Setting up xdebug within Aptana on Docksal site - aptana3

Bear with me - I'm learning as I go, and this is all new to me. I've set up Docksal on Mac OSX, and added an existing site. I've also got Xdebug installed. In order to use it, it appears I need an IDE. I've installed Aptana (no budget for pay services).
I'm trying to figure out how to set up the debugging within Aptana. I see old instructions from 2013 and older. They get me into the general area, of adding a PHP interpreter. But I'm stumped from here.
I don't know what to put in the Name and executable path (if I'm even in the right place for this) when I search for PHP.exe, nothing comes up. When I search for php.ini, I just find files sitting in unrelated Acquia Dev Desktop projects.

I may have accidentally managed to answer my own question.
In terminal, I first typed php --ini , but this gave me (none).
Next I tried sudo find / -type f -name php.ini
After entering the system password, I get three results:
Next, for the .exe file path, I typed which php
This gave me /usr/bin/php
So, within Aptana Studio 3, I went to Preferences. In the sidebar file tree I navigated to Aptana Studio > Editors > PHP > PHP Interpreters. Click the "Add" button. (This is where I got to, before realizing I couldn't find those files.
from the results above, I added my info:
In executable path, I placed: /usr/bin/php
In PHP.ini files, I placed: /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/php.ini
Press save, and that part "seems" to be solved. Here's hoping it works. I see errors in the bottom pane of Aptana when viewing a php file - so that's promising.


Trouble uninstalling program through normal means

Once I access add or remove programs I was not able to locate my desired program to uninstall. After this, I decided to to try and use IObit uninstaller to try and find it, but that couldn't either. The program can still be found in my Program File directory and it acknowledges that I have it installed when I try to reinstall it. A system restore was no help either. Netbeans is the program.
The below is a custom installer / uninstaller approach for NetBeans - a package in a proprietary format (non-MSI). For normal uninstall of Windows Installer packages see this "reference answer" instead: Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec.
I see NetBeans in the Add / Remove applet just fine - just right-click and select "Uninstall".
I suppose the entry could be missing on your system. If this is the case you can try this:
Go to the NetBeans installation folder and double click Uninstall.exe.
On my system the installation path is: C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2.
You should get an uninstall dialog with a couple of options, set options as appropriate and click Uninstall.
I'll throw in the uninstall dialog so people can see the options - I suppose it could be helpful for someone at some point. I didn't run the actual uninstall, please update this answer with any extra steps necessary once you do run it:

Gnome Shell extensions not loading, no error message available

I have two gnome-shell extensions that don't appear to be loading after upgrading to 3.24. In gnome-tweak-tool they have a warning sign icon with "Error loading extension", and nothing else. I tried using looking glass (lg), and it just says "Error", and that the extension "has not reported any errors".
How can I debug the extension to find out why exactly it's not loading?
I found the error in the systemd journal:
$ sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell
Just simply run this on terminal:
and enable it to make the extensions work.
Works perfectly with GNOME 40
As mentioned on the Github page.
A Shell reload is required. Press Alt+F2 r Enter and the extension has to be enabled with gnome-tweak-tool or with dconf.
As mentioned on Dash to Dock's User reviews. Make sure you disable Ubuntu Dock if you are using this in Ubuntu, otherwise you are going to have conflicts.
To disable Ubuntu Dock type the following in terminal:
gnome-extensions disable
I also experienced the same error. I think I will like to state the procedures that I took to make mine to work, and then you can check to see if you got it wrong somewhere.
Here are the steps
First install the Gnome shell extensions package from the terminal
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
And then reboot your system. After that, start GNOME Tweaks and you’ll find a few extensions installed. You can just toggle the button to start using an installed extension.
Next, go to GNOME Extensions website (GNOME User Themes Extensions) and download the extension with the latest version (Although, I often prefer to download the version next to the latest version, since it may be more stable).
Extract the downloaded file to the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions (home/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions) directory. You can press Ctrl + H to show hidden folders. Create the extensions folder if you don't have it yet.
Now restart GNOME Shell. Press Alt+F2 and enter r to restart GNOME Shell.
Restart GNOME Tweaks tool as well. You should see the manually installed GNOME extension in the Tweak tool now. You can configure or enable the newly installed extension here.
That's all
I hope this helps
Loging in without wayland works for me.
My extension was not enabling. I just log out and log in back and ran this command.
gnome-extensions enable
It worked in my case.

