How to retrieve wsdl from deployed web service in TEA 2.2? - tibco

I have deployed a web service in TEA 2.2, now I am unable to retrieve the wsdl from the deployed service.
These are the URLs that I am trying for wsdl.
> https://localhost:8989/sn_assyst/ws_ent_itsm_sn_assyst_v1.0.0/Service+De...
> https://localhost:8989/SNtoASSYST?wsdl


Which Spring project is for RESTful Web Services as Spring Web-Service Project is for just SOAP based web services?

I was looking to implement RestFul Web Services using Spring so in all Spring Projects list I saw Spring Web Services.
But Strangely it's just for SOAP and no Restful web services!
Where is project for RestFul web Services? Is there any JAX-RS implementation of Restful Web Services?
( Actually, It should be part of Spring Web Services project as its a popular web Services architecture as SOAP itself)
For Creating ReSTful web using spring, two ways are there :
1.One very easy way to use Spring MVC project. Spring provides annotations specificto ReSTful web services if you are using Spring MVC project like #RestController etc.
2.One can also create ReSTful web services by following JAX-RS methodology. Using spring-boot-starter-jersey project. Using this one can get other core functionalities of spring framework like DI, AOP etc.

How mule api manager manage spring boot based service?

I've created a spring boot based service and like to deploy it to existing mule API platform, then I realize there are some challenges I need to face by myself such as, service discovery and policy management.
To be specific, I want to know if there is any way to manage policy for spring boot service from mule API manager? Since there is no agent that mule service has.
The straight forward way is to proxy your custom API by generating a proxy in the Anypoint API Manager.
Deploy that proxy application on a Mule server in CloudHub or on a runtime on-premise.
Then you have your Spring Boot Application API under control and can apply policies, see analytics, etc.
MuleSoft Doc on API Proxy

how to consume a RESTful web service as a jar in JAVAEE

I have a RESTful web service developped using (Spring-Java)
and it is a JAR file
I have created a Java EE web app that must consume this web service (using Eclipse)
running on WildFly9
How can I do to run the web service (JAR file) so that the web app can consume it ?

Application publishing both REST and SOAP API with Spring Boot

I Have a Spring Boot application with RestController, service, and domain. So my application publishes a REST API. How would I go about to have my application publish both a REST and a SOAP API at the same time? Thanks!

calling Spring-WS service with dynamic url in the WSDL

I am working on Spring-WS which generates the WSDL based on the XSD created manually.
I am trying to expose Spring Controller RESTFul API services as the WSDL using Spring-WS.
Can any one suggest the solution on how to define the dynamic url using the spring web services for the existing RESTFul services in the WSDL using spring-ws?
e.g. if RESTFul API url is
then how to pass the {customer-id} at the time of spring webservice call?
How to specify this url in the spring wsdl defination?
REST web services don't have WSDL. Spring-WS and WSDL are both for SOAP services.
