Mixed parameter strategies - use just one of named, positional or JPA-ordinal strategy - spring

I am calling function from Oracle database and facing this Exception:
org.hibernate.engine.query.ParameterRecognitionException: Mixed parameter strategies - use just one of named, positional or JPA-ordinal strategy
This is my User.java entity.
#Table(name = "users", schema = "myschema")
#javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery(name = "getPass", query = "{? call = his.get_abc(:mrno)}", resultClass = User.class, hints = {
#javax.persistence.QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.callable", value = "true") })
public class User {
#Column(name = "USERID", nullable = false)
private String userid;
#Column(name = "MRNO")
private String mrno;
private String username;
private String password;
private String fullName;
// Getters and Setters are written.
And this is how I am calling this function from my one of Service class.
public boolean validateUser(String mrno, String password) {
String completeMrno = utils.getMedicalRecordNumber(mrno);
EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("his-dev");
EntityManager entityManager = factory.createEntityManager();
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("getPass"); // <- this line is raising exception.
List<?> results = query.getResultList();
So, what changes are required in order to call Oracle Function which returns a String.
Thanks. Let me know if more information is required.

Find below an example how to call the function with JPA:
Object result = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT his.get_abc(:mrno) FROM DUAL")
.setParameter("mrno", completeMrno)
String value = new String(result);


How to update JPA/Hibernate entities with Apache Camel

I have a spring boot project with apache camel (Using maven dependencies: camel-spring-boot-starter, camel-jpa-starter, camel-endpointdsl).
There are the following 3 entities:
#Table(name = RawDataDelivery.TABLE_NAME)
#BatchSize(size = 10)
public class RawDataDelivery extends PersistentObjectWithCreationDate {
protected static final String TABLE_NAME = "raw_data_delivery";
private static final String COLUMN_CONFIGURATION_ID = "configuration_id";
private static final String COLUMN_SCOPED_CALCULATED = "scopes_calculated";
#Column(nullable = false, name = COLUMN_SCOPED_CALCULATED)
private boolean scopesCalculated;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "rawDataDelivery", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<RawDataFile> files = new HashSet<>();
#CollectionTable(name = "processed_scopes_per_delivery")
#ElementCollection(targetClass = String.class)
private Set<String> processedScopes = new HashSet<>();
// Getter/Setter
#Table(name = RawDataFile.TABLE_NAME)
#BatchSize(size = 100)
public class RawDataFile extends PersistentObjectWithCreationDate {
protected static final String TABLE_NAME = "raw_data_files";
private static final String COLUMN_CONFIGURATION_ID = "configuration_id";
private static final String COLUMN_RAW_DATA_DELIVERY_ID = "raw_data_delivery_id";
private static final String COLUMN_PARENT_ID = "parent_file_id";
private static final String COLUMN_IDENTIFIER = "identifier";
private static final String COLUMN_CONTENT = "content";
private static final String COLUMN_FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = "file_size_in_bytes";
#ManyToOne(optional = true, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private RawDataDelivery rawDataDelivery;
#Column(name = COLUMN_IDENTIFIER, nullable = false)
private String identifier;
#Column(name = COLUMN_CONTENT, nullable = true)
private Blob content;
#Column(name = COLUMN_FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES, nullable = false)
private long fileSizeInBytes;
// Getter/Setter
#TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class)
#Table(name = RawDataRecord.TABLE_NAME, uniqueConstraints = ...)
public class RawDataRecord extends PersistentObjectWithCreationDate {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "raw_data_records";
static final String COLUMN_RAW_DATA_FILE_ID = "raw_data_file_id";
static final String COLUMN_INDEX = "index";
static final String COLUMN_CONTENT = "content";
static final String COLUMN_HASHCODE = "hashcode";
static final String COLUMN_SCOPE = "scope";
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = COLUMN_RAW_DATA_FILE_ID)
private RawDataFile rawDataFile;
#Column(name = COLUMN_INDEX, nullable = false)
private long index;
#Type(type = "jsonb")
#Column(name = COLUMN_CONTENT, nullable = false, columnDefinition = "jsonb")
private String content;
#Column(name = COLUMN_HASHCODE, nullable = false)
private String hashCode;
#Column(name = COLUMN_SCOPE, nullable = true)
private String scope;
What I try to do is to build a route with apache camel which selects all deliveries having the flag "scopesCalculated" == false and calculate/update the scope variable of all records attached to the files of this deliveries. This should happen in one database transaction. If all scopes are updated I want to set the scopesCalculated flag to true and commit the changes to the database (in my case postgresql).
What I have so far is this:
String r3RouteId = ...;
var dataSource3 = jpa(RawDataDelivery.class.getName())
.query("select rdd from RawDataDelivery rdd where rdd.scopesCalculated is false and rdd.configuration.id = " + configuration.getId())
.process(exchange -> {
RawDataDelivery rawDataDelivery = exchange.getIn().getBody(RawDataDelivery.class);
.transform(new Expression() {
public <T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type) {
RawDataDelivery rawDataDelivery = exchange.getIn().getBody(RawDataDelivery.class);
return (T)rawDataDelivery.getFiles();
.transform(new Expression() {
public <T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type) {
RawDataFile rawDataFile = exchange.getIn().getBody(RawDataFile.class);
// rawDataRecordJpaRepository is an autowired interface by spring with the following method:
// #Lock(value = LockModeType.NONE)
// Stream<RawDataRecord> findByRawDataFile(RawDataFile rawDataFile);
// we may have many records per file (100k and more), so we don't want to keep them all in memory.
// instead we try to stream the resultset and aggregate them by 500 partitions for processing
return (T)rawDataRecordJpaRepository.findByRawDataFile(rawDataFile);
.aggregate(constant("all"), new GroupedBodyAggregationStrategy())
.process(exchange -> {
List<RawDataRecord> rawDataRecords = exchange.getIn().getBody(List.class);
for (RawDataRecord rawDataRecord : rawDataRecords) {
Basically this is working, but I have the problem that the records of the last partition will not be updated. In my example I have 43782 records but only 43500 are updated. 282 remain with scope == null.
I really don't understand the JPA transaction and session management of camel and I can't find some examples on how to update JPA/Hibernate entities with camel (without using SQL component).
I already tried some solutions but none of them are working. Most attempts end with "EntityManager/Session closed", "no transaction is in progress" or "Batch update failed. Expected result 1 but was 0", ...
I tried the following:
to set jpa(...).joinTransaction(false).advanced().sharedEntityManager(true)
use .enrich(jpa(RawDataRecord.class.getName()).query("select rec from RawDataRecord rec where rawDataFile = ${body}")) instead of .transform(...) with JPA repository for the records
using hibernate session from camel headers to update/save/flush entities: "Session session = exchange.getIn().getHeader(JpaConstants.ENTITY_MANAGER, Session.class);"
try to update over new jpa component at the end of the route:
Do you have any other ideas / recommendations?

