Determine script length at beginning of Zip file - spring

I got a spring boot app, with the bash loader in the beginning. When I unzip it, the script in the beginning gets lost. I need it though for re-assembly. So the idea was to split it off with head -c. But I have no idea how to determine the byte location efficiently. less tells me the amount of bytes of the script when I open the zip with it, but I'd like to automate it. Is there a possibility to determine it with (un)zip? Or is there another easy way?
I thought of determining the end location of exit 0. In my current app, this is at 8720. With
echo 'ibase=16;obase=A;'$(xxd nevisadmin-app.jar | grep -m 1 "exit 0" | awk -F: '{print $1}') | bc
I get 8704 (because it's at the end of the line), but this is super fragile, because it'll fail, if the xxd output is not in the same line e.g.
000021f0 ... bla bla ex
00002200 ... it 0 binarystartshere

It seems, that search for exit 0 is a reliable way to determine the end of the script of spring boot.
Extracting the script would be done like this":
head -n $(grep -a -n "exit 0" springboot-app.jar | awk -F: '{print $1}') springboot-app.jar >
So it doesn't determine the length, but that becomes irrelevant to the original question.
If someone looks up this question, the answer would be to instead of redirecting the output to a file, one could pie it to wc -c.


Different output for pipe in script vs. command line

I have a directory with files that I want to process one by one and for which each output looks like this:
==== S=721 I=47 D=654 N=2964 WER=47.976% (1422)
Then I want to calculate the average percentage (column 6) by piping the output to AWK. I would prefer to do this all in one script and wrote the following code:
for f in $dir; do
echo -ne "$f "
process $f
done | awk '{print $7}' | awk -F "=" '{sum+=$2}END{print sum/NR}'
When I run this several times, I often get different results although in my view nothing really changes. The result is almost always incorrect though.
However, if I only put the for loop in the script and pipe to AWK on the command line, the result is always the same and correct.
What is the difference and how can I change my script to achieve the correct result?
Guessing a little about what you're trying to do, and without more details it's hard to say what exactly is going wrong.
for f in $dir; do
echo -ne "$f "
TEMPVAR=$(process $f | awk '{print $7}')
I would append all your values to an array inside your for loop. Now all your percentages are in $ARRAY. It should be easy to calculate the average value, using whatever tool you like.
This will also help you troubleshoot. If you get too few elements in the array ${#ARRAY[#]} then you will know where your loop is terminating early.
# To get the percentage of all files
Percs=$(sed -r 's/.*WER=([[:digit:].]*).*/\1/' *)
# The divisor
Lines=$(wc -l <<< "$Percs")
# To change new lines into spaces
P=$(echo $Percs)
# Execute one time without the bc. It's easier to understand
echo "scale=3; (${P// /+})/$Lines" | bc

Grep outputs multiple lines, need while loop

I have a script which uses grep to find lines in a text file (ics calendar to be specific)
My script finds a date match, then goes up and down a few lines to copy the summary and start time of the appointment into a separate variable. The problem I have is that I'm going to have multiple appointments at the same time, and I need to run through the whole process for each result in grep.
LINE=`grep -F -n 20130304T232200 /path/to/calendar.ics | cut -f1 d:`
And it outputs only the lines, such as
86 89
Then it goes on to capture my other variables, as such:
SUMMARY:`sed -n "$SUMMARYLINE"p /path/to/calendar.ics
my script runs fine with one output, but it obviously won't work with more than 1 and I need for it to. should I send the grep results into an array? a separate text file to read from? I'm sure I'll need a while loop in here somehow. Need some help please.
You can call grep from a loop quite easily:
while IFS=':' read -r LINE notused # avoids the use of cut
# First field is now in $LINE
# Further processing
done < <(grep -F -n 20130304T232200 /path/to/calendar.ics)
However, if the file is not too large then it might be easier to read the whole file into an array and more around that.
With your proposed solution, you are reading through the file several times. Using awk, you can do it in one pass:
awk -F: -v time=20130304T232200 '
$1 == "SUMMARY" {summary = substr($0,9)}
/^DTSTART/ {start = $2}
/^END:VEVENT/ && start == time {print summary}
' calendar.ics

Shell scripting - how to properly parse output, learning examples.

