Shell scripting - how to properly parse output, learning examples. - shell

So I want to automate a manual task using shell scripting, but I'm a little lost as to how to parse the output of a few commands. I would be able to this in other languages without a problem, so I'll just explain what I'm going for in psuedo code and provide an example of the cmd output I'm trying to parse.
Example of output:
Chg 2167467 on 2012/02/13 by user1234#filename 'description of submission'
What I need to parse out is '2167467'. So what I want to do is split on spaces and take element 1 to use in another command. The output of my next command looks like this:
Change 2167463 by user1234#filename on 2012/02/13 18:10:15
description of submission
Affected files ...
... //filepath/dir1/dir2/dir3/filename#2298 edit
I need to parse out '//filepath/dir1/dir2/dir3/filename#2298' and use that in another command. Again, what I would do is remove the blank lines from the output, grab the 4th line, and split on space. From there I would grab the 1st element from the split and use it in my next command.
How can I do this in shell scripting? Examples or a point to some tutorials would be great.

Its not clear if you want to use the result from the first command for processing the 2nd command. If that is true, then
targString=$( cmd1 | awk '{print $2}')
command2 | sed -n "/${targString}/{n;n;n;s#.*[/][/]#//#;p;}"
Your example data has 2 different Chg values in it, (2167467, 2167463), so if you just want to process this output in 2 different ways, its even simpler
cmd1 | awk '{print $2}'
cmd2 | sed -n '/Change/{n;n;n;s#.*[/][/]#//#;p;}'
I hope this helps.

I'm not 100% clear on your question, but I would use awk.

Your first variable would look something like this
temp="Chg 2167467 on 2012/02/13 by user1234#filename 'description of submission'"
To get the number you want do this:
temp=`echo $temp | cut -f2 -d" "`
Let the output of your second command be saved to a file something like this
command $temp > file.txt
To get what you want from the file you can run this:
temp=`tail -1 file.txt | cut -f2 -d" "`
rm file.txt
The last block of code gets the last nonwhite line of the file and delimits on the second set of white spaces


Shell script - remove all before and after

Find the next link if the Link header contains rel=next..
Getting the link header can result in different strings.. I need to find the next link.
Link: <>; rel=prev, <>; rel=next, <>; rel=last, <>;
would be
Link: <>; rel="next", <>; rel="last"
would be
Played with sed and parameter expansion - not that experienced so got stuck :)
Please be aware that parsing HTML with non-html tools it fraught with peril; you will see that this works, and assume you can get away with it always. You'll spend hours trying to get the next level of complexity to work, when you should be studying how to use html-aware tools. Don't say we didn't warn you (-;, but
printf "<>; rel=prev, <>; rel=next, <>; rel=last, <>;\n" \
| awk -F" " '{
if ($i == "rel=next,") {
print $(i-1)
produces required output:
To save the output of a script section into a variable, you wrap the code for command-substitution, in this case
nextReposLink=$( printf .... | awk '....' )
The ^ pointed items are modern syntax for command-substitution. The code inside of $( ... ) is executed and the standard output is passed as a argument to the invoking command line. (The original syntax for command substitution is/was `cmds` and works the same in the simple case var=`cmds` . You can nest modern cmd-substitution easily, whereas the old version requires a lot of escape character fiddling. Avoid it if you can.
Note that about any s/str/rep/ that sed can do, awk can do the same, but requires the use of the sub(/regx/, "repl", "str") or gsub(sameArgs) functions. In this particular case, you may need to escape the <> like \<\>.
Be sure to always dbl-quote the use of variables, i.e. echo "$nextReposLink".
Well - I put one of your URL strings in a text file and was able to pull out the first URL with two cuts.
[root#oelinux2 ~]# cat test
Link: <>; rel=prev, <>; rel=next, <>; rel=last, <>;
Then with using cut:
cat test | cut -d "<" -f2 | cut -d ">" -f1
[root#oelinux2 ~]# cat test | cut -d "<" -f2 | cut -d ">" -f1
That's one option - if you are just looking to get the first URL in the string. Basically - that's just grabbing what's between the two delimiters "<" and ">"
With Cut:
-d is the 'delimiter'
-f is the field you want to get.
If you wanted to get a later URL in that string, you could change the fields (-f #) and see what you get :)

