
Removed multiple checks on database.queryAccessRole and put the user's roles in a sessionScope.
DB had 103,000 documents - 70,000 of them were tiny little docs with about 5 fields on them. They don't need to be indexed by the FTIndex so we moved them in to a separate database and pointed the data source to that DB when these docs were needed. The FTIndex went from 500mb to 200mb = faster indexing and searches but the overall performance on the app was still rubbish.
The big one - I finally got around to checking the application properties, advanced tab. I set the following options :
Optimize document table map (ran copystyle compact)
Dont overwrite free space
Dont support specialized response hierarchy
Use LZ1 compression (ran copystyle compact with options to change existing attachments -ZU)
Dont allow headline monitoring
Limit entries in $UpdatedBy and $Revisions to 10 (as per domino documentation)
And also dont allow the use of stored forms.
Now I don't know which one of these options was the biggest gain, and not all of them will be applicable to your own apps, but after doing this the application flies! It's running like there are no documents in there at all, views load super fast, documents open like they should - quickly and everyone is happy.
Until the http threads get locked out - thats another question of mine that I am about to post so please take a look if you have any idea of what's going on :-)
Thanks to all who have suggested things to try.

Front and back end techniques to increase performance

What are some of the common and notable performance issues/bottlenecks that are typically encountered in a web application in both, the front-end layer, and the back-end layer?
An example of what I mean in a database is not having something you are querying on be an index. That would slow down the query. On the front-end it might be something funky going on with JavaScript that makes your application seem slow.
What are the general rules of thumb that help navigate such issues? And what are some good to-do's?
On front-end:
-push all of your assets - css files, images, static content - to a CDN. Edgecast is pretty good and reasonably priced.
-don't use load entire javascript frameworks when you only need a few features from it. only load what's needed.
On back-end
-memcache the results from all database calls by using a hash of the sql query as the key name, and the result set as the value
-make sure you are not making your database tables really 'wide' - tons of columns and column types like 'text' and 'blob'
For the front-end, there are well-known guidelines/rules you can follow, and there are some great tools like YSlow that can help you pinpoint the bottlenecks.
For the back-end, as you've noted, efficient use of indexes is a must. Other optimizations usually involve caching, and basic stuff like avoiding doing stuff within loops that can be done once. I'm sure people here will have suggestions, but remember "premature optimization is the root of all evil!" :-)
Millhouse is on to it. I can also add:
Batch expensive operations up. For example: don't make lots of individual calls to a database if you can do it all in one hit.
Avoid server hops where you can.
Process in parallel if you can (not so common for your 'average' web app but quite possible in larger Enterprise scale apps).
Pre-process: crunching data, pre-puiblishing content etc, the more you can do before it's needed the better.
Use a CQRS-based architecture. CQRS stands for Command/Query Responsability Segregation; it basically means that you have different code (services) for reading from the DB and writing to the DB. A good practice for scalability is to have separate DB's for reading and writing (it actually does make sense, if you read more about CQRS), and you can scale out the reading database by having copies run on multiple servers.
CQRS is not only interesting from a scalability point of view, but also from a code maintenance and clarity point of view. It does take some effort to learn about CQRS and understand it, though.
Check out these links:
convert dynamic contents to static contents. regenerate those static contents if their dependent objects changed. I saw one article said that more than 80 percent contents are static on Amazon website.

How can I boost my performance in a CakePHP application?

I'm currently using CakePHP for my training plan application but I have rendering times of 800 ms per page.
Do you have any tips on improving the performance?
Thanks in advance.
br, kms
In general the tool that will give you the greatest speed boost is caching, and CakePHP has a dedicated helper. The second most useful thing to do is optimizing the queries, only asking for the data you need - this can be done with the containable behavior.
You can find more detailed tips in this post.
Install APC, if you dont have it. that will instantly make it < 500ms. also without touching a single line of code.
Make sure your tables have all the proper indexes so that queries are as fast as they can be.
Next up look at some things about caching routes / urls as that is a huge drain.
Those will give you the most speed boost for the least amount of work
Have you tried any of the CSS/JS asset combiners for CakePHP? They combine/compress/minify your CSS/JS scripts and cache them where applicable. Here's one that's quite recent.
Not specific to CakePHP but you could go through all the factors in Google Page Speed, it will help you speed up your page loading times by suggesting what scripts you could combine and advice on how to reduce requests.
Other than that, look into the containable behaviour, see if you can cut out any necessary info/queries by only selecting what you need at any time.
This question is well-populated with information on speeding Cake up.

