Check for a folder name, then print in CMD [duplicate] - vbscript

Hello I'm new here I need a script to check, if a folder exist and then run a file from the folder. If not, it should extract a ZIP file into a specific location. Thanks in advance!

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
path="C:\SomeFolderToExist\" 'path to folder
exists = fso.FolderExists(path)
if (exists) then
program="myprog.exe" 'Program name to run
shl.Run(path & program) 'Run a program
end if
For unzipping, I can only tell you to see this: Extract files from ZIP file with VBScript

Dim FILE, tmpfilepath, uniqueid As String
uniqueid = Row.uniqueid
tmpfilepath = "G:\Files\" + uniqueid
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(tmpfilepath) Then
do something
End If

If I understand correctly :
create a script: sudo vim
echo "enter your path"
read path
if [[ -d "$path" ]]
echo $(sudo $path/yourprograme)
echo "enter your specific location"
read spec
$ mkdir -p $spec
$ unzip -d $spec
run the : sudo ./


How do I shorten the path shown in my fish prompt to only the current directory name?

If I'm in a deep directory, let's say
the fish prompt currently looks like this:
/r/m/Ph/C/P/react-app >
How do I change it to show only the current directory? Like this:
react-app >
I am also using tide, if that makes any difference.
Since #glenn-jackman asked here's the outputs of type fish_prompt:
fish_prompt is a function with definition
# Defined in /home/PhoenixFlame101/.config/fish/functions/ # line 2
function fish_prompt
_tide_status=$status _tide_pipestatus=$pipestatus if not set -e _tide_repaint
jobs -q && set -lx _tide_jobs
/usr/bin/fish -c "set _tide_pipestatus $_tide_pipestatus
set _tide_parent_dirs $_tide_parent_dirs
PATH=$(string escape "$PATH") CMD_DURATION=$CMD_DURATION fish_bind_mode=$fish_bind_mode set _tide_prompt_4007 (_tide_2_line_prompt)" &
builtin disown
command kill $_tide_last_pid 2>/dev/null
set -g _tide_last_pid $last_pid
math $COLUMNS-(string length -V "$_tide_prompt_4007[1]$_tide_prompt_4007[3]")+5 | read -lx dist_btwn_sides
echo -ns \n''(string replace #PWD# (_tide_pwd) "$_tide_prompt_4007[1]")''
string repeat -Nm(math max 0, $dist_btwn_sides-$_tide_pwd_len) ' '
echo -ns "$_tide_prompt_4007[3]"\n"$_tide_prompt_4007[2] "
and type prompt_pwd:
prompt_pwd is a function with definition
# Defined in /usr/share/fish/functions/ # line 1
function prompt_pwd --description 'short CWD for the prompt'
set -l options h/help d/dir-length= D/full-length-dirs=
argparse -n prompt_pwd $options -- $argv
or return
if set -q _flag_help
__fish_print_help prompt_pwd
return 0
set -q argv[1]
or set argv $PWD
set -ql _flag_d
and set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length $_flag_d
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length
or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1
set -l fulldirs 0
set -ql _flag_D
and set fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs $_flag_D
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs
or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs 1
for path in $argv
# Replace $HOME with "~"
set -l realhome ~
set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $path)
if test "$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length" -eq 0
echo $tmp
# Shorten to at most $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length characters per directory
# with full-length-dirs components left at full length.
set -l full
if test $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs -gt 0
set -l all (string split -m (math $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs - 1) -r / $tmp)
set tmp $all[1]
set full $all[2..]
else if test $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs -eq 0
# 0 means not even the last component is kept
string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*' '$1' $tmp
string join / (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp) $full
I'm not sure what exactly this does, but I hope it helps!

