Is it possible to define an anonymous interface implementation in Go? - go

Consider some given interface and a function of an imaginary library that uses it like
// Binary and Ternary operation on ints
type NumOp interface {
Binary(int, int) int
Ternary(int, int, int) int
func RandomNumOp(op NumOp) {
var (
a = rand.Intn(100) - 50
b = rand.Intn(100) - 50
c = rand.Intn(100) - 50
fmt.Printf("%d <op> %d = %d\n", a, b, op.Binary(a,b))
fmt.Printf("%d <op> %d <op> %d = %d\n", a, b, c, op.Ternary(a,b,c))
A possible type implementing that interface could be
// MyAdd defines additions on 2 or 3 int variables
type MyAdd struct {}
func (MyAdd) Binary(a, b int) int {return a + b }
func (MyAdd) Ternary(a, b, c int) int {return a + b + c }
I am dealing with many different interfaces defining a few functions that in some cases need to be implemented using functions mostly working as NOP-like operations, do not rely on any struct member and are only used in a single position in the project (no reusability needed).
Is there a simpler (less verbose) way in Go to define a (preferably) anonymous implementation of an interface using anonymous functions, just like (pseudo code, I know it's not working that way):
Binary: func(a,b int) int { return a+b},
Ternary: func(a,b,c int) int {return a+b+c},

If implementation must work
If the value implementing the interface must work (e.g. its methods must be callable without panic), then you can't do it.
Method declarations must be at the top level (file level). And to implement an interface that has more than 0 methods, that requires to have the method declarations somewhere.
Sure, you can use a struct and embed an existing implementation, but then again, it requires to already have an existing implementation, whose methods must already be defined "somewhere": at the file level.
If you need a "dummy" but workable implementation, them use / pass any implementation, e.g. a value of your MyAdd type. If you want to stress that the implementation doesn't matter, then create a dummy implementation whose name indicates that:
type DummyOp struct{}
func (DummyOp) Binary(_, _ int) int { return 0 }
func (DummyOp) Ternary(_, _, _ int) int { return 0 }
If you need to supply implementation for some of the methods dynamically, you may create a delegator struct type which holds functions for the methods, and the actual methods check if the respective function is set, in which case it is called, else nothing will be done.
This is how it could look like:
type CustomOp struct {
binary func(int, int) int
ternary func(int, int, int) int
func (cop CustomOp) Binary(a, b int) int {
if cop.binary != nil {
return cop.binary(a, b)
return 0
func (cop CustomOp) Ternary(a, b, c int) int {
if cop.ternary != nil {
return cop.ternary(a, b, c)
return 0
When using it, you have the freedom to only supply a subset of functions, the rest will be a no-op:
binary: func(a, b int) int { return a + b },
If implementation is not required to work
If you only need a value that implements an interface but you don't require its methods to be "callable" (to not panic if called), you may simply use an anonymous struct literal, embedding the interface type:
var op NumOp = struct{ NumOp }{}


In Go generics, how to use a common method for types in a union constraint?

