I followed the instructions on https://developers.google.com/assistant/sdk/guides/library/python/embed/setup to setup Google Assisstant on my Raspberry Pi 3. Unfortunately, using the hotword command gives me a segmentation fault:
$ googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project-id xxxxx --device-model-id xxxxx
device_model_id: xxxxx
device_id: BE5AC9Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Segmentation fault
What I tried so far:
Registering the device like in this post is successful, seg fault
still appears:
Google Assistant on Raspberry pi Segmentation fault
My Google Assistant API is tuned on
Without project id it works, as
stated here:
Google Assistant on Raspberry Pi 3 Segmentation fault
What I noticed is, that also my google assistant app on the phone says I have 0 local devices.
I had the exact same issue as you. I solved it by upgrading the library to v1.0.1, through running this in the env
python -m pip install --upgrade google-assistant-library==1.0.1
Based on talk from this issue on the GitHub for the Assistant SDK.
I am trying to read and understand how python wrapper for uiautomator2 works. What is the function of uiautomator apks present inside libs and how does this whole framework work?
Also, where did they come from? I could not find source code of these apks.
uiautomator apk are there to handle ui commands on phone.
python-uiautomator2 is a python-wrapper, which allows
scripting with Python on computer
controlling the mobile with computer with/without usb connection
screen-casting exact
Real time device controlling
Connect ONLY ONE mobile to the computer with developer-mode open,
make sure adb devices works
Install packages: pip3 install -U uiautomator2 weditor
Install daemons to the mobile: python/python3 -m uiautomator2 init
The weditor is a standalone web-server to interact with the mobile through browser.
Basic Usage
Connect the mobile by wifi and run below python script
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect('')
Connect the mobile by USB and run below python script
import uiautomator2 as u2
d = u2.connect('mobile-serial') # get from "adb devices"
Key events
for full details please follow the below link
uiautomator2 doc
I have just started working with my Nodemcu and was wondering when you upload codes using Arduino IDE on the device, how can you delete them from the storage?
Would highly appreciate any clues.
Many thanks.
Tried a variety of methods and the following worked:
You must have python installed.
install the esptool package using pip.
esptool.py --chip esp8266 --port (write the port location esp connected) erase_flash
run 3 in terminal
storage is emptied successfully.
I was trying to flash the mendel-enterprise-chef-13 to the Coral EdgeTPU Development Board but got stuck after the command, "bash flash.sh."
The host computer is the MacBook Pro (2018) with macOS Mojave ver. 10 and connected with the Coral EdgeTPU Dev Board.
I have followed the instructions on the Coral Document listed at https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/dev-board/get-started/.
The process went smooth up to without the problem untill the step 8 and 12.
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
sudo mv ~/Downloads/platform-tools/fastboot ~/.local/bin/
pip3 install --user mendel-development-tool
and then install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver for Mac.
screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
fastboot 0
fastboot devices
1b0741d6f0609912 fastboot # I did not get this message
cd ~/Downloads
curl -O https://dl.google.com/coral/mendel/enterprise/mendel-enterprise-chef-13.zip
unzip mendel-enterprise-chef-13.zip \
&& cd mendel-enterprise-chef-13
bash flash.sh # Got stuck here.
I want to know how to fix the issues of flashing the mendel image.
this sounds like a problem with the USB-A USB-C cable, or the usb port on your host machine, have you tried a different port?
I am trying to install ROS on Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian Jessie).
After invoking following command, I realized that Raspberry Pi is freezing and it is not responding anymore-
sudo ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --install-space /opt/ros/indigo
I tried to power it off and re-run the above command. However, it got stuck again on the same line. I also tried to use CLI but got in vain. Please see below a picture-
Please see below the output of top command-
Any workaround, please? I want to use ROS Indigo on Raspberry Pi.
Your system is running out of memory. Even your swap is full. You can solve this issue in multiple ways:
Use less jobs to build your application by adding the option --jobs 1 as explained here
Close other memory hungry applications during your build process
Increase the swap partition like so
I've recently bought a NodeMCU board and flashed Micropython in it.
I've read about the boot.py and main.py scripts, but I can't understand how to access them. I have succesfully connected to the Python REPL with the screen command and everything works fine.
Is there a way to mount it as an external drive on Mac OS X? Because I haven't found a way till now.
Thanks in advance!
you can enable the webrepl and upload via that
I've found this one package very helpful to upload vi the serial.
pip install mpfshell
python -m mp.mpfshell
> open COM3
> put main.py
micropython is cool...
Due to some questions I had about the NodeMcu and running Python on it, I just set up a pretty end-to-end documentation python2nodemcu on GitHub.
Viewing, downloading, uploading or listing files of the MicroPython filesystem has its own section there.
It utilizes Ampy, a Python library to connect to the MicroPython-based board via its serial connection. For listing all files for example, simply run python3 ampy/cli.py --port /dev/tty.{device-file} --baud 115200 ls.
The mpy-utils software package contains a tool called mpy-fuse that allows you to mount a MicroPython device from Linux or MacOS using FUSE. I found this tool through this video that describes how to set it up and shows how it looks like in action.