Golang struct calling embedded type methods when method has been overloaded - go

I am trying to learn Go, and I found a good resource here.
The example given on method overloading is reproduced below:
package main
import "fmt"
type Human struct {
name string
age int
phone string
type Employee struct {
company string
func (h *Human) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n", h.name, h.phone)
func (e *Employee) SayHi() {
fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n", e.name,
e.company, e.phone) //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.
func main() {
sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 45, "111-888-XXXX"}, "Golang Inc"}
Is it possible to call the "base" struct's (Human's) methods, eg. sam.Human.SayHi() Downcasting doesn't work (because there is no type hierarchy right?)

You can access the embedded struct of a parent struct by calling the member of the parent with the name of the embedded type's name. That's a mouthful, so it's probably easier to demonstrate it.
sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 45, "111-888-XXXX"}, "Golang Inc"}
sam.SayHi() // calls Employee.SayHi
sam.Human.SayHi() // calls Human.SayHi
Hi, I am Sam, I work at Golang Inc. Call me on 111-888-XXXX
Hi, I am Sam you can call me on 111-888-XXXX

This is the nearest approximation to sane polymorphism with both plain and pure virtual functions that I have found thus far. By the very nature of Go's design and the goal at hand, it is ugly but effective.
package main
import (
type I interface {
foo(s string) // Our "pure virtual" function
type A struct {i I}
type B struct {A}
type C struct {B}
// fk receivers, this is a "member function" so I'll use OO nomenclature
func (this *A) init(i I) {
this.i = i // the i contains (internal) pointers to both an object and a type
func (this *A) bar() {
func (this *B) foo(s string) {
fmt.Printf("hello %s\n", s)
func (this *C) foo(s string) {
fmt.Printf("goodbye cruel %s\n", s)
func main() {
var i I
b := &B{}
b.init(b) // passing b as the parameter implicitly casts it to an I interface object
c := &C{}
c.bar() // c is a pointer to C, so Golang calls the correct receiver
i = b
i = c
i.bar() // Internally, i contains pointers to the C object and the C type,
// so that the correct receiver is called
In real OO languages, each object of a class with any virtual functions must have a pointer to a virtual function table or a least type that maps to it. So adding an interface member to the base (embedded) struct only wastes an additional machine word for the pointer that will just point to its self.
Alternatively, we could remove the I interface member from A and the have pure virtual member function just accept the implementation as an argument.
type I interface {
foo(s string)
bar(i I)
type A struct {}
type B struct {A}
type C struct {B}
func (this *A) bar(i I) {
But at this point, foo is no longer a pure virtual function, API users could pass any value whose type implements I, and the whole OO concept is broken. The object pointer portion of the I interface passed to bar doesn't need to be the same as this, but then again we didn't need to pass that same value using an init() function, but at least only an API user in the same package would be allowed to set it.
At this point, we have transitioned to the Go way of doing things: compositional programming with dependency injection. This is what Ken Thompson and the other designers thought was a better way to go -- at least for their stated goals. While it is vastly inferior in MANY respects, it does create many advantages and I won't argue those points that here.


