opendaylight development tutorial using fluorine? - opendaylight

I'm completely new to opendaylight and I'm trying to develop a new feature. I've tried following multiple examples but they all seem out-of-date as many of the classes and methods used are deprecated. (Example: they all use the onSessionCreate() method which it appears has been replaced with the start() method.) I would like to use Fluorine v0.9.1 because it comes packaged with the openflowplugin (which I need). Are there any tutorials I can follow that are up-to-date for fluorine? I'm really struggling to understand opendaylight and having constant build errors is just making it worse.
A tutorial I tried:
Thanks you!


What is the difference between fakerphp/faker and fzaninotto/faker?

I'm new(ish) to Laravel and I've been trying to get a clear understanding of how to use Faker to generate my test data. One of the things that's really confusing me right now is the different versions of Faker that I'm seeing in code examples. Some of them use fzaninotto/faker while others use fakerphp/faker (which I see is built into my Laravel 9.41.0 app).
What is the difference between the two packages and which one should I be using? Or will I need both due to differences between what fakes each package can generate?
I'd really appreciate some advice on this matter. I have a suspicion that the fzaninotto version is an older version of the fakerphp version and that I should simply use fakerphp and just think "fakerphp" whenever I see examples that use fzaninotto but maybe that is just wishful thinking on my part....

Attempting to build a custom terraform provider, encountering errors with the helpers/schema module

I'll start off by saying I'm completely new to Go and having a lot of trouble figuring out its environment.
I'm attempting to make a custom terraform provider by following the instructions in this guide.
When attemping to run go mod tidy after setting up the project files, it is unable to pull in the required modules. This is the error I get: module found (v.1.3.2), but does not contain package
I get this same error for pretty much all the requirements.
Can someone ELI5 how I'm supposed to setup my Go environment so that I can write a custom tf provider? Thanks.
The guide you are following is terribly outdated (from 2014). Since it was written, they reorganized plugin SDK several times, slightly newer is I believe terraform-plugin-sdk which I don't recommend learning at all. Latest and recommended SDK is called terraform-plugin-framework.
Up to date documentation with examples is here: Implement a Provider with the Terraform Plugin Framework. It will walk you trough environment setup and bootstrapping a new custom provider.

Wanting to make an Xposed module

So I'm wanting to make an xposed module but cannot find any good video tutorials out there let alone an updated one also I know C# Decently and hardly any Java... Any help to help me get started would be appreciated. Thanks
You will need Java to create any Xposed modules. Android itself is based on (primarily) Java, so you will need Java knowledge to make Xposed modules.
That said, C# and Java are extremely similar languages, and you can quickly pick up the other if you know one.
As for Tutorials, Rovo89 (the creator of Xposed) has a simple tutorial here at This tutorial is almost completely upto-date, and you can use this to create your first module.
You will find another detailed tutorial here - Keep in mind that this link is very old, so wherever there are any conflicts, go by Rovo89's tutorial.
After going through the beginner tutorial mentioned by Akhil, you will want to look at the API docs and read through source code of some huge modules like GravityBox to get an idea of how the Framework is used. For teaching purpose mod some app which is open source and then move on to closed source app by reverse engineering them. For reverse engineering I use ByteCodeViewer.

What is a Parse Collection?

I'm learning Parse (the Javascript flavor) using their Todo App tutorial. I'm trying to write my first query. In the tutorial, I found this code:
var TodoList = Parse.Collection.extend({ ... });
I can't find any info about Parse.Collection in their JS Guide nor their API docs.
Can someone shed some light on what a Parse.Collection is and when I should use it?
You're not seeing anything in the docs because Parse.Collection was removed from the JavaScript SDK in v.1.6.0.
Downloads Page and JavaScript Changelog
SDK no longer contains Backbone-specific behavior. Moving forward, the core SDK will not be tied to any single framework, but we will work with the community to produce up-to-date bindings like Parse+React. The major changes are the removal of Parse.Collection, and allowing Parse.Objects to act as event channels.
In previous versions of the SDK, Parse.Collection was used almost identically to Backbone.Collection, as the Parse SDK was based on Backbone. Things are particularly confusing right now because tutorials on use pre-1.6.0 versions of the SDK.

Any existing pure PHP "make" tools?

Let me elaborate on the question...
I have a custom CMS (built on codeigniter FTW) that includes many different types of modules.
Every time we have a new project come through the door, it is a variation and amalgamation of a few of the existing modules.
Sometimes a project comes through with requirements that are not satisfied by the existing modules, in that case I will write a new module...
All the modules are separated out in folders and the code is VC-ed using GIT. Every module has it's own Model, View, Controller, SQL and Javascript files. All the dependencies are also separated and folder-ed nicely...
The next step for me is to create some sort of installer script that will take me through the "scaffolding" process step by step, allowing me to choose from the existing modules. A glorified "makefile" if you may...
Rather than rolling my own, does anyone know of any such thing out in the wild.
I know of Apache ANT (java), what I need is something in pure PHP with very low or no dependencies...
I would like something as simple as running a git pull and then php make.php
The "Ant-like" alternative I am aware of in PHP land is phing it is written in PHP and it will allow you to perform several tasks for packaging, deploying and testing your web applications. The documentation is a great starting point if you want to hit the ground running.
It is can also be extended to define new tasks if needed (examples and explanations are provided in the documentation)
Reading through the doco it appears to be possible to install Phing without PEAR as documented here you would have to correctly setup the environment on each machine you wish to use Phing on. I can not confirm this method though as I use PEAR for all my installs.
