Read a value from a JSON key when the key is unknown/random - ruby

My JSON response looks like this:
"item": {
"-LVShDSBr5tvs0wGkc0JJ": {
"text": "H"
"item": {
"-LEVSZndgiqwhgnytO3Kr": {
"text": "Hatem"
I can read each item object, but I need to reach the text value. To do that, I need to get through the random ID that's one level above that. How do I read what's within that key?
I have this:
items.each do |item|
# gets one item successfully
# but im unable to read the key within since it's unknown
text = item[:unknown_key][:text]

Use Hash#values:
texts = do |item|
If you expect more than one item, play around with mapping values to their [:text]s.


Logstash filter out values with null values for a key in a nested json array

I have quite an extensive Logstash pipeline ending in a Json as such:
"keyA": 1,
"keyB": "sample",
"arrayKey": [
"key": "data"
"key": null
What I want to achieve is to filter "arrayKey" and remove objects within with value for "key" is null.
Tried this to no luck:
filter {
ruby {
code => "
event.get('arrayKey').each do |key|
[key].delete_if do |keyCandidate|
if [keyCandidate][key] != nil
This gives no implicit converter found from |hash|:|Int| error. How do I achieve this? Is there and easier way to do this?
As Aleksei pointed out, you can create a copy of the array that does not contain entries where [key] is null using reject. You have to use event.set to overwrite the inital value of [arrayKey]
ruby {
code => '
a = event.get("arrayKey")
if a
event.set("arrayKey", a.reject { |x| x["key"] == nil })

Logstash escape JSON Keys

I have multiple systems that send data as JSON Request Body. This is my simple config file.
input {
http {
port => 5001
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
In most cases this works just fine. I can look at the json data with kibana.
In some cases the JSON will not be processed. It hase something to do with the JSON escaping. For example: If a key contains a '.', the JSON will not be processed.
I can not control the JSON. Is there a way to escape these characters in a JSON key?
Update: As mentioned in the comments I'll give an example of a JSON String (Content is altered. But I,ve tested the JSON String. It has the same behavior as the original.):
"": {
"a": "",
"b": ""
My research brings me back to my post, finally.
Before Elasticsearch 2.0 dots in the key were allowed. Since version 2.0 this is not the case anymore.
One user in the logstash forum developed a ruby script that takes care of the dots in json keys:
filter {
ruby {
init => "
def remove_dots hash
new =
hash.each { |k,v|
if v.is_a? Hash
v = remove_dots(v)
new[ k.gsub('.','_') ] = v
if v.is_a? Array
v.each { |elem|
if elem.is_a? Hash
elem = remove_dots(elem)
new[ k.gsub('.','_') ] = elem
} unless v.nil?
} unless hash.nil?
return new
code => "
All credits go to #hanzmeier1234 (Field name cannot contain ‘.’)

Iterate and search a JSON array for the element in the array

I have a JSON array that looks like this:
response = {
"subject"=>"new subject"
I am trying to obtain the "storage" "url" based on the "to" email.
How do I iterate through this array where x is just the element in the array
Once I find the specific email that I need, it will stop and return the value of x which is the element number.
I was going to use that value for x and call response['items'][x]['storage']['url']
which will return the string for the URL.
I thought about doing this but there's gotta be a better way:
x = 0
user_email =
while user_email != response['items'][x]["message"]["headers"]["to"] do
value = x
puts value
target =
response['items'].detect do |i|
i['message']['headers']['to'] == ''
This is another option by creating Hash with key of to's email. And on basis of it fetch required information like this:
email_hash =
response["items"].each do |i|
email_hash[i["message"]["headers"]["to"]] = i
Now if you want to fetch "storage" "url" then simply do:
user_email = ""
puts email_hash[user_email]["storage"]["url"] if email_hash[user_email]
#=> ""
You can use it as #Satoru suggested. As a suggestion, if you use case involves complex queries on json data (more complex than this), then you can store your data in mongodb, and can elegantly query anything.

