Soapui test case Running with command line mvn with external property file - maven

I have a problem soupui test cases runnnig with maven. Normally we created test data in the program with groovy script. Now, i want to run with external properties file. I have a file named properties.txt . When i running with command line i use this command "mvn clean test" . With my pom.xml i could not use my property values inside the project xml. Seems like i could not reach these values.
Here is my pom.xml:
<!--projectProperties> <value>envName=${urlName}</value> </projectProperties -->

Looking at the Maven 2.x documentation page at :
...I can't see a way to set a parameter to specify a property file.
However. I think you should be able to provide one Project property, giving the path to your properties.txt, and then configure the setup script of your SoapUI project, to read that properties.txt, and transfer the name/value to whereever you want to store them. Global propery. Project property. etc... Thus the parameters should be in place by the time you execute your first testcase.

Why do you need to pass path of property file ? It should be relative to your project. Can't we read current directory from groovy and then point to properties file using relative path . In my opinion this is right way to do it


Using Maven property inside TeamCity Build Step

I would like to use a property, which I defined inside my pom.xml. Now I would like to refer to this property value inside my TeamCity Build Step.
At the moment I'm only able to refer the other way around to use a TeamCity property inside Maven.
In particular I want to do a SSH Deployer with a target like url/path/%maven.output.type%/something with
<!-- Art der Entwicklung -->
What I tried was to define a parameter in TeamCity but I have no idea how to define the value of this parameter.
Is there any way to use this property inside the TeamCity build?
You can run a script that will set a teamcity parameter that you can use in a another build step. Here are the build configuration settings I use:
Create a configuration parameter with an empty text value with a name used in the next step (e.g. outputType).
Add a build step, with runner type Command line:
Select to run a custom script.
In the custom script field, enter a script that will extract the value from the pom file, and tell teamcity to set it in the parameter. For example:
testing=sed -n 's:.*<output\.type>\(.*\)</output\.type>.*:\1:p' pom.xml
echo "##teamcity[setParameter name='outputType' value='$testing']"
This will set the teamcity parameter outputType with the value of an element named output.type found in the current project pom file.
In another build step, you can use that parameter in a field like, for instance, the target field:

How to access maven property from Jenkins?

I have a maven project in which I have a property. I want to access it from Jenkins.
POM snippet:
This output folder property gets evaluated at runtime. I want to access this property in Jenkins to navigate to the output folder which gets generated as per the time stamp. For this to happen I need to capture this output folder property in Jenkins, which I am not able to do.
Using this output folder only I will be able to navigate to the folder to access the result file.
Question: How to access Maven properties from Jenkins job?
In the current version of Jenkins there is a nice and simple way to achieve this using "readMavenPom()".
For example, I want to read the version of the pom.xml file. But if it is using the newer maven "revision" practice, I need to read that "revision" value from the properties defined in the pom.xml.
def pomVersion = readMavenPom().version // read version
if (pomVersion.equals("\${revision}")) // using revision strategy, read revision property
pomVersion = readMavenPom().properties['revision']
So the best way is to use
Jenkins Maven jobs provide by default some maven properties to be used during job configuration, however it doesn't provide any easy access to further properties defined into the pom file.
Hence, a custom approach is required. Here is a working solution which makes use of a groovy script and could be used to transform any defined Maven property into a new Jenkins variable at build time, to be then further used in additional post build steps.
Pre-requirements to this solution are:
Groovy is installed in the Jenkins server (easy step, just download it, unzip, set it to the path
The Jenkins Groovy Plugin is installed in Jenkins (easy step, Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins, Available Plugins, install it, then configure it under Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Groovy, to make it point to the installation of step above
You can then add to the project pom the following to is build/plugins section:
What are we doing? Simply using the properties-maven-plugin and its write-project-properties goal to write the project properties into a new file under the target folder (target\ Note: properties in this file will already be interpolated.
This new file will be harmless for your build and project, ignored by any other build step, removed as part of a mvn clean invocation, but yet really helpful for Jenkins.
Then, in the concerned Jenkins job you can add a new Post Steps > Execute system Groovy script (and not an Execute Groovy script, bear the difference) pointing to a new groovy file you can store where desired or type into the console the following groovy code:
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.util.*;
def thr = Thread.currentThread();
def currentBuild = thr?.executable;
def props = new Properties();
new File(currentBuild.workspace.toString()+"\\target\\").withInputStream {
stream -> props.load(stream);
println "detected from properties: "+props.get("outputFolder");
def newParamAction = new ParametersAction(new StringParameterValue("outputFolder", props.get("outputFolder")));
What is this script doing? Simply reading the property file, printing to the console the outputFolder property as a log (to be removed, optionally) and then set it as a new Jenkins job variable with the same name (to be changed if required).
You can then use in further post build steps the ${outputFolder} new variable (or the %outputFolder% in Windows commands) and it will be correctly present.
As an example, you can debug it via a new Post Steps > Execute Windows Batch command and simply echo it. Here is a screenshot:
As output of a sample Jenkins job you would then have:
detected from properties: C:/AutomationTestReports/sample-project/Execution_(2016-04-24_12-11-13UTC)
[workspace] $ cmd /c call C:\dev\tomcat-7\temp\hudson6024790907972070905.bat
C:\Users\user-name\.jenkins\jobs\sample-maven\workspace>echo C:/AutomationTestReports/sample-project/Execution_(2016-04-24_12-11-13UTC)
C:\Users\user-name\.jenkins\jobs\sample-maven\workspace>exit 0
Finished: SUCCESS
A quick and dirty solution.
Add an 'Execute Shell' step, and assign the property's value into a variable:
outputFolderVar=$(awk -F '[<>]' '/outputFolder/{print $3}' pom.xml)
environment {
OUTPUT_FOLDER = "${sh(script: 'mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=outputFolder -q -DforceStdout', returnStdout: true)}"

