AM Charts - Changing the colour of tooltip text - amcharts

Can't figure out how I change the text colour of tooltips. For my column chart I tried:
series.tooltip.label.fill = am4core.color("#FFFFFF");
But it doesnt work. Curious also how I do it for the pie charts? Is there one place that I can update to affect all chart types, or do each need to be handled independently?

The tooltip label gets a calculated color that contrasts with the tooltip background. You need to set autoTextColor to false in order to the fill color to take effect.
series.tooltip.autoTextColor = false;
series.tooltip.label.fill = am4core.color("#FFFFFF");
The same is valid for pie charts.
You can create your own theme but that could be more than what you need.
You can use more than one theme, which allows you to use one default theme and then override just what you need:
am4core.useTheme(function customTheme (object) {
// Identify the instances
if (object instanceof am4core.Tooltip && object.label) {
object.autoTextColor = false;
object.label.fill = am4core.color("#FFFFFF");

After a lengthy search, I got the Below Line of code as successful line
pieSeries.labels.template.fill = am4core.color("white");

I have added above line of code if you are using axis range you can use that however as I can see your problem please take a look below line of code will solve your problem
series.tooltip.getFillFromObject = false;
series.tooltip.label.propertyFields.fill = "color";
series.tooltip.background.propertyFields.stroke = "color";


How to show the background grid on area chart?

I need to show the grid lines on area chart within the background. I am working on amcharts area chart. I need the chart like attachment image.
For v4, please check out our guide on Axis Ranges for Series.
Our Chart With Gaps In Data demo does exactly what's shown in your screenshot:
The parts that allow the grid lines to come through is that the fills are transparent via fillOpacity:
// There's no series.fill because it has its own color already
series.fillOpacity = 0.2;
// [...]
range.contents.stroke = chart.colors.getIndex(2);
range.contents.fill = range.contents.stroke;
range.contents.fillOpacity = 0.2;
Let us know if this helps.
You have to use gridAboveGraphs and set it to true in your chart config.
AmCharts.makeChart("chartdivcontainer", {
"gridAboveGraphs": true

Dynamic colors in DC charts

I'm building a data dashboard using DC.js and was wondering if it was possible to change the color of the slices in a pie chart dynamically based on the value in the field it is referring to.
Basically I've built a pie chart aggregating the costume colors of different superheroes and I'd love to be able to color each slice with the color it is referring to - so the slice for 'Black' is colored black, the slice for 'Green' is colored green and so forth.
I'm fairly new to DC.js so accept that it may not be possible, but wanted to throw it out there and see if it could be done!
I tried including an array within .ordinalColors but couldn't figure out if there was a way to pull in the data from the field dynamically. I'm assuming that I'd have to change the data in the .csv file to a string that could be recognised as a color reference, but not sure how to go about doing that.
function show_costume_color(ndx) {
var costume_color_dim = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Costume Colour'));
var costume_color =;
CSV data comes in the below format
ID,name,Gender,Eye color,Race,Hair color,Publisher,Alignment,Superpower,Superpower Strength Level,Costume
0,A-Bomb,Male,Yellow,Human,No Hair,Marvel Comics,Good,Superhuman
1,Abin Sur,Male,Blue,Ungaran,No Hair,DC Comics,Good,Cosmic Power,40,Green
Yes, of course. Everything is specified dynamically in dc.js.
Assuming you are using dc.js v3 (and d3 v4+) the way I would suggest doing this is by creating another CSV file with the color assignments you want, something like
Name, RGB
Red, #ff1122
Blue, #1133ff
Then you can load the second file in parallel with your data using Promise.all(),
Promise.all([d3.csv('data.csv'), d3.csv('colors.csv')])
.then(function(data, colors) {
// rest of code will go here
ordinalColors is a nice convenience method, but if you want complete control, and to understand exactly what's going on, it's better to supply your own color scale. In this case, we want an ordinal scale, which maps specific discrete values to specific colors.
Under the covers, dc.js always deals with colors by using the colorAccessor to fetch a value for the the item, and then mapping this value using a color scale. You can think of the value that the accessor returns as a "color name", which is pretty convenient because it's exactly what you want here.
So you can populate a d3.scaleOrdinal with the domain of color names and the range of RGB colors:
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain( => row.Name))
.range( => row.RGB));
Now supply it to your chart using .colors():
What's really handy about this approach is that you can supply the same color scale for multiple charts, in order to make sure they are consistent. This is something that you don't get automatically in dc.js, because charts don't know very much about each other.
So, I managed to figure it out through an extensive period of trial and error and now I'm off and away with my dashboard. Thanks for your help, Gordon - it really made the difference! It needs a bit of tidying up but my working test code is below.
// Bring in data from both csv files
.then(function(data) {
// Tidy up data before use
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.Height = +d.Height;
d.Weight = +d.Weight;
d.Strength = +d.Strength;
// Bring in colorScale to dynamically color pie chart slices
var ndxcol = crossfilter(data[1]);
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain(data[1].map(row => row.Name))
.range(data[1].map(row => row.RGB));
// Bring in superhero data
var ndx = crossfilter(data[0]);
// Define chart types
var publisherSelector = dc.selectMenu('#publisher-selector')
var genderChart = dc.rowChart('#gender-balance');
// Define chart dimensions
var publisherChoice = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Publisher'));
var genderBalance = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Gender'));
// Define chart groups
var genderNumber =;
var publisherNumber =;
// Draw charts
.margins({ top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 30 })