combining #NamedQuery from JPA and #Filter from Hibernate

I have #NamedQuery. I want to add a lot of different filters to the query as per condition at runtime. There is another concept of #Filter in Hibernate. can this concept be a merge to have a combined result?
suppose I have
#NamedQuery(name="Users.someUsers",query="select u from Users where firstname='bob'")
suppose I want to filter the result according to some other parameter.
can I add #Filter that can do the trick?
supposed I want to an add age filer or a place filter over the existing Users.someUsers by enabling the corresponding filter on the underlying hibernate session?
I suppose you want to define named queries and filters at entity level and expect named queries to have filters which you defined.
I wrote a test for it:
#Table(name = "DEPARTMENT")
#NamedQueries({#NamedQuery(name=DepartmentEntity.GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID, query=DepartmentEntity.GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID_QUERY),})
#FilterDef(name="deptFilter", parameters={#ParamDef( name="name", type="string")})
#Filters( {#Filter(name="deptFilter", condition=":name = name")})
public class DepartmentEntity implements Serializable {
static final String GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID_QUERY = "from DepartmentEntity d where d.id = :id";
public static final String GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID = "GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Integer id;
#Column(name = "NAME", unique = true, nullable = false, length = 100)
private String name;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Now you can use both like this:
Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
Filter filter = session.enableFilter("deptFilter");
filter.setParameter("name", name);
return (DepartmentEntity) session.getNamedQuery(DepartmentEntity.GET_DEPARTMENT_BY_ID)
.setParameter("id", id)
Query generated by hibernate:
select department0_.ID as ID1_3_, department0_.NAME as NAME2_3_ from DEPARTMENT department0_ where ? = department0_.name and department0_.ID=?
You will need to add filters to session and then create named query. If this doesn't cover your use case then post example exactly what you want to acheive.
This is what CriteriaQuery is built for. It allows you to create queries at runtime.
Avoid using named queries for queries which you want to build at runtime based on user input.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<EntityType> criteria = builder.createQuery(EntityType.class);
Root<EntityType> root = criteria.from(EntityType.class);
builder.equal(root.get("owner"), "something")
// Any conditions can be added to criteria here ar runtime based on user input
List<Topic> topics = entityManager
Named queries are precompiled at EntityManagerFactory startup, so they add performance benefits as long as queries are static, but for dynamic queries consider using CriteriaQueries

