Uniform random bit from a mask - random

Suppose I have a 64 bit unsigned integer (u64) mask, with one or more bits set.
I want to select one of the set bits uniformly at random from m to give a new mask x such that x & mask has one bit set. Some pseudocode that does this might be:
def uniform_random_bit_from_mask(mask):
assert mask > 0
set_indices = get_set_indices(mask)
random_index = uniform_random_choice(set_indices)
new_mask = set_bit(random_index, 0)
return new_mask
However I need to do this as fast as possible (code similar to the above in a low-level language is slowing a hot loop). Does anyone have a more efficient scheme?

The details how to optimize this depend on several factors you did not specify – the target architecture, the expected number of set bits in the mask, the language you want to use, the requirements on the randomness and many more. Without knowing further details, it's hard to give a useful answer, but I'll give a few hints that may prove useful anyway.
Most modern architectures have an instruction to count the number of set bits in an integer, generally called "popcount", and this instruction is exposed in most low-level languages. In Rust, you can use the count_ones() method. This gives you the total number k of bits to select from.
You can then generate a random number i between 0 and k - 1 (inclusive). The next step is to select the ith set bit in mask. An efficient approach to do so is this loop (Rust code):
for _ in 0..i {
mask &= mask - 1;
let new_mask = 1 << mask.trailing_zeros();
The loop clears the least significant set bit in each iteration. Since i < k, we know that mask can't be zero after the loop. The last line generates a new mask from the least significant bit of mask that is still set.
On common architectures, it is likely that the bottleneck will be the random number generator. If you are using Rust's rand crate, you can use SmallRng for improved performance, at the cost of being cryptographically insecure, which may not be relevant for your use case.


Right way to permute [duplicate]

I've been using Random (java.util.Random) to shuffle a deck of 52 cards. There are 52! (8.0658175e+67) possibilities. Yet, I've found out that the seed for java.util.Random is a long, which is much smaller at 2^64 (1.8446744e+19).
From here, I'm suspicious whether java.util.Random is really that random; is it actually capable of generating all 52! possibilities?
If not, how can I reliably generate a better random sequence that can produce all 52! possibilities?
Selecting a random permutation requires simultaneously more and less randomness than what your question implies. Let me explain.
The bad news: need more randomness.
The fundamental flaw in your approach is that it's trying to choose between ~2226 possibilities using 64 bits of entropy (the random seed). To fairly choose between ~2226 possibilities you're going to have to find a way to generate 226 bits of entropy instead of 64.
There are several ways to generate random bits: dedicated hardware, CPU instructions, OS interfaces, online services. There is already an implicit assumption in your question that you can somehow generate 64 bits, so just do whatever you were going to do, only four times, and donate the excess bits to charity. :)
The good news: need less randomness.
Once you have those 226 random bits, the rest can be done deterministically and so the properties of java.util.Random can be made irrelevant. Here is how.
Let's say we generate all 52! permutations (bear with me) and sort them lexicographically.
To choose one of the permutations all we need is a single random integer between 0 and 52!-1. That integer is our 226 bits of entropy. We'll use it as an index into our sorted list of permutations. If the random index is uniformly distributed, not only are you guaranteed that all permutations can be chosen, they will be chosen equiprobably (which is a stronger guarantee than what the question is asking).
Now, you don't actually need to generate all those permutations. You can produce one directly, given its randomly chosen position in our hypothetical sorted list. This can be done in O(n2) time using the Lehmer[1] code (also see numbering permutations and factoriadic number system). The n here is the size of your deck, i.e. 52.
