Array Ilteration Ruby - ruby

A problem asks to print all numbers from an array that are greater than 100. When I run this:
array = [3, 123, 433, -77, 56, 200, 99, 101, 6]
index = 0
9.times do
if array[index] > 100 == 0
p array[index]
index = index + 1
the number 9 is printed. I put in the proper conditional if the number was greater than 100 to get printer. Can anyone help?

Just use
if array[index] > 100
# print
9 is the evaluation of your program, it's not a 'print', it's the result of 9.times

Your program doesn't print any of the array values because of that condition
if array[index] > 100 == 0
it should be just
if array[index] > 100
don't know why you add that == 0
array[index] > 100 is evaluted before so all the time you always obtain true == 0 or false == 0, and these are never true. So no prints in your code
about that 9 that come up it's what Aleksei says

The problem's actually really easy to solve if you know the right tools to use:
array = [3,123,433,-77,56,200,99,101,6] { |n| n > 100 }.each do |n|
puts n
Where select can help narrow down lists of numbers. Ruby's Array class has an unusually large number of methods like this that can quickly and easily do a variety of things related to filtering and mapping.
The 9.times part in your code was decoupled from the actual length of the array, something that leads to a whole lot of bugs if you add/remove entries and these two fall out of sync.
Use array iterators whenever possible, like:
array = [3,123,433,-77,56,200,99,101,6]
array.each do |n|
if (n > 100)
puts n

You have written 9.times which is your array size, which indicates you want to run it for all array elements. So use each block on array.
array.each { |x| puts x if x > 100 }
Try to understand why there is no role of index of any array element in above.

Select returns its own array. So we can just print the return value.
puts{|x| x > 99}


Find the odd int - Ruby Nested Loop Error

I was doing this question on codewars: "Given an array, find the int that appears an odd number of times. There will always be only one integer that appears an odd number of times."
def find_it(seq)
int = []
for a in seq do
count = 0
for b in seq do
if a == b
count += 1
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << b
puts int.uniq[0].to_i
It was tested against a couple inputs, but the answers were wrong for these two arrays:
find_it([1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5]) - returns 5 instead of -1
find_it([1,1,1,1,1,1,10,1,1,1,1]) - returns 1 instead of 10
What went wrong with my code?
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << b
The problem you have here is that your pushing b instead of a into the integer array, so what's happening is that instead of the value that you counted being pushed in, your pushing in the last value of b which is the last value element in the array regardless as long as the condition that the counter is an odd number, although b and counter have nothing to do with each other. so to fix it you replace b with a so that it pushes in the value you are testing comparing with the other elements in the second loop
if count % 2.0 != 0
int << a
a similar yet simpler code that does a similar job except in a shorter and more understandable way is:
def find_it(seq)
numberWithOddCount = 0
seq.each do |currentElement|
counter = 0
seq.each { |elementToCompare| counter += 1 if currentElement == elementToCompare}
numberWithOddCount = currentElement if counter % 2 != 0
Just added a few tid-bits that you could also utilize to shorten and simplify code.
Happy Coding!
You could utilize built in ruby methods in creative ways to make the code do what you want in very few lines (or even one line) such as what #iGian did in the questions comments, but if your still new to ruby then its best to utilize those methods one by one when learning them otherwise you'll be confused. But if your willing to take the time now to learn them, I suggest you take his code and separate each method execution into its own line and output what each method had done to know what's doing what. and practice using each separately.
#aimen_alt is right about your mistake
but let's decompose your problem.
First, you need to calculate the appearances of each number.
Second, you need to find the one with the odd count of the appearances.
Accordingly to the problem, there is only one such number, so you can return it right away.
You can go your way and do it in O(N^2) complexity by scanning your sequence for each item in the sequence (so N items in the sequence multiply by the size of the sequence N = N*N). You can do it linearly* by constructing a Hash and than you'll be able to get the key with odd value:
def find_it(seq)
numbers = {}
seq.each do |item|
numbers[item] = numbers[item].to_i + 1
end{ |k,v| v.odd? }.first.first
to be more idiomatic you can use group_by to group the numbers themselves:
seq = [1, 2, 6, 1, 2]
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
#=> {1=>[1, 1], 2=>[2, 2], 6=>[6]}
You can see that each value is an Array, and you just need to get one with the odd amount of items:
seq = [1, 2, 6, 1, 2]
seq.group_by{ |item| item }.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
#=> {6=>[6]}
And the last thing you would like to do is to get the value of the key:
seq.group_by{ |item| item }.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }.keys.first
So, the final solution would be
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
.select{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
as #pascalbetz mentioned:
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{ |item| item }
.find{ |k, v| v.size.odd? }
def find_it(seq)
seq.group_by{|x| x}.select{|k, v| (v.count % 2.0 !=0)}.first[0]
The above code will take a sequence in an array. Here we are grouping by elements:
For example:
[1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5].group_by{|x| x}
# => {1=>[1, 1], 2=>[2, 2], -2=>[-2, -2], 5=>[5, 5], 4=>[4, 4], -1=>[-1]}
after getting the above results, we are finding the whose elements count not odd with the select condition.
[1,1,2,-2,5,2,4,4,-1,-2,5].group_by{|x| x}.select{|k, v| (v.count % 2.0 !=0)}
we will get the results as {-1=>[-1]}
we are taking the key as result element.
What about this one
def find_it(seq)
^ -> this symbol is bitwise XOR.
reduce function is taking each value and doing whatever work assigned inside. In this case, it's taking each element and doing an XOR operation. the first element is doing XOR with zero and the next element doing XOR with the previous result and so on.
In this way, we found the odd element.
How XOR operation work
0 ^ 2 = 2
4 ^ 4 = 0
If you want to know more about XOR. kindly refer to this.
Thank you for all the detailed answers, I'm going over everyone's answers now. I'm new to Ruby, and I'm still in the process of learning the methods/rules of using them/Big O notation, so I much appreciated everyone's input. Codewar listed some top ranked solutions. This seems to be the fastest so far:
def find_it(seq)
seq.detect { |n| seq.count(n).odd? }