JPA Hibernate - Entity with #Loader and a function field in select, won't work properly

#Loader(namedQuery = "selectInicial")
query="select p.*, fu_obter_lista_convenios_pac(p.id) as ds_convenio from cad_paciente p where p.id = ?", resultClass = Paciente.class,
resultSetMapping = "sqlResult")
#EntityResult(entityClass = Paciente.class, fields={
public class Paciente {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Integer id_empresa;
private String ds_convenio;
public String getDs_convenio() {
return ds_convenio;
public void setDs_convenio(String ds_convenio) {
this.ds_convenio = ds_convenio;
My Controller method "pacientes.findAll()" won't return "ds_convenio" field with the correct value, listing "null" always in my JSON return.
What do I have to do?
Try removing the annotation #Transient and provide the column as below :
private String ds_convenio;
#org.springframework.data.annotation.Transient specifically states to the spring framework that the Object Mapper you are using should not include this value when converting from Java Object to JSON. Also, it means that the value is not to be persisted into the database, which means you could not query over it.
Or if you want to keep it as transient itself but does not require the value to be serialized then register the object mapper as below :
public ObjectMapper includeTransientObjectMapper() {
Hibernate5Module hibernate5Module = new Hibernate5Module();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return mapper;
Or in your case since you want the result of the #NamedNativeQuer in which you aliased ds_convenio, using #FieldResult might be required to get the desired result as follows :
#Loader(namedQuery = "selectInicial")
#NamedNativeQuery(name="selectInicial", query="select p.*, fu_obter_lista_convenios_pac(p.id) as ds_convenio from cad_paciente p where p.id = ?", resultClass = Paciente.class)
#EntityResult(entityClass=com.acme.Order.class, fields={
#FieldResult(name="id", column="id"),
#FieldResult(name="id_empresa", column="id_empresa"),
public class Paciente {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Integer id_empresa;
private String ds_convenio;
Read doc

MyBatis #Many / Spring-Boot

I'm beginner (sorry for my bad explanation, feel free to correct me) in MyBatis Spring-Boot, I have problem to understand and make it works #Many
I'm using 3 layer logic programming (Presentation Layer, Service Layer, Data Layer)
Thanks for your help :)
I have 3 Tables (it's TB_Products and not TB_Product as on the screenshot):
I would like to get data form table TB_Users and TB_Products to "put" it in DTO
I create 4 java object class SearchEntity, ProductEntity (for Data layer)
I create an interface SearchRepositoryMapper.
I also create a SearchService interface and SearchServiceImpl as well.
Java object class:
public class SearchEntity implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9143930742617602050L;
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private List<ProductEntity> products;
// Getters and Setters code .....
public class ProductEntity implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6525703679290992635L;
private String id;
private String productId;
private String product;
private String number;
private String date;
private String description;
// Getters and Setters code .....
public interface SearchRepositoryMapper {
// Get some fields from TB_Users and all fields from TB_Products
#Select("SELECT * FROM TB_Users WHERE id = #{id}")
#Result(property = "id", column ="id"),
#Result(property = "firstName", column = "firstName"),
#Result(property = "lastName", column= "lastName"),
#Result(property = "products", javaType = List.class, column="id",
many = #Many(select = "getProductIdByUserId"))})
public SearchEntity findAllInfoByUserId(#Param("id") int id);
#Select("SELECT *, productId FROM TB_Products WHERE productId = #{id}")
public ArrayList<ProductEntity> getProductIdByUserId(#Param("id") int id);
// Find id by uderId and return null if it doesn't exist
#Select("SELECT id FROM TB_Users WHERE userId = #{userId}")
int findIdByUserId(#Param("userId") String userId);
public class SearchServiceImpl implements SearchService {
SearchRepositoryMapper searchRepository;
public SearchDto getAllInfoByUserId(String id) {
SearchDto returnValue = new SearchDto(); // Init returnValue as SearchDto
int searchId = searchRepository.findIdByUserId(id); // Init searchId with the TB_Users id
SearchEntity searchEntity = searchRepository.findAllInfoByUserId(searchId);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(searchEntity, returnValue);
return returnValue;
So when I execute the code and do a GET request I get this error message:
"message": "nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException: Statement returned more than one row, where no more than one was expected."
I found out that come from the mapper and SearchEntity searchEntity = searchRepository.findAllInfoByUserId(searchId);
But i don't know how to resolve it. The way I wrote the code is wrong
Thanks to correct me
The exception clearly says that the query returns multiple results. Plese verify if the data in the table is correct.