There is a C implementation in this StackOverflow answer. There are several integer variables there that would overflow for n=52, but luckily in Java you can use java.math.BigInteger. The rest of the computations can be transcribed almost as-is:
public static int[] shuffle(int n, BigInteger random_index) {
int[] perm = new int[n];
BigInteger[] fact = new BigInteger[n];
fact[0] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
fact[k] = fact[k - 1].multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(k));
// compute factorial code
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
BigInteger[] divmod = random_index.divideAndRemainder(fact[n - 1 - k]);
perm[k] = divmod[0].intValue();
random_index = divmod[1];
// readjust values to obtain the permutation
// start from the end and check if preceding values are lower
for (int k = n - 1; k > 0; --k) {
for (int j = k - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (perm[j] <= perm[k]) {
return perm;
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.printf("%s\n", Arrays.toString(
shuffle(52, new BigInteger(
[1] Not to be confused with Lehrer. :)
Your analysis is correct: seeding a pseudo-random number generator with any specific seed must yield the same sequence after a shuffle, limiting the number of permutations that you could obtain to 264. This assertion is easy to verify experimentally by calling Collection.shuffle twice, passing a Random object initialized with the same seed, and observing that the two random shuffles are identical.
A solution to this, then, is to use a random number generator that allows for a larger seed. Java provides SecureRandom class that could be initialized with byte[] array of virtually unlimited size. You could then pass an instance of SecureRandom to Collections.shuffle to complete the task:
byte seed[] = new byte[...];
Random rnd = new SecureRandom(seed);
Collections.shuffle(deck, rnd);
In general, a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) can't choose from among all permutations of a 52-item list if its maximum cycle length is less than 226 bits.
java.util.Random implements an algorithm with a modulus of 248 and a maximum cycle length of not more than that, so much less than 2226 (corresponding to the 226 bits I referred to). You will need to use another PRNG with a bigger cycle length, specifically one with a maximum cycle length of 52 factorial or greater.
See also "Shuffling" in my article on random number generators.
This consideration is independent of the nature of the PRNG; it applies equally to cryptographic and noncryptographic PRNGs (of course, noncryptographic PRNGs are inappropriate whenever information security is involved).
Although java.security.SecureRandom allows seeds of unlimited length to be passed in, the SecureRandom implementation could use an underlying PRNG (e.g., "SHA1PRNG" or "DRBG"). And it depends on that PRNG's maximum cycle length whether it's capable of choosing from among 52 factorial permutations.
Let me apologize in advance, because this is a little tough to understand...
First of all, you already know that java.util.Random is not completely random at all. It generates sequences in a perfectly predictable way from the seed. You are completely correct that, since the seed is only 64 bits long, it can only generate 2^64 different sequences. If you were to somehow generate 64 real random bits and use them to select a seed, you could not use that seed to randomly choose between all of the 52! possible sequences with equal probability.
However, this fact is of no consequence as long as you're not actually going to generate more than 2^64 sequences, as long as there is nothing 'special' or 'noticeably special' about the 2^64 sequences that it can generate.
Lets say you had a much better PRNG that used 1000-bit seeds. Imagine you had two ways to initialize it -- one way would initialize it using the whole seed, and one way would hash the seed down to 64 bits before initializing it.
If you didn't know which initializer was which, could you write any kind of test to distinguish them? Unless you were (un)lucky enough to end up initializing the bad one with the same 64 bits twice, then the answer is no. You could not distinguish between the two initializers without some detailed knowledge of some weakness in the specific PRNG implementation.
Alternatively, imagine that the Random class had an array of 2^64 sequences that were selected completely and random at some time in the distant past, and that the seed was just an index into this array.
So the fact that Random uses only 64 bits for its seed is actually not necessarily a problem statistically, as long as there is no significant chance that you will use the same seed twice.
Of course, for cryptographic purposes, a 64 bit seed is just not enough, because getting a system to use the same seed twice is computationally feasible.
I should add that, even though all of the above is correct, that the actual implementation of java.util.Random is not awesome. If you are writing a card game, maybe use the MessageDigest API to generate the SHA-256 hash of "MyGameName"+System.currentTimeMillis(), and use those bits to shuffle the deck. By the above argument, as long as your users are not really gambling, you don't have to worry that currentTimeMillis returns a long. If your users are really gambling, then use SecureRandom with no seed.
