How do I prevent maven from checking a remote repository for certain artifacts? - maven

In order to include a specific maven dependency, I included its repository in my pom. Because of this, maven will check every repository for every artifact. This repository is rather slow so I would rather have maven only reach out to it when checking for the dependencies that it provides.
Is there a way to limit maven to check a repository for certain artifacts? Perhaps certain group IDs?

I doubt that you can impose such filters, but Maven asks the repositories in a certain order until it finds the artifact. As we handle this problem through Nexus, I am not experienced in this, but the question How to set order of repositories in Maven settings.xml gives (maybe outdated) information about this.


Is there a way in Gradle to define what patterns of artifacts should, (or should not), be resolved via a repository?

Is there a way in Gradle to explicitly define where certain artifacts should be coming from?
We have a legacy project which is being on-boarded to use a proper artifact repository manager, instead of a network share. However, we have multiple repositories from which artifacts are being downloaded. We'd like to be able to fine-grain where certain artifacts should be coming from, until we can fully on-board to the artifact repository manager in question.
Is something like this possible?
Yes that is possible as of Gradle 5.1
Repository to dependency matching
It is now possible to match repositories to dependencies, so that Gradle doesn't search for a dependency in a repository if it's never going to be found there.
See the docs for more details:

Can I resolve dependencies of maven artifacts in artifactory?

We are currently migrating from Nexus to Artifactory and one thing we are missing is an API call to resolve maven dependencies in artifactory. Nexus has this endpoint /service/local/dependency?r=snapshots,releases&c=&e=pom&s=compile&f=list&g=<>&a=<my-artifact>&v=<my-version> which gives a compiled list of all, including transitive, depdendencies.
We need this because we (mis)use maven as a generic deployment/versioning system to create artifacts (zip files of shell scripts actually) and to manage depenedencies. These dependencies are also necessary for production deployments.
Since we migrate from Nexus we don't have builds accessible and I am not yet sure if we want to use them. Is there a way to get a rest endpoint like the nexus one in Artifactory? Maybe a user plugin? Any hints on how this could be done?

How to limit the dependencies downloaded by Maven?

Has Maven some security parameter to limit the number or depth of dependencies downloaded to the local repository when building a pom?
Imagine an artifacts repository hacked in a way that, for every artifact dummy-1.0 requested, it serves dinamically a dummy-1.0 which has a dependency on dummy-1.1, and so on.
Has Maven some security mechanism to avoid such an infinite loop?
(I haven't found it explicitly on Maven's documentation nor googling it).

Where to actually put internal repository URL?

I see several options:
directly in pom.xml
in company super-pom
in settings.xml (global or user)
in a profile or directly (in settings.xml or pom.xml)
We want our Jenkins to push artifacts to internal repository, and developers to pull missing artifacts from there.
If I put the repository URL in pom.xml, and later the internal repository is moved to a different address, the released versions will all have a broken link.
Super-pom saves some repetition, but in a clean setup you need to somehow know where the repository is to find the parent POM — to tell you where the repository is.
Having the URL in settings allows one to change it without modifying the artifacts, but there are two problems:
build will fail due to unresolved dependencies, if maven settings have no reference to the internal repo
developers have to update their settings.xml files manually
I'm also unsure about the merits of putting repository configuration in profiles. I know it let's you easily switch the repositories on and off, but shouldn't the -o option and snapshot resolution settings be enough for most uses?
What about using a different repository (e.g. with instrumented classes) for integration tests?
Configure a single repository in the users ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml and configure other needed repositories in your appropriate repository manager either Nexus, Artifactory or Archiva. In Jenkins there is the Config File Provider plugin which exactly handles such situations in a very convinient way.
If you want to have repeatable builds and good control over your organization internally, use a repository manager and use a mirrorOf entry in everyone’s settings.xml to point at that url.
If you are exposing your source and want to make it easy for others to
build, then consider adding a repository entry to your POM, but don’t
pick a URL lightly, think long-term, and use a URL that will always be
under your control.

Maven repository inheritance and override

I have a Maven project that was built a few years back, and now I need to make some updates. One of the dependencies to my project has a Maven repository listed in its POM that no longer exists. I get build failures now.
I would have thought the repository listings in my POM or Settings.xml would trump any repositories listed in a dependency's POM; or Maven would try my repositories after failing to connect to the extinct repository. Instead, it just bombs out with a build failure.
Additionally, I already have the required dependencies in my local repository. I would have additionally thought that Maven would just use that.
Is there a way to override the inherited repository listings, or tell Maven to carry-on in the case of a repo problem?
If the artifact that you depend on is a snapshot version then maven will check for a new snapshot every time you build, thats why it is a good practice to lock down your dependencies to a released version.
You can "override" the repository declarations by defining a <mirror> in the settings.xml.
I usually set up a locally hosted repository manager (preferably nexus) and then define mirrorOf(*) = local-repo-manager/url.
Nexus allows multiple repo's to be grouped with a predefined search order.
Nexus repo's can be locally hosted or caching/proxies to public repo's.
I usually have a locally hosted 3rd party repo at the front of the group, where I can store artifacts that are not published on public repo's.
