Vimium concept for Windows/Linux desktop [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 1 year ago.
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lately I discovered this awesome chrome extension vimium and really love the idea to control GUI (in this case chrome) with some sort of popups if shortcuts not available or unknown.
I searched for while but couldn't find any general tool or OS which supports such kind of navigation with Keyboard in GUI application.
I know that at least for Windows automation for GUI applications is possible but couldn't find any existing project, so I tried it myself but it didn't worked well in the end.
My Question: Is there ANY similar program/project/OS to vimium available but in a more general way, so that I can control the whole desktop (with help from popups/modals) with my Keyboard?

I used a combination of following two programs to get semi Vimium-like functionality in Windows.
Hunt-and-Peck -
This works like vimium on the active window. Uses "ALT+;" as the trigger. Doesn't work in all programs. (Only supports UI Automation Elements with "invoke" patterns) I use it mostly in File Explorer and to trigger Chrome Browser Extensions or other chrome elements outside the active page (that can't be accessed with vimium).
I find this to be quicker than using ALT+TAB or WIN+TAB to quickly switch to another active window.

For Windows, I use Fluent Search:
Demo video at Youtube
For macOS, Vimac works very similarly to Vimium:
Linux has keynav, which is not exactly the same, but also works great:
That said, it's X11 only. I actually ended up in this Stack Overflow question after searching for a keynav alternative, as I'm currently using Wayland.


Windows/SDL2 + OpenGL for programs with interface [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to create a piece of software, that has a menu like the standard windows menus bars and supports opening the windows explorer where can i look up files paths etc. At the same time i want to render something to another section of the screen.
Think of a program where you open a .obj (3D object) via the windows explorer from a dropdown menu; then it loads into the program and then it will be rendered to one half of the window, while having some sliders and options on the other.
I know how to create an SDL2 window and use OpenGL in it, but i cannot seem to make the connection from an SDL2 window and a windows window (i think they are of the same type though). In my understanding SDL2 is just wrapper around the standard winapi while being able to do the same on linux. (waiting to get corrected)
First off, can SDL2 do what i want? or do i need to learn the winapi in addition? (it doesn't need to be portable to linux or mac)
Are there better alternatives? (what do you use?) Preferably something more low level, because if prefer knowing what i am doing.
And of course, if you can recommend some online resources that would be great.
SDL is
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library
designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse,
joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
While SDL is capable of create a simple window it does not provide more complex ones, like controls for input or file handling.
It's up to you to create and manage those controls, for example using the Windows win API.
There are some good API's that you can use instead of low level win API: Qt, wxWidgets, .NET, etc.

Building system-wide macOS text editing tools [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So, these little popups you get when typing on macOS:
They're unique in that they allow users to trigger an action immediately, not from the menu bar or a contextual menu (e.g. right click) They're common among most OSs' in some form, this just happens to be Apple's design.
This popup is
1. System wide, working in browsers, many text editors, etc.
2. Always where your eyes are when typing, at the text cursor/most recent word typed.
As this window is always below the cursor, I figure there's space above to add other typing tools that work in a similar way.
For any typing tool like that it really has to be system-wide, not just in a particular app.
I'm struggling to find useful leads as to which APIs cover this, and whether it's even possible to access this area of the macOS system.
You may be able to program such a feature as an input method, using InputMethodKit. Input methods are most commonly used for Asian language input, where there are many more characters than keys on a keyboard. However, the API is more general than that.
Insofar as the pop-up you're citing as an example is a spell-checker, you may be able to customize it by building a custom spell server. I assume the user will have to select your spelling service explicitly, though, for each document.

Looking for free/oss multiple window text editor (Perl + other lang) for view/edit different sections of same file at same time (windows platform) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a free/oss multiple window code text editor (Perl + other languages) for viewing/editing different sections of same file. Can you recommend one for Windows platform?
Currently I use Notepad++ which is good and has a tab for each file. But it doesn't allow opening the same file more than once in different tabs to be able to view different parts of the file. I would also like to 'tear-off' a tab to make a new window (just like in Google Chrome) so I can see different parts of the same file side by side.
In Notepad++ (5.9.3 at least) right click on the tab of a version and select Clone to Other View.
Voila! Editing the same file in two different tabs. You can also drag the tab out of the window and 'drop' it on the desktop to open another instance of Notepad++.
emacs is a good fit. its almost-clone (but really not the same) epsilon is lighter and easier to begin with.
(i just remembered that, although i have a full version of epsilon, it is not free... too bad, because it's a very good editor)
Have a look at Sublime Text. I've switched to it From Notepad++. Works on Windows OS X and Linux. I find the Minimap very useful.
You can get multiple views on a file using "New View into" from the file menu.

How do I take a screengrab of a single window using Cocoa or Carbon on OS X? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to be able to identify a single window on the user's screen and take a screen capture of it. The screen data is to be stored in memory and not written to disk.
This is already supported through the commandline tool /usr/sbin/screencapture or through the Grab utility (though their functionality is not extensive enough to justify me launching them as a subprocess).
References / Hints
nm /usr/sbin/screencapture returns private Cocoa interfaces including _CGSGetSharedWindow that appear to do this.
Third party application Snapzpro does this (but does not provide source code)
Mac OS X 10.5 introduced the Quartz Window Services API to do just this.
The first thing that came to mind was GrabFS from MacFuse. The source is here.
Command+Shift+4 to activate the screenshot selection, then tap the space bar to select the whole window.

Is there a gallery of great application UI's that can be used for ideas? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for websites that showcase screenshots of applications with exceptional UI design. I'm writing an application and am taking my time considering what the UI should look like. My audience is not business but family.
My previous UI-design experience (and comfort) is with Windows Forms so I would typically use standard list boxes, buttons, tabs, etc. Now I'm experimenting with WPF and was looking at more...attractive...interfaces (as long as it still meets the needs of the application and enhances - not detracts - from its purpose).
Any thoughts of galleries or specific examples of applications with great UI design?
EDIT: I'll also take individual application's that you feel make a great, intuitive design.
For web, check this link:
For windows forms, there is no such site (at least to my knowledge). What I do is to mimic the behavior of the applications I like (e.g. docking panels in Visual studio, some other GUI in Office and so on.
Media players (e.g. DVD or audio players) also have some really cool looking Gui so you can download a couple of demos from different vendors and checkout their GUI.
Last example is to go to sites like or and checkout the winforms/ MFC sections there. They have some really cool custom controls stuff.
General UI
Mobile UI
I found the following site which has some cool stuff for WPF:
It's not a gallery, but Joel Spolsky wrote a great book on User Interface Design for Programmers.