styling tooltips in AmCharts (V4)

currently im trying to style a tooltip which appears when you hover over an map image with dynamic content (title of the company).
My aim is to style the background to a specific color, give the font a color and also apply a CSS property "box-shadow".
For the first aim I tried to use the "fill" property like so:
mapImageSeries is of type am4maps.MapImageSeries.
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.fill = am4core.color('#ffff00');
Which does not work however using
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.background.cornerRadius = 0; // will change the "border-radius" of the tooltip.
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.background.fill = am4core.color('#ffff00'); // does also not work.
For my second goal setting up a color property for the font I didn't find a property, same with the box-shadow css property.
Is it possible to attach a css class for the tooltip so I can easily style it via CSS? And how do I style the tooltip with the
requirements im facing?
By default, tooltips pull colors from their relevant object, so to manipulate their styles you'll first have to turn that off, e.g.:
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.getFillFromObject = false;
You can then do:
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.background.cornerRadius = 0;
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.background.fill = am4core.color("#ffff00");
Instead of modifying CSS box-shadow, you can apply the DropShadow SVG filter. Tooltips have a single filter, actually a DropShadow filter out the box, which we can modify:
var dropShadow = this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.filters.getIndex(0);
dropShadow.dx = 3;
dropShadow.dy = 3;
dropShadow.blur = 5;
dropShadow.opacity = 0.7;
To modify Tooltip text styles, they actually have their own Label child via their label property. There are two ways you can modify color, first is like the method above, e.g. if you want to set a default color for tooltip text:
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.label.fill = am4core.color("#e97f02"); // color from lolcolors:
Another way to color the text, as well as apply other CSS styles, is to use Visual formatting in your tooltipText string, e.g.:
this.mapImageSeries.tooltipText = "[font-size: 20px; #bd1550]{companyTitle}:[/]\n{locationTitle} branch";
One style that won't work via visual formatting is text-align, you'll need to do that through via SVG properties, e.g.
this.mapImageSeries.tooltip.label.textAlign = "middle";
I've made a demo for you here:
Hope this helps, let me know if it's all making sense.
If you're still looking to use literally CSS for your own needs, let me know and I'll try to sort that out with you.

Remove or clear previously drawn dimple chart

How to remove or clear previously drawn dimple bar chart.
I did the following to redraw chart with new data: = newData; chart.draw();
This will redraw if data is not empty. If new data is empty, previously drawn chart remains and is not getting erased. How to clear the previously drawn chart?
If you are trying to remove the entire chart (shapes and axis and all), you could do:
If you are just trying to remove the bars/lines/shapes and leave the axes and legend intact, you can do :
I think this may actually be a bug related to this one : to clear out old series if you set to an empty array.
Thank you. I could get it from series.shapes.remove(), below is the code snippet:
if (0 === total_records) {
else {
chart.series.splice(0, 1);
chart.addSeries("Name",; = p_data;

Put an image in the center of a cell with migradoc

I need to put an image in the center of a table's cell.
When I add the image in a cell the image is aligned topleft.
How can I align the image in the center of a cell?
You might need to add a paragraph to the cell, set the alignment on the paragraph, and then add the image to the paragraph.
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
In my version of MigraDoc, Jeff and Reuben's solution does not work as shown: Setting the cell's Format.Alignment property has no effect, even when the image is inside a paragraph.
However, what does work for me is to put the image in a paragraph, just as Jeff and Reuben say, then give the paragraph a named style which includes centering.
In my method which predefines all my styles, I do something like:
// Here we assume the "TableText" style has already been created
var sty = doc.Styles.AddStyle( "TableTextCenter", "TableText" );
sty.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
And at the point where I add the image, I do this:
var para = table.Cells[ 0 ].AddParagraph();
para.Style = "TableTextCenter"; // <----- This is the magic!
var img = para.AddImage( imageFileSpec );
img.LockAspectRatio = true;
img.Width = "4cm";
img.WrapFormat = new WrapFormat {
Style = WrapStyle.Through
As #Reuben says, what is interesting is:
I was trying with
And the image was inserted in the document but I couln't get it centered.
