When I try to switch the video to the back camera I receive the following error(s):
OpenTok:SessionDispatcher:error A stream does not exist with the id of 58b71fe2-87ef-4e7f-b087-e230af1b1692, for stream#deleted message! +0ms
OpenTok:Publisher:error onStreamAvailableError OT_CONSTRAINTS_NOT_SATISFIED: It's not possible to satisfy one or more constraints passed into the getUserMedia function (getUserMedia error: OverconstrainedError) +0ms
OpenTok:GlobalExceptionHandler:error OT.exception :: title: Unable to Publish (1500) msg: GetUserMedia +0ms
Unhandled Promise Rejection: OT_CONSTRAINTS_NOT_SATISFIED: It's not possible to satisfy one or more constraints passed into the getUserMedia function (getUserMedia error: OverconstrainedError)
This error is not consistent, sometimes the camera switch does work. Does anyone know what this error means? Thanks in advance.
I am running into sporadic issues in production with SQLite.Swift where calls return the following SQLite.Result: "The operation couldn’t be completed. (SQLite.Result error 0.)".
A quick web search shows that others have been encountering that specific error as well.
Looking at the source of Result: https://github.com/stephencelis/SQLite.swift/blob/master/Sources/SQLite/Core/Result.swift
How is it possible that such an error gets thrown?
The initializer returns nil if the errorCode is 0 (aka SQLITE_OK). What am I missing there?
I am currently working on integrating aws Lex with lambda function written in TypeScript and I am facing a situation in which I need help .
Upon reading the aws documentation for LexV2 the following values are available for an intent state:
However when I used the 'Waiting' value, The following error message showed up :
Invalid Lambda Response: Received invalid response from Lambda: Can not deserialize value of type Intent$IntentState from String "Waiting": value not one of declared Enum instance names: [ReadyForFulfillment, InProgress, Failed, Fulfilled]
Upon this I need help to:
Understand how is it possible to have values that are not recognized.
Understand the difference between each of these values (Note: not all of the accepted values are explained in the documentation)
After reaching out to aws support here is the answer:
LexV2 doesn't accept "FulfillmentInProgress" or "Waiting" as valid intent state.
Difference between each of the valid value:
ReadyForFulfillment - The bot is ready to fulfillment. Passing this state via lambda output will make the bot jump to fulfillment state
InProgress - The default state
Fulfilled - The bot will jump to closed state and will play back both the fulfillment success message and closing response
Failed - Mark the intent as failed; will result in bot playing the
fulfillment failure message
We try to do acknowledge google play purchase on the server-side through purchases.products.acknowledge with golang
However, the following errors come up sometime
googleapi: Error 409: The operation could not be performed since the object was
already in the process of being updated., concurrentUpdate
googleapi: Error 400: The purchase is not in a valid state to perform the desired operation
Is there anything am I missing? or how to solve those errors?
Per google support
For error 400, the purchaseState must be Purchased or 0 before you can acknowledge the purchase. For more information, please refer to this page: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/integrate#process
Error 400 can also mean that you already acknowledged the purchase.
For error 409, this means you are acknowledging the purchase multiple times concurrently. Unfortunately, we don't provide support for API concurrency issues.
Currently having this exactly issue, did you manage to resolve it in the end.
Acknowledgement Request Response: {
error: {
code: 409,
message: 'The operation could not be performed since the object was already in the process of being updated.',
errors: [ [Object] ]
I'm only sending it once, after i have validated and added to my database. I'm not sure why its happening.
I had a theory my code was executing to fast and maybe the order was still pending, so i added a 10 second gap between getting purchase token and then trying to acknowledge once again. Im now getting the following.
Acknowledgement Request Response: {
error: {
code: 400,
message: 'The purchase is not in a valid state to perform the desired operation.',
errors: [ [Object] ]
However at this time in Google Play Console, the state is Chargeable, meaning it just needs to be acknowledged.
I am playing around with an HTTP2 client/server implementation and I'm running into a protocol_error but I'm not sure why.
Received frame: {:length=>18, :type=>:settings, :flags=>[], :stream=>0, :payload=>[[:settings_max_concurrent_streams, 128], [:settings_initial_window_size, 65536], [:settings_max_frame_size, 16777215]]}
Sent frame: {:type=>:settings, :stream=>0, :payload=>[], :flags=>[:ack]}
Received frame: {:length=>4, :type=>:window_update, :flags=>[], :stream=>0, :increment=>2147418112}
Sent frame: {:type=>:headers, :flags=>[:end_headers, :end_stream], :payload=>{":scheme"=>"https", ":method"=>"GET", ":path"=>"/index", ":authority"=>"www.example.com"}, :stream=>1}
Received frame: {:length=>8, :type=>:goaway, :flags=>[], :stream=>0, :last_stream=>0, :error=>:protocol_error}
I'm almost certain this is a problem with stream IDs but I'm really new to the HTTP2 protocol so I'm actually not sure what's going wrong or why I'm getting the protocol error.
I would guess it is because you have not sent your Settings Frame - you have only acknowledged the server Settings Frame.
The spec could be clearer on this:
A SETTINGS frame MUST be sent by both endpoints at the start of a connection
Does an acknowledgement Settings Frame count?
However this section states:
This sequence MUST be followed by a SETTINGS frame (Section 6.5), which MAY be empty.
The SETTINGS frames received from a peer as part of the connection preface MUST be acknowledged (see Section 6.5.3) after sending the connection preface.
So I’m taking that as you must send your Settings Frame and then acknowledge the server Settings Frame.
Try with flags "chrome.exe --disable-http2" it will be vanished if it is related with http2 protocol error.
I use Veins-4a2 and I have modified the scenario of the demo example. I have added a new wsm which is ACK when a node reveives a message, it sends an ACK message to the source node.
I have add this line in onData() function:
sendWSM(prepareWSM("ack", ackLengthBits, type_SCH, ackPriority, sourcenode.idNode, 2));
and I changed certainly the prepareWSM and handleLowerMsg() functions in BaseWaveApplLayer.cc, but when I execute the simulation, it crashes after 10 seconds. This is the error message:
Error in module (Mac1609_4) RSUExampleScenario.node[2].nic.mac1609_4 (id=240) at event #1196, t=9.210177776741: Model error: ASSERT: condition useSCH false in function handleUpperMsg, veins/modules/mac/ieee80211p/Mac1609_4.cc line 259.
Is that I do not have the right to reuse the SCH channel for the ACK message?
How can I correct this problem please?
The 1609.4 MAC layer of Veins 4a2 can be used in one of two operation modes: single channel and multi channel. The behavior can be configured by setting this parameter of the .ned file:
// cycle between an SCH and the CCH (or stay on CCH all the time)
bool useServiceChannel = default(true);
From the error message you are posting it appears you have set this parameter to false, meaning you want the radio to always stay on the Control Channel (CCH). At the same time, the code you posted requests a message to be transmitted over a Service Channel (SCH).
You are thus requesting mutually exclusive behavior.
Veins correctly identified this and aborted your simulation.