datatables server side response nesting - ajax

Simple issue regarding usage of datatables ( and server side data retrieval.
Datatables expects a special format from the server, to be in the root of the response:
"sEcho": 1,
"iTotalRecords": "57",
"iTotalDisplayRecords": "57",
"aaData": [
"engine": "Gecko",
"browser": "Firefox 1.0",
"platform": "Win 98+ / OSX.2+",
"version": "1.7",
"grade": "A"
But I want to nest all of this in another place in my json response from the server:
myshit: "",
status: "success",
morestuff: "yoyo",
datatables: { here will be all of the json related to datatables }
I haven't found a property for this in the API.
The only options I know about, right now, is to define all the columns with the exact nested property they should look for.
Do you know of such a property? or can suggest a good way to achieve this nesting?

Because sAjaxSource expects the dataset in the particular order, you would have to use $.getJSON instead to have the nested layout you described


Is there a way to write an Expression in Power Automate to retrieve item from SurveyMonkey?

There is no dynamic content you can get from the SurveyMonkey trigger in Power Automate except for the Analyze URL, Created Date, and Link. Is it possible I could retrieve the data with an expression so I could add fields to SharePoint or send emails based on answers to questions?
For instance, here is some JSON data for a county multiple choice field, that I would like to know the county so I can have the email sent to the correct person:
"id": "753498214",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "4963767255",
"simple_text": "Williamson"
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "menu",
"heading": "County where the problem is occurring:"
And basically, a way to create dynamic fields from the content so it would be more usable?
I am a novice so your answer will have to assume I know nothing!
Thanks for considering the question.
Overall, anything I have tried is unsuccessful!
I was able to get an answer on Microsoft Power Users support.
Put this data in compose action:
"id": "753498214",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "4963767255",
"simple_text": "Williamson"
"family": "single_choice",
"subtype": "menu",
"heading": "County where the problem is occurring:"
Then these expressions in additional compose actions:
To get choice_id:
To get simple_text:
Reference link here where I retrieved the answer is here.

how can I compose a bot to iterate trough a xml json object?

I am using the composer to publish a bot to fetch data from an azure storage table.
In short, the bot composer needs to construct a bot to iterate through an XML deserialized JSON object returned by the azure storage rest API.
In my code generated by the composer, the bot does a "set property" step immediately following the successful return of the REST API (storage table query). Given the deserialized object returned by the storage REST API, how should the "set property" statement be constructed so the bot can print our the individual data field,
Another way to phrase the question: how can I use the composer to construct the bot to iterate through a returned deserialized object (coded in XML JSON format)?
Where can I find a document that can shed some light on this matter?
Is there any place I can find a good example? Can it be done via composer?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it can be done. If the API returns XML, make sure you configure your api call to ask for content type application/xml.
Then you can use use the xPath built in function. Make note that it will return an array if results in more than value matches the expression, in which you can use the foreach function to iterate over it with. I needed to run the nightly build of Composer (with bot-builder 4.12.0) to get it to work for me. See here for some more info:
Here's an example that worked for me:
"actions": [
"$kind": "Microsoft.SendActivity",
"$designer": {
"id": "rGv7XC"
"activity": "${SendActivity_rGv7XC()}"
"$kind": "Microsoft.HttpRequest",
"$designer": {
"id": "TDA1wO"
"method": "GET",
"url": "",
"resultProperty": "dialog.api_response",
"contentType": "application/xml"
"$kind": "Microsoft.SetProperty",
"$designer": {
"id": "ipNhfY"
"property": "dialog.timezone",
"value": "=xPath(dialog.api_response.content,'/geoPlugin/geoplugin_timezone/text()')"
"$kind": "Microsoft.SendActivity",
"$designer": {
"id": "DxohEx"
"activity": "${SendActivity_DxohEx()}"
You can (if needed/you wish) use the json and jPath built in functions to convert xml to json and then query with. Something like:
${json(user.testXml)} and then
${jPath(user.testJson , "automobiles")}

Wrapping Data Structure in a data key API Blueprint / Apiary

So let's say I have a 200 response which body should be:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Activity 1"
"id": 1,
"title": "Activity 2"
I have managed to get this behavior of the response body by using this in API Blueprint.
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Attributes
+ data (array[Activity])
(Note that I can't add the data key to the data structure itself, because it's only present on the single response. If I need to nest an Activity inside another structure, it shouldn't have the data key.)
This doesn't seem right
The reason why I don't think it's the correct way of doing it, is beacuse of the JSON schema for this response which is:
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"data": {
"type": "array"
Note how the actual activity is excluded.
How can I wrap my response in a data key properly, and have it reflected in both the body AND the schema?
You should use this line:
+ data(array[Activity], fixed-type)
The fixed-type keyword fixes the type of the items in the array.

What's the correct way to present paged resources with HAL?

This sounds like a rookie question, but I'm wondering what's the best way to present paged resources with HAL format? Right now I'm using Spring HATEOAS API to convert Page object into resource PagedResourcesAssembler#toResource(Page<T>, ResourceAssembler<T,R>). This results in the following output:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"count": 3,
"total": 498,
"_embedded": {
"users": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"id": "mwop",
"name": "Matthew Weier O'Phinney"
Everything works fine but the only problem is the collection being returned is under _embedded field and has the class name, so the client has to know this class name as well right? Would it be better to just return the collection under content like non-HAL format? If yes how should I achieve it using Spring HATEOAS?
That's not a problem, that's the way _embedded is defined in the HAL specification.
users is not a class, it's a link relation that will allow clients to actually find the collection it was asking for in the first place (e.g. using a JSONPath expression). That's not something coming out of the blue at all but usually is the same link relation, the client used to find that resource in the first place.
Assume an API root exposing this document:
"_links": {
"users": {
"href": "…"
Seeing that, the client would have to know the semantics of users to find the link it wants to follow. In your case users is basically pointing to a collection resource that supports pagination.
So if the client follows the link named users, it can then find the actual content it's looking for under _embedded.users in the HAL response by combining knowledge about the media type (HAL, _embedded) and the service's application-level semantics (users).

MailChimp Campaign Update

i am trying to use campaigns/update in MailChimp.
However i still cannot understand how can i use it.
Can anyone please explain to me, for example how can i change the "from_email" parameter?
my current json for that purpose looks like this:
"apikey": "my_api_key",
"cid": "my_campaign_id",
"name": "options",
"value": ["list_id_value","subject_value","from_email_value"]
However when i send this json to campaigns/update, it returns error saying that "Can not update unknown option "2"".
How can i change the json so that i can update the "from_email"?
The API docs seem to be wrong. Try replacing [ ] with { } and giving field:pair values inside it. So, example to change the subject:
"apikey": "my_api_key",
"cid": "my_campaign_id",
"name": "options",
"value": {"subject": "My new subject"}
