Spring Paging with custom paging links - spring

When I pass through pageable to my spring rest controller method the method then returns a page of people and returns paging links like the following:
_links": {
"first": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/people?page=1&size=1000"
"last": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/people?page=1&size=1000"
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/people?page=1&size=1000"
Is there code I can call within the page object that is being returned to change these links specifically I would like to change http to https.
Where and how would I do this. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


VueJs not sending data via Inertia to Laravel?

I have question it seems like when I try to send some data via Inertia I dont recieve any in Laravel for some reason any suggestion? Can it have to do something with the fact that the object is proxy object ?
Here are some images:
dd() in php controlelr
console.log() of the object before beeing sent via Inertia
Code of how I send the data + the console log right before sending it
This is how I add page object to array of pages:
"name": "Untitled",
"icon": "home",
"order": order,
"sections": [],
'BackgroundImage': null,
'LogoImage': null,
'BackgroundImageHeight': null,
'LogoImageHeight': null,
'BackgroundImageStyle': {
"value": []
"LogoImageStyle": {
"value": []
This is my inertia form:
saveForm: {
applications: [],
This is whole save() method:
Save() {
if(this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel] != undefined){
if(this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].data == undefined){
this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel] = {
"Pages": this.Pages,
"media": this.media,
"name": this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].name,
"active": this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].active,
this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel] = {
"Pages": this.Pages,
"media": this.media,
"name": this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].name,
"active": this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].active,
"data" : this.localProduct.translation.applications.mobile_label[this.currentMobileLabel].data,
this.saveForm.applications = toRaw(this.localProduct.translation.applications);
Inertia.post(this.route(`product.translations.applications`,{translation: this.localProduct.translation.id}),this.saveForm);
The applications should be array, the mobile_label should be also array.As it is.
All of this code worked before the project started to shift to vue js 3 and I suppose many libraries had to be updated/exchanged for others.
According to Inertia's documentation the first parameter expected when using Inertia.post() is a URL. Does all of this.route(`product.translations.applications`,{translation: thislocalProduct.translation.id}) return a URL?
To anyone who's having same problem check your array/object assiging to your variables there could be the mistake like in mine I fixed mine with this:
this.saveForm.applications = toRaw(this.localProduct.translation.applications);
var fixed = Object.assign({},this.localProduct.translation.applications);
Inertia.post(this.route(`product.translations.applications`,{translation: this.localProduct.translation.id}),fixed);

How do you add multiple links of the same type to a resource using Spring HATEOAS?

The HAL spec that I am working with says that you can have multiple links of the same type on a resource like this:
"_links": {
"items": [{
"href": "/first_item"
"href": "/second_item"
However Spring ResourceSupport type only seems to have an add() method that adds a single link. So I can write
to add one such, but I can't see how to get an array of them with a ref as items, as per the spec.
If you call ResourceSupport::add() twice (or more) with the same withRel value, it creates an array ref with that name containing each of the items.

What's the correct way to present paged resources with HAL?

This sounds like a rookie question, but I'm wondering what's the best way to present paged resources with HAL format? Right now I'm using Spring HATEOAS API to convert Page object into resource PagedResourcesAssembler#toResource(Page<T>, ResourceAssembler<T,R>). This results in the following output:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://example.org/api/user?page=3"
"count": 3,
"total": 498,
"_embedded": {
"users": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://example.org/api/user/mwop"
"id": "mwop",
"name": "Matthew Weier O'Phinney"
Everything works fine but the only problem is the collection being returned is under _embedded field and has the class name, so the client has to know this class name as well right? Would it be better to just return the collection under content like non-HAL format? If yes how should I achieve it using Spring HATEOAS?
That's not a problem, that's the way _embedded is defined in the HAL specification.
users is not a class, it's a link relation that will allow clients to actually find the collection it was asking for in the first place (e.g. using a JSONPath expression). That's not something coming out of the blue at all but usually is the same link relation, the client used to find that resource in the first place.
Assume an API root exposing this document:
"_links": {
"users": {
"href": "…"
Seeing that, the client would have to know the semantics of users to find the link it wants to follow. In your case users is basically pointing to a collection resource that supports pagination.
So if the client follows the link named users, it can then find the actual content it's looking for under _embedded.users in the HAL response by combining knowledge about the media type (HAL, _embedded) and the service's application-level semantics (users).

Some doubts about the use of parameters into a request toward a REST web service?

I am pretty new in Spring and in REST web services and I have the following dout following a tutorial that show how to implement a RESTful web service using Spring MVC.
So, into a controller class I have this method:
public class CategoryRestController {
public CategoryList getCategories(#RequestParam("start") int start, #RequestParam("size") int size ) {
List<Category> categoryEntries = categoryService.findCategoryEntries(start, size);
return new CategoryList(categoryEntries);
This method handle HTTP GET request toward the resoruce /api/categories and return the retrieved list into JSON format (I think that it depends by the content negotiazion: if the caller put the Accept header as JSON the method return the result in JSON format, is it right?)
By the way my doubt is related the HTTP request shown in the tutorial, infact it do:
that is handled by the previous controller method to return a paginated list (that could be hude) in JSON format, infact I retrieve the following output:
"categories": [
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/springchocolatestore/api/categories/1",
"variables": [],
"templated": false,
"variableNames": []
"name": "Truffles",
"description": "Truffles",
"id": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/springchocolatestore/api/categories/1",
"variables": [],
"templated": false,
"variableNames": []
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/springchocolatestore/api/categories/2",
"variables": [],
"templated": false,
"variableNames": []
"name": "Belgian Chocolates",
"description": "Belgian Chocolates",
"id": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://localhost:8080/springchocolatestore/api/categories/2",
"variables": [],
"templated": false,
"variableNames": []
Ok, so in the request I specify the pagination parameter by categories?start=0&size=2
My doubt is related to the user of this parameter. From what I have understand (but maybe it could be wrong) the use of the parameter is against the RESTful principles. Is it true or am I mising something?
Or maybe in this specific case are valid because the parameter are not specifing an object (that have to be returned into my JSON output) but are only related to some options?
I mean that maybe I can't use parameter to specify a specific object, something like this:
So I think that the previous is not following the RESTfull standard because I am specifing a product object with a parameter and not accessing to it as a resource, so I have to do in this way:
Can you give me some clarification?
REST doesn't have much to do with URLs, and using request parameters is not unRESTful.
But I agree that path variables are generally used to identify a specific resource, and parameters are generally used for search or pagination parameters.

datatables server side response nesting

Simple issue regarding usage of datatables (http://www.datatables.net) and server side data retrieval.
Datatables expects a special format from the server, to be in the root of the response:
"sEcho": 1,
"iTotalRecords": "57",
"iTotalDisplayRecords": "57",
"aaData": [
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "1.7",
"grade": "A"
But I want to nest all of this in another place in my json response from the server:
myshit: "",
status: "success",
morestuff: "yoyo",
datatables: { here will be all of the json related to datatables }
I haven't found a property for this in the API.
The only options I know about, right now, is to define all the columns with the exact nested property they should look for.
Do you know of such a property? or can suggest a good way to achieve this nesting?
Because sAjaxSource expects the dataset in the particular order, you would have to use $.getJSON instead to have the nested layout you described