Export only subset of methods implemented by embedded struct

Is it possible to export only a subset of methods implemented by an embedded struct?
Is this a very go-unlike way to reduce copy - and - pasting of code and there is a more idiomatic way to do this?
type A struct {
func (a *A) Hello() {
func (a *A) World() {
type B struct {
type C struct {
func main() {
b := B{}
c := C{}
// B should only export the Hello - function
// C should export both Hello - and World - function
This is how embedding works, there's nothing you can do about it. (Actually there is, see dirty trick at the end.)
What you want may be achieved with interfaces though. Make your structs unexported, (B => b and C => c), and create "constructor" like functions, which return interface types, containing only the methods you wish to publish:
type b struct {
type c struct {
type Helloer interface {
type HelloWorlder interface {
func NewB() Helloer {
return &b{}
func NewC() HelloWorlder {
return &c{}
You might want to call the interfaces and functions different, this is just for demonstration.
Also note that while the returned Helloer interface does not include the World() method, it is still possible to "reach" it using type assertion, e.g.:
h := NewB() // h is of type Helloer
if hw, ok := h.(HelloWorlder); ok {
hw.World() // This will succeed with the above implementations
Try this on the Go Playground.
Dirty trick
If a type embeds the type A, (fields and) methods of A that get promoted will become part of the method set of the embedder type (and thus become methods of type A). This is detailed in Spec: Struct types:
A field or method f of an anonymous field in a struct x is called promoted if x.f is a legal selector that denotes that field or method f.
The focus is on the promotion, for which the selector must be legal. Spec: Selectors describes how x.f is resolved:
The following rules apply to selectors:
For a value x of type T or *T where T is not a pointer or interface type, x.f denotes the field or method at the shallowest depth in T where there is such an f. If there is not exactly one f with shallowest depth, the selector expression is illegal.
What does this mean? Simply by embedding, B.World will denote the B.A.World method as that is at the shallowest depth. But if we can achieve so that B.A.World won't be the shallowest, the type B won't have this World() method, because B.A.World won't get promoted.
How can we achieve that? We may add a field with name World:
type B struct {
World int
This B type (or rather *B) will not have a World() method, as B.World denotes the field and not B.A.World as the former is at the shallowest depth. Try this on the Go Playground.
Again, this does not prevent anyone to explicitly refer to B.A.World(), so that method can be "reached" and called, all we achieved is that the type B or *B does not have a World() method.
Another variant of this "dirty trick" is to exploit the end of the first rule: "If there is not exactly one f with shallowest depth". This can be achieved to also embed another type, another struct which also has a World field or method, e.g.:
type hideWorld struct{ World int }
type B struct {
Try this variant on the Go Playground.

Implicit interface conversion in golang

Here is an example of the idea I want to demonstrate.
package main
import "fmt"
// interface declaration
type A interface {
AAA() string
type B interface{
Get() A
// implementation
type CA struct {}
// implementation of A.AAA
func (ca *CA) AAA() string {
return "it's CA"
type C struct {}
// implementation of B.Get, except for returning a 'struct' instead of an 'interface'
func (c *C) Get() *CA {
return &CA{}
func main() {
var c interface{} = &C{}
d := c.(B)
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
In this example
interface B has a method Get to return an interface A
struct C has a member function Get to return a pointer to struct CA, which implements interface A
The result is Go can't deduce interface B from struct C, even their Get method is only different in returning type, which is convertible.
The reason I raise this question is when interface A, B and struct C, CA are in different packages, I can only:
refine the Get method of C to func Get() A, which introduce some dependency between packages.
refine both Get method of interface B and struct C to func Get() interface{}
I want to avoid dependency between packages and try not to rely on interface{}, can anyone give me some hint? What's the best practice in Go?
Your current *C type does not implement the interface B, therefore you can't assign a value of *C to a variable of type B nor can't you "type assert" a value of B from something holding a value of type *C.
Here's what you can do. Since you're already using a struct literal (&C{}), you may declare c to be of type *C of which you can call its Get() method, and you can convert the return value of C.Get() to A (because the return value does implement A):
var c *C = &C{}
var a A = c.Get() // This is ok, implicit interface value creation (of type A)
// Or without the intermediate "a", you can simply call:
it's CA
it's CA
Or refactor:
The problem is that you have an interface (B) which you want to implement, which has a method which returns another interface (A). To implement this B interface, you have to have dependency to the package that defines A, you can't avoid this. And you have to declare C.Get() to return A (instead of a concrete struct type).
You may move A to a 3rd package and then the package that defines C will only have to depend on this 3rd package, but will not depend on the package that defines B (but still will implicitly implement the interface type B).