Renaming files with a specific scheme

I have a FTP folder receiving files from a remote camera. The camera stores the video file name always as ./rec_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM.mkv. The video files are stored all in the same folder, the root folder from the FTP server.
I need to move these files to another folder, with this new scheme:
Remove rec_ from the file name.
Change date format to DD-MM-YY.
Remove date from the file name and make it a folder instead, where that same file and all the others in the same date will be stored in.
Final file path would be: ./DD-MM-YYYY/HH-MM.mkv.
The process would continue to all the files, putting them in the folder corresponding to the day it was created.
Summing up: ./rec_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM.mkv >> ./DD-MM-YYYY/HH-MM.mkv. The same should apply to all files that are in the same folder.
As I can't make it happen directly from the camera, this needs to be done with Bash on the server that is receiving the files.
So far, what I got is script, which would get the file's creation date and use it to make a folder, and then get creation time to move the file with the new name, based on it's creation time.:
for f in *.mp4
mkdir "$f" "$(date -r "$f" +"%d-%m-%Y")"
mv -n "$f" "$(date -r "$f" +"%d-%m-%Y/%H-%M-%S").mp4"
I'm getting this output (with testfile 1.mp4):
It creates the folder based on the file's creation date;
it renames the file to it's creation time;
Then, it returns mkdir: cannot create directory ‘1.mp4’: File exists
If two or more files, only one gets renamed and moved as described. The others stay the same and terminal returns:
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘1.mp4’: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘2.mp4’: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘12-12-2018’: File exists
Could someone help me out? Better suggestions? Thanks!
Honestly I would just use Perl or Python for this. Here's how to embed either in a shell script.
Here's a perl script that doesn't use any libraries, even ones that ship with Perl (so it'll work without extra packages on distributions like CentOS that don't ship with the entire Perl library). The perl script launches one new process per file in order to perform the copy.
perl -e '
while (<"*.m{p4,kv}">) {
my $path = $_;
my ($prefix, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $ext) =
split /[.-_]/, $path;
my $sec = q[00];
die "unexpected prefix ($prefix) in $path"
unless $prefix eq q[rec];
die "unexpected extension ($ext) in $path"
unless $ext eq q[mp4] or $ext eq q[mkv];
my $dir = "$day-$month-$year";
my $name = "$hour-$min-$sec" . q[.] . $ext;
my $destpath = $dir . q[/] . $name;
die "$dir . $name is unexpectedly a directory" if (-d $dir);
system("cp", "--", $path, $destpath);
Here's a Python example, it's compatible with either Python 2 or Python 3 but does use the standard library. The Python script does not spawn any additional processes.
python3 -c '
import os.path as path
import re
from glob import iglob
from itertools import chain
from os import mkdir
from shutil import copyfile
for p in chain(iglob("*.mp4"), iglob("*.mkv")):
fields = re.split("[-]|[._]", p)
prefix = fields[0]
year = fields[1]
month = fields[2]
day = fields[3]
hour = fields[4]
minute = fields[5]
ext = fields[6]
sec = "00"
assert prefix == "rec"
assert ext in ["mp4", "mkv"]
directory = "".join([day, "-", month, "-", year])
name = "".join([hour, "-", minute, "-", sec, ".", ext])
destpath = "".join([directory, "/", name])
assert not path.isdir(destpath)
except FileExistsError:
copyfile(src=p, dst=destpath)
Finally, here's a bash solution. It splits paths using -, ., and _ and then extracts various subfields by indexing into $# inside a function. The indexing trick is portable, although regex substitution on variables is a bash extension.
# $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8
# path rec YY MM DD HH MM ext
process_file() {
mkdir "$5-$4-$3" &> /dev/null
cp -- "$1" "$5-$4-$3"/"$6-$7-00.$8"
for path in *.m{p4,kv}; do
[ -e "$path" ] || continue
# NOTE: two slashes are needed in the substitution to replace everything
# read -a ARRAYVAR <<< ... reads the words of a string into an array
IFS=' ' read -a f <<< "${path//[-_.]/ }"
process_file "$path" "${f[#]}"
If you cd /to/some/directory/containing_your_files then you could use the following script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for f in rec_????-??-??_??-??.m{p4,kv} ; do
dir=${f:4:10} # skip 4 chars ('rec_') take 10 chars ('YYYY_MM_DD')
fnm=${f:15} # skip 15 chars, take the remainder
test -d "$dir" || mkdir "$dir"
mv "$f" "$dir"/"$fnm"
note ① that I have not exchanged the years and the days, if you absolutely need to do the swap you can extract the year like this, year=${dir::4} etc and ② that this method of parameter substitution is a Bash-ism, e.g., it doesn't work in dash.
your problem is: mkdir creates folder but you are giving filename for folder creation.
if you want to use fileName for folder creation then use it without extension.
the thing is you are trying to create folder with the already existing fileName