Sort Integer Array Ruby

Have the function PermutationStep (num) take the num parameter being passed and return the next number greater than num using the same digits. For example: if num is 123 return 132, if it's 12453 return 12534. If a number has no greater permutations, return -1 (ie. 999)
Here's my code. I'd like to sort an array of large integers in numerical order. Using the regular sort method doesn't give the right order for some numbers. Is there a sort_by structure that I can replace 'sort' with in my code below?
def PermutationStep(num)
num = num.to_s.split('').map {|i| i.to_i}
permutations = num.permutation.to_a.sort #<= I want to sort by numerical value here
permutations.each_with_index do |n, idx|
if n == num
if n == permutations[-1]
return -1
return permutations[idx+1].join.to_i
For example, 11121. When I run the code it gives me 11121.I want the next highest permutation, which should be 12111.
Also, when I try { |a,b| b <=> a }, I also get errors.
You can pass a block to sort.
num.permutation.to_a.sort { |x, y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i }
This SO thread may be of some assistance: How does Array#sort work when a block is passed?
num.permutation.to_a is an array of arrays, not an array of integers, which causes the result not what you expected.
Actually you don't need to sort since you only need the minimum integer that is bigger than the input.
def PermutationStep(num)
nums = num.to_s.split('')
permutations ={|a| a.join.to_i}
permutations.keep_if{|n| n > num}.min || -1
puts PermutationStep(11121) # 11211
puts PermutationStep(999) # -1
Call to_i before your sort the permutations. Once that is done, sort the array an pick the first element greater than your number:
def PermutationStep(num)
numbers = num.to_s.split('')
permutations = { |p| p.join.to_i }.sort
permutations.detect { |p| p > num } || -1
You don't need to consider permutations of digits to obtain the next higher number.
Consider the number 126531.
Going from right to left, we look for the first decrease in the digits. That would be 2 < 6. Clearly we cannot obtain a higher number by permuting only the digits after the 2, but we can obtain a higher number merely by swapping 2 and 6. This will not be the next higher number, however.
We therefore look for the smallest digit to the right of 2 that is greater than 2, which would be 3. Clearly, the next higher number will begin 13 and will have the remaining digits ordered smallest to largest. Therefore, the next higher number will be 131256.
You can easily see that the next higher number for 123 is 132, and for 12453 is 12534.
The proof that procedure is correct is easily established by induction, first showing that it is correct for numbers with two digits, then assuming it is correct for numbers with n>=2 digits, showing it is correct for numbers with n+1 digits.
It can be easily implemented in code:
def next_highest(n)
a = n.to_s.reverse.split('').map(&:to_i)
last = -Float::INFINITY
x,ndx = a.each_with_index.find { |d,i| res = d<last; last=d; res }
return nil unless x
swap_val = a[ndx]
swap_ndx = (0...ndx).select { |i| a[i] > swap_val }.min_by{ |i| a[i] }
a[ndx], a[swap_ndx] = a[swap_ndx], swap_val
a[0...ndx] = a[0...ndx].sort.reverse
next_highest(126531) #=> "131256"
next_highest(109876543210) #=> "110023456789"