I'm going to take a bit of a different tack on this. You're right on your assumptions - your PRNG isn't going to be able to hit all 52! possibilities.
The question is: what's the scale of your card game?
If you're making a simple klondike-style game? Then you definitely don't need all 52! possibilities. Instead, look at it like this: a player will have 18 quintillion distinct games. Even accounting for the 'Birthday Problem', they'd have to play billions of hands before they'd run into the first duplicate game.
If you're making a monte-carlo simulation? Then you're probably okay. You might have to deal with artifacts due to the 'P' in PRNG, but you're probably not going to run into problems simply due to a low seed space (again, you're looking at quintillions of unique possibilities.) On the flip side, if you're working with large iteration count, then, yeah, your low seed space might be a deal-breaker.
If you're making a multiplayer card game, particularly if there's money on the line? Then you're going to need to do some googling on how the online poker sites handled the same problem you're asking about. Because while the low seed space issue isn't noticeable to the average player, it is exploitable if it's worth the time investment. (The poker sites all went through a phase where their PRNGs were 'hacked', letting someone see the hole cards of all the other players, simply by deducing the seed from exposed cards.) If this is the situation you're in, don't simply find a better PRNG - you'll need to treat it as seriously as a Crypto problem.
Short solution which is essentially the same of dasblinkenlight:
// Java 7
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
// Java 8
SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
Collections.shuffle(deck, random);
You don't need to worry about the internal state. Long explanation why:
When you create a SecureRandom instance this way, it accesses an OS specific
true random number generator. This is either an entropy pool where values are
accessed which contain random bits (e.g. for a nanosecond timer the nanosecond
precision is essentially random) or an internal hardware number generator.
This input (!) which may still contain spurious traces are fed into a
cryptographically strong hash which removes those traces. That is the reason those CSPRNGs are used, not for creating those numbers themselves! The SecureRandom has a counter which traces how many bits were used (getBytes(), getLong() etc.) and refills the SecureRandom with entropy bits when necessary.
In short: Simply forget objections and use SecureRandom as true random number generator.
If you consider the number as just an array of bits (or bytes) then maybe you could use the (Secure)Random.nextBytes solutions suggested in this Stack Overflow question, and then map the array into a new BigInteger(byte[]).
A very simple algorithm is to apply SHA-256 to a sequence of integers incrementing from 0 upwards. (A salt can be appended if desired to "get a different sequence".) If we assume that the output of SHA-256 is "as good as" uniformly distributed integers between 0 and 2256 - 1 then we have enough entropy for the task.
To get a permutation from the output of SHA256 (when expressed as an integer) one simply needs to reduce it modulo 52, 51, 50... as in this pseudocode:
deck = [0..52]
shuffled = []
r = SHA256(i)
while deck.size > 0:
pick = r % deck.size
r = floor(r / deck.size)
delete deck[pick]
My Empirical research results are Java.Random is not totally truly random. If you try yourself by using Random class "nextGaussian()"-method and generate enough big sample population for numbers between -1 and 1, the graph is normal distbruted field know as Gaussian Model.
Finnish goverment owned gambling-bookmarker have a once per day whole year around every day drawn lottery-game where winning table shows that the Bookmarker gives winnings in normal distrbuted way. My Java Simulation with 5 million draws shows me that with nextInt() -methdod used number draw, winnings are normally distributed same kind of like the my Bookmarker deals the winnings in each draw.
My best picks are avoiding numbers 3 and 7 in each of ending ones and that's true that they are rarely in winning results. Couple of times won five out of five picks by avoiding 3 and 7 numbers in ones column in Integer between 1-70 (Keno).
Finnish Lottery drawn once per week Saturday evenings If you play System with 12 numbers out of 39, perhaps you get 5 or 6 right picks in your coupon by avoiding 3 and 7 values.
Finnish Lottery have numbers 1-40 to choose and it takes 4 coupon to cover all the nnumbers with 12 number system. The total cost is 240 euros and in long term it's too expensive for the regural gambler to play without going broke. Even if you share coupons to other customers available to buy still you have to be quite a lucky if you want to make profit.