Lazy attribute is null inside transaction after creation

I have a small example with some get/post mappings and JpaRepository calls in Spring Boot.
Firstly I have two entity Classes:
#Table(name = "stock")
public class Stock extends BaseEntity
#Column(name = "value")
public String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
#Table(name = "stock_item")
public class StockItem extends BaseEntity
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "stock_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public Stock stock;
#Column(name = "stock_id")
public Long stockId;
#Column(name = "value")
public String value;
I have a many-to-one association from StockItem to Stock.
I insert a Stock and have a controller as below:
public Controller(StockItemRepository stockItemRepository) {
this.stockItemRepository = stockItemRepository;
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public String get() {
List<StockItem> stockItemList = stockItemRepository.getItemsById(1L);
System.out.println("TX MANAGER: " + TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive());
for (StockItem stockItem : stockItemList) {
return "get";
public String post() {
StockItem stockItem = new StockItem();
return get();
and getItemsById in the repository is defined as follows:
#Query("FROM StockItem si " +
"JOIN FETCH si.stock stk " +
"WHERE si.stockId = :id")
List<StockItem> getItemsById(#Param("id") Long id);
From my understanding, when I call the post method:
it creates a new item
sets the id of the associated attribute
saves and ends the transaction
Heres where things get strange...
I call get after the post and make the above repository call, which has a join fetch and when I call stockitem.getStock().getValue() I get a null pointer when I expect a LazyInitializationException.
If I call the get() from the mapping, outside the class, it successfully loads the associated object.
I have even removed the #Transaction annotation from the get, as well as
the join-fetch from my query and again, if I call from outside of the class it works and from the post, it crashes with a NullPointerException.
I have put the get inside of a TransactionTemplate.execute() and I still get a NullPointerException when calling from inside the class.
So the main questions are:
Why am I getting a NullPointerException instead of LazyInitializationException?
What is the transaction magic behind having no transaction but successfully fetching a lazy attribute??
The problem here is that you are misusing JPA. As you are seemingly aware judging from the comments on the other answer you have mapped the stock_id column twice. Once as a many-to-one relationship
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "stock_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public Stock stock;
and once as a simple column
#Column(name = "stock_id")
public Long stockId;
When you set the simple column and flush the changes as in your post() method the following happens:
the value gets set in the simple column. The reference is still null.
the value gets stored in the database. The reference is still null.
The repository call will find the id of the StockItemin the Persistence Context and return that instance, i.e. the exact same used in the post method, with the reference still null.
What is the transaction magic behind having no transaction but successfully fetching a lazy attribute??
No magic involved here. fetch specifications are only used for object traversal. JPQL queries don't honor these.
The unasked question remains: how to fix the situation?
The obvious fix is to lose the simple column and just use entity references as intended by JPA.
You don't want to do that in order to avoid DB access somewhere. But as long as you only access the id of the referenced Stock it shouldn't get initialized. So it seems that this should be possible with just Lazy Fetching.
Alternatively, I'd suggest removing the many-to-one relationship and creating a repository for Stock and manually loading it when required.
#Table(name = "stock_item")
public class StockItem extends BaseEntity
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "stock_id", insertable = false, updatable = false) //here is your problem
public Stock stock;
#Column(name = "stock_id")
public Long stockId; // why explicitly define a separate column for foreign key after mapping it above
#Column(name = "value")
public String value;
with insertable = false and updatable = false it won't insert in your DB and neither it will allow updation, so you are getting NullPointerException. You should atleast allow insertion in order to run the query based on the foreign key stock_id
Change your Entity class with property-based access:
#Table(name = "stock_item")
public class StockItem extends BaseEntity
private Stock stock; // variables should always be private since you have getters and setters
private String value;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "stock_id", updatable = false)
public Stock getStock() {
return stock;
public void setStock(Stock stock) {
this.stock = stock;
#Column(name = "value")
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