Web site performance - what is it about? Readability and ignorance Vs. Performance

Let me cut to the chase...
On one hand, many of the programming advices given (here and on other places) emphasize the notion that code should always be as readable and as clear as possible, at (almost?!) any pefromance cost.
On the other hand there are SO many slow web sites (at least one of whom, I know from personal experience).
Obviously round trips and DB access, are issues a web developer should always keep in mind. But the trade-off between readability and what not to do because it slows things down, for me is very unclear.
Question are- 1.What else? 2.Is there a rule (preferably simple, but probably quite general) one should adhere to in order to make sure his code does not slow things down too much?
General best practices as well as specific advices would be much appreciated. Advices based on experience would be especially appreciated.
Edit: A little clarification: General peformance advices aren't hard to find. That's not what I'm looking for. I'm asking about two things- 1. While trying to make my code as readable as possible, when should I stop and say: "Now I'm hurting performance too much". 2. Little, less known things like- is selecting just one column faster than selecting all (Thanks Otávio)... Thanks again!
See the Stack Overflow discussion here:
What is the most important effect on performance in a database-backed web application?
The top voted answer was, "write it clean, and use a profiler to identify real problems and address them."
In my experience, the biggest mistake (using C#/asp.net/linq) is over-querying due to LINQ's ease-of-use. One huge query is usually much faster than 10000 small ones.
The other ASP.NET gotcha I see a lot is when the viewstate gets extremely fat and bloated. EnableViewState=false is your best friend, start every new project with it!
For web applications that have a database back end, it is extremely important that:
indexing is done properly
retrieval is done for what is needed (avoid select * when selecting specific fields will do - even more so if they are part of a covered index)
Also, whenever possible an appropriate caching strategy can help performance
Optimizing your code.
While making your code as readable as possible is very important. Optimizing it is equally as important. I've listed some items that will hopefully get you in the right direction.
For example in regards to Databases:
When you define the schema of your database, you should make sure that it is normalized and the indexes of fields are defined properly.
When running a query, specifically SELECT, only select the fields you need.
You should only make one connection to the database per page load.
Re-factor. This is probably the most important factor in producing clean, optimized code. Always go back and look at your code and see what can be done to improve it.
PHP Code:
Always test your work with a tool like PHPUnit.
echo is faster than print.
Wrap your string in single quotes (‘) instead of double quotes (“) is faster because PHP searches for variables inside “…” and not in ‘…’, use this when you’re not using variables you need evaluating in your string.
Use echo’s multiple parameters (or stacked) instead of string concatenation.
Unset or null your variables to free memory, especially large arrays.
Use strict code, avoid suppressing errors, notices and warnings thus resulting in cleaner code and less overheads. Consider having error_reporting(E_ALL) always on.
Incrementing an undefined local variable is 9-10 times slower than a pre-initialized one.
Methods in derived classes run faster than ones defined in the base class.
Error suppression with # is very slow.
Website Optimization
A good place to start is here (http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html)
Performance is a huge topic and there are a lot of things that you can do to help improve the performance of your website. It's something that takes time and experience.
Richard Castera
Scott and Rcastera did a good job covering DB and querying optimization. To address your question from a HTML / CSS / JavaScript standpoint:
Readability is key. CSS is rendered so fast that you should never feel it is necessary to sacrifice readability for performance. As such, focus on adding in as many comments as necessary to document the code, why certain rules (like hacks) are there, and whatever else floats your comment boat. In CSS there are a few obvious rules to follow: 1) Use external stylsheets. 2) Limit external stylesheets to limit GET requests.
HTML: Like CSS, HTML is read so fast by the browser you should really only focus on writing clean code. Use whitespace, indentation, and comments to properly document your work. Only major things in HTML to remember are: 1) declare the <meta charset /> early within the head section. 2) Follow this guys advice to minimize browser reflows. *this rule actually applies to CSS as well.
JavaScript: Most optimizations for JavaScript are really well known by now so these'll seem obvious, like initializing variables outside of loops, pushing javascript to bottom of body so DOM loads before scripts start tying up all of the resources, avoiding costly statements like eval() or with(). Not to sound like a broken record, but keeping a well commented and easily readable script should still be a priority when developing JavaScript code. Especially since you can just minimize and compress away all the excess when you deploy it.

Recommended file sizes for web

I am doing a web performance optimization using YSlow and Page Speed recomendations but when it comes to file sizes neither says anything about it.
Does anybody knows where I can get some recomendation of the max size of some file types??
For example images shouldn't be greater than XXX KB or something like that.
But i need reliable sources not just suggestions. I mean XXX did some research and they recommend this or that.
I never stumble on any recommendations rather than common sense. A lot of small size files create a chatter, big files slow you down and can time-out. It really is what performance tuning is for - run your tests for your particular setup, there's no magic bullet
When I first did web development (1998) Australia our recommended limit for the entire page size (including images) was 40 kB (who was that laughing?).
The scary thing is that for accessability, we still have to worry about dial-up users and so try to keep to this if we can (exploiting client side caching where possible).
