JavaFX Self Installer With Inno Setup 5 - Allow user to change install directory - installation

I am using Ant to build a self deploying EXE for a JavaFX application.
Currently Inno Setup places the EXE here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\application name
I would like to place this in a different location, and provide the user the option to override this. However I can't seem to find the ant settings to change this.
Is this possible?

Actually you can't change this using ANT. However, as you already know the deploy mechanism uses Inno Setup and you can modify its behaviour.
During the fx:deploy ANT task a default ApplicationName.iss file is created. This default file contains e.g. the setting, which is responsible for the install directory. This default file is only created, if you don't provide any customized on your own. So, I would recommend to run the ANT script, copy the default file and modify it. If you enable the verbose flag of the fx:deploy task you can use the console output to find out, where the default file is created and where the ANT task searches for your customized file before creating the default one:
<fx:info title="${appname}" vendor="${vendor}"/>
In my case I found the default file in
and had to put the customized file to
relative to the ANT build script.
If you got so far, you'll find the line DisableDirPage=Yes in your ApplicationName.iss file. Change it to DisableDirPage=No and the user gets the possibility to change the install directory.
Further you will find the parameter DefaultDirName. If you want to install your Application to C:\Program File\ApplicationName by default you can use the constant {pf} e.g.: DefaultDirName={pf}\ApplicationName.

The original answer is not true anymore, because that feature got added to the JDK (just dont know when, but it was there when using 1.8.0u60 or so).
Just add <installdirChooser> as some <bundleArguments> and set it to true:
Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of the javafx-maven-plugin


How to update folders automatically with IntelliJ

I have a Maven configuration that copies my web resources to a directory in target. From there it is read by Jetty. What I want (and what Eclipse always did for me) is update the target/web directory when something in the src/main/webapp directory changed. I can't get IntelliJ to do the same:
The resource configuration like this:
Right now I have to run the Generate sources and update folders everytime I make a change. Can't IntelliJ Detect this automatically?
I do not build a war but a folder distribution.
I already tried moving it to target/generated-sources/web but that makes no difference.
The target/web is not marked as excluded in the module configuration.
The folder is marked as a resource folder. I tried marking it as a source folder but that made no difference.
The problem can be solved by using the File watchers plug-in. This plug-in doesn't ship with IntelliJ by default but it is very useful. From there, you can watch your *.less/html/js files and re-generate them if you edit them. In my case I run the appropriate Maven goals but you can also call the less compiler directly if you want to.
In the configuration set "Output paths to refresh" to the the custom directory you are using (in my case $OutputPath$/web). After that, any change should be refreshed automatically.
I think, yes: try pressing Ctrl+Shift+A, type "Import Maven", click the checkbox "Import Maven project automatically". This will enable auto-import which copies resources as well.

How to install AccessControl NSIS plugin? and grant full access to a subfolder?

I am doing what it says on the forum but can't figure out where is the problem. I downloaded the .zip and extracted it. There was 4 folders (Contrib,Docs,Plugins,Unicode) aside from Docs where do I put the rest ? From AccessControl/Plugins I put the .dll to my NSIS/Plugins folder where are the other .dll files. But the other two folders diden't contained any .nsh or .nsi file to put in NSIS/Include. Where is the problem ? I am using HM NIS Edit and when I try to compile it says Invalid Command.
I tried this code and it compiles but I dont think it does something.. or maybe I am using the wrong command. I need to give to my config folder read,write permission thats in the INSTDIR. I tried it with INSTDIR\config and INSTDIR. But nothing works at the moment. Maybe the plugin isent included.
System::Call 'AccesControl.dll::GrantOnFile (t ."$INSTDIR",t .""(S-1-5-32-545)",t ."FullAccess")'
Was going to add a comment to the above answer, but system wouldn't let me. A clarification as for NSIS 3.0+ the default folder locations didn't work. To fix it I copied the files to:\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi\Unicode\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode
You can unzip the plugin zip at the root of the NSIS directory, or at least, you need to put the plugin dll into the NSIS plugins directory (or to any directory you want if you include it with !addplugindir)
The core of the plugin is in the dll file in Plugins directory (the unicode/plugins contains the unicode version of the plugin suitable for the unicode flavor of NSIS 3.0+)
the Docs directory contains the plugin documentation
the Contrib directory contains the plugin source code useful if you want to modify the plugin and rebuild it. It is not needed in normal nsis usage.
The correct way to call an nsis plugin is not via the system plugin: you need to call directly the plugin methods from the nsis script, as illustrated in the plugin page :
# Make the directory "$INSTDIR\database" read write accessible by all users
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\database" "(BU)" "GenericRead + GenericWrite"
or from some code of mine
AccessControl::GrantOnFile `${somePath}` `(S-1-5-32-545)` `${someAccess}` ;(S-1-5-32-545) is local users GUID

Is there a way to set the Maven version number dynamically?

