SQL Monitoring Window - oracle

I tried to use real time sql monitoring tool, but once I started, all the tools bar at the top of the window are grayed out, and once I run the sql query, nothing happens in the monitor window.
The tool is Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Do you know how to make it work or need some special permission?
Thanks in advance for your help.

The Real Time SQL Monitoring tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager (or SQL Developer) requires Enterprise Edition and the Diagnostics and Tuning options (chargeable extras to the EE license). Find out more.
Are you connecting as a SYSDBA account? If not, that might account for the menu items being disabled. However, you should check that your organisation has the necessary licenses before using this feature.

Make sure your database user has privileges on data dictionary views like:
If you're still having issues with EM, then SQL Developer also has an interface for RTSM on the Tools Menu:


Create the database button is not active in Oracle SQL Developer

I don't know how to describe the problems with the Oracle SQL developer program. I am new at this. The story is here;
I downloaded Oracle SQL Developer 22.2. And I started sqldeveloper.exe. Oracle SQL Developer is started but I am not doing anything in this program. Everything freezes. The Create database button is inactive. Press the... button and press .. but nothing changes.
My computer is a gaming computer and not old. The hardware is above the minimum requirements to install the program.
I tried resetting the windows factory settings...
I tried deleting and installing it.
I tried the old version of sqldevelepor.exe...
How can I solve this problem?
SQL Developer is a GUI tool we use to access (most usually) an Oracle database.
But, to do that, you need a database. According to what you said so far, there's none so - SQL Developer itself can't do much.
I'd suggest you to visit the same site (Oracle Technology Network, OTN) from which you downloaded SQL Developer, and this time download the database. Pick the Express Edition (XE) as it is easy to install and use. Along with the installation process, the setup will create the database for you (so you won't have to create it manually).
Then, once it is done, you should be able to use SQL Developer to connect to it. At first, you'll use SYSTEM or SYS users (pay attention to connect as SYSDBA in that case). Don't use these users for anything but administration purposes - create a new user (you can call it e.g. "berfin"), grant privileges to it (most usual are create session, create table, create view, create procedure) so that you could start working with it. In that schema (i.e. user) create your own tables, insert data, do whatever you planned to do).
I believe you should read some documentation first; OTN has it all. Start with the Concepts book, see short DBA (so that you'd be able to create your own user, etc.), have a look at SQL reference book (if you don't know SQL already). That should get you started. On the other hand, you could take shortcuts and check some YouTube videos/tutorials, ask here and there, Google for problems you meet but - in a long turn, if you really want to work with Oracle - read documentation.
tools --> preferences --> environment --> look and feel: windows (not oracle)

would you like to import preferences from previous sql developer installation

First Time I am installing sql developer in my new laptop and I am being ask would you like to import preferences from previous sql developer installation. What should I need to do now?
Please suggest.
If you do not have a prior sqldev on this machine , ignore this dialog and close it.
SQL Developer is a tool which enables you to access a database. Without a database, there's no much use of it.
Therefore, as you asked which username, password and SID you should enter, make sure that there's an available database you could connect to. If there's none, you can install it on your computer.
I'd suggest you to go with Oracle 11g XE which is easy to install (requires several NEXT clicks) and use. The same (download) page contains documentation, just in case you need it.

How do create a shortcut to get Oracle SQLDeveloper to open and connect to a database [duplicate]

I am writing a small DB utility. I would like to give the user the ability to open an instance of Oracle sqldeveloper directly from this utility. Is it possible to open Oracle sqldeveloper IDE that already connected to a specific DB?
Something like sqldeveloper USERID/PASSWORD#DATABASE
/? works rather than /h. There are options to override the cofiguration file so whether you can do that or not is probably determined by the facilities offered by the config file.
Luckily, yes. This is now possible using Oracle's ConnectionHelper extension.
It's a bit of hacky workflow, though. Hopefully they'll figure out a way to include in SQLDeveloper itself, because if management learns about adding a 'githubusercontent' repo they might misjudge the risks.
Also, be sure you make use of a pretty recent SQLDeveloper (20.2+).
But here goes:
In SQLDeveloper, add the following update source, by going to Help -> Check for Updates and hitting 'Add': https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjeffrie/sqldev-update-center/master/update-center.xml
Select 'Connection Helper' and next-next-finish the wizard (you'll need to restart SQLDeveloper).
Go to Tools -> Preferences and in the left pane, click the node 'Connection Helper', then in the main pane enable 'Accept command line connections'. You don't need any of the other check boxes for what you're asking.
Close SQLDeveloper and start it from CLI: sqldeveloper -myCLIconnection=user/pw#host:port/service
[This is a combination of what's documented by Oracle's thatjeffsmith on his blog and what Oracle's Brian Jeffries put in Oracle's github repo.]
This is now possible with a free, open-source extension as long as you're using version 20.2 or higher of SQL Developer.
I have step-by-step instructions here
A quick GIF of it working...
It doesn't seem so. sqldeveloper.exe /h shows us possible launch parameters, and none of them seem to have anything in common with your demand.

