How does 3D collision / object detection work? - algorithm

I'v always wondered this. In a game like GTA where there are 10s of thousands of objects, how does the game know as soon as you're on a health pack?
There can't possibly be an event listener for each object? Iterating isn't good either? I'm just wondering how it's actually done.

There's no one answer to this but large worlds are often space-partitioned by using something along the lines of a quadtree or kd-tree which brings search times for finding nearest neighbors below linear time (fractional power, or at worst O( N^(2/3) ) for a 3D game). These methods are often referred to as BSP for binary space partitioning.
With regards to collision detection, each object also generally has a bounding volume mesh (set of polygons forming a convex hull) associated with it. These highly simplified meshes (sometimes just a cube) aren't drawn but are used in the detection of collisions. The most rudimentary method is to create a plane that is perpendicular to the line connecting the midpoints of each object with the plane intersecting the line at the line's midpoint. If an object's bounding volume has points on both sides of this plane, it is a collision (you only need to test one of the two bounding volumes against the plane). Another method is the enhanced GJK distance algorithm. If you want a tutorial to dive through, check out NeHe Productions' OpenGL lesson #30.
Incidently, bounding volumes can also be used for other optimizations such as what are called occlusion queries. This is a process of determining which objects are behind other objects (occluders) and therefore do not need to be processed / rendered. Bounding volumes can also be used for frustum culling which is the process of determining which objects are outside of the perspective viewing volume (too near, too far, or beyond your field-of-view angle) and therefore do not need to be rendered.
As Kylotan noted, using a bounding volume can generate false positives when detecting occlusion and simply does not work at all for some types of objects such as toroids (e.g. looking through the hole in a donut). Having objects like these occlude correctly is a whole other thread on portal-culling.

Quadtrees and Octrees, another quadtree, are popular ways, using space partitioning, to accomplish this. The later example shows a 97% reduction in processing over a pair-by-pair brute-force search for collisions.

A common technique in game physics engines is the sweep-and-prune method. This is explained in David Baraff's SIGGRAPH notes (see Motion with Constraints chapter). Havok definitely uses this, I think it's an option in Bullet, but I'm not sure about PhysX.
The idea is that you can look at the overlaps of AABBs (axis-aligned bounding boxes) on each axis; if the projection of two objects' AABBs overlap on all three axes, then the AABBs must overlap. You can check each axis relatively quickly by sorting the start and end points of the AABBs; there's a lot of temporal coherence between frames since usually most objects aren't moving very fast, so the sorting doesn't change much.
Once sweep-and-prune detects an overlap between AABBs, you can do the more detailed check for the objects, e.g. sphere vs. box. If the detailed check reveals a collision, you can then resolve the collision by applying forces, and/or trigger a game event or play a sound effect.

Correct. Normally there is not an event listener for each object. Often there is a non-binary tree structure in memory that mimics your games map. Imagine a metro/underground map.
This memory strucutre is a collection of things in the game. You the player, monsters and items that you can pickup or items that might blowup and do you harm. So as the player moves around the game the player object pointer is moved in the game/map memory structure.
see How should I have my game entities knowledgeable of the things around them?

I would like to recommend the solid book of Christer Ericson on real time collision detection. It presents the basics of collision detection while providing references on the contemporary research efforts.
Real-Time Collision Detection (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3-D Technology)

There are a lot of optimizations can be used.
Firstly - any object (say with index i for example) is bounded by cube, with center coordinates CXi,CYi, and size Si
Secondly - collision detection works with estimations:
a) Find all pairs cubes i,j with condition: Abs(CXi-CXj)<(Si+Sj) AND Abs(CYi-CYj)<(Si+Sj)
b) Now we work only with pairs got in a). We calculate distances between them more accurately, something like Sqrt(Sqr(CXi-CXj)+Sqr(CYi-CYj)), objects now represented as sets of few numbers of simple figures - cubes, spheres, cones - and we using geometry formulas to check these figures intersections.
c) Objects from b) with detected intersections are processed as collisions with physics calculating etc.