I would like to use Maven to produce an artifact in zip format. To give you some background; my project includes an APS package (Application Packaging Standard, used to provision cloud applications on the Parallels platform). This package is a zip file that contains a combination of XML as well as PHP files. It is generated by an APS plugin from within Eclipse and its name always includes the version and release number of its contents.
What I am trying to do is generate a zip file with Maven that would be kind of a release candidate that will be eventually sent to customers and would include not only the actual APS package but also other files such as README, User Guide.pdf, etc;. I would like the name of this zip file to contain the version number of the version number of the APS package. Currently I can generate this manually by using something like "mvn -Dversion=1.2.3-4 package" but I would like to automate the process and ideally run this from Jenkins.
Basically, my strategy is to run a script that would extract the version number from the initial APS package, once that is done, my script can invoke Maven and can pass this parameter to it so it can generate the final zip with the proper version number. This is fine but again, I need to run this script manually and I am looking for an automated process.
My question is; is it possible to invoke this script from within Maven and use its return as a parameter to set the version name (or the name of the file that will be generated) at run time? As I mentioned, I would like eventually Jenkins to handle this. It can pick up the pom file but I am not sure how it could kind of "auto configure" itself to have the proper version number.
Thanks is advance.
From jenkins build you can use profile with ${BUILD_NUMBER}:
Then run in jenkins:
clean install -Pjenkins
I use the SVN (or any source versioning system) version to identify the software builds.
By simply executing this
REVISION=`svn info | grep '^Revision:' | sed -e 's/^Revision: //'`
on the sourcers folder you get the right value in $REVISION, then you can use it for your maven build
mvn -Dversion=1.2.3-$REVISION package
easy and clean

Ant not loading salesforce task definitions?

The Question
I'm trying to use the Migration Tool (a custom ant library) on a linux box and can't for the life of me figure out how to get ant to see that library. What am I doing wrong?
The Error Message
/home/ec2-user/ant/ucp/build.xml:48: Problem: failed to create
task or type antlib:com.salesforce:retrieve
Cause: The name is undefined.
The Background
I installed ant using yum install ant and then I dropped the Migration Tool (ant-salesforce.jar) into /usr/share/ant/lib. I'm able to see this library when I run ant -diagnostics, but none of the tasks for that library (should be seeing deploy, retrieve, etc.). I've uploaded a gist with the full output from ant -diagnostics.
ANT_HOME/lib jar listing
ant.home: /usr/share/ant
ant-bootstrap.jar (19837 bytes)
ant-salesforce.jar (3293054 bytes)
ant.jar (1942059 bytes)
ant-launcher.jar (18418 bytes)
After lots of googling and manual reading I tried the following to no avail (NB: the above diagnostics is without any of the below changes). I know I'm missing something obvious :(
Setting $ANT_HOME export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant
Fiddling with permissions chmod +x /usr/share/ant/lib/salesforce-jar
Fiddling with groups chown root:root /usr/share/ant/lib/salesforce-jar
Passing in class with -lib ant -lib /usr/share/ant/lib/salesforce-jar retrieve ...
Passing in lib folder with -lib ant -lib /usr/share/ant/lib retrieve ...
Adding $ANT_HOME to $PATH export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin
How about keeping ant-salesforce.jar under /home/ec2-user/ant/ucp and then change the taskdef element to look like this:
<taskdef resource="com/salesforce/antlib.xml" classpath="ant-salesforce.jar" />
Run your build again and see if things look better. Having the JAR in the same folder as build.xml will help you eliminate issues with permissions.
Based on #smooth_reggae's answer was able to get things working while keeping ant-salesforce.jar in the default ant lib directory. Seems like this should already be happening, but oh-well.
<taskdef resource="com/salesforce/antlib.xml"

Ant set platforms.JDK_1.6.home without parameter

I'm having a problem trying to run ant on a windows machine. I get the following error:
C:\Users\USER\testing\mercurial\project\NetbeansProject\nbproject\build-impl.xml:111: The J2SE Platform is not correctly set up.
Your active platform is: JDK_1.6, but the corresponding property "platforms.JDK_1.6.home" is not found in the project's properties files.
Either open the project in the IDE and setup the Platform with the same name or add it manually.
For example like this:
ant<path_to_property_file> jar (where you put the property "platforms.JDK_1.6.home" in a .properties file)
or ant -Dplatforms.JDK_1.6.home=<path_to_JDK_home> jar (where no properties file is used)
If I execute ant -Dplatforms.JDK_1.6.home=%JAVA_HOME% it executes fine, but, is there some way to avoid adding this parameter every time I need to build a program?
I don't think it's possible to set ant properties outside of command line or properties files loaded explicitly by the build script.
If you are looking for a less verbose way to launch ant, try using either a wrapper .bat file, or assigning an alias doskey ant=ant "-Dplatforms.JDK_1.6.home=%JAVA_HOME%"