Maximum and minimum value in an Array

I wrote a Ruby code to get max and min values from an array. The code prints the max value (8) correct but it's not printing the minimum value (2). Please let me know what went wrong in my code.
class MaxMinArray
def MaxMinMethod()
array = [4,2,8,3,5]
maxNo = array[0]
minNo = array[0]
arrayLength = array.length
for i in 1..arrayLength
if array[i].to_i > maxNo
maxNo = array[i]
if array[i].to_i < minNo
minNo = array[i]
puts "Maximum no. in the given array: " + maxNo.to_s
puts "Minimum no. in the given array: " + minNo.to_s
MaxiMinArrayObj =
It is the combination of two things.
First, you iterated over for i in 1..arrayLength, which iterates past the last element in array. After the last element, array[i] is nil.
Second, you have the condition if array[i].to_i < minNo, which can be satisfied even if array[i] is not a number.
Because of that, the nil returned by array[i] after the last element satisfies the condition due to nil.to_i being 0, and that nil is assigned to minNo.
I realize you're trying to learn how to code, but, as you do so, it's also important to learn to take advantage of pre-existing solutions. Reinventing wheels will waste your time debugging code.
I'd write the code like:
def max_min(ary)
[ary.max, ary.min]
max_min([1,2,4]) # => [4, 1]
But, then again, Ruby already has a good minmax method:
[1,2,4].minmax # => [1, 4]
so use it and focus your energy on more interesting things.
If you have to see the values in the opposite order, use:
[1,2,4].minmax.reverse # => [4, 1]
A more verbose/old-school way of doing it is:
FIXNUM_MAX = (2 ** (0.size * 8 - 2) - 1)
FIXNUM_MIN = -(2 ** (0.size * 8 - 2))
def max_min(ary)
return [nil, nil] if ary.empty?
minval = FIXNUM_MAX
maxval = FIXNUM_MIN
ary.each do |i|
minval = i if i < minval
maxval = i if i > maxval
[maxval, minval]
max_min([1,2,4]) # => [4, 1]
[1,2,4].minmax.reverse # => [4, 1]
That simply loops over the array, checks each value to see if it's either smaller or larger than the last minimum or maximum value, and, if so, remembers it. Once the array is exhausted the values are returned. It's a lot more concise because using each removes a lot of the hassle of trying to walk the array using index values. We almost never use for in Ruby, especially to walk through an array.
(Technically Ruby can hold values well beyond 4611686018427387903 and -4611686018427387904, which are what FIXNUM_MAX and FIXNUM_MIN are, but those suffice for most things we want to do.)
It's not a good practice to print inside methods as long as you might want to use the results for something else.
Also Ruby comes with all sorts of magic methods to get the maximum and minimum of an array:
results = [5, 23, 43, 2, 3, 0].minmax
puts "Maximum no. in the given array: " + results[1]
puts "Minimum no. in the given array: " + results[0]
You should iterate from 1 to arrayLength - 1 (it's an index of the last element). You can use three dots for this:
for i in 1...arrayLength
If I were not allowed to used Ruby's minmax method, than I would do it probably like this:
array = [4,2,8,3,5]
min, max = nil, nil
array.each do |element|
min = element if min.nil? || element < min
max = element if max.nil? || max < element
puts [min, max]
# => [2, 8]
I used this expression for the min and max within ruby, it's a stretch but it works
class RubyMinMax
def self.min_function(array=[])
puts "my array is the following #{array}"
puts "the length of the array is #{array.length}"
it = 0
while array.length > 1
array.fetch(it).to_i > array.fetch(it-1).to_i ? array.delete_at(it) : array.delete_at(it-1)
it = array.length-1
print array[0]
def self.max_function(array=[])
puts "my array is the following #{array}"
puts "the length of the array is #{array.length}"
it = 0
while array.length > 1
array.fetch(it).to_i < array.fetch(it-1).to_i ? array.delete_at(it) : array.delete_at(it-1)
it = array.length-1
print array[0]
RubyMinMax.min_function([18, 19, 17])
RubyMinMax.max_function([18, 19, 17])
In the simplest way you can use max and min method of array.
:001 > [1,4,1,3,4,5].max
=> 5
:002 > [1,4,1,3,4,5].min
=> 1
And if your array may contain nil the first compact it the use min max
For example
:003 > [1,4,1,3,4,5,nil].compact
=> [1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 5]
:004 > [1,4,1,3,4,5].max
=> 5
:005 > [1,4,1,3,4,5].min
=> 1