So I want to automate a manual task using shell scripting, but I'm a little lost as to how to parse the output of a few commands. I would be able to this in other languages without a problem, so I'll just explain what I'm going for in psuedo code and provide an example of the cmd output I'm trying to parse.
Example of output:
Chg 2167467 on 2012/02/13 by user1234#filename 'description of submission'
What I need to parse out is '2167467'. So what I want to do is split on spaces and take element 1 to use in another command. The output of my next command looks like this:
Change 2167463 by user1234#filename on 2012/02/13 18:10:15
description of submission
Affected files ...
... //filepath/dir1/dir2/dir3/filename#2298 edit
I need to parse out '//filepath/dir1/dir2/dir3/filename#2298' and use that in another command. Again, what I would do is remove the blank lines from the output, grab the 4th line, and split on space. From there I would grab the 1st element from the split and use it in my next command.
How can I do this in shell scripting? Examples or a point to some tutorials would be great.
Its not clear if you want to use the result from the first command for processing the 2nd command. If that is true, then
targString=$( cmd1 | awk '{print $2}')
command2 | sed -n "/${targString}/{n;n;n;s#.*[/][/]#//#;p;}"
Your example data has 2 different Chg values in it, (2167467, 2167463), so if you just want to process this output in 2 different ways, its even simpler
cmd1 | awk '{print $2}'
cmd2 | sed -n '/Change/{n;n;n;s#.*[/][/]#//#;p;}'
I hope this helps.
I'm not 100% clear on your question, but I would use awk.
Your first variable would look something like this
temp="Chg 2167467 on 2012/02/13 by user1234#filename 'description of submission'"
To get the number you want do this:
temp=`echo $temp | cut -f2 -d" "`
Let the output of your second command be saved to a file something like this
command $temp > file.txt
To get what you want from the file you can run this:
temp=`tail -1 file.txt | cut -f2 -d" "`
rm file.txt
The last block of code gets the last nonwhite line of the file and delimits on the second set of white spaces

bash: shortest way to get n-th column of output

Let's say that during your workday you repeatedly encounter the following form of columnized output from some command in bash (in my case from executing svn st in my Rails working directory):
? changes.patch
M app/models/superman.rb
A app/models/superwoman.rb
in order to work with the output of your command - in this case the filenames - some sort of parsing is required so that the second column can be used as input for the next command.
What I've been doing is to use awk to get at the second column, e.g. when I want to remove all files (not that that's a typical usecase :), I would do:
svn st | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm
Since I type this a lot, a natural question is: is there a shorter (thus cooler) way of accomplishing this in bash?
What I am asking is essentially a shell command question even though my concrete example is on my svn workflow. If you feel that workflow is silly and suggest an alternative approach, I probably won't vote you down, but others might, since the question here is really how to get the n-th column command output in bash, in the shortest manner possible. Thanks :)
You can use cut to access the second field:
cut -f2
Sorry, didn't realise that SVN doesn't use tabs in its output, so that's a bit useless. You can tailor cut to the output but it's a bit fragile - something like cut -c 10- would work, but the exact value will depend on your setup.
Another option is something like: sed 's/.\s\+//'
To accomplish the same thing as:
svn st | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm
using only bash you can use:
svn st | while read a b; do rm "$b"; done
Granted, it's not shorter, but it's a bit more efficient and it handles whitespace in your filenames correctly.
I found myself in the same situation and ended up adding these aliases to my .profile file:
alias c1="awk '{print \$1}'"
alias c2="awk '{print \$2}'"
alias c3="awk '{print \$3}'"
alias c4="awk '{print \$4}'"
alias c5="awk '{print \$5}'"
alias c6="awk '{print \$6}'"
alias c7="awk '{print \$7}'"
alias c8="awk '{print \$8}'"
alias c9="awk '{print \$9}'"
Which allows me to write things like this:
svn st | c2 | xargs rm
Try the zsh. It supports suffix alias, so you can define X in your .zshrc to be
alias -g X="| cut -d' ' -f2"
then you can do:
cat file X
You can take it one step further and define it for the nth column:
alias -g X2="| cut -d' ' -f2"
alias -g X1="| cut -d' ' -f1"
alias -g X3="| cut -d' ' -f3"
which will output the nth column of file "file". You can do this for grep output or less output, too. This is very handy and a killer feature of the zsh.
You can go one step further and define D to be:
alias -g D="|xargs rm"
Now you can type:
cat file X1 D
to delete all files mentioned in the first column of file "file".
If you know the bash, the zsh is not much of a change except for some new features.
HTH Chris
Because you seem to be unfamiliar with scripts, here is an example.
# usage: svn st | x 2 | xargs rm
awk -v col="$col" '{print $col}' "${#--}"
If you save this in ~/bin/x and make sure ~/bin is in your PATH (now that is something you can and should put in your .bashrc) you have the shortest possible command for generally extracting column n; x n.
The script should do proper error checking and bail if invoked with a non-numeric argument or the incorrect number of arguments, etc; but expanding on this bare-bones essential version will be in unit 102.
Maybe you will want to extend the script to allow a different column delimiter. Awk by default parses input into fields on whitespace; to use a different delimiter, use -F ':' where : is the new delimiter. Implementing this as an option to the script makes it slightly longer, so I'm leaving that as an exercise for the reader.
Given a file file:
1 2 3
4 5 6
You can either pass it via stdin (using a useless cat merely as a placeholder for something more useful);
$ cat file | sh 2
Or provide it as an argument to the script:
$ sh 2 file
Here, sh is assuming that the script is saved as in the current directory; if you save it with a more useful name somewhere in your PATH and mark it executable, as in the instructions above, obviously use the useful name instead (and no sh).
It looks like you already have a solution. To make things easier, why not just put your command in a bash script (with a short name) and just run that instead of typing out that 'long' command every time?
If you are ok with manually selecting the column, you could be very fast using pick:
svn st | pick | xargs rm
Just go to any cell of the 2nd column, press c and then hit enter
Note, that file path does not have to be in second column of svn st output. For example if you modify file, and modify it's property, it will be 3rd column.
See possible output examples in:
svn help st
Example output:
M wc/bar.c
A + wc/qax.c
I suggest to cut first 8 characters by:
svn st | cut -c8- | while read FILE; do echo whatever with "$FILE"; done
If you want to be 100% sure, and deal with fancy filenames with white space at the end for example, you need to parse xml output:
svn st --xml | grep -o 'path=".*"' | sed 's/^path="//; s/"$//'
Of course you may want to use some real XML parser instead of grep/sed.

