Visual Studio 2017 Graphics Debugger - No such interface supported - visual-studio

So i have a new set up of windows 10 Home Edition on my PC and installed VS 2017 Community Edition. When i build and run the app it runes absolutely fine. But if i use the graphics debugger i get the app open and i print screen to snapshot a frame. The window opens and it shows the following
If i choose to open that frame then i get the following error - An error occurred. Playback of your application may be incomplete(HRESULT = 0x80004002) "No such interface supported"
Does anyone have any ideas what this could be as it worked fine on my laptop and for the record. Opening a brand new Directx12 app project with the spinning cube also does this.

Please have a look for the question at here. I suppose you are using Windows version 1809 or higher.
Graphics Debugging Tool does no longer support DirectX12 after 1809. Instead, you should use the PIX for Windows in future.


Emulator not opening in Visual Studio for Xamarin mobile app development

I am trying to develop a mobile app using Xamarin and Visual Studio 2019 on a Windows 8.1 Pro operating system. I installed the .NET desktop development, ASP.NET and web development, and Mobile development with .NET workloads, and I am trying to run the Pixel 2 Pie 9.0 - API 28 emulator in Visual Studio.
When I try to launch the emulator through the Android Device Manager, I get the following error:
Device error: WARNING: unexpected '-prop' value ('monodroid.avdname=pixel_2_pie_9_0_-_api_28'), only 'qemu.' properties are supported WARNING: unexpected '-prop' value ('emu.uuid=a7af4d97-19e3-499d-9c26-334ea3d7cfe0'), only 'qemu.' properties are supported
enter image description here
When I try to launch the emulator through the green triangle at the top of the Visual Studio user interface, I get the following performance warning:
Performance Warning: Launching the Android Emulator pixel 2 pie 90-api_28 on Hyper-V needs Windows Spring Creators Update (Redstone 4) or newer installed. Please update your system and retry.
enter image description here
My laptops
OS : Windows 8.1 pro
64-bit Operating System
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5005U CPU # 2.00GHz
RAM : 4.00 GB
enter image description here
I went through Android Device Manager and edited the emulator I had installed. There I changed its name and processor to x86_64 instead of x86 and downloaded it. Then I restarted the computer and ran the emulator. But there also the same double error message as mentioned earlier, no difference. My data is limited so I didn't waste it on more guesswork. But I will gladly accept any of your recommendations
I want to solve the above problems under this operating system. I am currently unable to upgrade my operating system to Windows 10 or 11. I want to work in Visual Studio with minimal error messages. Having to use another emulator or old technology is not a problem there.
What could be causing these errors, and how can I resolve them? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Although not directly related to this, I will mention the following issues.
When I installed the emulator in Visual Studio Xamarin I got a prompt to install intel HAXM. But its automatic installation failebd and I downloaded and installed it manually from Intel website there. After that I got the two errors in the screenshot above.
When doing that I had installed both the latest version of Visual Studio 2022 and this 2019 version. (I was able to install both in Windows 8.1 Pro) Then I uninstalled the 2022 version.
Also, even though I installed it under the update I received for version 16.11.25 of Visual Studio, over a day later, It's not updated in the Visual Studio installer or the versioned install in the IDE.
And in my Visual Studio installer, above the Modify button, under Total Space Required , 13MB of non-removable space is noted. I have run the Modify button several times but it won't go away. (That may have something to do with the note "System cache, tools, and SDKs with fixed locations - 13 MB" on the Installation locations tab in the installer.)
When opening ASP.NET and wed development and Mobile development with .NET (out of support) workloads for the first time, the package source was not included in the package sources by default. So the packages got errors. I then solved the problem by adding the package to the source.
You can check this Hardware acceleration for emulator performance (Hyper-V & HAXM) for more information.
In this article, you can see the minimum criterion of the Hyper-V.
Your computer hardware must meet the following requirements:
A 64-bit Intel or AMD Ryzen CPU with Second Level Address Translation
CPU support for VM Monitor Mode Extension (VT-c on Intel CPUs).
Minimum of 4-GB memory.
Virtualization Technology (may have a different label depending on
motherboard manufacturer).
Hardware Enforced Data Execution Prevention.
Verify that the Windows Version is at least 1803
To verify that your computer hardware and software is compatible with Hyper-V, open a command prompt and type the following command: systeminfo.
I unticked Hyper-V through the control panel and restarted the computer, where the emulator opened without error messages. But it takes a long time

Visual Studio 2015 Windows Phone Emulator not deploying 6

I have been facing the same issue as asked in this other post
Visual Studio 2015 Windows Phone Emulator not deploying
but the solution worked here is not working for me.
Windows 10 pro upgraded from home version
Visual Studio 2015
Apache Cordova "Sample" app.
In Emulator it is showing as "Starting
in the behind "Hyper-V" "Summary" it is visible but if double click the the Hyper-V "instance" it is not visible there but only in "Summary"
What am I missing here?
For the developer sake and investment, MS must make sure that the solutions are tested everywhere before releasing them.
This link will direct you to print screen of the error.
in the VS output we get the following last message.
My OS is 64 bit.
2>The build configuration was changed to x86 for x86-based emulator deployment.
could this be impact of 64 to 86 bit version difference or anything else?
I have Norton antivirus
I am getting
Hyper-v administrator pop up every time I try to run the app.
This case is resolved by Microsoft Support Team over a Ticket and Rohit, support engg from MS did really helped me a lot.
The reason why it was not coming up.....
My machine has a AdWareAntiVirus from Lavasoft by Name WebCompanion that was not allowing it work.
I removed it then it started working.
if any body have any problem with VS 2015 Emulator definitely focus on the Antivirus and include the Emulator XDE into exception list and also include in Firewall.

