I have two separate obj.s - a sink and a board (the top of a bathroom-cupboard).
The sink needs to be placed on top of the board, like this:
(just an examle from image-search)
However, of course, both objects overlap, so the board is still there where the hole of the sink is supposed to be.
Using a boolean to subtract the sink from the cupboard isn't enough, because it won't cut out the hollow space.
What options do I have to go about this?
Is there a way to have the sinkhole considered a part of the boolean that cuts away from the cupboard?
Btw. this needs to be done with several sinks of various shapes and measurements.
I considered adding an invisible cube with the same measurements as the sink to substract its mass from the board, but it's a highly suboptimal solution (for it'd need to be redone for every sink individually + some sinks have round shapes).
I have an equipment which performs radial scan. It scans an object along the green lines showing in the image(three lines in the image, but the equipment can perform more).
Thus, I can get a point cloud, which contains points from the upper and lower surfaces of the object. And I want to make surface reconstruction using the point cloud.
I load the point cloud file(.txt format, xyz coordinates of each point) into Meshlab and it shows like this(yellow points are the points in the point cloud):
I then followed a blog teaching simple usage of Meshlab and clicked "Fiter——>Normals,Curtavures and Oreientation——>Smooths normals on a point set" and "Fiter——>Remeshing Simplication and Reconstruction——>Surface Reconstruction:Ball Pivoting". (both default setting)
However, the results was not I want:
It connects points within a scanned image, but the surface should be reconstructed by connecting points between adjacent scanned images.
I can think about two possible reasons:(1) I did not choose right setting in Meshlab. If so, which setting parameters can make reconstruction for the point cloud. (2)My point cloud is too sparse and I need to interpolate the point cloud to make it have more points and which interpolation method should I use?
The normals computed in this image are computed using Neighbour num 10 and smooth iteration 8.
And, the normals computed in this image are computed using Neighbour num 60 and smooth iteration 8. When Neighbour num is greater than 20, normals are similar to the image below.
It is possible that you are having problems due to inequality directional sampling of the surface. You have high density of points in one direction, then a big gap in the other direction. This is a problem due to 'Compute normals for point sets' filter uses a parameter with the number of Neighbours to each point, so the computer normal will be byassed because there is unlikely to find neighbours in a different scanline.
So my proposal is (I will reuse parts from this tutorial )
Point Cloud Simplification and Normals Computation
Start by increasing the number of orientations in the scan. You want to fill those gaps.
If you need to reduce the number of point samples in the center of the object to reduce noise, go to Filters -> Point Set -> Point Cloud Simplification. Make sure Best Sample Heuristic is checked.
After point cloud simplification, make sure to select Simplified point cloud in the Show Layer Dialog on the right hand side. If not visible, it can be opened by navigating to View -> Show Layer Dialog. Now we need to compute normals for point set.
So go to Filters -> Point Set -> Compute normals for point sets . Enter Neighbour num between 10 - 100. Initially try with 10 and try to get a mesh and later see if this can be improved by increasing the neighbour number. For Smooth Iteration initially try with 0 value and may be later it can be tried with values between 5 - 10. I mostly use value 8.
Make sure if your normals are properly computed by going to Render -> Show Normal.
Meshing / Poisson Surface Reconstruction
Next we are going to use Poisson Surface reconstruction to do meshing.
So go to Filters ->Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction -> Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction. Initially try with default parameters then later one can play around with reconstruction depth, number of samples and interpolation weight values.
This will create another mesh layer called Poisson in the Show layer Dialog which has surfaces now. Make sure to select that to peform further operations.
One can observe that it has also created some extra surfaces. To remove them go to Filters -> Selection -> Select Faces with edges longer than .... By default the value is automatically computed, just click on apply. Then click on delete face button (triangle face and three vertex with a cross over it). This will remove extra surfaces.
After this operation, still some noise faces can be seen. To remove them go to Filters -> Cleaning and Repairing -> Remove isolated pieces (wrt Face Num.). Use the default value and make sure Remove unreferenced vertices is checked. This will remove some noise faces.
Even after the above operation some noise faces are seen. To remove them go to Filters -> Selection -> Select non Manifold Vertices. Click apply. Then click on delete face button (triangle and threwe vertex with a cross over it). This will remove remaining extra faces.