Oracle sqldeveloper - how to connect DB from command line

I am writing a small DB utility. I would like to give the user the ability to open an instance of Oracle sqldeveloper directly from this utility. Is it possible to open Oracle sqldeveloper IDE that already connected to a specific DB?
Something like sqldeveloper USERID/PASSWORD#DATABASE
/? works rather than /h. There are options to override the cofiguration file so whether you can do that or not is probably determined by the facilities offered by the config file.
Luckily, yes. This is now possible using Oracle's ConnectionHelper extension.
It's a bit of hacky workflow, though. Hopefully they'll figure out a way to include in SQLDeveloper itself, because if management learns about adding a 'githubusercontent' repo they might misjudge the risks.
Also, be sure you make use of a pretty recent SQLDeveloper (20.2+).
But here goes:
In SQLDeveloper, add the following update source, by going to Help -> Check for Updates and hitting 'Add': https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjeffrie/sqldev-update-center/master/update-center.xml
Select 'Connection Helper' and next-next-finish the wizard (you'll need to restart SQLDeveloper).
Go to Tools -> Preferences and in the left pane, click the node 'Connection Helper', then in the main pane enable 'Accept command line connections'. You don't need any of the other check boxes for what you're asking.
Close SQLDeveloper and start it from CLI: sqldeveloper -myCLIconnection=user/pw#host:port/service
[This is a combination of what's documented by Oracle's thatjeffsmith on his blog and what Oracle's Brian Jeffries put in Oracle's github repo.]
This is now possible with a free, open-source extension as long as you're using version 20.2 or higher of SQL Developer.
I have step-by-step instructions here
A quick GIF of it working...
It doesn't seem so. sqldeveloper.exe /h shows us possible launch parameters, and none of them seem to have anything in common with your demand.

Develop on local Oracle instance

I want our team to develop against local instances of an Oracle database. With MS SQL, I can use SQL Express Edition. What are my options?
Oracle has an express edition as well. I believe it is more limited though (IIRC, you can only have one database on an instance)
Oracle XE
I have had a lot of success using Oracle 10g Express Edition. It comes with Oracle Aplication Express which allows the simple admin and creation of software via a web interface. It is limited to 4Gb of Disk Space, 1Gb of Ram and will only use 1 processor.
It's free and in my experience has been 100% reliable. It can easily be hosted within a Virtual machine.
Also Oracle SQL Developer is a cross platform application that can be used with any version of Oracle and is also free. Oracle 10g is superb. Go for it :-)
I'm happy with Oracle XE for development purposes.
I do have this piece of wisdow to share; if you're having problems like ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found or ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error from time to time then try to change your PROCESSES parameter, logon to Oracle using sys as sysdba and execute the following:
After changing the PROCESSES parameter restart your Oracle service.
Oracle allows developers to download and use Oracle for free for the purpose of developing software (at least for the initial prototype, best to read the license terms). Downloads here.
We ended up using Oracle XE. Install client, install express, reboot, it just works.
I don't recommend Oracle XE. My co-workers and I have been doing a project in Oracle and got severely tripped up after trying to use XE for our local development instances. The database worked fine until we started running local stress tests, at which point it started dropping connections.
I don't know whether this is an intentional, documented limitation or if perhaps we each just hit a weird bug, but I strongly recommend that you stay away from XE. When we both switched over to the full version, our problems immediately went away.
Also, Oracle doesn't require any kind of licensing confirmation for the full server; you have to click something to say that you have indeed acquired a license, but it doesn't make you prove it. So if you indeed have a license to use Oracle, there's no reason why you can't just install the full version on your development machines.
