Laravel collective select list with default selected value - laravel

I try to populate Laravel forms select list with some data and default selected value like this
#foreach($pesron->state as $state)
{{ Form::select('state[]', \App\City::pluck('Description', 'id'), $state->city->Description,['class' => 'form-control'])!!}
I want $state->city->Description value will be selected by default in select list. Is it possible? I use 5.7.15 version

Looks like you're using Laravel Collective's form helpers.
Take a look here
echo Form::select('size', ['L' => 'Large', 'S' => 'Small'], 'S');


How to change url in pagination?

In my Laravel 5.7 app I have news page
with pagination implementation as:
$newsList = PageContent
::select(\DB::raw(' page_contents.*, users.username'))
->getByPageType( 'N' )
->getByPublished( true )
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
->join(\DB::raw('users '), \DB::raw(''), '=', \DB::raw('page_contents.creator_id'))
->paginate( 4 , null, null, $page)
and route defined as :
Route::get('all_news', array(
'as' => 'all_news',
'uses' => 'PageController#all_news'
and in view I show pagination :
{{ $newsList->appends([])->links() }}
But rendered links in pagination looks like(and how to render them ?):
How to make urls look like
Take a look at this:
"Customizing The Paginator URI":
The withPath method allows you to customize the URI used by the
paginator when generating links. For example, if you want the
paginator to generate links like, you should pass custom/url to
the withPath method

Laravel 5.3 Best practices - load lists from other models to populate dropdowns

i'm new to Laravel and i'm using InfyOm laravel generator to create an app.
I came to an issue and would like to know what is the best practice to do this:
I have a model "Mission". When creating a mission, it need to have a client id and agent id associated with it.
In my view, i want to display 2 dropdown lists, one containing all the active clients (id + name) and the other containing all the active agents (id + name).
my controller
public function create()
return view('missions.create');
my view blade
{!! Form::select('client_id', ?????? , null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}
Thanks for your suggestions
Most convenient way is to use pluck() method to build a list from a collection, for example:
public function create()
return view('missions.create', [
'users' => User::pluck('name', 'id')
Then use $list variable:
{!! Form::select('client_id', $users , null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}

Accessor parameter is giving me null in Laravel 5.3

I am working on one to many relationship between tasks and Projects, i.e. a task can only belong to a single project, and I have used laravel's Accessor to get the selected project in my view in drop down:
my code is as follow:
public function getAssignUserAttribute($value)
dd($value); // gives me null
// if $value have id of user I want to get that user from db
and my view contains the drop down is:
{!! Form::select('assign_user', $assign_user, null, ['class' => 'form-control select2', 'id' => 'assign_user']) !!}
I have accessed all the users from database into TasksController to the view as:
$assign_user = User::pluck('title', 'id');
return view('tasks.edit', compact('task', 'assign_user'));
But I get all users selected, while I only want to have the selected user in my drop down.
Can someone guide me to the right path.
Thank you
finally I solved the issue by myself I have edit the Accessor as follow:
public function getAssignUserAttribute()
return [0 => $this->attributes['assign_user'] ];
Since I required an array so I assigned the current user to the array index 0 and return, in that case the view selected the returned user in drop down :)
This may help someone :)

database fetch value show in dropdown using laravel 4

hello I am in big trouble please help me about database fetch value show in drop down using laravel 4 my code is below
<?php //echo "<pre>"; print_r($user);exit; ?>
{{ Form::select($user, $user ) }}
in print_r($user); showing all database value fetch from database but i want to show only value = id , user name field I try for each but not working any idea how to show value=id , user name filed
and result showing in to the drop down like this
<select name="[{"id":"1","username":"skaka","name":"sandip","avatar_id":"1","gender":"1","dob":"1989-10-20","grade":"A","school":"kbpv","created_at":"2014-07-22 08:45:59","updated_at":"2014-07-22 08:48:04","parent_email":""},{"id":"2","username":"ttt","name":"test2","avatar_id":"2","gender":"2","dob":"1989-10-20","grade":"A","school":"kbpv1","created_at":"2014-07-22 08:58:25","updated_at":"2014-07-22 08:58:25","parent_email":""}]">
In order to use {{Form::select()}} the easiest way to achieve this is by calling your data from the database with lists() method.
$users = User::lists('username', 'id');
Now you have an array with data like this:
$users = [1 => 'skaka', 2 => 'ttt', ....];
So you are ready to use efficiently Form::select() by doing:
{{Form::select('dropdown_name', $users)}}

Laravel Foreign Keys Drop-down List

I have 2 tables:
CUSTOMERS(id, full_name, company_id)
COMPANIES(id, company_name)
I already created the relation between the two tables, and it's working fine because I can display company name in the customers view like this: $customer->company->company_name
I'm now having issues with the customer create and edit views. I'd like to have the company_name as a drop-down (Form Select) in create and edit views. Then insert the company id to the CUSTOMERS table.
You need to supply Form::select with companies as an array('id'=>'name'):
// Controller, repo or wherever you want it:
$companies = Company::lists('company_name','id');
// $companies passed to the view, then in the create view:
{{ Form::select('company_id', $companies, null, $options) }}
// edit view:
{{ Form::model($customer, array('route' => array('YourCustomerUpdateRoute', $customer->id))) }}
{{ Form::select('company_id', $companies, null, $options) }}
// form model binding autopopulates the form, so correct option will be selected
After submitting the form validate the input, check if provided company_id exists on the companies table and save the customer, that's all.
The Jarek Tkaczyk answer is excellent. However if you want make a default value for create form and avoid pre-select the first element in the $companies array, you can do something like this in your controller:
$companies = Company::lists('company_name','id');
$companies = array('0' => 'Select Company') + $companies;
Then pass $companies array to the view as Jarek Tkaczyk said.
I did
$companies = array('0' => 'Select Company') + $companies;
in order to preserve the array keys.