Iterating over bits in FPGA

Now I'm trying to figure out best method for iterating over bits in FPGA. I'm using some variation of fast powering algorithm, a.k.a exponentiation by squaring (more precisely it's doubling and add algorithm for elliptic curve mathematics). To implement it on hardware, I know I must use FSM which does iteration. My problem is how to properly "handle" moving from bit to bit. My first thought was to switch order of bytes, but when my k = 17 is 32bit, I must discard first 27 bits, so it's rather stupid idea. Another concept was with "moving" 0001000 pattern and bitwise & it with number, but it also requires to find first nonzero bit.
Got for example k = 17 (32bits, so: 17x0 10001) and want to iterate 5 times (that means I start iteration on first "real" bit of number) knowing each bit I iterate over.
Language doesn't matter - I need only the algorithm, not solution in specific language. However, if it is easily done in Verilog, I wouldn't mind. :P
A dedicated combinatorial circuit to find the first nonzero bit, shift it to the first position and tell you the shift amount should be fairly light on resources.
In principle, the compiler should be able to find this solution on its own and improve on it:
if none of the top 16 bits are set, set bit 4 of the shift amount, and shift by 16.
if none of the top 8 bits are set, set bit 3 of the shift amount, and shift by 8.
The compiler should be able to find further optimizations on this.
Don not code for FPGA but still:
rewrite algorithm to iterate number x from LSB to MSB
then in each iteration bit shift x right by 1 bit
stop if x==0.
this way you have bit-scan inside your main loop and do not need additional cycles for it.
x!=0 is done easily by ORing all its bits together
C++ code example:
DWORD x = ...;
for (; x != 0; x >>= 1)
//here is your iteration loop stuff like:
if (DWORD(x & 1) !=0 ) ...;
Something like:
always # *
8XXX_XXXX: k = 32;
4XXX_XXXX: k = 31;
2XXX_XXXX: k = 30;
Should give you the value of k.
You can have a shift register which can be parallel loaded so you can write a 1 to the kth bit, so you know when your iterations have ended.
If you loop from 0 to 31 and discard the 27 leading zeros...you aren't necessarily wasting cycles. Depends on whether you've surrounded this with a synchronous process, or a asynchronous one.
One gives you a rather small clocked circuit with a 32 clock latency.
The other gives you a giant rats nest of ANDs and ORs which won't run at a very high frequency.
Depends on what you want. Remember though, that even if you do decide to loop over 32 clocks, you can PIPELINE it such that you start a new calculation every clock. It might take you 32 clocks to get an answer, but you CAN do them at high speed.

Finding seeds for a 5 byte PRNG

An old idea, but ever since then I couldn't get around finding some reasonably good way to solve the problem it raised. So I "invented" (see below) a very compact, and in my opinion, reasonably well performing PRNG, but I can't get to figure out algorithms to build suitable seed values for it at large bit depths. My current solution is simply brute-forcing, it's running time is O(n^3).
The generator
My idea came from XOR taps (essentially LFSRs) some old 8bit machines used for sound generation. I fiddled with XOR as a base on a C64, tried to put together opcodes, and experienced with the result. The final working solution looked like this:
adc #num1
eor #num2
This is 5 bytes on the 6502. With a well chosen num1 and num2, in the accumulator it iterates over all 256 values in a seemingly random order, that is, it looks reasonably random when used to fill the screen (I wrote a little 256b demo back then on this). There are 40 suitable num1 & num2 pairs for this, all giving decent looking sequences.
The concept can be well generalized, if expressed in pure C, it may look like this (BITS being the bit depth of the sequence):
r = (((r >> (BITS-1)) & 1U) + (r << 1) + num1) ^ num2;
r = r & ((1U<<BITS)-1U);
This C code is longer since it is generalized, and even if one would use the full depth of an unsigned integer, C wouldn't have the necessary carry logic to transfer the high bit of the shift to the add operation.