I'm trying to understand the usage of the type union constraint in Go generics (v1.18). Here is the code I tried:
type A struct {
type B struct {
type AB interface {
*A | *B
func (a *A) some() bool {
return true
func (b *B) some() bool {
return false
func some[T AB](x T) bool {
return x.some() // <- error
The compiler complains:
x.some undefined (type T has no field or method some)
Why is that? If I cannot use a shared method of type *A and *B, what's the point of defining types union *A | *B at all?
(Apparently I can define an interface with the shared method and directly use that. But in my particular use case I want to restrict to the certain types explicitly.)
Add the method to the interface constraint, without forgoing generics:
type AB interface {
*A | *B
some() bool
func some[T AB](x T) bool {
return x.some() // works
This restricts T to types that are either *A or *B and declare some() bool method.
However, as you already found out, this is a workaround. You are right that it should work with the type union alone. It's a limitation of Go 1.18. The confusing part is that the language specifications still seem to support your theory (Method sets):
The method set of an interface type is the intersection of the method sets of each type in the interface's type set (the resulting method set is usually just the set of declared methods in the interface).
This limitation appears to be documented only in the Go 1.18 release notes:
The current generics implementation has the following limitations:
The Go compiler currently only supports calling a method m on a value x of type parameter type P if m is explicitly declared by P's constraint interface. [...] even though m might be in the method set of P by virtue of the fact that all types in P implement m. We hope to remove this restriction in Go 1.19.
The relevant issue in the Go tracker is #51183, with Griesemer's confirmation and the decision to leave the language specifications as is, and document the restriction.
Change the declaration of AB to
type AB interface {
*A | *B
some() bool
In Generic Go, constraints are interfaces. A type argument is valid if it implements its constraints.
Please watch the Gophercon videos on Generics for a better understanding:
Gophercon 2021: Robert Griesemer & Ian Lance Taylor - Generics!
Gophercon 2020: Robert Griesemer - Typing [Generic] Go
To ensure that I understood your question please run the code snippet below in Go Playground in “Go Dev branch” mode:
// You can edit this code!
// Click here and start typing.
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
type B struct {
type C struct{}
type AB interface {
*A | *B
some() bool
func (a *A) some() bool {
return true
func (b *B) some() bool {
return false
func (c *C) some() bool {
return false
func some[T AB](x T) bool {
return x.some()
func main() {
p := new(A)
//uncomment the lines below to see that type C is not valid
//q := new(C)
I think the old interface{} is enough to do this.
Like this:
type AB interface {
some() bool
But if you want to use generic, you must change the type first.
Like this:
func some[T AB](x T) bool {
if a, ok := interface{}(x).(*A); ok {
return a.some()
return (*B)(x).some()

Call method on any array of structs that have underlying field

Let's say I have a bunch of structs (around 10).
type A struct {
ID int64
... other A-specific fields
type B struct {
ID int64
... other B-specific fields
type C struct {
ID int64
... other C-specific fields
If I have an array of these structs at any given time (either []A, []B, or []C), how can I write a single function that pulls the IDs from the array of structs without writing 3 (or in my case, 10) separate functions like this:
type AList []A
type BList []B
type CList []C
func (list *AList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
func (list *BList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
func (list *CList) GetIDs() []int64 { ... }
With general method on the slice itself
You can make it a little simpler if you define a general interface to access the ID of the ith element of a slice:
type HasIDs interface {
GetID(i int) int64
And you provide implementation for these:
func (x AList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
func (x BList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
func (x CList) GetID(i int) int64 { return x[i].ID }
And then one GetID() function is enough:
func GetIDs(s HasIDs) (ids []int64) {
ids = make([]int64, reflect.ValueOf(s).Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = s.GetID(i)
Note: the length of the slice may be a parameter to GetIDs(), or it may be part of the HasIDs interface. Both are more complex than the tiny reflection call to get the length of the slice, so bear with me on this.
Using it:
as := AList{A{1}, A{2}}
bs := BList{B{3}, B{4}}
cs := []C{C{5}, C{6}}
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]
Note that we were able to use slices of type AList, BList etc, we did not need to use interface{} or []SomeIface. Also note that we could also use e.g. a []C, and when passing it to GetIDs(), we used a simple type conversion.
This is as simple as it can get. If you want to eliminate even the GetID() methods of the slices, then you really need to dig deeper into reflection (reflect package), and it will be slower. The presented solution above performs roughly the same as the "hard-coded" version.
With reflection completely
If you want it to be completely "generic", you may do it using reflection, and then you need absolutely no extra methods on anything.
Without checking for errors, here's the solution:
func GetIDs(s interface{}) (ids []int64) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
ids = make([]int64, v.Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = v.Index(i).FieldByName("ID").Int()
Testing and output is (almost) the same. Note that since here parameter type of GetIDs() is interface{}, you don't need to convert to CList to pass a value of type []C. Try it on the Go Playground.
With embedding and reflection
Getting a field by specifying its name as a string is quite fragile (think of rename / refactoring for example). We can improve maintainability, safety, and somewhat the reflection's performance if we "outsource" the ID field and an accessor method to a separate struct, which we'll embed, and we capture the accessor by an interface:
type IDWrapper struct {
ID int64
func (i IDWrapper) GetID() int64 { return i.ID }
type HasID interface {
GetID() int64
And the types all embed IDWrapper:
type A struct {
type B struct {
type C struct {
By embedding, all the embedder types (A, B, C) will have the GetID() method promoted and thus they all automatically implement HasID. We can take advantage of this in the GetIDs() function:
func GetIDs(s interface{}) (ids []int64) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
ids = make([]int64, v.Len())
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = v.Index(i).Interface().(HasID).GetID()
Testing it:
as := AList{A{IDWrapper{1}}, A{IDWrapper{2}}}
bs := BList{B{IDWrapper{3}}, B{IDWrapper{4}}}
cs := []C{C{IDWrapper{5}}, C{IDWrapper{6}}}
Output is the same. Try it on the Go Playground. Note that in this case the only method is IDWrapper.GetID(), no other methods needed to be defined.
As far as I know, there is no easy way.
You might be tempted to use embedding, but I'm not sure there's any way to make this particular task any easier. Embedding feels like subclassing but it doesn't give you the power of polymorphism.
Polymorphism in Go is limited to methods and interfaces, not fields, so you can't access a given field by name across multiple classes.
You could use reflection to find and access the field you are interested in by name (or tag), but there are performance penalties for that and it will make your code complex and hard to follow. Reflection is not really intended to be a substitute for Polymorphism or generics.
I think your best solution is to use the polymorphism that Go does give you, and create an interface:
type IDable interface {
GetId() int64
and make a GetId method for each of your classes. Full example.
Generic methods require the use of interfaces and reflection.

