Get Jackson ObjectMapper in Quarkus - quarkus

I am writing a custom OpenApiConfigurator that adds some examples to my api dynamically.
When I add the examples using the value field of io.smallrye.openapi.api.models.examples.ExampleImpl, which is an object, the example is null in swagger-ui. It only works when I added the actual json.
To add the actual json I have to generate it from my response dto using Jackson. But how can I access the quarkus object mapper, for which I have some customisations using ObjectMapperCustomizer, if in the OpenApiConfigurator CDI is not available?

It's actually possible to access the CDI container statically with Arc.container().instance(
That solved it for me.


Couchbase modify meta data experation using Spring

When using Spring Couchbase connector I can easily get version for optimistic locking by having this in my class:
public class MyClass {
private String version;
.... rest of class omitted ....
I'm now trying to find a similar way to get and be able to modify the meta data for expiration. I'm unable to find how to do this.
Can someone please give an example? Thanks!
With spring data couchbase library (until the latest Version 3.0.8.RELEASE), document expiry can be defined by using #Document(expiry = 10) or #Document(expiryExpression = "${valid.document.expiry}") on the class. There is also an optional boolean attribute touchOnRead which needs to be added with #Document, which would reset the expiry timer whenever the document is directly read. Please note that currently the expiry of an existing document cannot be read/modified directly with this library. One way would be to access the below APIs exposed by Couchbase's own java SDK (
getAndTouch - allows you to retrieve a document while modifying its expiration time
touch - allows you to modify a document’s expiration time without otherwise accessing the document
You can find the method signatures of the above two here :
The above two APIs can be accessed via the spring data couchbase library as follows
The getCouchbaseBucket() method of the spring library returns a reference to using which the touch and getAndTouch methods can be used.

How to log MDC with Spring Sleuth 2.0?

referring to quesition/answer in How to log MDC with Spring Sleuth?
I think this has/will change(d) with spring-cloud 2.0 as there is no SpanLogger or Slf4jSpanLogger anymore (or I don't find it)
Wouldn't it be nice if application properties spring.sleuth.baggage-keys and spring.sleuth.propagation-keys if set would also be put in MDC I think inside Slf4jCurrentTraceContext (as this class is currently final I cannot subclass it)
If not, how could I achieve this with spring-cloud 2.0 accordingly?
We don't want to put all entries in MDC (that really doesn't make a lot of sense). You can however either copy the Slf4jCurrentTraceContext and extend it in the way you want to (and register it as a bean) or maybe create your own implementation of CurrentTraceContext that would wrap the existing CurrentTraceContext via a Bean Post Processor and perform additional logic. I guess the first option is more preferable.
In version 2.1.0, Slf4jScopeDecorator was introduced and it will automatically add baggage values to MDC as long as they are whitelisted in the spring.sleuth.log.slf4j.whitelisted-mdc-keys configuration.
For example, if you have the following configuration:
Only the value of key2 will be automatically added MDC, but not the value of key1.
For more info, see:

How can I retrieve io.swagger.models.Swagger object in a jersey+swagger-based system?

I want to get io.swagger.models.Swagger object in my system, which is a restful backend based on jersey and swagger.
I saw in class ApiListingResource there is such a statement
Swagger swagger = (Swagger) context.getAttribute("swagger");
, which can retrieve the swagger object from servlet context.
Can I do the same in my own code? This seems not a contract that the attribute name will always be "swagger". So I dare not.
Is there any reliable way to retrieve the object?
You can rely on the context (yes, it is set to the name swagger, or with your own logic by extending BeanConfig

Spring MVC: Customizing view response (Json/XML) based on header or parameter

I have a Spring MVC application which returns Json and Xml based on what is requested per client call. I am using Jackson and Xstream to let Spring do the de-serialization of my java object into json or xml output.
My java object contains a bunch of attributes, at least 30. I would like to know if there is a way I can let Spring control which fields of my java object will be present in the json or xml based on a header or parameter attribute. So the client application will be able to identify itself and the backend will return only the fields necessary or "visible" for that specific client app. Of course I could go to the nasty approach of hard coding, but I would not like to do that as the number of client applications can increase or decrease and having a deployment anytime it happens with code changes is out of context.
Is there a way to instruct spring/jackson/xstream to control the output based on some providaded value?
I did a quick implementation and my current solution works like this: I have an xml with a list of client IDs (I use these ids to identify my client app) and for each ID I have a list of attributes that the client app needs from the java object. I created a interceptor and between the controller and the view, my interceptor gets the header information with the client ID, get the list of attributes and using the BeanWrapper ( to create a new object with only the attributes required by the client with data, all the others remain null (I instruct Jackson and Xtream) to ignore null attributes. This approach works fine but I was wondering if there is another/better way to do this.
Thank you

Read-only model property not serialized in Web API

As per the title, I'm seeing that my read-only model properties are not serialized in my Web API project. MVC 4 Web API, VS2010.
I've seen a multitude of posts like this stackoverflow question that state that the MVC 4 Web API beta did not support JSON serializing of read-only properties. But many additional references stated that the final release used JSON.NET instead of DataContractJsonSerializer so the issue should be resolved.
Has this issue been resolved or not? If not, am I forced to put in fake setters just to get serialization?
Correction, it does seem to work with JSON (sorry!), but XML exhibits the problem. So same question as before but in the context of XML serialization.
The default JSON serializer is now Json.NET. So readonly property serialization should work without you having to do anything at all.
For XML, in 4.5 we added this flag to the DataContractSerializer:
You should be able to write something like this:
config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SetSerializer(myType, new DataContractSerializer(myType, new DataContractSerializerSettings() { SerializeReadOnlyTypes = true });
Place this code in a function called by GlobalConfiguration.Configure in the Application_Start. By default this would be WebApiConfig.Register().