For some performance analysis and comparisons, see below, after the question(s).
The problem / question(s)
The core problem with the generator is finding suitable num1 and num2 which would make it iterate over the whole possible sequence of a given bit depth. At the end of this section I attach my code which just brute-forces it. It will finish in reasonable time for up to 12 bits, you may wait for all 16 bits (there are 5736 possible pairs for that by the way, acquired with an overnight full search a while ago), and you may get a few 20 bits if you are patient. But O(n^3) is really nasty...
(Who will get to find the first full 32bit sequence?)
Other interesting questions which arise:
For both num1 and num2 only odd values are able to produce full sequences. Why? This may not be hard (simple logic, I guess), but I never reasonably proved it.
There is a mirroring property along num1 (the add value), that is, if 'a' with a given 'b' num2 gives a full sequence, then the 2 complement of 'a' (in the given bit depth) with the same num2 is also a full sequence. I only observed this happening reliably with all the full generations I calculated.
A third interesting property is that for all the num1 & num2 pairs the resulting sequences seem to form proper circles, that is, at least the number zero seems to be always part of a circle. Without this property my brute force search would die in an infinite loop.
Bonus: Was this PRNG already known before? (and I just re-invented it)?
And here is the brute force search's code (C):
#define BITS 16
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
int main(void)
unsigned int r;
unsigned int c;
unsigned int num1;
unsigned int num2;
unsigned int mc=0U;
num1=1U; /* Only odd add values produce useful results */
num2=1U; /* Only odd eor values produce useful results */
r= 0U;
r=(((r>>(BITS-1)) & 1U)+r+r+num1)^num2;
r&=(1U<<(BITS-1)) | ((1U<<(BITS-1))-1U); /* 32bit safe */
}while (r);
if (c>=mc){
printf("Count-1: %08X, Num1(adc): %08X, Num2(eor): %08X\n", c, num1, num2);
num2&=(1U<<(BITS-1)) | ((1U<<(BITS-1))-1U);
num1&=((1U<<(BITS-1))-1U); /* Do not check complements */
return 0;
This, to show it is working, after each iteration will output the pair found if it's sequence length is equal or longer than the previous. Modify the BITS constant for sequences of other depths.
Seed hunting
I did some graphing relating to the seeds. Here is a nice image showing all the 9bit sequence lengths:
The white dots are the full length sequences, X axis is for num1 (add), Y axis is for num2 (xor), the brighter the dot, the longer the sequence. Other bit depth look very similar in pattern: they all seem to be broken up to sixteen major tiles with two patterns repeating with mirroring. The similarity of the tiles is not complete, for example above a diagonal from the up-left corner to the bottom-right is clearly visible while it's opposite is absent, but for the full-length sequences this property seems to be reliable.
Relying on this it is possible to reduce the work even more than by the previous assumptions, but that's still O(n^3)...
Performance analysis
As of current the longest sequences possible to be generated are 24bits: on my computer it takes at about 5 hours to brute-force a full 24bit sequence for this. This is still just so-so for real PRNG tests such as Diehard, so as of now I rather gone by an own approach.
First it's important to understand the role of the generator. This by no means would be a very good generator for it's simplicity, it's goal is rather to produce decent numbers blazing fast. On this region not needing multiply / divide operations, a Galois LFSR can produce similar performance. So my generator is of any use if it is capable to outperform this one.
The test I performed were all of 16bit generators. I chose this depth since it gives an useful sequence length while the numbers may still be broken up in two 8bit parts making it possible to present various bit-exact graphs for visual analysis.
The core of the tests were looking for correlations along previous and currently generated numbers. For this I used X:Y plots where the previous generation was the Y, the current the X, both broken up to low / high parts as above mentioned for two graphs. I created a program capable of plotting these stepped in real time so to also make it possible to roughly examine how the numbers follow each other, how the graphs fill up. Here obviously only the end results are shown as the generators ran through their full 2^16 or 2^16-1 (Galois) cycle.