Golang: convert struct to embedded at offset 0 struct

I have some different structs like Big with Small embedded at offset 0.
How can I access Small's structure fields from code, that doesn't know anything about Big type, but it is known that Small is at offset 0?
type Small struct {
val int
type Big struct {
bigval int
var v interface{} = Big{}
// here i only know about 'Small' struct and i know that it is at the begining of variable
v.(Small).val // compile error
It seems that compiler is theoretically able to operate such expression, because it knows that Big type has Small type embedded at offset 0. Is there any way to do such things (maybe with unsafe.Pointer)?
While answer with reflection is working but it has performance penalties and is not idiomatic to Go.
I believe you should use interface. Like this
package main
import (
type MySmall interface {
SmallVal() int
type Small struct {
val int
func (v Small) SmallVal() int {
return v.val
type Big struct {
bigval int
func main() {
var v interface{} = Big{Small{val: 3}, 4}
fmt.Printf("Small val: %v", v.(MySmall).SmallVal())
Small val: 3
Avoid using unsafe whenever possible. The above task can be done using reflection (reflect package):
var v interface{} = Big{Small{1}, 2}
rf := reflect.ValueOf(v)
s := rf.FieldByName("Small").Interface()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s.(Small).val)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
This works for any field, not just the first one (at "offset 0"). This also works for named fields too, not just for embedded fields. This doesn't work for unexported fields though.
type Small struct {
val int
type Big struct {
bigval int
func main() {
var v = Big{Small{10},200}