Bash: Verifying numbers inside line closer to "big" log file

What I'm trying to do: Make a bash script that performs some tests on my system, wich than reads some log files, and in the end points me some analyzes.
I have, for example, a log file (and although it's not so big sometimes, I want to save proccess when possible) that has in the end something like this:
Ran 6 tests with 1 failures and 0 errors in 1.042 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in 0.463 seconds.
Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in 0.008 seconds.
And I already have this bash line, that takes the line I want (the one with failures and errors):
error_line=$(tac $p.log | grep -m 1 '[1-9] .* \(failures\|errors\)')
Obs: Could anyone answer me if 'tac' passes the proccess to grep for each line of the file, or first it load the hole file on memory and than grep runs on the hole "memory variable"? Cause I was thinking in run the grep to each line, and when the line I want comes, I'd stop the "cating" proccess.
If it does work this way ("grepping" each line), when grep finds what it want (with the -m 1 option), it stops the tac proccess? How I'd do that?
Also, do you know a better way?
So, the result of the command is:
Ran 6 tests with 1 failures and 0 errors in 1.042 seconds.
Now, I want to check that both the '1' AND the '0' values on the $error_line variable are equal to 0 (like they're not on this case), so that if any of them is different I can perform some other proccess to sinalyze that some error or failure was found.
When grep exits because the pattern is found, a SIGPIPE is sent to tac causing it to exit so it won't continue to run needlessly.
read failures errors <<< $(tac $p.log | grep -Pom 1 '(?<= )[0-9]*(?= *(failures|errors))')
if [[ $failures == 0 && $errors == 0 ]]
echo "success"
echo "failure"
The grep command will output only the numbers found preceding the words "failures" and "errors" without outputting any of the other text on the line.
If your grep doesn't have -P, change the first line above to:
read failures errors <<< $(tac $p.log | grep -om 1 ' [0-9]* *\(failures\|errors\)' | cut -d ' ' -f 2
or, to use a variation of Ignacio's answer, to:
read failures errors <<< $(tac $p.log | awk '/^Ran/ {printf "%s\n%s\n", $5, $8}'
/^Ran / {
print "No failures: " ($5 == 0)
print "No errors: " ($8 == 0)
for very big log files, its better to use grep first to find the patterns you need, then awk to do other processing.
grep "^Ran" very_big_log_file | awk '{print $5$8=="00"?"no failure":"failure"}'
Otherwise, just awk will do.
awk '{print $5$8=="00"?"no failure":"failure"}'