The explanation of the fields:
The images consist 8x2 256x256 graphs making the total image size 2048x512 (check them at original size).
The top left graph just confirms that indeed a full sequence was plotted, it is simply an X = r % 256; Y = r / 256; plot.
The bottom left graph shows every second number only plotted the same way as the top, just confirming that the numbers occur reasonably randomly.
From the second graph the top row are the high byte correlation graphs. The first of them uses the previous generation, the next skips one number (so uses 2nd previous generation), and so on until the 7th previous generation.
From the second the bottom row are the low byte correlation graphs, organized the same way as above.
Galois generator, 0xB400 tap set
This is the generator found in the Wikipedia Galois example. It's performance is not the worst, but it is still definitely not really good.
Galois generator, 0xA55A tap set
One of the decent Galois "seeds" I found. Note that the low part of the 16bit numbers seem to be a lot better than the above, however I couldn't find any Galois "seed" which would fuzz up the high byte.
My generator, 0x7F25 (adc), 0x00DB (eor) seed
This is the best of my generators where the high byte of the EOR value is zero. Limiting the high byte is useful on 8bit machines since then this calculation can be omitted for smaller code and faster execution if the loss of randomness performance is affordable.
My generator, 0x778B (adc), 0x4A8B (eor) seed
This is one of the very good quality seeds by my measurements.
To find seeds with good correlation, I built a small program which would analyse them to some degree, the same way for Galois and mine. The "good quality" examples were pinpointed by that program, and then I tested several of them and selected one from those.
Some conclusions:
The Galois generator seems to be more rigid than mine. On all the correlation graphs definite geometrical patterns are observable (some seeds produce "checkerboard" patterns, not shown here) even if it is not composed of lines. My generator also shows patterns, but with more generations they grow less defined.
A portion of the Galois generator's result which include the bits in the high byte seems to be inherently rigid which property seems to be absent from my generator. This is a weak assumption yet probably needing some more research (to see if this is always so with the Galois generator and not with mine on other bit combinations).
The Galois generator lacks zero (maximal period being 2^16-1).
As of now it is impossible to generate a good set of seeds for my generator above 20 bits.
Later I might get in this subject deeper seeking to test the generator with Diehard, but as of now the lack of the ability of generating large enough seeds for it makes it impossible.
This is some form of a non-linear shift feedback register. I don't know if it has been used as such, but it resembles linear shift feedback registers somewhat. Read this Wikipedia page as an introduction to LSFRs. They are used frequently in pseudo random number generation.
However, your pseudo random number generator is inherently bad in that there is a linear correlation between the highest order bit of a previously generated number and the lowest order bit of a number generated next. You shift the highest bit B out, and then the lowest order bit of the new number will be the XOR or B, the lowest order bit of the additive constant num1 and the lowest order bit of the XORed constant num2, because binary addition is equivalent to exclusive or at the lowest order bit. Most likely your PRNG has other similar deficiencies. Creating good PRNGs is hard.
However, I must admit that the C64 code is pleasingly compact!

Represent 10000 booleans using only 10000 bits

I want to represent 10000 bits of information.(Each can be either one or zero). Is there any way I can do this?
Wikipedia explains a bit hack to achieve this. But then it asks me to have a number that's as large as 2^10000 for storing 10000 bits.
Is there some way that's tractable even for storing large number of bits?
As wikipedia explains, a bit field is an appropriate choice here. a bit field that can hold 10,000 bits has 2^10000 states.
A good choice for doing this (given that integers are 32/64 bits) is a bit vector, which is asked about and explained in excruciating detail here:
bit vector implementation of set in Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition
The general idea is that you use an array of integers which are used as bit fields.
You can make bool take 1 bit for example if you have a bunch of them eg. in a struct, like this:
struct A
bool a:1, b:1, c:1, d:1, e:1;
Above method won't be useful if the number of variables are large. So instead create an array of integers of size 10000/4*8. It will create exactly 10000 bits. Now you can access each bit by using offset and << or >>(like for accessing 55th bit, use floor(55/4*8) and >>55%32. you can reach that bit).
