Manipulate pixels using Minimagick - ruby

Is there a way to manipulate pixels and create or modify the manipulated image to reflect the changes made to the pixels ?
Minimagick only provides a get_pixels method.
Should I convert the array to a string and use the import_pixels method ? but then, how can I reconvert the pixels to a blob ?

Correct, you should use the import_pixels method. Here's a full example:
# get pixels
img ="image.jpg")
pixels = img.get_pixels
# transform pixels
reverse =
# save pixels
blob = reverse.flatten.pack("C*")
img = MiniMagick::Image.import_pixels(blob, img.width, img.height, 8, "rgb", "jpg")


Do I need all these statements to get the data array of an image in HTML5 canvas?

I am loading a pixel font file as a png image. I then use it to draw each character to canvas by writing to the buffer clamped array and then using putImageData.
Is there a simpler way to get the data array from the png image apart from loading the image as fontImage and then these 7 lines ...
let fontCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
fontCanvas.width = fontImage.width;
fontCanvas.height = fontImage.height;
let fontContext = fontCanvas.getContext("2d");
fontContext.drawImage(fontImage, 0, 0);
let fontBank = fontContext.getImageData(0,0,fontCanvas.width,fontCanvas.height);
let fontData =;

Add padding to object in 4-channel image

I have a 4-channel image (.png, .tif) like this one:
I am using OpenCV, and I would like to add padding of type BORDER_REFLECT around the flower. copyMakeBorder is not useful, since it adds padding to the edges of the image.
I can add certain padding if I split the image in bgr + alpha and apply dilate with BORDER_REFLECT option on the bgr image, but that solution spoils all the pixels of the flower.
Is there any way to perform a selective BORDER_REFLECT padding addition on a ROI defined by a binary mask?
The result I expect is something like (sorry I painted it very quickly with GIMP) :
I painted two black lines to delimit the old & new contour of the flower after the padding, but of course those lines should not appear in the final result. The padding region (inside the two black lines) must be composed by mirrored pixels from the flower (I painted it yellow to make it understandable).
A simple python script to resize the image and copy the original over the enlarged one will do the trick.
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('border_reflect.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
pad = 20
sh = img.shape
sh_pad = (sh[0]+pad, sh[1]+pad)
imgpad = cv2.resize(img, sh_pad)
imgpad[20:20+sh[0], 20:20+sh[1], :][img[:,:,3]==255] = img[img[:,:,3]==255]
cv2.imwrite("padded_image.png", imgpad)
Here is the result
But that doesn't look very 'centered'. So I modified the code to detect and account for the offsets while copying.
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('border_reflect.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
pad = 20
sh = img.shape
sh_pad = (sh[0]+pad, sh[1]+pad)
imgpad = cv2.resize(img, sh_pad)
def get_roi(img):
cimg = img[:,:,3].copy()
contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(cimg,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
#Remove the tiny pixel noises that get detected as contours
contours = [cnt for cnt in contours if cv2.contourArea(cnt) > 10]
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
return roi
roi = get_roi(img)
roi2 = get_roi(imgpad)
sh = roi.shape
sh2 = roi2.shape
o = ((sh2[0]-sh[0])/2, (sh2[1]-sh[1])/2)
roi2[o[0]:o[0]+sh[0], o[1]:o[1]+sh[1], :][roi[:,:,3]==255] = roi[roi[:,:,3]==255]
cv2.imwrite("padded_image.png", imgpad)
Looks much better now
The issue has been already addressed and solved here:

imshow command does not show the same binary image with original

I read the image with:
But the shown image seems to be inverted with respect to the original image. How can I solve this problem ? Is it a MATLAB problem?
The problem is probably caused by the formatting the the imagefile!
When you use imread what it returns depends of the formatting of the image in the image file. imread returns tree values [A,map,transparency] = imread(___), where A might be hxw-matrix or a hxwx3-matrix (h and w are short for height and width) of several different possible classes (eg. double or uint8).
In the case of the hxwx3-matrix the output-variable map will be empty, and you can show the image directly using imshow(A). This is called an RGB-image.
The other possibility (called an indexed image) is the hxw-matrix. In this case map is a colormap, and you can show the image by imshow(A,map).
You can easily convert between these two types of images by ind2rgb(A,map) and rgb2ind(A).
The other thing you need to be careful with is the class of the image.
If you have an rgb-image of class uint8, then the values of image will be integers between 0 and 255, whereas rgb-images of type double have values between 0 and 1. You should never convert an image to double-class by the double-function like you do; in stead use im2double.
So to solve your problem try the following code:
[img,map] = imread('rose32.bmp');
if ~isempty(map)
img = ind2rgb(img,map);
img = im2double(img);
Now imshow(img) should show the image correctly. Or you can simply use the following code:
[W,map] = imread('rose32.bmp');

Writing a greyscale video using Videowriter/avifile

I am writing a function that generates a movie mimicking a particle in a fluid. The movie is coloured and I would like to generate a grayscaled movie for the start. Right now I am using avifile instead of videowriter. Any help on changing this code to get grayscale movie? Thanks in advance.
close all;
clear variables;
for i=1:N
% generate a frame here
if i==1
axis image;
axis off;
cdata_size = size(frame.cdata);
data = uint8(zeros(ceil(cdata_size(1)/4)*4,ceil(cdata_size(2)/4)*4,3));
data(1:cdata_size(1),1:cdata_size(2),1:cdata_size(3)) = [frame.cdata];
frame.cdata = data;
vidObj = addframe(vidObj,frame);
vidObj = close(vidObj);
For your frame data, use rgb2gray to convert a colour frame into its grayscale counterpart. As such, change this line:
data(1:cdata_size(1),1:cdata_size(2),1:cdata_size(3)) = [frame.cdata];
To these two lines:
frameGray = rgb2gray(frame.cdata);
data(1:cdata_size(1),1:cdata_size(2),1:cdata_size(3)) = ...
The first line of the new code will convert your colour frame into a single channel grayscale image. In colour, grayscale images have all of the same values for all of the channels, which is why for the second line, cat(3,frameGray,frameGray,frameGray); is being called. This stacks three copies of the grayscale image on top of each other as a 3D matrix and you can then write this frame to your file.
You need to do this stacking because when writing a frame to file using VideoWriter, the frame must be colour (a.k.a. a 3D matrix). As such, the only workaround you have if you want to write a grayscale frame to the file is to replicate the grayscale image into each of the red, green and blue channels to create its colour equivalent.
BTW, cdata_size(3) will always be 3, as getframe's cdata structure always returns a 3D matrix.
Good luck!

HTML5 canvas - Rescale images on load?

Ok, so I'm doing an html5 canvas game, and I need to draw resized images all the time (it's all pixel-art). Unfortunately, doing the resizing on drawImage makes current browsers quite sluggish, so I'm trying to do the resizing on load, and then just draw the pre-resized image.
I've tried to draw the resized images to a hidden context and then do a ctx.getImageData, but then I'm stuck with a byte array and there's no way to convert to an image. I can do a putImageData to push it to the final context, but that's slow and I apparently lose the alpha channel.
Another option could be to pre-scale things in the server, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
Any ideas?
There is a method on the canvas object (not the context) called toDataURL(string mimeType), this will convert the canvas contents to a base64-encoded binary string of an image. You can use this as the src attribute of any image element.
ctx.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, originalImage.width, originalImage.height, 0, 0, 200, 200);
var scaledImage = new Image();
scaledImage.onload = ...;
scaledImage.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
Now you can draw your scaled image normaly.