Functions type converting

How can I convert func add (a, b int) int to func(...interface{}) interace{} type ?
Any ideas about implementing generic functions using the reflect package ?
As JimB said, you can't cast in Go and you cannot convert functions just like that but by using closures, you can rapidly wrap your function:
func add(a, b int) int {
return a + b;
wrap := func(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
return interface{} (add(args[0].(int), args[1].(int)))
Note that wrap will panic if you give it arguments that are not of type int. If you want to avoid that you can slightly modify wrap:
wrap := func(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
a, k := args[0].(int)
b, l := args[1].(int)
if !k || !l {
return nil, errors.New("Arguments must be of type int")
return add(a,b), nil
If you'd like to do different things with wrap, depending on it's arguments types you can do so by using a type switch:
func addInts(a, b int) int {
return a + b;
func addFloat64s(a, b float64) float64 {
return a + b;
wrap := func(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
switch args[0].(type) {
case int: return interface{}(addInts(args[0].(int), args[1].(int)))
case float64: return interface{}(addFloat64s(args[0].(float64), args[1].(float64)))
Note that this last version of wrap makes the assumption that all given parameters will have the same type and at least 2 arguments are given.
There is no "casting" is go (well, using the "unsafe" package kind of is like casting).
You cannot convert function types like this, since they have different layouts in memory. Generic-like functions can be made through the reflect package, though with significant overhead. See for an example.
For most use cases of generic functions, you're probably better off accepting an interface, and using type assertions or switches (, rather than the reflection library.

Golang struct calling embedded type methods when method has been overloaded

I am trying to learn Go, and I found a good resource here.
The example given on method overloading is reproduced below:
package main
import "fmt"
type Human struct {
name string
age int
phone string
type Employee struct {
company string
func (h *Human) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n",,
func (e *Employee) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n",,, //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.
func main() {
sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 45, "111-888-XXXX"}, "Golang Inc"}
Is it possible to call the "base" struct's (Human's) methods, eg. sam.Human.SayHi() Downcasting doesn't work (because there is no type hierarchy right?)
You can access the embedded struct of a parent struct by calling the member of the parent with the name of the embedded type's name. That's a mouthful, so it's probably easier to demonstrate it.
sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 45, "111-888-XXXX"}, "Golang Inc"}
sam.SayHi() // calls Employee.SayHi
sam.Human.SayHi() // calls Human.SayHi
Hi, I am Sam, I work at Golang Inc. Call me on 111-888-XXXX
Hi, I am Sam you can call me on 111-888-XXXX
This is the nearest approximation to sane polymorphism with both plain and pure virtual functions that I have found thus far. By the very nature of Go's design and the goal at hand, it is ugly but effective.
package main
import (
type I interface {
foo(s string) // Our "pure virtual" function
type A struct {i I}
type B struct {A}
type C struct {B}
// fk receivers, this is a "member function" so I'll use OO nomenclature
func (this *A) init(i I) {
this.i = i // the i contains (internal) pointers to both an object and a type
func (this *A) bar() {"world")
func (this *B) foo(s string) {
fmt.Printf("hello %s\n", s)
func (this *C) foo(s string) {
fmt.Printf("goodbye cruel %s\n", s)
func main() {
var i I
b := &B{}
b.init(b) // passing b as the parameter implicitly casts it to an I interface object
c := &C{}
c.init(c) // c is a pointer to C, so Golang calls the correct receiver
i = b
i = c // Internally, i contains pointers to the C object and the C type,
// so that the correct receiver is called
In real OO languages, each object of a class with any virtual functions must have a pointer to a virtual function table or a least type that maps to it. So adding an interface member to the base (embedded) struct only wastes an additional machine word for the pointer that will just point to its self.
Alternatively, we could remove the I interface member from A and the have pure virtual member function just accept the implementation as an argument.
type I interface {
foo(s string)
bar(i I)
type A struct {}
type B struct {A}
type C struct {B}
func (this *A) bar(i I) {"world")
But at this point, foo is no longer a pure virtual function, API users could pass any value whose type implements I, and the whole OO concept is broken. The object pointer portion of the I interface passed to bar doesn't need to be the same as this, but then again we didn't need to pass that same value using an init() function, but at least only an API user in the same package would be allowed to set it.
At this point, we have transitioned to the Go way of doing things: compositional programming with dependency injection. This is what Ken Thompson and the other designers thought was a better way to go -- at least for their stated goals. While it is vastly inferior in MANY respects, it does create many advantages and I won't argue those points that here.
