MailChimp Auto Popup on exit - mailchimp

I have setup a mailchimp popup that offers a discount before a user can exit my website. Everything works fine except for when a user fills in the data and doesn't exit out of the response popup (it auto closes after 3 seconds). When it auto closes, the next time the users mouse goes outside of the screen (triggers another popup, which it shouldn't because it has already for this user), it shows only the bottom part of the modal. There are no Javascript crashes showing in the console.
Any ideas what is causing this?
Here is the popup:
Here is the popup that shouldnt be showing:
Here is the script that mailchimp provided to put into my website html:
window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"4f6184cb308c27717022f5cd5","lid":"6eab79ca61","uniqueMethods":true}) })


Slack modal is not cleared from a Updated view

I have modal flow in my Slack App. I have some issues with the end of the flow however.
Basic idea of the flow. You get a Modal, you do a selection, you get another modal, you perform an action and then Modal disappears.
I have tried two different ways both with problems but with different result
Flow 1: response_action: "update"
You press a button on home tab that opens a modal with
You make a selection
In the response I send {response_action: 'update', view: }
User gets the new Modal without any errors. They then click a button.
Now I would like the modal to disappear. So on the result of the action I send {response_action: 'clear'}
Nothing happens :(. I would like the modal to disappear of course :)
Flow 2: bot.views.update
You press a button on home tab that opens a modal with
You make a selection
I create the same view as above but I run bot.views.update{view_id: , view: }
New view comes up however it has an error in the top: We had some trouble connecting. Try again?
Now I would like the modal to disappear. So on the result of the action I send {response_action: 'clear'}
Nothing happens :(. I would like the modal to disappear of course :)
So second flow has annoying error but same result with not disappearing.
Feels like Im missing something here.
Somebody have an Idea what Im missing?

Modal dialog - refresh the parent page on close modal dialog or submit button

Using Apex 5.1.3
I have everyting working, but I have a requreimet to refresh the entire page (parent page) on the close of the modal page or press submit button.
I have tried quite a few things in dynamic actions on the parent page etc, but nothing is working.
How can I get the parent page to fully refresh when the modal dialog is submitted and closed.
Your help would be most appreciated.
You could either place a branch after processing on your modal that redirects to the parent page, or create a dynamic action 'on dialog close' on the button/region that invokes the dialog page, which then submits/refreshes the page.
If you think 'nothing is working', put APEX in debug mode, open your browser console, and check if the dynamic actions are actually firing.

Browser OnLoad event handler

I have made an google chrome extension recently. It is working fine except that it works only when user clicks it. I want it to update status even if it is not clicked. So, there is any browser onload action so that I can start updating the status continuously using AJAX.
Thanks :)
Create a background page for your extension.
The background page is loaded as soon as the extension is enabled, so any code in your background page will get executed without needing the user to click anything.

Google Analytics Event Tracking not working?

I've added the following code to my web app, so that when a user clicks on a button, a google tracking event should be recorded:
//links jquery to button
$(this).click(function() {
//toggles a window on the screen here....
//GOOGLE tracking code
//keep track of what the user clicks on
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'libraryWidget', 'togglesLibrary']); (breakpoint stops here)
The problem is, absolutely no events are showing up on my analytics page (page views work fine). I've placed a breakpoint in the code and google chrome does successfully break here. I looked at the console for error messages but nothing shows up. I am using the asynchronous analytics tracker.
Could this be because my analytics code is included at the end of my web page? The jquery code is setup when the page loads, additionally the callback won't be called until the user presses the button.
Can anyone provide some next steps? How can I begin to debug this problem? If I had an error message of some kind I could do something...
I faced this kind of problem too in my localhost, I uploaded to test server which can access from internet, its working.
Another possible thing is Event tracking is not updating dynamically, it will take some times to reflect in your Analytics account

a4j:commandButton causes full page reload on IE7

Our process allows users to activate their account, and then configure e-mail preferences. We're using the tag:
<a4j:commandButton id="activate"
reRender="mainContent, sideBar"
oncomplete="showEmailDialog();" />
This works fine on Firefox, but on IE, the showEmaiDialog() fires off to display the new dialog, and then the full page reloads, which instantly hides it again. I put in numerous alert() calls to make sure of what was happening. I see the e-mail dialog until I clear the final alert box in in the showEmailDialog() script, and then I see the alerts that I put into jQuery(document).ready(). Why does IE do a full page reload instead of just refreshing the requested sections?