Let's say I have a static object and a movable object which can be moved and rotated, what is the best way to very quickly calculate the difference of those two meshes?
Precision here is not so important, speed is though, since I have to use it in the update phase of the main loop.
Maybe, given the strict time limit, modifying the static object's vertices and triangles directly is to be preferred. Should voxels be preferred here instead?
EDIT: The use case is an interactive viewer of a wood panel (parallelepiped) and a milling tool (a revolved contour, some like these).
The milling tool can be rotated and can work oriented at varying degrees (5 axes).
EDIT 2: The milling tool may not pierce the wood.
EDIT 3: The panel can be as large as 6000x2000mm and the milling tool can be as little as 3x3mm.
If you need the best possible performance then the generic CSG approach may be too slow for you (but still depending on meshes and target hardware).
You may try to find some specialized algorithm, coded for your specific meshes. Let's say you have two cubes - one is a 'wall' and second is a 'window' - then it's much easier/faster to compute resulting mesh with your custom code, than full CSG. Unfortunately you don't say anything about your meshes.
You may also try to make it a 2D problem, use some simplified meshes to compute the result that will 'look like expected'.
If the movement of your meshes is somehow limited you may be able to precompute full or partial results for different mesh combinations to use at runtime.
You may use some space partitioning like BSP or Octrees to divide your meshes during precomputing stage. This way you could split one big problem into many smaller ones that may be faster to compute or at least to make the solution multi-threaded.
You've said about voxels - if you're fine with their look and limits you may voxelize both meshes and just read and mix two voxel values, instead of one. Then you would triangulate it using algorithm like Marching Cubes.
Those are all just some general ideas but we'll need better info to help you more.
With your description it looks like you're modeling some bas-relief, so you may use Relief Mapping to fake this effect. It's based on a height map stored as a texture, so you'd need to just update few pixels of the texture and render a plane. It should be quite fast compared to other approaches, the downside is that it's based on height map, so you can't get shapes that Tee Slot or Dovetail cutter would create.
If you want the real geometry then I'd start from a simple plane as your panel (don't need full 3D yet, just a front surface) and divide it with a 2D grid. The grid element should be slightly bigger than the drill size and every element is a separate mesh. In the frame update you'd cut one, or at most 4 elements that are touched with a drill. Thanks to this grid all your cutting operations will be run with very simple mesh so they may work with your intended speed. You can also cut all current elements in separate threads. After the cutting is done you'll upload to the GPU only currently modified elements so you may end up with quite complex mesh but small modifications per frame.
I was looking at the http://threejs.org/examples/webgl_nearestneighbour.html and had a few questions come up. I see that they use the kdtree to stick all the particles positions and then have a function to determine the nearest particle and color it. Let's say that you have a canvas with around 100 buffered geometries with around 72000 vertices / geometry. The only way I know to do this is that you get the positions of the buffered geometries and then put them into the kdtree to determine the nearest vertice and go from there. This sounds very expensive.
What other way is there to return the objects that are near the camera. Something like how THREE.LOD does it? http://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lod It has the ability to see how far an object is and render the different levels depending on the setting you inputted.
Define "expensive". The point of the kdtree is to find nearest neighbour elements quickly, its primary focus is not on saving memory (Although it does everything inplace on a typed array, it's quit cheap in terms of memory already). If you need to save memory you maybe have to find another way.
Yet a typed array with length 21'600'000 is indeed a bit long. I highly doubt you have to have every single vertex in there. Why not have a position reference point for every geometry part? And, if you need to get the vertices associated to that point, a dictionary. Then you can call myGeometryVertices[ geometryReferencePoint ].
Three.LOD works with raycasts. If you have a (few) hundred objects that might work well. If you have hundred thousands or even millions of positions you'll get some troubles. Also if you're not using meshes; you can't raytrace e.g. a particle.
Really just build your own logic with them. None of those two provide a prebuilt perfect-for-all-cases solution.
I have some map files consisting of 'polylines' (each line is just a list of vertices) representing tunnels, and I want to try and find the tunnel 'center line' (shown, roughly, in red below).
I've had some success in the past using Delaunay triangulation but I'd like to avoid that method as it does not (in general) allow for easy/frequent modification of my map data.
