Chrome Extension doesn't work on Ubuntu despites it works on windows perfectly - windows

I'm working in a Chrome Extension, very simple, it just take a vector with dates to count the working days (no weekend or holiday). It works with bootstrap and soma JavaScript functions to count.
It works perfectly fine in windows, but I need them to work in Ubuntu too. After installation, when trying to open on Ubuntu, icon disappears from task bar. If I look at it on Extensions admin, it says the extension is damaged with a "Repair" button. Repairing it doesn't work either.
Does anyone know the cause? Any help will be appreciated.
Any documentation needed will be added on a edit.
(Sorry for my english)


Firefox won't play iMacros via URL?

For the last week or so I've been developing an application to programmatically maintain some stuff online, to do so I need to launch iMacros from Firefox via Python.
Currently I am doing that in Python with this code, it has worked fine for a week:
firefoxpath = '"C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox//firefox.exe"'
macroCommand = firefoxpath + " imacros://run/?m=" + path_to_macro
There is some other stuff that cleans up processes in there and listens for errors too, but all that really matters right now is launching the macros
Today, after this worked for several hours of coding. I started getting this popup when attempting to launch via Python. (It's the popup Firefox gives when it doesn't know how to handle a file or URL).
Launch Application Popup:
It would seem that Firefox no longer thinks it can launch imacros files directly. However, the files play just find if you click "play" in the iMacros panel.
I've been troubleshooting for an hour and it doesn't seem like anyone online has had this problem before. Any ideas?
I managed to get this working by completely reinstalling windows on the problem machine. Before doing that, I reinstalled firefox a number of times, tried a portable copy of firefox, deleted firefox's registry entries, disabled multi-process windows in FF, uninstalled all plugins one by one, and tried the same thing as a different user (both with and without admin).
None of that worked, if anyone in the future encounters this bug I recommend just reinstalling windows on the problem machine.
I was using
Windows 10
Firefox 54
iMacros for FF 9.0.3
Python 2.7
God speed to anyone else who encounters this.

Font rendering fine on Mac, messed up on Windows

I ran into a problem with font rendering on Windows.
I'm used to a little difference in rendering between Mac and Windows, but this just made my mouth fall open. I tested the site thoroughly on Mac and I'm positive it looks just fine in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
It looks like this on Mac browsers:
On Windows, it looks completely messed up in any browser (I tested Chrome, Firefox and IE):
I know Mac has Iowan Old Style installed by default, so I tried forcing the Mac browsers to use the webfont I generated using FontSquirrel, but that doesn't reproduce the problem on Mac.
Both browsers seem to load the same font (namely the woff version) correctly. Does anybody have any idea what this could be?
I can't post the link to the website because I don't have enough reputation, please look at the screenshots for the URL..
Thanks guys!
After some more research I found out the original (ttf) font worked perfectly fine on Windows, so it had to be FontSquirrel that caused the problems. I tried out 8 different types of settings on FontSquirrel and kept having the same issues.
After a while I decided to try a different generator and I came across Fontie:
This actually solved the problem for me!

Why doesn't this button work in Firefox on Mac?

I'm hoping someone out there can tell me what's causing the "Continue" button to fail on Firefox with Mac. It's a simple form with a button to select one's country. I'm with a non-profit trying to raise funds for end-of-year giving to help save animals and this page works on "most" browsers: Windows FF, IE, older IE, Chrome, and Mac Safari and Chrome. However, it seems to fail completely on FF on Mac and I don't know why.
The code is all there in the page:
I'm guessing that the problem is that FF in Mac isn't running the onclick="selectTheRightCountry();" routine. But Javascript is on, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work.
I'm afraid most of my web designing is based on Windows and I'm not a guru in cross-browser Javascript, so I'm not sure what the best way to fix this would be.
Thank you for any help!
This seems to be limited to older versions of Firefox on Mac. Would still be interested to know what caused it if anyone knows, but it's not a huge deal anymore. Thank you!

SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers doesn't work in the WinXP?

In the current project, I'm making an icon overlay. The actual implementation is completed.
And I made sure that it worked well in WindowsXP and Windows7.
But I want to appear to overlay icon immediately without restarting the explorer process.
So I found a way that SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers function signals the shell and then load the nonloaded Shell Extension dll.
I make sure in the MSDN that minimum supported clinet of this function is Windows 2000 Professional.
In Windows7, this function worked fine, but it did not work in WindowsXP.
I would like to know why.

zend studio 5.5.1 on windows xp - won't open!

I have been using zend studio 5.5.1 for the last year and and a half (on windows xp), with some occasional issues, such as a blank error dialog box when I started the program, but always went away when i restarted my computer, and usually got messages about javaw.exe errors.
But now, the program does not open at all. What happens is, I get a little dialog that says Loading project - this is normal... but then, nothing. The zend program item is sitting in the taskbar, but when i click on it - nothing! there is nothing to show. i can right click and press close, but that is all.
restarting computer did not help. i just uninstalled it, downloaded again from zend website, and reinstalled. tried opening - get loading box, seems to have loaded, even got tip of the day box. but there is nothing showing behind them. once i closed the tip box, i dont have any indication that zend is open besides the program item in the taskbar. windows task manager says it is running...
anyone have a clue? help!!! thanks
I found this blog post with a fix for Linux... I am a windows user and that is greek to me, anyone who can translate for me what I can do for windows?
wow, did a google search for the equivalent of rm -r ZDE as suggested in the link above, and then I typed the following in the cmd prompt: rmdir /s ZDE
voila! it works!!!!
Running Zend Studio 5.5.1 on Windows 7:
Right click Zend-icon for Windows 7 program properties
On Compatibility tab set modus to Windows Vista and apply