In C++ you can do this very simply, using one of two standard library containers:
This specialization of a standard vector acts (almost) like any other vector, but compresses its contents to one bit per element. Aside from enjoying that fact, you can just treat it like a vector:
// Create a vector of 10000 booleans
std::vector<bool> lots_of_bits(10000);
// Set all the odd ones to true
for (int i = 1; i < lots_of_bits.size(); i += 2) {
lots_of_bits[i] = true;
// Add another 100 trues at the end
for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
// etc.
The "new, improved" bit vector which does not pretend to be a standard container. In particular, it's of fixed size and you need to know the size at compile time. That can be a bit restrictive, but it's otherwise a pretty useful class. Like std::vector<bool>, it implements the [] operator for getting and setting individual bits. It also supports the bitwise logical operators &, |, '^' and ~ (and, or, xor and not), as well as left and right bitshifts, and some other utilities.
Is your concern that accessing bit number n requires shifting n times? If so, you can make the problem tractable by dividing your 10,000 bits into 10,000 / 8 buckets using an array of characters (assuming C or C++ here). Now you can access bit number n by figuring out what bucket that bit is in (n / 8) and then what position within the bucket (n % 8). Then you just do the masking. No extra storage required (except the padding at the end, so a few extra bits if you don't have a perfect multiple of 32 bits).

Range extremes don't seem to get drawn by random()

For several valid reasons I have to use BSD's random() to generate awfully large amounts of random numbers, and since its cycle is quite short (~2^69, if I'm not mistaken) the quality of such numbers degrades pretty quickly for my use case. I could use the rng board I have access to but it's painfully slow so I thought I could do this trick: take one number from the board, use it to seed random(), use random() to draw numbers and reseed it when the board says a new number is available. The board generates about 100 numbers per second so my guess is that random() hardly gets to cycle over and the generation rate easily keeps up with my requirements of several millions numbers per second.
Anyway, the problem is that random() claims to uniformly draw numbers between 0 and (2^31)-1, but I've been drawing an uncountable amount of numbers and I've never ever seen a 0 nor a (2^31)-1 so far. Maybe some 1 and (2^31)-2, but I've never seen the extremes. Now, I know the problem with random numbers is that you can never be sure (see Dilbert, Debian), but this seem extremely odd nonetheless. Moreover I tried analysing the generated datasets with Octave using the histc() function, and the lowest and the highest bins contain between half and three quarter the amount of numbers of the middle bins (which in turn are uniformly filled, so I guess in some sense the distribution is "uniform").
Can anybody explain this?
EDIT Some code
The board outputs this structure with the three components, and then I do some mumbo-jumbo combining them to produce the seed. I have no specs about this board, it's an ancient piece of hardware thrown together by a previous student some years ago, there's little documentation and this formula I'm using is one of those suggested in the docs. The STEP parameter tells me how may numbers I can draw using one seed so I can optimise performance and throttle down CPU usage at the same time.
float n = fabsf(fmod(sqrt(a.s1*a.s1 + a.s2*a.s2 + a.s3*a.s3), 1.0));
unsigned int seed = n * UINT32_MAX;
for(int i = 0; i < STEP; i++) {
long r = random();
n = (float)r / (UINT32_MAX >> 1);
[_numbers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:n]];
Are you certain that
void main() {
while (random() != 0L);
hangs indefinitely? On my linux machine (the Gnu C library uses the same linear feedback shift register as BSD, albeit with a different seeding procedure) it doesn't.
According to this reference the algorithm produces 'runs' of consecutive zeroes or ones up to length n-1 where n is the size of the shift register. When this has a size of 31 integers (the default case) we can even be certain that, eventually, random() will return 0 a whopping 30 (but never 31) times in a row! Of course, we may have to wait a few centuries to see it happening...
To extend the cycle length, one method is to run two RNGs, with different periods, and XOR their output. See L'Ecuyer 1988 for some examples.
