OctoberCMS - onepage site with meta data generation - laravel

I have one page website using backbone js and its router.
I want to use middlewere (or htaccess) to work with categories and subcategories and id's to generate meta data for google indexing.
simply i need to use http://host/path/id but let october to load index page.
I know that it's not the smartest way, but site already finished.
I'm trying to use middlewere to catch the path and redirect to home page using data


Magento translation and url key

I have a Magento website with some pages linked to main navigation.
For example, in my default view (Italian) I have www.example.com/italian-url-key
Then I created another page for English view with url www.example.com/english-url-key
So, when I am on the italian version of the page and try to switch to english version, this is the url that magento generate: http://www.example.com/italian-url-key/?___store=english&store=&___from_store=default and on click it gives me 404 page.
How can I fix it? I need that this 2 pages should be linked, also if url key is different.
Many thanks!
Out of the box Magento does not support URL Translation, both pages need the same URL key. Check instructions from the Magento Docs on how to translate CMS pages.
To translate a CMS page, you must create a new page that has the same
URL Key as the original, but assigned to the specific store view.
So you will either have to stick to one languages for your URLs or develop/acquire a module to do this for you. The magento-language-roots or CMSRewrites modules both look like they will achieve this for you.
You may also want to consider adding Hreflang tags to your head.phtml as you have a multi-lingual site.

Does using built in magento url rewrite hurt seo?

I'm building a dual language store front- French/English. Originally I was going to create a sub directory mydomainname.com/fr.
However now I'm considering using Magento's URL Rewrite Management. Since I only have English and French it would be easy to use this to rewrite my cms pages, and url rewrite on product/category pages is built in.
Does anyone see in disadvantage to doing this rather than creating a subdirectory? or any advantage for that matter?
Magento supports this ability already through the concept of Store Views. It should be very simple to implement this and not require any URL rewrites. Basically you just need to create two Store Views, one called 'en' and one called 'fr' and then in your index.php detect which one to send the customer to, using HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE as Magento recommends, or custom logic like GeoIP, etc.
In order to create language-specific CMS pages and static blocks, you must create alternate versions that are tied to the appropriate Store Views. This means you will have two CMS pages with the same URL key, but each is tied to a different Store View. URL Rewrite Management would be a good way to create alternate URL keys that can load the CMS page based on a localized key.

Magento categories as subdomain

Is it possible to create urls for category as subdomain, for example now it is:
I would like it to be
I know there is multistore option, so I could create more websites and set root directory for every category, but there would be problem with cart sharing, next thing is site is has 2 languages - so I'm using multi store for site translation
There's no way to achieve this out of the box, but this can be done using a custom router. Create a custom router and insert it before the standard router. In your custom router, check the subdomain of the request. If it matches a category URL key (or whatever other criteria you'd like to use), rewrite the request to that of a standard category page (i.e. /catalog/category/view/id/123/). Keep in mind that your users will probably leave the subdomain when they click on a link because your base URL will not include the category-specific subdomain. Take a look at Mage_Cms_Controller_Router as an example of a custom router.

Building Magento - how to keep code and CMS in sync

We are developing with Magento, we are having problem of keeping our code and our CMS page in sync. Let say I have a branch that task include
Create a new CMS page
Use jQuery slider to display products on this new CMS page
We create a new CMS page in Magento admin. We then add jquery.js and js for slider, and write js function to slide all products inside the main div of the new CMS page. However, when we check code into our branch, we only able to checkin the js files. So people are assigned to review this task, they only able to pull the js code, but not the CMS page, which I think locate inside the database. Therefore, they are unable to test, since I dont have the CMS page. I am thinking of couples way:
Passing the db around. This is not a solution, because it is big, and will take long time to import.
point db connection in app/etc/local.xml to the remote db that contain the CMS page. Also not a valid solution, because magento store url in database under web/unsecure/base_url. So I will always get redirect to the other machine ip address instead of my local ip address.
So how do I resolve this issue? What are industry accepted method for this?Please help? THank you very much
Did you try to place full content outside of block code and use only its template?
Let's say you have static page 'Slider-2014'. In WYSIWYG editor you place
{{widget type="cms/widget_block" template="customjs/slider-2014.phtml"}}
In app/design/frontend/base/default/template/ create folder 'customjs'
In folder customjs create file slider-2014.phtml and place anything you need to show in slideshow:
<div class="slider"></div>
Clear cache if needed. Then reload /slider-2014.html page and you'll get all content from that file. Now you can share folder customjs

How to link a specific store view in Magento from outside the store?

I have Magento set up in a multi-language store so that every language has its own store view. I have an HTML landing page where users choose the language they want, and I want to link each store view from the landing page.
I need to create a URL for each specific view so that it can be accessed from the landing page (like my_magento_installation.com/spanish, etc.), outside of the Magento installation. That means that I can't use any core code to get the store view.
I noticed that this URL format:
...is shown in the URL bar after selecting a specific store view from the default dropdown in Magento. However, if I set up a link with this format from outside the Magento installation, it just redirects to the base URL (www.my_magento_installation.com)
Thanks in advance,
Pul Vila,here the soap list using soap client of magento list ,for referece here http://www.magentocommerce.com/api/soap/miscellaneous/store.list.html
after using htaccess write url of landing page...https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21433203/donot-want-show-magento-home-using-htaccess-file
