How do I stop my Docker Windows container from the command line? - windows

I have a Docker Windows container that I want to stop from the command line. Seems like an easy thing to do, but the commands
docker stop my-docker-machine
docker kill my-docker-machine
produce the error
Error response from daemon: No such container: my-docker-machine
I've searched the following without success:
Windows Containers on Windows Server
Docker Documentation
How do I stop a docker container so it will rerun with the same command?
How do I stop my Docker Windows container from the command line?

I decided to try using the stop command with the container id instead of the name:
Docker stop ab44b99065ce
Works much better!
Edit: You might want a list of container id's first. As pointed out by Varun Babu Pozhath, you can use
docker ps to list all running containers or
docker ps -all to list all containers.


What to do when Memgraph stops working without any info?

Sometimes the Docker container where Memgraph is running just stops working or says that the process was aborted with exit code 137. How can I fix this?
You should check the Memgraph logs, where you'll probably find the reason why the process was aborted.
Since you said that you're using Memgraph with Docker, there are two options:
If you run Memgraph with Docker using the volume for logs, that is with
-v mg_log:/var/log/memgraph, then mg_log folder usually can be found at \\wsl$\docker-desktop-data\version-pack-data\community\docker\volumes\ (Windows) or /var/lib/docker/volumes/ (Linux and macOS).
If you run Memgraph without using the volume for logs, then you need to enter the Docker container. In order to do that, first you have to find out the container ID by running docker ps. Then you have to copy the container ID and run docker exec -it <containerID> bash. For example, if container ID is 83d76fe4df5a, then you run docker exec -it 83d76fe4df5a bash. Next, you need find the folder where logs are located. You can do that by running cd /var/log/memgraph. To read the logs, run cat <memgraph_date>.log, that is, if you have log file memgraph_2022-03-02.log located inside the log folder, then run cat memgraph_2022-03-02.log.
Hopefully, when you read the logs, you'll be able to fix your problem.

docker deamon is not work in windows

I try to run docker in bash ubuntu on windows. But every time I get this message
"Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?". If i run it in powershell - it work. Can somebody help?
Connecting to the docker deamon requires some privilidges that you don't have when starting the bash terminal.
You can however use the docker command terminal which will allow you to interact with the docker deamon.
Found the solution on this post:
Connect Docker on WSL to Docker on Windows
Running docker against an engine on a different machine is actually quite easy, as Docker can expose a TCP endpoint which the CLI can attach to.
This TCP endpoint is turned off by default; to activate it, right-click the Docker icon in your taskbar and choose Settings, and tick the box next to “Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS”.
With that done, all we need to do is instruct the CLI under Bash to connect to the engine running under Windows instead of to the non-existing engine running under Bash, like this:
$ docker -H tcp:// images
There are two ways to make this permanent – either add an alias for the above command, or better yet, export an environment variable which instructs Docker where to find the host engine:
$ echo "export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Now, running docker commands from Bash works just like they’re supposed to.
$ docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker!This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

Running an docker image with cron

I am using an image from docker hub and it uses cron to perform some actions after some interval. I have registered and pushed it as described in documentation as a worker process (not a web). It also requires several environment variables.
I've run it from command line, e.g. docker run -t -e E_VAR1=VAL1 and it worked for few days, then suddenly stopped and I had to run the command again.
Is this a correct way to run a docker (as worker process) in Heroku?
Why might it stop running after few days? Is there any logs to check?
Is there a way to restart the process automatically?
How properly set environment variables for the docker in Heroku?
If you want to have this run in the background, you should use the -d flag to disconnect stdin and stdout, and not -t.
To check logs, user docker logs [container name or id]. You can find out the container's name and id using docker ps -a. That should give you an idea as to why the container stopped.
To have the container restart automatically add the --restart always flag when you run it. Alternatively, use --restart on-failure to only restart when it exited with a nonzero exit code.
The way you set environment variables seems fine.

Docker inside Docker (without command line) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is it possible to create a docker container that contains one or more containers? [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I want to run docker daemon inside my docker image. I know I can easily achieve this by exposing outer docker process during running my docker image, but unfortunately I have no possibility to control how my image is run. I CAN NOT use DIND.
Therefore I would like to start docker service inside either Dockerfile or some script that is my entrypoint. I tried invoking command:
CMD service docker start
after downloading and installing docker in the image and also including this command in some script and calling it:
ENRYPOINT ["path/to/script/"]
None of this worked. Is it at all possible to run docker as I want or am I doing something incorrectly or it is just not possible in my execution environment?
Per your requirements, you can't.
To run the docker service inside of a docker container, you need to modify how the container is launched to give the inner docker service privileges the outer docker service restricts by default.
I would suggest to use the DIND Container (Docker in Docker)
docker run --privileged --name some-docker -d docker:1.8-dind
Link to Docker Hub:

How to run multiple Docker Containers in different terminals using Docker compose or with Shell?

I have to pull docker image from Docker Hub and start running multiple peers as containers.
now, I am manually opening terminal and executing my docker run command on downloaded image but I am planning to automate this process like if I/user want 2 peers to run then I should be able to provide IP Address and Port information to Docker run command and start these peers in different terminals without manual step.
After executing these commands I should be able to store these IP address and port numbers in a JSON file further transactions.
Could you please help me!!! Thanks!!
Got quick solution for the above problem.. Below is the command I have applied docker run -d IMAGE NAME /bin/bash above command runs the container in background process. Also, I am taking network credentials by applying docker inspect <Container Id>