Defining a variable using head and cut

might be an easy question, I'm new in bash and haven't been able to find the solution to my question.
I'm writing the following script:
for file in `ls *.map`; do
convertf -p ${ID}_par #this is a program that I use, no problem
NAME=head -n 1 ${ID}.ind | cut -f1 -d":" #Now: This step is the problem: don't seem to be able to make a proper NAME function. I just want to take the first column of the first line of the file ${ID}.ind
It gives me the return
line 5: bad substitution
any help?
There are a couple of issues in your code:
for file in `ls *.map` does not do what you want. It will fail e.g. if any of the filenames contains a space or *, but there's more. See for details.
You should just use for file in *.map instead.
ALL_UPPERCASE names are generally used for system variables and built-in shell variables. Use lowercase for your own names.
That said,
for file in *.map; do
convertf -p "${id}_par"
name="$(head -n 1 "${id}.ind" | cut -f1 -d":")"
looks like it would work. We just use $( cmd ) to capture the output of a command in a string.

Get first N chars and sort them

I have a requirement where i need to fetch first four characters from each line of file and sort them.
I tried below way. but its not sorting each line
cut -c1-4 simple_file.txt | sort -n
O/p using above:
Expected output:
sort isn't the right tool for the job in this case, as it used to sort lines of input, not the characters within each line.
I know you didn't tag the question with perl but here's one way you could do it:
perl -F'' -lane 'print(join "", sort #F[0..3])' file
This uses the -a switch to auto-split each line of input on the delimiter specified by -F (in this case, an empty string, so each character is its own element in the array #F). It then sorts the first 4 characters of the array using the standard string comparison order. The result is joined together on an empty string.
Try defining two helper functions:
explodeword () {
test -z "$1" && return
echo ${1:0:1}
explodeword ${1:1}
sortword () {
echo $(explodeword $1 | sort) | tr -d ' '
cut -c1-4 simple_file.txt | while read -r word; do sortword $word; done
will do what you want.
The sort command is used to sort files line by line, it's not designed to sort the contents of a line. It's not impossible to make sort do what you want, but it would be a bit messy and probably inefficient.
I'd probably do this in Python, but since you might not have Python, here's a short awk command that does what you want.
awk '{split(substr($0,1,4),a,"");n=asort(a);s="";for(i=1;i<=n;i++)s=s a[i];print s}'
Just put the name of the file (or files) that you want to process at the end of the command line.
Here's some data I used to test the command:
is a
test file
And here's the output
Here's an ugly Python one-liner; it would look a bit nicer as a proper script rather than as a Bash command line:
python -c "import sys;print('\n'.join([''.join(sorted(s[:4])) for s in open(sys.argv[1]).read().splitlines()]))"
In contrast to the awk version, this command can only process a single file, and it reads the whole file into RAM to process it, rather than processing it line by line.