Algorithms for selecting 3D elements (vertices, edges, faces) under a 2D rectangle region

I'm trying to write my own CAD program, and it's pretty important that I give the user the ability to select vertices/edges/faces(triangles) of interest by drawing a box or polygon on a 2D screen, and then highlighting whatever is underneath in the 3D view (both ignoring the back faces and also not ignoring the back faces).
How is this done usually? Is there any open-source example I can look at? What's generally the process for this?
This is especially harder when you are trying to handle 1 million+ triangles.
there are many ways to do this here two most often used:
Ray picking
First see:
OpenGL 3D-raypicking with high poly meshes
The idea is to cast a ray(s) from camera focal point into mouse (or cursor) direction and what the ray hits is selected. The link above exploits OpenGL rendering where you can do this very easily and fast (almost for free) and the result is pixel perfect. In order to use selecting box/polygon you need to read all of its pixels on CPU side and convert them to list of entities selected. This is slightly slower but still can be done very fast (regardless of complexity of the rendered scene). This approach is O(1) however if you do the same on CPU it will be much much slower with complexity O(n) while n is number of entities total (unless BVH or is Octree used). This method however will select only what is visible (so no back faces or objects behind).
Geometry tests
Basicaly your 2D rectangle will slice the perspective 3D frustrum to smaller one and what is inside or intersecting should be selected. You can compute this with geometry on CPU side in form of tests (object inside cuboid or box) something like this:
Cone to box collision
The complexity is also O(n) unless BVH or Octree is used. This method will select all objects (even not visible ones).
Also I think this might be interesting reading for you:
simple Drag&Drop in C++
It shows a simple C++ app architecture able of placing and moving objects in 2D. Its a basic start point for CAD like app. For 3D you just add the matrix math and or editation controls...
Also a hint for selecting in CAD/CAM software (IIRC AUTOCAD started with) is that if your selection box was created from left to right and from top to bottom manner you select all objects that are fully inside or intersect and if the selection box was created in reverse direction you select only what is fully inside. This way allows for more comfortable editation.

Very fast boolean difference between two meshes

Let's say I have a static object and a movable object which can be moved and rotated, what is the best way to very quickly calculate the difference of those two meshes?
Precision here is not so important, speed is though, since I have to use it in the update phase of the main loop.
Maybe, given the strict time limit, modifying the static object's vertices and triangles directly is to be preferred. Should voxels be preferred here instead?
EDIT: The use case is an interactive viewer of a wood panel (parallelepiped) and a milling tool (a revolved contour, some like these).
The milling tool can be rotated and can work oriented at varying degrees (5 axes).
EDIT 2: The milling tool may not pierce the wood.
EDIT 3: The panel can be as large as 6000x2000mm and the milling tool can be as little as 3x3mm.
If you need the best possible performance then the generic CSG approach may be too slow for you (but still depending on meshes and target hardware).
You may try to find some specialized algorithm, coded for your specific meshes. Let's say you have two cubes - one is a 'wall' and second is a 'window' - then it's much easier/faster to compute resulting mesh with your custom code, than full CSG. Unfortunately you don't say anything about your meshes.
You may also try to make it a 2D problem, use some simplified meshes to compute the result that will 'look like expected'.
If the movement of your meshes is somehow limited you may be able to precompute full or partial results for different mesh combinations to use at runtime.
You may use some space partitioning like BSP or Octrees to divide your meshes during precomputing stage. This way you could split one big problem into many smaller ones that may be faster to compute or at least to make the solution multi-threaded.
You've said about voxels - if you're fine with their look and limits you may voxelize both meshes and just read and mix two voxel values, instead of one. Then you would triangulate it using algorithm like Marching Cubes.
Those are all just some general ideas but we'll need better info to help you more.
With your description it looks like you're modeling some bas-relief, so you may use Relief Mapping to fake this effect. It's based on a height map stored as a texture, so you'd need to just update few pixels of the texture and render a plane. It should be quite fast compared to other approaches, the downside is that it's based on height map, so you can't get shapes that Tee Slot or Dovetail cutter would create.
If you want the real geometry then I'd start from a simple plane as your panel (don't need full 3D yet, just a front surface) and divide it with a 2D grid. The grid element should be slightly bigger than the drill size and every element is a separate mesh. In the frame update you'd cut one, or at most 4 elements that are touched with a drill. Thanks to this grid all your cutting operations will be run with very simple mesh so they may work with your intended speed. You can also cut all current elements in separate threads. After the cutting is done you'll upload to the GPU only currently modified elements so you may end up with quite complex mesh but small modifications per frame.

