I created a partitioned Hive table using the following query
`cid` string COMMENT '',
`member` string COMMENT '',
`account` string COMMENT '')
PARTITIONED BY (update_period string)
I'm writing to the partitioned location using map reduce program. when I read the output files using avro tools it is showing the correct data in json format. But when I use hive query to display the data, nothing is displayed. If I don't use partition field during table creation then the values are displayed in hive. what could be the reason for this ? I specify the output location for the mapreduce program as "/user/customer/update_period=201811".
Do I need to add anything in the mapreduce program configuration to resolve this?
You need to run msck repair table once you have loaded a new partition in HDFS location.
Why we need to run msck Repair table statement everytime after each ingestion?
Hive stores a list of partitions for each table in its metastore. However new partitions are directly added to HDFS , the metastore (and hence Hive) will not be aware of these partitions unless the user runs either of below ways to add the newly add partitions.
1.Adding each partition to the table
hive> alter table <db_name>.<table_name> add partition(`date`='<date_value>')
location '<hdfs_location_of the specific partition>';
2.Run metastore check with repair table option
hive> Msck repair table <db_name>.<table_name>;
which will add metadata about partitions to the Hive metastore for partitions for which such metadata doesn't already exist. In other words, it will add any partitions that exist on HDFS but not in metastore to the metastore.
I am having difficulty in getting hive to discover partitions which are created in HDFS
Here's the directory structure in HDFS
A,B,C,D being values from a column type
when I create a hive table using the following syntax
table_name(`name` string, `description` string)
PARTITIONED BY (`type` string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe'
STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat'
OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat'
LOCATION 'hdfs:///tmp/warehouse/database/table_name'
I am unable to see any records when I query the table.
But when I create directories in HDFS as below
It works and discovers partitions when I check using show partitions table_name
Is there some configuration in hive to able to detect dynamic directories as partitions?
Creating external table on top of some directory is not enough, partitions needs to be mounted also. Discover partitions feature added in Hive 4.0.0. Use MSCK REPAIR TABLE for earlier versions:
or it's equivalent on EMR:
And when you creating dynamic partitions using insert overwrite, partition metadata is being created automatically and partition folders are in the form key=value.
Maybe this is an easy question but, I am having a difficult time resolving the issue. At this time, I have an pseudo-distributed HDFS that contains recordings that are encoded using protobuf 3.0.0. Then, using Elephant-Bird/Hive I am able to put that data into Hive tables to query. The problem that I am having is partitioning the data.
This is the table create statement that I am using
PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
WITH serdeproperties (
The table is created and I do not receive any runtime errors when I query the table.
When I attempt to load data as follows:
ALTER TABLE test_messages_20180116_20180116 ADD PARTITION (dt = '20171117') LOCATION '/test/20171117'
I receive an "OK" statement. However, when I query the table:
select * from test_messages limit 1;
I receive the following error:
Failed with exception java.io.IOException:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: FieldDescriptor does not match message type.
I have been reading up on Hive table and have seen that the partition columns do not need to be part of the data being loaded. The reason I am trying to partition the date is both for performance but, more so, because the "LOAD DATA ... " statements move the files between directories in HDFS.
P.S. I have proven that I am able to run queries against hive table without partitioning.
Any thoughts ?
I see that you have created EXTERNAL TABLE. So you cannot add or drop partition using hive. you need to create a folder using hdfs or MR or SPARK. EXTERNAL table can only be read by hive but not managed by HDFS. You can check the hdfs location '/test/dt=20171117' and you will see that folder has not been created.
My suggestion is create the folder(partition) using "hadoop fs -mkdir '/test/20171117'" then try to query the table. although it will give 0 row. but you can add the data to that folder and read from Hive.
You need to specify a LOCATION for an EXTERNAL TABLE
LOCATION '/test';
Then, is the data actually a sequence file? All you've said is that it's protobuf data. I'm not sure how the elephantbird library works, but you'll want to double check that.
Then, your table locations need to look like /test/dt=value in order for Hive to read them.
After you create an external table over HDFS location, you must run MSCK REPAIR TABLE table_name for the partitions to be added to the Hive metastore
I have a hive table schema stored in one hdfs file schema.avsc.
I want to create a hive table of the same schema and want to dump a data from another hdfs path where data is stored in HDFS file system.
1 : How can i create a table ?
2 : How can i dump a data stored in hdfs file into created table ?
How can i create a table ?
The Apache Hive documentation on the AvroSerDe shows the syntax for creating a table based on an Avro schema stored in a file. For convenience, I'll repeat one of the examples here:
PARTITIONED BY (ds string)
This example pulls the schema file from a web server. The documentation also shows other options, such as pulling from a local file, depending on your specific needs.
I recommend reading the entire AvroSerDe documentation page. There is a lot of useful information there about getting the most out of using Hive with Avro.
How can i dump a data stored in hdfs file into created table ?
You can define an external table that references the existing HDFS files. The documentation page for External Tables shows the syntax. Repeating an example:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE page_view(viewTime INT, userid BIGINT,
page_url STRING, referrer_url STRING,
ip STRING COMMENT 'IP Address of the User',
country STRING COMMENT 'country of origination')
COMMENT 'This is the staging page view table'
LOCATION '<hdfs_location>';
After defining the external table, you can then use an INSERT-SELECT query that reads from the external table and writes to the Avro table. The documentation on Inserting data into Hive Tables from queries describes the INSERT-SELECT syntax. For example:
FROM page_view_stg pvs
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE page_view PARTITION(dt='2008-06-08', country)
SELECT pvs.viewTime, pvs.userid, pvs.page_url, pvs.referrer_url, null, null, pvs.ip, pvs.cnt
I have stored the data in hdfs using Pig Multistorage with the column id.
So data stored as
Now I have created a partitioned table in hive and I want to load the data from /output folder into this partitioned table. Is there any way to achieve this?
First you create a temp hive table where you load all the data from pig output.
Then You load to your actual partitioned hive table from temp table.
Something like below:
FROM emp_external temp INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE emp_partition PARTITION(country) SELECT temp.id,temp.name,temp.dept,temp.sal,temp.country;
Else you can explore Hcatlog for this case.
not sure if you are looking to insert the data in the outputfolder (created from pig) to an existing table or loading the data in the output folder in to a new hive partitioned table.
If you want to load the data in to new hive table, you can create a new partitioned table pointing to the output folder
If you are looking to load the data into an existing hive table, then you can either create a temp table as #Aman mentioed and do a insert in to the destination table
You can just move/copy the files in the hdfs from output/ to hive table location.
Hope this helps
Assign a Hive schema to pig output location with partitioned columns (Alter table Add Partition) as column id. Now both are hive tables and you can use where clause over partitioned column to move over the data.
I have to create a hive table from data present in oracle tables.
I'm doing a sqoop, thereby converting the oracle data into HDFS files. Then I'm creating a hive table on the HDFS files.
The sqoop completes successfully and the files also get generated in the HDFS target directory.
Then I run the create table script in hive. The tables gets created. But it is an empty table, no data is seen in the hive table.
Has anyone faced a similar problem?
Hive default delimiter is ctrlA, if you don't specify any delimiter it will take default delimiter. Add below line in your hive script .
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
Your Hive script and your expectation is wrong. You are trying to create a partitioned table on the data that you have already imported, partitions won't work that way. If your query has no partition in it then you can able to see data.
Basically If you want partitioned table , you can't create on the under lying data like you have tried above. If you want hive partition load the data from intermediate table or that sqoop directory to your partitioned table to get Hive partitions.