bash: shortest way to get n-th column of output

Let's say that during your workday you repeatedly encounter the following form of columnized output from some command in bash (in my case from executing svn st in my Rails working directory):
? changes.patch
M app/models/superman.rb
A app/models/superwoman.rb
in order to work with the output of your command - in this case the filenames - some sort of parsing is required so that the second column can be used as input for the next command.
What I've been doing is to use awk to get at the second column, e.g. when I want to remove all files (not that that's a typical usecase :), I would do:
svn st | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm
Since I type this a lot, a natural question is: is there a shorter (thus cooler) way of accomplishing this in bash?
What I am asking is essentially a shell command question even though my concrete example is on my svn workflow. If you feel that workflow is silly and suggest an alternative approach, I probably won't vote you down, but others might, since the question here is really how to get the n-th column command output in bash, in the shortest manner possible. Thanks :)
You can use cut to access the second field:
cut -f2
Sorry, didn't realise that SVN doesn't use tabs in its output, so that's a bit useless. You can tailor cut to the output but it's a bit fragile - something like cut -c 10- would work, but the exact value will depend on your setup.
Another option is something like: sed 's/.\s\+//'
To accomplish the same thing as:
svn st | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm
using only bash you can use:
svn st | while read a b; do rm "$b"; done
Granted, it's not shorter, but it's a bit more efficient and it handles whitespace in your filenames correctly.
I found myself in the same situation and ended up adding these aliases to my .profile file:
alias c1="awk '{print \$1}'"
alias c2="awk '{print \$2}'"
alias c3="awk '{print \$3}'"
alias c4="awk '{print \$4}'"
alias c5="awk '{print \$5}'"
alias c6="awk '{print \$6}'"
alias c7="awk '{print \$7}'"
alias c8="awk '{print \$8}'"
alias c9="awk '{print \$9}'"
Which allows me to write things like this:
svn st | c2 | xargs rm
Try the zsh. It supports suffix alias, so you can define X in your .zshrc to be
alias -g X="| cut -d' ' -f2"
then you can do:
cat file X
You can take it one step further and define it for the nth column:
alias -g X2="| cut -d' ' -f2"
alias -g X1="| cut -d' ' -f1"
alias -g X3="| cut -d' ' -f3"
which will output the nth column of file "file". You can do this for grep output or less output, too. This is very handy and a killer feature of the zsh.
You can go one step further and define D to be:
alias -g D="|xargs rm"
Now you can type:
cat file X1 D
to delete all files mentioned in the first column of file "file".
If you know the bash, the zsh is not much of a change except for some new features.
HTH Chris
Because you seem to be unfamiliar with scripts, here is an example.
# usage: svn st | x 2 | xargs rm
awk -v col="$col" '{print $col}' "${#--}"
If you save this in ~/bin/x and make sure ~/bin is in your PATH (now that is something you can and should put in your .bashrc) you have the shortest possible command for generally extracting column n; x n.
The script should do proper error checking and bail if invoked with a non-numeric argument or the incorrect number of arguments, etc; but expanding on this bare-bones essential version will be in unit 102.
Maybe you will want to extend the script to allow a different column delimiter. Awk by default parses input into fields on whitespace; to use a different delimiter, use -F ':' where : is the new delimiter. Implementing this as an option to the script makes it slightly longer, so I'm leaving that as an exercise for the reader.
Given a file file:
1 2 3
4 5 6
You can either pass it via stdin (using a useless cat merely as a placeholder for something more useful);
$ cat file | sh 2
Or provide it as an argument to the script:
$ sh 2 file
Here, sh is assuming that the script is saved as in the current directory; if you save it with a more useful name somewhere in your PATH and mark it executable, as in the instructions above, obviously use the useful name instead (and no sh).
It looks like you already have a solution. To make things easier, why not just put your command in a bash script (with a short name) and just run that instead of typing out that 'long' command every time?
If you are ok with manually selecting the column, you could be very fast using pick:
svn st | pick | xargs rm
Just go to any cell of the 2nd column, press c and then hit enter
Note, that file path does not have to be in second column of svn st output. For example if you modify file, and modify it's property, it will be 3rd column.
See possible output examples in:
svn help st
Example output:
M wc/bar.c
A + wc/qax.c
I suggest to cut first 8 characters by:
svn st | cut -c8- | while read FILE; do echo whatever with "$FILE"; done
If you want to be 100% sure, and deal with fancy filenames with white space at the end for example, you need to parse xml output:
svn st --xml | grep -o 'path=".*"' | sed 's/^path="//; s/"$//'
Of course you may want to use some real XML parser instead of grep/sed.

Copying part of a large file using command line

I've a text file with 2 million lines. Each line has some transaction information.
23848923748, sample text, feild2 , 12/12/2008
What I want to do is create a new file from a certain unique transaction number onwards. So I want to split the file at the line where this number exists.
How can I do this form the command line?
I can find the line by doing this:
cat myfile.txt | grep 23423423423
use sed like this
sed '/23423423423/,$!d' myfile.txt
Just confirm that the unique transaction number cannot appear as a pattern in some other part of the line (especially, before the correctly matching line) in your file.
There is already a 'perl' answer here, so, i'll give one more AWK way :-)
awk '{BEGIN{skip=1} /number/ {skip=0} // {if (skip!=1) print $0}' myfile.txt
On a random file in my tmp directory, this is how I output everything from the line matching popd onwards in a file named
tail -n+`grep -n popd | cut -f 1 -d:`
tail -n+X matches from that line number onwards; grep -n outputs lineno:filename, and cut extracts just lineno from grep.
So for your case it would be:
tail -n+`grep -n 23423423423 myfile.txt | cut -f 1 -d:` myfile.txt
And it should indeed match from the first occurrence onwards.
It's not a pretty solution, but how about using -A parameter of grep?
Like this:
mc#zolty:/tmp$ cat a
mc#zolty:/tmp$ cat a | grep 3 -A1000000
The only problem I see in this solution is the 1000000 magic number. Probably someone will know the answer without using such a trick.
You can probably get the line number using Grep and then use Tail to print the file from that point into your output file.
Sorry I don't have actual code to show, but hopefully the idea is clear.
I would write a quick Perl script, frankly. It's invaluable for anything like this (relatively simple issues) and as soon as something more complex rears its head (as it will do!) then you'll need the extra power.
Something like:
my $out = 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
if /23423423423/ then $out = 1;
print $_ if $out;
and run it using:
$ perl < input > output
Not tested, I'm afraid.