Circular import with structs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Registering packages in Go without cyclic dependency
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a project with several modules in Go. I am having problem with circular imports because of the scenario below:
A module Game contains a struct with the current Game state. Another module (Modifier) is doing some game specific stuff and calculations and therefore modifies the game state. Because of this, Modifier will need the struct Game, but not any methods from Game. Modifier is called from Game and here we have the circular import.
Game initiates Modifier
Modifier needs Game struct
It seems to me that this is a common scenario, so I wonder how I should solve it in the best way. My solution would be to create a third module "Structs" which just contains all the structs for the whole application. Is this a good solution?
With the 3rd package option:
main.go would glue the two components together:
import "yourgame/state"
import "yourgame/modifier"
type Game struct {
state state.State
modifier modifier.Modifier
func main() {
// something like:
var game Game
This approach is probably too tightly coupled though. Rather than manipulating an essentially global state object, I would try to slice up the data into just what you need for the modifier.
Reasoning in the abstract is hard, so here's a concrete example of what I mean. In your game:
type Object struct {
ID, X, Y int
// more data here
type Game struct {
Objects map[int]*Object
In your "modifier", let's suppose we had an AI module that moves an object. If all he cares about is the position of a single object you can create an interface:
// in yourgame/modifier
type Object interface {
GetCoordinates() (int, int)
SetCoordinates(int, int)
type Modifier struct {}
func (m *Modifier) Update(obj Object) { }
Then we just have to add those methods to our original Object:
type (obj *Object) GetCoordinates() (int, int) {
return obj.X, obj.Y
type (obj *Object) SetCoordinates(x, y int) {
obj.X, obj.Y = x, y
And now you can pass objects to your modifier without needing a cyclic dependency.
Now if it turns out your "modifier" interface ends up looking almost exactly the same as your game object, then a 3rd package of structs is probably reasonable so you aren't always repeating yourself. For an example consider net/url.
Normally if package B has code that directly reads/modifies A.Type then that code should be in package A.
At least the parts of it if that need direct access should.
To split something between separate packages A and B you'd normal try to isolate an API for access to A.Type that can be expressed as an interface. Then B would define and use this interface and A.Type would implement it (implicitly, without needing to include B's definition of it).
Then something (possibly A, possibily a separate package) would use B by passing an A.Type or *A.Type value as appropriate.
Or depending on your design the relationship could be reversed, with B.OtherType implicitly implementing an interface defined and used by A.
Or both A and B could use each other only through interfaces; it all depends on the details.
E.g. perhaps something like:
package Game // "A"
type State struct {
data int // etc
func (s State) IsValid() bool { return true }
func (s *State) ChangeY(arg int) error { return nil }
// …etc…
package Modifier // "B"
type GameState interface {
IsValid() bool
ChangeY(int) error
type M struct {
s GameState
func New(s GameState) *M {
return &M{s: s}
func (m M) DoSomething() {
if s.IsValid() {
// …
// …etc…
I'd define type(Game in this case) and all its methods in same one package. You can't even define methods on type imported from another package according to language spec,
//you should first do
type MyPackageType ImportedType
//and only then
func (foo MyPackageType) Modify() {

Golang methods with same name and arity, but different type

The following code works fine. Two methods operating on two different structs and printing a field of the struct:
type A struct {
Name string
type B struct {
Name string
func (a *A) Print() {
func (b *B) Print() {
func main() {
a := &A{"A"}
b := &B{"B"}
Shows the desired output in the console:
Now, if I change the method signature in the following way I get an compile error. I just move the receiver of the method to the arguments of the method:
func Print(a *A) {
func Print(b *B) {
func main() {
a := &A{"A"}
b := &B{"B"}
I can't even compile the program:
./test.go:22: Print redeclared in this block
previous declaration at ./test.go:18
./test.go:40: cannot use a (type *A) as type *B in function argument
Why is it that I can interchange struct types in the receiver, but not in the
arguments, when the methods have the same name and arity?
Because Go does not support overloading of user-defined functions on their argument types.
You can make functions with different names instead, or use methods if you want to "overload" on only one parameter (the receiver).
You can use type introspection. As a general rule, though, any use of the generic interface{} type should be avoided, unless you are writing a large generic framework.
That said, a couple of ways to skin the proverbial cat:
Both methods assume a Print() method is defined for both types (*A and *B)
Method 1:
func Print(any interface{}) {
switch v := any.(type) {
case *A:
case *B:
fmt.Printf("Print() invoked with unsupported type: '%T' (expected *A or *B)\n", any)
Method 2:
type Printer interface {
func Print(any interface{}) {
// does the passed value honor the 'Printer' interface
if v, ok := any.(Printer); ok {
// yes - so Print()!
} else {
fmt.Printf("value of type %T passed has no Print() method.\n", any)
If it's undesirable to have a Print() method for each type, define targeted PrintA(*A) and PrintB(*B) functions and alter Method 1 like so:
case *A:
case *B:
Working playground example here.
You can not do function or method overloading in Go. You can have two methods with the same names in Go but the receiver of these methods must be of different types.
you can see more in this link .