How to install TYPO3 on windows 7 with wampp

I would appreciate if someone can assist me install TYPO3 on Windows wamp server. I have worked on this for some weeks now on both Linux and Windows, but apparently this is something small I am missing.
Here is what I have done on Windows 7, following guidance given on several links I was not able to list in this post:
I have installed wamp and when I start it it shows all services running;
I created my folder "vhost1" in which I put my documents (i.e. in C:\wamp\www\vhost1).
I have copied typo3_src-6-10 (later replaced by typo3_src-8.4.0) into vhost1 and made the following links-mklink /D typo3_src C:\wamp\www\weaconsort\typo3_src\typo3_src-x.x.x \ mklink /D typo3 typo3_src/typo3 \ mklink /D index.php typo3_src/index.php
When I point to "http://localhost/vhost1" in my browser I get "Internal Server Error", but when I point to "http://locahost" I get the index page with my document folder under "Your Projects".
Clicking on my document folder gives me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
I cannot go further than this.
I have tried to change Document root to "c:/wamp/www/vhost1" in "http.conf", "httpd-ssl.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf, no avail.
Will appreciate any assistance
I have all running on windows 7 with no trouble ... I'm no wizard at all, so first change is that I have xampp installed, no symlinks, I just place in htdocs ...
If you want to go down this road I'll assist you with all questions, I've even got imagemagick up and running:
get rid of wampp (hope you're not using it for other development)
download xampp 1.8.3 and install that
download typo3 (I suggest 7.6.11, because you'll find lots more extensions and I think v8 runs on php7 !!) and place it in htdocs.
rename the folder to a testname, and save an empty file named FIRST_INSTALL in the folder. [directory structure for typo3 installation: rename typo3_src-7.6.11 to testname]
start up xampp and go to 'localhost/phpmyadmin/, create there a database 'testname' (I use collation utf8_general_ci but you can leave that)
now go to 'localhost/testname/' in your browser, and follow the instructions ... (I think you can ignore the warnings at the start), when you arrive at the database select the one just created with user 'root' and blank password.
at the end of the install you'll be asked if you want to start with an empty installation or if you want to fill with the introduction, that's where you insert the package !!
keep me posted and I update my answer to resolve where you stall
TYPO3 - inspiring people to share!

Unable to add Composer dependency using PhpStorm in Windows 8.1

The error is:
Cannot run program "C:\Users\Shahzaib
Imtiaz\PhpstormProjects\CodeCept\composer.json" (in directory
"C:\Users\Shahzaib Imtiaz\PhpstormProjects\CodeCept"):
CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application –
Is there any solution for that?
A little bit late, but...
This issue could be a part of an incorrect composer command-line tools settings in the PHPStorm (or there was no configurations for that for your project).
Possible cause:
PHPStorm calls an incorrect startup file.
Incorrect composer installation on Windows.
In Windows PHPStorm doesn't recognize the composer.phar file correctly
In Windows in PHPStorm it's usually calling the composer.phar instead of calling the composer.bat file to run the specific command and an error occurs.
One of the possible solutions:
1. I suggest you to install (or check your current installation) composer with the special windows installer
2. Check Windows system Path variable and there must to be the basic path to the folder, where composer were installed:
(for me it is C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin)
3. Go to your PHPStorm settings (press Shift+Alt+S)
4. Go to Tools -> Command Line Tool Support -> Press Add button
5. Select the "Tool based on Symfony Console" and press OK button:
6. Add an alias to composer (I am usually using composer or c aliases e.t.c)
7. Set the correct path to your php interpreter (in my case it is C:\xampp\php\php.exe )
8. Set the path to your (global i suppose) bin composer folder (in my case it is C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.bat) and you must to select a composer.bat file (NOT the composer.phar file) and press Ok.
9. Go to Tools -> Run Command (or press Ctrl+Shift+X) and run the command you wanted.
Hope it will help to someone!

phpStorm doesn't recognise xDebug debugger

I have MAMP Pro 3, have xDebug installed and activated (if I go to the and analyze the php info I see it’s installed)
Still MAMP Pro doesn't recognize the debug information. (see screen)
Any idea what can it be?
phpinfo() -
Your phpinfo() was captured via browser (served by Apache) ... while PHP Interpreters in PhpStorm is a CLI thingy (i.e. to be executed in terminal). On some systems/setup (mainly Linux & Mac) they use different settings (different php.ini files).
You clearly have two different php.ini files used in both cases. For PHP Interpreters you have to edit that file that you have on your screenshot with PHP Interpreters (just click on Open in Editor link next to it).
Your Apache uses /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf/php.ini
PHP Interpreters one uses /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.10/conf/php.ini
You have to edit the last one and enable/configure xdebug there.
Keep in mind that PHP Interpreters will only be used if you execute/debug CLI scripts or other PHP-powered tools (like PHPUnit tests/CodeSniffer/PHPMD integration/Composer/Phing etc). If you only want to debug files served by Apache .. then PHP Interpreter is not required (and you can ignore what it says there).
It's also possible that you may have more than one PHP installation on your computer (even if they are both the same version) -- double check that.