Any ideas on how I might be able to do this?
An "algorithm" that works well with localized data changes.
The critic's view
The Good
The nice part is that it uses a mixture of image processing and graph operations available in most libraries, may be parallelized easily, is reasonable fast, may be tuned to use a relatively small memory footprint and doesn't have to be recalculated outside the modified area if you store the intermediate results.
The Bad
I wrote "algorithm", in quotes, just because I developed it and surely is not robust enough to cope with pathological cases. If your graph has a lot of cycles you may end up with some phantom lines. More on this and examples later.
And The Ugly
The ugly part is that you need to be able to flood fill the map, which is not always possible. I posted a comment a few days ago asking if your graphs can be flood filled, but didn't receive an answer. So I decided to post it anyway.
The Sketch
The idea is:
Use image processing to get a fine line of pixels representing the center path
Partition the image in chunks commensurated to the tunnel thinnest passages
At each partition, represent a point at the "center of mass" of the contained pixels
Use those pixels to represent the Vertices of a Graph
Add Edges to the Graph based on a "near neighbour" policy
Remove spurious small cycles in the induced Graph
End- The remaining Edges represent your desired path
The parallelization opportunity arises from the fact that the partitions may be computed in standalone processes, and the resulting graph may be partitioned to find the small cycles that need to be removed. These factors also allow to reduce the memory needed by serializing instead of doing calcs in parallel, but I didn't go trough this.
The Plot
I'll no provide pseudocode, as the difficult part is just that not covered by your libraries. Instead of pseudocode I'll post the images resulting from the successive steps.
I wrote the program in Mathematica, and I can post it if is of some service to you.
A- Start with a nice flood filled tunnel image
B- Apply a Distance Transformation
The Distance Transformation gives the distance transform of image, where the value of each pixel is replaced by its distance to the nearest background pixel.
You can see that our desired path is the Local Maxima within the tunnel
C- Convolve the image with an appropriate kernel
The selected kernel is a Laplacian-of-Gaussian kernel of pixel radius 2. It has the magic property of enhancing the gray level edges, as you can see below.
D- Cutoff gray levels and Binarize the image
To get a nice view of the center line!
Perhaps that is enough for you, as you ay know how to transform a thin line to an approximate piecewise segments sequence. As that is not the case for me, I continued this path to get the desired segments.
E- Image Partition
Here is when some advantages of the algorithm show up: you may start using parallel processing or decide to process each segment at a time. You may also compare the resulting segments with the previous run and re-use the previous results
F- Center of Mass detection
All the white points in each sub-image are replaced by only one point at the center of mass
XCM = (Σ i∈Points Xi)/NumPoints
YCM = (Σ i∈Points Yi)/NumPoints
The white pixels are difficult to see (asymptotically difficult with param "a" age), but there they are.
G- Graph setup from Vertices
Form a Graph using the selected points as Vertex. Still no Edges.
H- select Candidate Edges
Using the Euclidean Distance between points, select candidate edges. A cutoff is used to select an appropriate set of Edges. Here we are using 1.5 the subimagesize.
As you can see the resulting Graph have a few small cycles that we are going to remove in the next step.
H- Remove Small Cycles
Using a Cycle detection routine we remove the small cycles up to a certain length. The cutoff length depends on a few parms and you should figure it empirically for your graphs family
I- That's it!
You can see that the resulting center line is shifted a little bit upwards. The reason is that I'm superimposing images of different type in Mathematica ... and I gave up trying to convince the program to do what I want :)
A Few Shots
As I did the testing, I collected a few images. They are probably the most un-tunnelish things in the world, but my Tunnels-101 went astray.
Anyway, here they are. Remember that I have a displacement of a few pixels upwards ...
Just in case you have access to Mathematica 8 (I got it today) there is a new function Thinning. Just look:
This is a pretty classic skeletonization problem; there are lots of algorithms available. Some algorithms work in principle on outline contours, but since almost everyone uses them on images, I'm not sure how available such things will be. Anyway, if you can just plot and fill the sewer outlines and then use a skeletonization algorithm, you could get something close to the midline (within pixel resolution).
Then you could walk along those lines and do a binary search with circles until you hit at least two separate line segments (three if you're at a branch point). The midpoint of the two spots you first hit, or the center of a circle touching the three points you first hit, is a good estimate of the center.
