Sage 300 intelligence reporting not working for admin user - sage-300

All the required configuration are done for the intelligence reporting and it's works for other users on portal but for admin user it's not showing the Intelligence report menu? I am stuck over there can any one help me? Thanks in advance.

Try to set AllowWebApiAccessForAdmin Key as true From Sage Support Document
<add key="AllowWebApiAccessForAdmin" value="true" />


How get details from validation team about an error while testing my application

The validation team reported to me an error on my outlook web-addin.
I cannot reproduce the error, then I don't know how to fix it.
Is it possible to contact the validation team to get some details about the error?
My Add-In has a button that generate a file (with a specific extension: .j2s) and start the download of it.
The file is generated by linking (with target _blank) an ashx handle (generate.ashx).
The validation team reported to me an error like "The page cannot be reached".
But, the url is right and reacheable.
My suspect is that the file extension can be blocked by some security policy...
I've added the extension in my web.config:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".j2s" mimeType="application/j2s" />
I need to know in which conditions the validation team obtained the issue, if not I don't know how to fix.
In the validation test results document they say:
Contact us: We can help you resolve your validation issues more quickly.
But, how can I contact them?
Thank you

Joomla User & Reporting manager mapping

I want to implement leave management system in joomla. For every leave i want email notification to be sent to employee's manager (reporting manager). I need to do employee - > reporting manager mapping somewhere in database.
Is there any built in utility in joomla user groups which can help me? OR Do I need to simply create mapping table in database?
Please suggest.
We are looking for something very similar to run within a Joomla Intranet environment.
I have recently found an extension that might be the kind of thing you are looking for - have a look at Intranet Attendance Track by thagatpam in the extensions directory.
The extension can track attendance, leave, and has a manager approval system built-in.
Hope this helps.

Joomla Custom component with sample form in admin

I need a sample form in administrator having add,edit,delete options to manage "success stories" in my web app.
I searched to get sample component to install.
If i get that, i will change form according to my app & table too.
Please help me by giving link resource that suits my requirement. I am sorry to ask this, i am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance,
Take a look at the Joomla Component Creator:

Reference a user's username in a SiteMap

I'm working in MVC 3 with C#. I'm working on security trimming. I'm obviously implementing it through a sitemap. My question is can I pass the user's current user name to the sitemap? My goal is to have an "account" link that has text equal to the user's user name. Right now my sitemap code looks like:
<siteMapNode title="Account" description="Account settings" url="~/Account" />
This code is nestled correctly and everything is fine. I just want to know how to make the title section update dynamically and match the user's username. Is this possible?
Additional information: all trimming is done through the code expressed in this article. Additionally, this is my sitemap string:
<siteMap xmlns="" >
Profiles are done through ASP .NET SQL Profile/Role Provider. Thanks in advance.
HttpContext.Current.User if not null

Access Rules created by WSAT are not enforced

I'm trying to implement roles in my site.
There are several projects in the solution, one of which is a web application.
In that web application, I'm trying to use WSAT to create three roles. There are many folders for the application. I've used WSAT to define role based access rules for each folder.
However, when I debug and navigate to those pages, they do not redirect to a login and show me the protected page.
There are web.config files in each folder.
Why would the system not enforce these rules?
My web.config file has:
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetSqlProvider" />
I've tested the connections in WSAT and they work.
Any ideas?
<roleManager enabled="true"/>
Also, please edit your question to provide the web.config from one of your subdirectories.
Yes, I fixed the problem.
A previous developer had cleared all the HTTP modules. Since all the modules were disabled, the authentication module wasn't part of the pipeline.