Adding a func never called improves behavior?

The code below produces undesirable
[20010101 20010102].
When uncommenting the String func it produces better (but not my implementation):
[{20010101 1.5} {20010102 2.5}]
However that String func is never called.
I see that Date in DateValue is anonymous and therefore func (Date) String is being used by DateValue.
So my questions are:
1) Is this a language issue, a fmt.Println implementation issue, or
something else? Note: if I switch from:
func (*DateValue) String() string
func (DateValue) String() string
my function is at least called and panic ensues. So if I really want my method called I could do that, but assume DateValue is really a very large object which I only want to pass by reference.
2) What is a good strategy for mixing anonymous fields with
functionality like Stringer and json encoding that use reflection
under the covers? For example adding a String or MarshalJSON method
for a type that happens to be used as an anonymous field can cause
strange behavior (like you only print or encode part of the whole).
package main
import (
type Date int64
func (d Date) String() string {
t := time.Unix(int64(d),0).UTC()
return fmt.Sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", t.Year(), int(t.Month()), t.Day())
type DateValue struct {
Value float64
type OrderedValues []DateValue
// ADD THIS BACK and note that this is never called but both pieces of
// DateValue are printed, whereas, without this only the date is printed
func (dv *DateValue) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DV(%s,%f)", dv.Date, dv.Value )
func main() {
d1, d2 := Date(978307200),Date(978307200+24*60*60)
ov1 := OrderedValues{{ d1, 1.5 }, { d2, 2.5 }}
It's because you've passed in a slice of DateValues and not DateValue pointers. Since you've defined the String method for *DataValue, *DateValue is what fulfills the Stringer interface. This also prevents DateValue from fulfilling the Stringer interface via its anonymous Date member, because only one of either the value type (DateValue) or the pointer type (*DateValue) can be used to fulfill an interface. So, when fmt.Println is printing the contents of the slice, it sees that the elements are not Stringers, and uses the default struct formatting instead of the method you defined, giving [{20010101 1.5} {20010102 2.5}].
You can either make OrderedValues a []*DateValue or define func (dv DateValue) String() string instead of the pointer version.
Based on what #SteveM said, I distilled it to a simpler test case:
package main
import "fmt"
type Fooable interface {
type A int
func (a A) Foo() { }
type B struct {
// Uncomment the following method and it will print false
//func (b *B) Foo() { }
func main() {
var x interface{} = B{}
_, ok := x.(Fooable)
fmt.Println(ok) // prints true
In other words, the Foo method is not part of the method set of B when the Foo method for *B is defined.
From reading the spec, I don't see a clear explanation of what is happening. The closest part seems to be in the section on selectors:
For a value x of type T or *T where T is not an interface type, x.f
denotes the field or method at the shallowest depth in T where there
is such an f.
The only way I can see this explaining what is going on is if when it is looking for a method Foo at shallowest depth in B, it takes into consideration the methods for *B too, for some reason (even though we are considering type B not *B); and the Foo in *B is indeed shallower than the Foo in A, so it takes that one as the candidate; and then it sees that that Foo doesn't work, since it's in *B and not B, so it gets rid of Foo altogether (even though there is a valid one inherited from A).
If this is indeed what is going on, then I agree with the OP in that this is very counter-intuitive that adding a method to *B would have the reverse consequence of removing a method from B.
Maybe someone more familiar with Go can clarify this.