Random number generator issues in Ruby

My intention here is just to fill up an array with numbers in order from 1, to a random number between 1 and 1000. However, after repeatedly running this code (about 50 times), the highest number I have gotten is 120, and only twice has it been over 100. The majority of my arrays were anywhere between 0 and 60. This behavior appears off to me. Am I doing something wrong?
my_array = []
i = 0
while i <= rand(1000)
my_array << i
i += 1
puts my_array.count
puts my_array
Your function is broken, because you're checking versus the random number. Do this:
(0..1000).collect{ rand(1000) }
This will return an array of one thousand random numbers.
Or, closer to your code:
my_array = []
i = 0
while i <= 1000
my_array << rand(1000)
i += 1
As per comment, what you want is:
The first results in a range, which is "easier to carry around", the second results in the populated array.
(Edit) Note:
(1..10) is inclusive - (1..10).to_a == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
(1...10) is partially exclusive - (1...10).to_a == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] - it does not include the end of the array, but still includes the beginning.
It sounds like you want:
Additionally, I have amended my code to reflect what I was trying to accomplish initially. My problem was that every time I looped through my code I generated a new random number. Because of this, as 'i' incremented toward 1000 it became more and more likely that a random number would be generated that was lower than 'i'. My fix, while not as elegant as the solution above that I accepted, was to store the random number in a variable, BEFORE attempting to use it in a loop. Thanks again. Here is the amended code:
my_array = []
i = 0
g = rand(1000)
while i <= g
my_array << i
i += 1
puts my_array.count
puts my_array

(Ruby) how to return a -1 specifically for a specific comparison

let's say when I'm comparing values in ruby, i have a value in mind that no matter what I want, using sort on that value and anything else returns a -1 (so this value is default sorted as smaller than everything).
for example, let's say i want '100' to sort smaller 100% of the time against 99. so that if i'm sorting values in an array, and a comparison comes up between 100 and 99, 100 is sorted smaller (ie, -1 is returned). but, i want all the other cases to be normal (98 is smaller than 99, 50 is bigger than 30, etc)
edit: okay this is what i want
if i have an x and a y, i do not want to use
x <=> y
i want to use (in pseudocode and hand-wavy-ness)
x > y
which means, this x is always greater than this y
Why don't you instead use a dictionary to keep values associated with their relative value? In this case, the string abc can be mapped to -1, and then just make sure no other values map to values equal to or less than -1.
Edit: If you're only concerned with one particular value breaking the norm, then this solution is not for you.
Easier to handle the specialness outside of the sort!
module Enumerable
def sort_excluding(*vals)
special,rest = partition {|x| vals.include?(x)}
rest.sort + special
One way to do it would be to implement a derivative class for your custom comparisons (
Here's some sample code (and tests) for you:
class StrA < String
include Comparable
attr :str
def <=>(anOther)
if (str == "abc" && anOther.str == "abc")
elsif (str == "abc")
elsif (anOther.str == "abc")
str <=> anOther.str
def initialize(str)
#str = str
def inspect
And the tests:
a ="Z")
b ="B")
c ="abc")
d ="")
a > b # 1
a > c # 1
c > a # -1
d > c # 1
c > d # -1
c < d # 1
c > d # -1
[a, b, c, d].sort! # [ "Z", "B", "", "abc"]
I think what you want is:
[30, 50, 4, 0, 100, -22, 99].sort_by {|a| [a == 100 ? -1 : 0, a ]}.reverse
which gives:
Hope I understood the question!
Array#sort or Enumerable#sort(I don't know what you are trying to sort) can take an obtional block. If the block is given, the block is used for comparison instead of <=>
For example this code will sort reversed:
foo.sort { |a,b| b <=> a }
In your case you need to call #sort something like the following:
foo.sort do |a,b|
if [a,b].sort == [99,100]
b-a # returns 1 or -1 so that 99 > 100
a <=> b
I am not entirely sure about the way you are trying to sort, but this should enable you to use sort in the manner you need. More inforamtion about Array#sort, and any other method can be found on your linux(and possible other OS's) via ri like this: ri Array#sort.
You could override the sort method for the object like so:
class Fixnum
alias old_sort <=>
def <=>(object)
if (self == 100 or object == 100)
return -1
return self.old_sort object
puts (101 <=> 100)
Edit 1: Above is a fully working example.
Edit 2: As stated by johannes in the comments, you really shouldn't implement this exact code. This is merely a simple example of how to override your sorting method to do domain-specific logic. Also, updated the code to reflect johannes' other comment about comparing with both object and self.
