Spring Boot Reactive WebService - spring

We want to build a rest API to service high request volumes. I'm planning to build it using Spring Reactive(WebFlux) or using Spring Boot Async. We have multiple different clients who will be invoking our service.
Do I need to worry about different clients who will be consuming this service? Meaning if I build the API using Reactive or Async, will all the clients be able to consume this seemlessly?
Meaning if build a reactive Rest API, will the client using RestTemplate be able to consume or do they need to use WebClient only?

Yes, your (not non blocking) clients will still be able to consume a reactive service.


Spring boot reactive WebClient calling legacy endpoint

In a Spring Boot (2.2.2.RELEASE) application, I have reactive endpoints (returning Mono or Flux), each of them is using reactive WebClient for calling another service. This "other" service is legacy (non-reactive) one.
Here is my question:
Is there a benefit of using Webflux (reactive WebClient) if my reactive endpoint is calling this non-reactive endpoint which does blocking stuff?
Is my reactive endpoint still reactive?
If we're talking about HTTP endpoints, we can call them with blocking or non-blocking (asynchronous) clients, but not fully reactive.
If your "new" application is reactive, you have to use non-blocking client (WebClient in your case), otherwise you will block NIO-threads and loose all the advantages of the reactive approach. The fact that the “other” application is blocking doesn't matter, you can still get a less resource-intensive "new" application.
They are
1. Not fully.
2. Your request is not full reactive until you change legacy APIs
End-to-End Reactive pattern only help into to the performance side
Currently you’re using reactive client this helps to connect to server in two way communication.
First set of APIs are reactive so web server layer is now reactive but data layer (Legacy APIs ) not reactive

Rate limit web client

I am building a microservice using spring webflux and netty. Internally I use web client to make rest api calls. How can I control rate at which I can call rest api via webclient? I guess backnpressure is only for a single request/reply and does not work across multiple request to my microservice. Amy pointers will be appreciated.Thanks.
Resilience4j has support for non-blocking rate limiting with Reactor.
See: https://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/examples-1#decorate-mono-or-flux-with-a-ratelimiter

Consuming CometD messages with spring webflux

We have a system which publishes messages via cometD.
I wrote a simple java program to establish a connection to the server
then use the bearer token returned from the login to and consume messages
But I want to move this to a Webflux project, but unsure where to start, I can see there is out of box JMS-webflux wrapper, can I use this or is it best to build something similar ?
I'm very new to cometD and have only used simple webflux components,
I can also just use Spring boot, but ideally just like a JmsReceiver or similar

Camel Rest api consumer using SpringOAuthResttemplate

I have to invoke a couple of rest web service from my spring boot application. I am planning to use the Camel to configure the flow and other EIP use cases. Some of the endpoints are using oAuth2 authentication. I am planning to use the Spring oAuthResttempalte. All the examples on the internet are either using restlet, CXF or camel-http.
Camel Rest Consmer
I am not able to find a single example with just spring resttemplate. Did anyone implement Camel Rest consumer using Spring Resttemplate?
Some of the Examples on the internet use a jetty server to consume a rest endpoint. Why do you need a jetty server for simple rest consumer?
Did anyone implement Camel Rest consumer using Spring Resttemplate?
I'm not aware of that and it's unlikely to found something in that direction because Camel already have bult-in components to consume rest endpoints.
Some of the Examples on the internet use a jetty server to consume a rest endpoint. Why do you need a jetty server for simple rest consumer?
I believe that jetty was used as a consumer not a producer endpoint. So you won't need the "server". Or maybe you saw an example using jetty acting as a server to serve an OAuth endpoint?
If you excuse my approach, I'd suggest to remain with Camel HTTP/Rest capabilities to consume REST APIs using OAuth. I've found this example on Gist:
.simple("<auth service context>/oauth2/token")
.constant("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client id>&client_secret=<client sec>")
.to("https4://<remote auth service url>")
.log("response from API: " + body())
.when().simple("${header.CamelHttpResponseCode} == 200")
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, AccessResponseToken.class)
.to("direct:<some direct route>")
.log("Not Authenticated!!!");
If you want to stick into OAuthRestTemplate you may implement a Processor or a bean to wrap those calls and return to your route the authorization token.

Spring Cloud Feign Non blocking I/O or Asynchronous Call

I am developing microservices using Spring cloud platform where service1 calls multiple other micro services e.g. service2, service3, service 4 etc. These services can be called in parallel and service1 will aggregate the result. Can I use Spring cloud feign (http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Dalston.SR1/#spring-cloud-feign) to generate rest client and call the services asynchronously or Should I use Spring 4 AsyncRestTemplate to call the services asynchronously?
I have used CompletableFuture to chain async calls to mutiple micro services using feign client however was not eventually successful. Please go through below link for further information. What I understood is - Feign's is not designed for asynchronous invocation or zero-copy i/o.
