Spring Kafka Producer logging - spring

I am trying to develop/debug a Spring KAfka application. I am using KafkaTemplate to serialize a POJO to JSON. However I m unable to log the actual serialized JSON text. Is there any way to log these details? What is the log configuration needed?

It depends on how you are doing the serialization. If you are using a StringJsonMessageConverter in the template, with a StringSerializer, and use send(Message<?>), a ProducerInterceptor configured in the Kafka properties will see the JSON.
If you are using the JsonSerializer it won't work because the interceptor sees the record before serialization. You would have to create your own Serializer that wraps the JsonSerializer and logs the output.


Classcastexception for CloudEventMessageConverter to AbstractMessageConverter

when using spring cloud stream latest version with cloud events spring sdk
Facing classcastexception in below scenario.
Message has contentType = application/*+avro.
SmartcompositeMessageConverter contains converter list like below -
and some ootb converters.
While converting to message from producer..
SmartcompositeMessageConverter has this line of code for wildcard contentType
((AbstractMessageConverter) converter).getSupportedMimeTypes()
But CloudEventMessageConverter is not an instance of AbstractMessageConverter, hence it throws an exception.
Please guide what should be overridden in this case.
If I create a new CloudEventMessageConverter which extends AbstractMessageConverter, I cann't add headers as only method allowed to override is convertFromInternal which returns just the payload.

Get Jackson ObjectMapper in Quarkus

I am writing a custom OpenApiConfigurator that adds some examples to my api dynamically.
When I add the examples using the value field of io.smallrye.openapi.api.models.examples.ExampleImpl, which is an object, the example is null in swagger-ui. It only works when I added the actual json.
To add the actual json I have to generate it from my response dto using Jackson. But how can I access the quarkus object mapper, for which I have some customisations using ObjectMapperCustomizer, if in the OpenApiConfigurator CDI is not available?
It's actually possible to access the CDI container statically with Arc.container().instance(ObjectMapper::class.java).get()
That solved it for me.

SpringBoot get InputStream and OutputStream from websocket

we want to integrate third party library(Eclipse XText LSP) into our SpringBoot webapp.
This library works "interactively" with the user (like chat). XText API requires input and output stream to work. We want to use WebSocket to let users interact with this library smoothly (send/retrieve json messages).
We have a problem with SpringBoot because SpringBoot support for WebSocket doesn't expose input/output streams. We wrote custom TextWebSocketHandler (subclass) but none of it's methods provide access to in/out streams.
We also tried with HandshakeInterceptor (to obtain in/out streams after handshake ) but with no success.
Can we use SpringBoot WebSocket API in this scenario or should we use some lower level (Servlet?) API ?
Regards Daniel
I am not sure if this will fit your architecture or not, but I have achieved this by using Spring Boot's STOMP support and wiring it into a custom org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.RemoteEndpoint, rather than using a lower level API.
The approach was inspired by reading through the code provided in org.eclipse.lsp4j.launch.LSPLauncher.
JSON handler
Marhalling and unmarshalling the JSON needs to be done with the API provided with the xtext language server, rather than Jackson (which would be used by the Spring STOMP integration)
Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> supportedMethods = new LinkedHashMap<String, JsonRpcMethod>();
jsonHandler = new MessageJsonHandler(supportedMethods);
Response / notifications
Responses and notifications are sent by a message consumer which is passed to the remoteEndpoint when constructed. The message must be marshalled by the jsonHandler so as to prevent Jackson doing it.
remoteEndpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(new MessageConsumer() {
public void consume(Message message) {
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser('user', '/lang/message',
}, ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(languageServer));
Requests can be received by using a #MessageMapping method that takes the whole #Payload as a String to avoid Jackson unmarshalling it. You can then unmarshall yourself and pass the message to the remoteEndpoint.
public void incoming(#Payload String message) {
There may be a better way to do this, and I'll watch this question with interest, but this is an approach that I have found to work.

Output is not coming in JSON format when NoHandlerFoundException coming

I am using spring 4.X to develop rest api using annotation configuration. I have added servlet.setThrowExceptionIfNoHandlerFound(true) to send NoHandlerFoundException. Created one GlobalExceptionHandler to handle all exception. My question is if NoHandlerFoundException occurs than output is not coming in JSON Format. Do i need to add anything in my servlet configuration

Customize spring boot validation message from database

I am using spring validation to validate the Rest Controller input, I would appreciate if any one can tell me is there a possibility of throwing custom message in case of exception and the custom message should come from database rather than from a properties file.
You can achieve this by setting a custom validation message source on Spring's LocalValidatorFactoryBean.
Your message source needs to implement the MessageSource interface and read its messages from the database.
