how to consume a RESTful web service as a jar in JAVAEE - spring

I have a RESTful web service developped using (Spring-Java)
and it is a JAR file
I have created a Java EE web app that must consume this web service (using Eclipse)
running on WildFly9
How can I do to run the web service (JAR file) so that the web app can consume it ?


no find web folder in version 2.6.12 in spring boot so no support of jsp and servlet

i am using 2.6.12 version and trying to build web application using spring-tool-suit 4-4.16.0 while creating a web application it have option web but on tick web checkbox we have spring web not web .I have not support of web tool like servlet.

How can i build a connection between an RMI server and a RESTful web service?

So I am trying to understand how to build a connection between a RMI server and a RESTful web service.
My requirement is that , I need to build a web client and a RMI desktop application , which connects to a RESTful web service to conduct crud operation. I only need to use the web application to view the data in the database , but the desktop application needs to be able to conduct CRUD operations.
The above provided diagram is the architecture I need to follow to develop my application.
For the web client I am able to use an asynchronous web application and use jersey or spring as the RESTful web service,
but the problem I have is ,
What kind of application should I develop in the first place to develop the desktop application ?
How can I connect the RMI server and the REST API?

Is it possible to run Spring Cloud Gateway on an external application server?

I want to create a war file of Spring Cloud Gateway Project (version 2.1.2.RELEASE) and deploy it on a container which supports reactive, is it possible? which application server is suggested?
AFAIK this is possible, but I wouldn't recommended it. If you package your application as a runnable jar it will ship with an embedded application server so it can run everywhere.

Spring boot webservice to start and be discoverable when JBOSS EAP starts

We need to create independent spring boot web services for our apps which runs in JBOSS EAP. Can we do the below if its possible.
Spring Boot is typically deployed as a runnable jar but our apps are EAR deployed. Can we bootstrap / launch the spring boot listener / controller when the EAR application starts)
Can we register the services on start to facilitate automated discoverability of services (typically done with consul/ etcd/ zookeeper etc)
You can generate a WAR instead of a JAR and deploy this. If this is not ok you can put the WAR in an EAR
Read the docs:
Yes. If you have a service registry in place you can use this with Spring Cloud.
Please read the documentation:

How to deploy .war file successfully in tomcat?

I deployed a web application .war file in tomcat 8.0. But when i run start the server startup.bat and access url "localhost:8080/application" it loads an incomplete web application page. I deployed a spring boot a[llication .war file. And its running smoothly in spring framework.
