Getting 405 (Method not allowed) when uploading images with CKFinder - ckeditor

Until yesterday, I was able to use CKFinder with CKEditor 4 to upload images to the server and add them to the inline CKEditor.
Now, all of a sudden, I'm getting a 405 (Method not allowed) error when trying to upload an image. CKFinder itself is returning "Error 10: Invalid command". This happens even if I re-upload images that I uploaded before.
I am able to see the contents of userfiles in CKFinder, so it's not a matter of a wrong directory. Also, I've tried adding
config.filebrowserUploadMethod = 'form'
to config.js, but my browser console's Network tab still shows the outgoing request as 'xhr'. Don't know if that's relevant.
Can anyone help? Again, this worked fine yesterday, I have no idea what has changed.
Here's the network tab output for the failed upload:


Image not loading in page on WAMP localhost 403 forbidden error, but clicking its link works

I have the following code in my localhost project in WAMP
<img src="/imgs/quickstartVideo.jpg" width="357" height="200" alt="quick start video">
The image won't appear - console says "403 (forbidden)". However, if I right click to view the page source, and click the image's link, the image appears.
The page loads js and css files that are using the same sort of relative URL.
Why does it tell me it's forbidden, yet lets me load it when I click it? How do I get it to just load please?
My dir structure is:
c:\wamp\www\js (js files are loading fine)
UPDATE: it's displaying correctly in MS Edge, but not Chrome.
Thank you
Solved -the issue was an IfModule mod_rewrite I'd set up in htaccess to stop image hotlinking on my production domain. Commented it out for localhost development, and, funny enough, my images are working again.

404 Page not found error while trying to upload image in tinymce

While trying to upload the image in tinymce editor using filemanager plugin it shows 404 page not found error in Codeigniter.
It does not show any error in local and also in one of my domain. The problem occurred only while uploaded in client's domain.
What might be the problem?
Thanks in advance.

GET image 404 (Not Found)

For my web app ,Some of the images keep giving me 404, which cannot be found. But I can see them on my local server, and they are uploaded to github when I push the code.
for example, none of the images can be found in this page.
I made sure that the first image is available with the correct url:
but most of the images in this page work fine.
Any ideas?
Your paths are case sensitive. For example, you have an image referencing:
Change that to and it works.

Error: Permission denied to access property 'CKEDITOR'

I have integrated browse button in ckeditor. The file is uploading but it gives "Image souce URL is missing" and not showing the image.
How can I solve this problem?
Regarding your question, most likely you're executing a cross-domain request, which is disallowed with a regular browser configuration due to several security concerns.
I solved this problem by moving the CKEditor folder to the webroot of cakephp from the js folder inside the webroot and giving the full URL in CKEditor.replace function of the view file.

CKFinder connector.php error 500

I have a website built with CodeIgniter which, for the admin area, is using CKEditor and CKFinder to write posts for the news section.
The CKFinder image uploader was working with no problems, but two days ago I had to move the files on another server. Till then I get the 500 error when trying to upload images.
I open the Upload image modal window. I browse and select an image and when I click the Send to server button I get a 404 error message (the custom 404 page of CodeIgniter). In firebug it shows that there is a 500 internal server error.
File path is plugins/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php and it exists on the server.
I managed to find out the problem was a file permission issue. The folder in which I have to save the images had 777 permission (and for the old server was the good one) and it needed 755 permissions.
To debug this issue i have to add :
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
in the followings files: config.php and ckfinder.php in the root of the directory ckfinder.