Deploying to Windows Phone 10 fails on Visual Studio

So many things happened that I don't know where to start. Seriously, shouldn't this be simpler?
Edit: Someone here knows how can I contact Microsoft to tell this? Or even, can someone tell them about this problem?
I have the last Windows 10 desktop and also have Windows Phone 10.0.10512.1000. I installed Visual Studio 2015 with tools for Universal Apps development (and also 8.1). I have a Lumia 730.
So I connected my phone with my USB cable. Everything fine, the phone gets recognized and I can navigate through the folders.
Then I started Visual Studio 2015 and created a blank universal app. Compiled and tried to deploy. Now this is happening to me: Visual Studio hangs for some moments. Eventually I get an error telling that the device was not found (DEP6200).
I already tried dozens of solutions:
disconnecting from wifi in my laptop and my phone
restarting the IpOverUsbSvc service
rebooting the computer and the phone
deleting the devices in the Device Manager
Registering and Unregistering the phone (it sometimes works)
All of the above with the phone screen unlocked
disabling Hyper-V
disabling firewall
Other solutions that failed miserably
I also tried to use that Windows Phone Developer Power Tools. When I try to use it, it asks me to install some "Phone Tools Update Pack", but when I try, it says that the operation didn't succeed, and also shows the NRE message string (object reference not set to an instance of an object).
I can go through the phone's folders without any problem. I tried to reinstall the drivers... i tried everything.
It's quite sad.
Do you guys can think of some more thing to check?
EDIT: I tested this app before doing all this:
And it worked. If that's the case, is Windows Phone 10 deployment over Visual Studio working already or we have to wait some more time?
Edit2: After making some changes to my app manifest and choosing "ARM" config, now I get this:
1>Deploying to SD Card...
1>Updating the layout...
1>Copying files: Total <1 mb to layout...
1>Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
1>Framework: Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0/ARM, app package version 1.0.23117.0 is not currently installed.
1>Framework: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/ARM, app package version 14.0.23019.0 is not currently installed.
1>Installing missing frameworks...
But it just stays there. It's stuck, and it stays there forever. At least I got some info... Its more or less the same steps that WinAppDeployCmd does, but the command line app does it successfully.
Somehow the problem got solved. I created a brand new project and did this:
1 - In your phone, try disabling the developer mode on your phone. What an unexpected development!
2 - Disable the "phone discovery" thingy. I don't know the name of this configuration in english (as my phone is in Portuguese). Just in case.
3 - Choose the correct architecture. This is obvious, right? In my case, ARM. If you try deploying with x86 or x64, it should give you an error. For me, it didn't.
From now on, you should be able to deploy your apps in both developer mode and non-developer mode. It just works, somehow. And it might NOT work for you, sorry. I think I got lucky.
It worked even after a reboot. So the solution is "pretty solid" (in an universe where gelatine is pretty solid).
I had the same problem. I tried the fix of the comment and went to devices manager.
Under USB-Devices there were three Lumia 920s listed.
I selected the second one and clicked on uninstall.
At the end it asked me to restart the Computer. I clicked on NO.
(When I uninstalled the first or third one, it didn't ask me that).
Then the error disappeared (now another common one appears (HRESULT: 0x80073CF6))
I have a Lumia 950 xl, with windows 10 installed, anniversary version. I had the same problem, and my solution was to turn on 'Device discovery' and 'Device Portal', and also keep the 'Developer mode' on.
I believe the only necessary option was the 'Device discovery' though!
Just in case someone still runs into this issue, I had something very similar with my Visual Studio 2015 professional update 1 but I couldn't even deploy to an emulator.
The issue has gone after I upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 update 3.
I had the same issues on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015. I updated the the UWP SDK to Anniversary Edition Build 14393, set the target framework to this and it worked. I guess the incompatibility between the device version and sdk version was not allowing the device to be discovered by Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Express 2013 for Desktop troubleshooting

Visual Studio 2013 for Desktop is displaying incorrectly. When I open the program, it displays correctly but upon moving my cursor over links or images inside of the interface, they either expand to fill the whole window or the line itself blurs.
I'm running Windows 8.1. I've run it in compatibility mode for XP, Vista, and 7. I've run as administrator. I've reinstalled and repaired. This error is easily reproducible and has occurred over the course of 3 days.
Any help would be appreciated.
Can only guess that your video card vendor happens to maintain a bad driver (or Windows Update pushed a bad version to your machine).
The workaround is to disable hardware graphics acceleration and test again.

strange lines in visual studio 2012 after activation

I have installed VS 2012 some days ago.After activation there are some strange lines in the UI
that appear on menu and code editor area.I don't know how to get rid of them.
another example while repairing VS : Picture
VS2010 and 2012 use WPF for their UIs - it's likely this issue is with your graphics card or driver. Please ensure you're running the latest graphics driver versions. If the issue continues then I suggest you try running other WPF applications and seeing if they render things okay.