Raytracing via diffusion algorithm

Many certain resources about raytracing tells about:
"shoot rays, find the first obstacle to cut it"
"shoot secondary rays..."
"or, do it reverse and approximate/interpolate"
I didnt see any algortihm that uses a diffusion algorithm. Lets assume a point-light is a point that has more density than other cells(all space is divided into cells), every step/iteration of lighting/tracing makes that source point to diffuse into neighbours using a velocity field and than their neighbours and continues like that. After some satisfactory iterations(such as 30-40 iterations), the density info of each cell is used for enlightment of objects in that cell.
Point light and velocity field:
But it has to be a like 1000x1000x1000 size and this would take too much time and memory to compute. Maybe just computing 10x10x10 and when finding an obstacle, partitioning that area to 100x100x100(in a dynamic kd-tree fashion) can help generating lighting/shadows for acceptable resolution? Especially for vertex-based illumination rather than triangle.
Has anyone tried this approach?
Note: Velocity field is here to make light diffuse to outwards mostly(not %100 but %99 to have some global illumination). Finite-element-method can make this embarassingly-parallel.
Edit: any object that is hit by a positive-density will be an obstacle to generate a new velocity field around the surface of it. So light cannot go through that object but can be mirrored to another direction.(if it is a lens object than light diffuse harder through it) So the reflection of light can affect other objects with a higher iteration limit
Same kd-tree can be used in object-collision algorithms :)
Just to take as a grain of salt: a neural-network can be trained for advection&diffusion in a 30x30x30 grid and that can be used in a "gpu(opencl/cuda)-->neural-network ---> finite element method --->shadows" way.
There's a couple problems with this as it stands.
The first problem is that, fundamentally, a photon in the Newtonian sense doesn't react or change based on the density of other photons around. So using a density field and trying to light to follow the classic Navier-Stokes style solutions (which is what you're trying to do, based on the density field explanation you gave) would result in incorrect results. It would also, given enough iterations, result in complete entropy over the scene, which is also not what happens to light.
Even if you were to get rid of the density problem, you're still left with the the problem of multiple photons going different directions in the same cell, which is required for global illumination and diffuse lighting.
So, stripping away the problem portions of your idea, what you're left with is a particle system for photons :P
Now, to be fair, sudo-particle systems are currently used for global illumination solutions. This type of thing is called Photon Mapping, but it's only simple to implement a direct lighting solution using it :P

Efficient collision detection between balls (ellipses)

I'm running a simple sketch in an HTML5 canvas using Processing.js that creates "ball" objects which are just ellipses that have position, speed, and acceleration vectors as well as a diameter. In the draw function, I call on a function called applyPhysics() which loops over each ball in a hashmap and checks them against each other to see if their positions make them crash. If they do, their speed vectors are reversed.
Long story short, the number of calculations as it is now is (number of balls)^2 which ends up being a lot when I get to into the hundreds of balls. Using this sort of check slows down the sketch too much so I'm looking for ways to do smart collisions some other way.
Any suggestions? Using PGraphics somehow maybe?
I assume you're already simplifying the physics by treating the ellipses as if they were circles.
Other than that, check out quadtree collision detection:
I don't know your project, but if the balls have non-random forces applied to them (e.g. gravity) you might use predictive analytics also.
If you grid the space and create a data structure that reflects this (e.g. an array of row objects each containing an array of column objects each containing an ArrayList of ball objects), you can just consider interactions within each cell (or also with neighbouring cells). You can reassign data location for balls that cross boundaries. You then have far fewer interactions.

Avoid O(n^2) complexity for collision detection

I am developing a simple tile-based 2D game. I have a level, populated with objects that can interact with the tiles and with each other. Checking collision with the tilemap is rather easy and it can be done for all objects with a linear complexity. But now I have to detect collision between the objects and now I have to check every object against every other object, which results in square complexity.
I would like to avoid square complexity. Is there any well-known methods to reduce collision detection calls between objects. Are there any data-structures (like BSP tree maybe), which are easily maintained and allow to reject many collisions at a time.
For example, the total number of objects in the level is around 500, about 50 of them are seen on screen at a time...
Why don't you let the tiles store information about what objects occupy them. Then collisions can be detected whenever an object is moved to a new tile, by seeing if that tile already contains another object.
This would cost virtually nothing.
You can use quadtree to divide the space and reduce the number of objects you need to check for collision.
See this article - Quadtree demonstration.
And perhaps this - Collision Detection in Two Dimensions.
Or this - Quadtree (source included)
It may seem - at first glance - that it takes a lot of CPU power to maintain the tree, but it also reduces the number of checks significantly (see the demonstration in th first link).
Your game already has the concept of a gameplay-related tilemap. You can either co-opt this tilemap for collision detection, or overlay a secondary grid over your playing field used specifically for sprite tracking and collision detection.
Within your grid, each sprite occupies one or more tiles. The sprite knows which tiles it occupies, and the tiles know which sprites occupy it. When a sprite moves, you only need to check for collisions within the tiles that the sprite occupies. This means no collision detection is necessary at all unless sprites are close enought to occupy the same tiles, and even then, you only need to check for collisions between the sprites that are close together.
If your gameplay is such that sprites will frequently clump together, you may want to implement your grid as a quadtree to allow each tile to be subdivided and prevent too many sprites from occupying the same grid tile.
Also, depending on your implementation, you may need to use a slightly larger bounding box to determine tile occupancy than you use to determine collisions. That way you'll be guaranteed that the sprites will overlap and occupy the same tile before their collision boundaries touch.