Well in Python using package skimage it is an easy task as follows.
import pylab as pl
from skimage import morphology as mp
tun = 1-pl.imread('tunnel.png')[...,0] #your tunnel image
skl = mp.medial_axis(tun) #skeleton
I'v always wondered this. In a game like GTA where there are 10s of thousands of objects, how does the game know as soon as you're on a health pack?
There can't possibly be an event listener for each object? Iterating isn't good either? I'm just wondering how it's actually done.
There's no one answer to this but large worlds are often space-partitioned by using something along the lines of a quadtree or kd-tree which brings search times for finding nearest neighbors below linear time (fractional power, or at worst O( N^(2/3) ) for a 3D game). These methods are often referred to as BSP for binary space partitioning.
With regards to collision detection, each object also generally has a bounding volume mesh (set of polygons forming a convex hull) associated with it. These highly simplified meshes (sometimes just a cube) aren't drawn but are used in the detection of collisions. The most rudimentary method is to create a plane that is perpendicular to the line connecting the midpoints of each object with the plane intersecting the line at the line's midpoint. If an object's bounding volume has points on both sides of this plane, it is a collision (you only need to test one of the two bounding volumes against the plane). Another method is the enhanced GJK distance algorithm. If you want a tutorial to dive through, check out NeHe Productions' OpenGL lesson #30.
Incidently, bounding volumes can also be used for other optimizations such as what are called occlusion queries. This is a process of determining which objects are behind other objects (occluders) and therefore do not need to be processed / rendered. Bounding volumes can also be used for frustum culling which is the process of determining which objects are outside of the perspective viewing volume (too near, too far, or beyond your field-of-view angle) and therefore do not need to be rendered.
As Kylotan noted, using a bounding volume can generate false positives when detecting occlusion and simply does not work at all for some types of objects such as toroids (e.g. looking through the hole in a donut). Having objects like these occlude correctly is a whole other thread on portal-culling.
Quadtrees and Octrees, another quadtree, are popular ways, using space partitioning, to accomplish this. The later example shows a 97% reduction in processing over a pair-by-pair brute-force search for collisions.
A common technique in game physics engines is the sweep-and-prune method. This is explained in David Baraff's SIGGRAPH notes (see Motion with Constraints chapter). Havok definitely uses this, I think it's an option in Bullet, but I'm not sure about PhysX.
The idea is that you can look at the overlaps of AABBs (axis-aligned bounding boxes) on each axis; if the projection of two objects' AABBs overlap on all three axes, then the AABBs must overlap. You can check each axis relatively quickly by sorting the start and end points of the AABBs; there's a lot of temporal coherence between frames since usually most objects aren't moving very fast, so the sorting doesn't change much.
Once sweep-and-prune detects an overlap between AABBs, you can do the more detailed check for the objects, e.g. sphere vs. box. If the detailed check reveals a collision, you can then resolve the collision by applying forces, and/or trigger a game event or play a sound effect.
Correct. Normally there is not an event listener for each object. Often there is a non-binary tree structure in memory that mimics your games map. Imagine a metro/underground map.
This memory strucutre is a collection of things in the game. You the player, monsters and items that you can pickup or items that might blowup and do you harm. So as the player moves around the game the player object pointer is moved in the game/map memory structure.
see How should I have my game entities knowledgeable of the things around them?
I would like to recommend the solid book of Christer Ericson on real time collision detection. It presents the basics of collision detection while providing references on the contemporary research efforts.
Real-Time Collision Detection (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3-D Technology)
There are a lot of optimizations can be used.
Firstly - any object (say with index i for example) is bounded by cube, with center coordinates CXi,CYi, and size Si
Secondly - collision detection works with estimations:
a) Find all pairs cubes i,j with condition: Abs(CXi-CXj)<(Si+Sj) AND Abs(CYi-CYj)<(Si+Sj)
b) Now we work only with pairs got in a). We calculate distances between them more accurately, something like Sqrt(Sqr(CXi-CXj)+Sqr(CYi-CYj)), objects now represented as sets of few numbers of simple figures - cubes, spheres, cones - and we using geometry formulas to check these figures intersections.
c) Objects from b) with detected intersections are processed as collisions with physics calculating etc.