Getting name of file inside a rar without unrar

Trying to get a bash script together, however I'm stuck at this. The rar is splited into x files, within the rar is 1 single file. What I'm doing is as below:
cd $dir
for rarfile in $(find -iname "*.part1.rar")
echo "Rar file: " $rarfile >> $dir/execute.log
name = $(unrar lb "$rarfile")
echo "Name of file inside rar container: " $name >> $dir/execute.log
extension ="${name##*.}"
echo "Extension: " $extension >> $dir/execute.log
filename = ${name%.*}
echo "Name: " $filename >> $dir/execute.log
# unrar x -y -o- $rarfile $uprar_dir
The excecute.log is as below:
Rar file: ./file.part1.rar
Name of file inside rar container:
Cant seem to get the $name working. The unrar is however working fine as it should. Pls help.
in bash to assign value to a variable you cannot have spaces ie:
name=$(unrar lb "$rarfile")
instead of:
name = $(unrar lb "$rarfile")

script to zip a file and change it's owenrships

I have a script I am working on that reads off of a text file and will use the information stored in the text file to put each line entered in as an array. This array is a reference to files that are imported to a directory in another script. The problem is i built a function to zip the contents of the directory and change it's ownerships, but when I run the script it was zipping and attempting to change ownerships of the pwd. Here is my code below:
declare -a studyinstanceuids
while read line ; do
echo $line
done < $file
for i in "${studyinstanceuids[#]}"
echo "$i" | ./cmd2;
echo "Exams are in!";
##Function with argument that will take prompt to change ownerships
echo "What is the name of the owner: "
read $owner
for i in "${studyinstanceuids[#]}"; do
zip -r ~/export/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"/20140620_"${studyinstanceuids[#]}".zip .
sudo chown $1:$1 ~/export/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}".zip
sudo mv ~/export/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}".zip ~/home/"$1"
zipForOwner $owner
Does anyone have any suggestions
EDIT: Heere are my results running in xterm
+ file=/home/support/exporttool/zipFiles.txt
+ index=0
+ declare -a studyinstanceuids
+ read line
+ studyinstanceuids[$index]=
+ index=1
+ echo
+ read line
+ for i in '"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"'
+ echo
+ ./cmd2
Please enter StudyInstanceUID:
+ echo 'Exams are in!'
Exams are in!
+ echo 'What is the name of the owner: '
What is the name of the owner:
+ read
+ zipForOwner
+ arg1=
+ for i in '"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"'
+ zip -r /home/support/export/ .
adding: .studiesToExportSend.txt.swp^C
zip error: Interrupted (aborting)
+ sudo chown : /home/support/export/
[sudo] password for support:
This line is your problem:
zip -r ~/export/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"/20140620_"${studyinstanceuids[#]}".zip .
You're attempting to create a zip file called ~/export/"${studyinstanceuids[#]}"/20140620_"${studyinstanceuids[#]}".zip (good) with all of the contents in the current directory . (bad).
You need to change the . to be the folder you want zipped.

Extract all .gz file in folder using VBA Shell command

I have the following VBA code to extract all the files within a given directory.
Sub extractAllFiles()
Dim MyObj As Object, MySource As Object, file As Variant
Dim shellStr As String
file = Dir("C:\Downloads\")
While (file <> "")
If InStr(file, ".gz") > 0 Then
shellStr = "winzip32 -e C:\Downloads\" & file & " C:\Downloads\"
Call Shell(shellStr, vbHide)
End If
file = Dir
End Sub
When I execute this sub routine I get a Run-Time error 53, "File Not Found" error. When I copy the shellStr... Example: winzip32 -e C:\Downloads\file1.gz C:\Downloads\ and execute it from command prompt, it works perfectly! I get the text file within file1.gz extracted to the downloads directory. However running it from VBA doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone shed some light?
You should try with the full path of the shell command, like this, that worked for me:
Sub extractAllFiles()
Dim MyObj As Object, MySource As Object, file As Variant
Dim shellStr As String
file = Dir("C:\Downloads\")
While (file <> "")
If InStr(1, file, ".gz") > 0 Then
shellStr = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinZip\winzip32 -e C:\Downloads\" & file & " C:\Downloads\"
Call Shell(shellStr, vbHide)
End If
file = Dir
End Sub
My winzip is installed as C:\Program Files (x86)\WinZip\winzip32. You should use yours.
Your install path may be:
C:\Program Files\WinZip\winzip32
WinZip path needs to be absolute path:
C:\Program Files\WinZip\winzip32'
Check your WinZip path. That needs to be fine fixed to the full path to your WinZip.
Using the logic from this SO post, try the below code:
Sub ExtractAllFiles()
Dim FileName As String
Dim ShellStr
FileName = Dir("C:\Downloads\*.gz")
Do While Len(FileName) > 0
ShellStr = "winzip32 -e " & FileName & " C:\Downloads"
Call Shell(ShellStr, vbHide)
FileName = Dir
End Sub
Let us know if this helps.