How to add new key/value pair to existing JSON object in Ruby

How could I append a new key/value pair to an existing JSON object in Ruby?
My output is:
"2d967df3-ee07-4e40-8f65-7bbff59bbb7e": {
"name": "Book1",
"author": "Author1"
I want to achieve something like this when I add a new key/value pair:
"2d967df3-ee07-4e40-8f65-7bbff59bbb7e": {
"name": "Book1",
"author": "Author1"
"c55a3632-9bed-4a41-ae40-c1abfe0f332a": {
"name": "Book2",
"author": "Author2"
This is my method to write to a JSON file:
def create_book(name, author)
tempHash = {
SecureRandom.uuid => {
"name" => name,
"author" => author
}"./books/book.json","w") do |f|
To clarify, I need to add a second entry to the original file. I tried using append (<<), and that's where my code fails:
file ="./books/book.json")
data_hash = JSON.parse(file)
newJson = data_hash << tempHash
How could I append a new key/value pair to existing JSON object in Ruby?
If you want to add it to an existing file then you should read the JSON first, extract data from it, then add a new hash to an array.
Maybe something like this will solve your problem:
def create_book(name, author)
tempHash = {
SecureRandom.uuid => {
"name" => name,
"author" => author
data_from_json = JSON["./books/book.json")]
data_from_json = [data_from_json] if data_from_json.class != Array"./books/book.json","w") do |f|
f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(data_from_json << tempHash))
There are also some other ways like manipulating the JSON as a common string but for safety you should extract the data and then create a new JSON file.
If you need the new key/value pair to be in the same JSON element as the previous data, instead of shoveling (<<) the hashes together, merge them.
Additionally this can allow you to put the new key/value pair in the start of the element or in the end, by flipping which hash you merge first.
So, take Maxim's solution from Apr 14 '15, but modify to merge the two hashes together.
data_from_json = JSON["./books/book.json")]"./books/book.json","w") do |f|

Delete nested hash according to key => value

I have this hash:
response = '{"librairies":[{"id":1,"books":[{"id":1,"qty":1},{"id":2,"qty":3}]},{"id":2,"books":[{"id":1,"qty":0},{"id":2,"qty":3}]}]}'
in which I'd like to delete every librairies where, at least, one of the book quantity is null.
For instance, with this given response, I'd expect this return:
I've tried this:
parsed = JSON.parse(response)
parsed["librairies"].each do |library|
library["books"].each do |book|
parsed.delete(library) if book["qty"] == 0
but this returns the exact same response hash, without having deleted the second library (the one with id => 2).
You can use Array#delete_if and Enumerable#any? for this
# Move through each array element with delete_if
parsed["librairies"].delete_if do |library|
# evaluates to true if any book hash in the library
# has a "qty" value of 0
library["books"].any? { |book| book["qty"] == 0 }
Hope this helps
To avoid changing the hash parsed, you could do the following.
Firstly, let's format parsed so we can see what we're dealing with:
parsed = { "libraries"=>[ { "id"=>1,
"books"=>[ { "id"=>1, "qty"=>1 },
{ "id"=>2, "qty"=>3 } ]
{ "id"=>2,
"books"=>[ { "id"=>1, "qty"=>0 },
{ "id"=>2, "qty"=>3 } ]
Later I want to show that parsed has not been changed when we create the new hash. An easy way of doing that is to compute a hash code on parsed before and after, and see if it changes. (While it's not 100% certain that different hashes won't have the same hash code, here it's not something to lose sleep over.)
#=> 852445412783960729
We first need to make a "deep copy" of parsed so that changes to the copy will not affect parsed. One way of doing that is to use the Marshal module:
new_parsed = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(parsed))
We can now modify the copy as required:
new_parsed["libraries"].reject! { |h| h["books"].any? { |g| g["qty"].zero? } }
#=> [ { "id"=>1,
# "books"=>[ { "id"=>1, "qty"=>1 },
# { "id"=>2, "qty"=>3 }
# ]
# }
# ]
new_parsed # => { "libraries"=>[ { "id"=>1,
"books"=>[ { "id"=>1, "qty"=>1},
{ "id"=>2, "qty"=>3}
And we confirm the original hash was not changed:
#=> 852445412783960729