Maven install:install-file : specified file not exists

I tried to add custom jar into my project (to pom.xml). When I made an operation
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<myGroup> -DartifactId=<myArtifactId> -Dversion=<myVersion> -Dpackaging=<myPackaging> -DlocalRepositoryPath=<path>
I actually received an error: the specified file not exists. But the file is in the folder - that's the problem. How I can resolve this? Or how I can add custom jar without this step? I know about scope , but it's not working properly - maven variable ${basedir} cannot be used in systemPath.
Maven 3.3.9
UPDATE 1: Actually, now I find smth new: Maven doesn't like dots in groupId and version. After some tries I installed file, but it's wrong path, because instead of (e.g) tree I received file in org_my_local_file folder in maven repo.
I did this many times and it worked as expected.
What do you exactly mean with :
Maven doesn't like dots in groupId and version.
What exception do you get ?
You get org_my_local_file because I think you exachanged '.' in the groupId against '_' ?
You find a good tutorial here where you can see how it is done correctly :
How to include custom library into maven local repository?
It looks like you are using windows. Especially powershell is known to cause problems. Have a look here, may be you have to escape some characters, there are some possible solutions :
install maven artifact
I encountered this issue when trying to initialize our base development environment. We use an Ant script to initialize Maven, our developer server and other tools and includes installing a few 3rd party jars into the local Maven repository. This error, "The specified file '<path>\true' not exists" was occurring when invoking Maven from within Ant 1.9.11.
I also used this answer to specify paths identified in the Ant script and set them in the batch script template before running the batch script.
Specifically, this answer offered a lot to get the batch script constructed: Didn't take much:
<!-- generate the batch file -->
<tempfile property="temp.file" suffix=".properties" deleteonexit="true" destdir="${env.TEMP}" />
<echoproperties destfile="${temp.file}" />
<replaceregexp file="${temp.file}" match="([^=]*)=" replace="#\1#=" byline="true" />
<copy file="${basedir}/scripts/install-jars.template" tofile="${basedir}/scripts/install-jars.bat" />
<replace file="${basedir}/scripts/install-jars.bat" replacefilterfile="${temp.file}" />
<echo message="Running batch file for Maven setup" />
<exec executable="${basedir}/scripts/install-jars.bat" />
<delete file="${basedir}/scripts/install-jars.bat" deleteonexit="true" />
There weren't any issues with the parameters being passed, but this must be specified correctly. Running the command you're trying to execute in a script temporarily in a command window is useful to verify the command syntax and function before trying to embed in a script.
I even created a empty true file to satisfy the error which complained the file was not a valid POM file. Filling it with basic POM content led to another error. So reader beware, this business about "true not exists" is a Red Herring.
Moving the Maven install:install-file commands out to the batch file was the key to get past the issue. It also allowed me to specify the quotes in the command as " rather than " due to the commands originally being specified in the Ant script (xml).

How can I specify path to jtl files when I want to publish graph (from jmeter-graph-maven-plugin) in teamcity?

I use jmeter-maven-plugin (version 1.10.0) to run JMeter test - first I run it from IntelliJ, then from TeamCity (for both - command: mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph)
When I want to use the following configuration for jmeter-graph-maven-plugin:
it works from IntelliJ, but in TeamCity I get:
ERROR: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find specified JTL file: /project/XX/opt/team-city-8.0.5/buildAgent/work/xxxxx/JMeter/target/jmeter/results/*.jtl
Result file exists (and it is previous used in xml-maven-plugin - even configuration is *.jtl - xml plugin works correctly in TeamCity).
When I use specific file name (so e.g. 20150317test-result.jtl instead of *.jtl) it works also from TeamCity.
How can I use general file name? Or maybe there is an option in jmeter-maven-plugin to define some fixed jtl file name (and then use it in jmeter-graph-maven-plugin)?
I did workaround for this issue.
I changed jmeter-graph-maven-plugin configuration to:
and now I run it using mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph -DfileName=%profile% (where profile name is the same as jmx test file).

JavaFX Self Installer With Inno Setup 5 - Allow user to change install directory

I am using Ant to build a self deploying EXE for a JavaFX application.
Currently Inno Setup places the EXE here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\application name
I would like to place this in a different location, and provide the user the option to override this. However I can't seem to find the ant settings to change this.
Is this possible?
Actually you can't change this using ANT. However, as you already know the deploy mechanism uses Inno Setup and you can modify its behaviour.
During the fx:deploy ANT task a default ApplicationName.iss file is created. This default file contains e.g. the setting, which is responsible for the install directory. This default file is only created, if you don't provide any customized on your own. So, I would recommend to run the ANT script, copy the default file and modify it. If you enable the verbose flag of the fx:deploy task you can use the console output to find out, where the default file is created and where the ANT task searches for your customized file before creating the default one:
<fx:info title="${appname}" vendor="${vendor}"/>
In my case I found the default file in
and had to put the customized file to
relative to the ANT build script.
If you got so far, you'll find the line DisableDirPage=Yes in your ApplicationName.iss file. Change it to DisableDirPage=No and the user gets the possibility to change the install directory.
Further you will find the parameter DefaultDirName. If you want to install your Application to C:\Program File\ApplicationName by default you can use the constant {pf} e.g.: DefaultDirName={pf}\ApplicationName.
The original answer is not true anymore, because that feature got added to the JDK (just dont know when, but it was there when using 1.8.0u60 or so).
Just add <installdirChooser> as some <bundleArguments> and set it to true:
Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of the javafx-maven-plugin
