Gentoo package mask not working with exact version number - gentoo

I installed mysql-5.6.42 on a Gentoo system. There's a newer version 5.7.24, but I don't want to upgrade for that version. So I masked the package under /etc/portage/package.mask
When I want to upgrade for example php portage wants to upgrade mysql to 5.7.24.
Why does package.mask not work?
I tried <=dev-db/mysql-5.7.0 the result is the same.

Please check your versions again
=dev-db/mysql-5.6.24 vs. >dev-db/mysql-5.6.42.
echo ">dev-db/mysql-5.6.42" > /etc/portage/package.mask/mysql
I think there is a typo in your question. Perhaps it is also in your config.
See also:


Codis - Redis cluster proxy installation

I am exploring a production-stable proxy for redis cluster called codis . It is a mentioned as a great alternative to twemproxy, especially as one of my needs is pipelining and twemproxy does not offer that.
However the documentation in English is still a WIP and the replies to github issues are in mandarin.
I am trying to install this on
Linux version 3.13.0-74-generic (buildd#lcy01-07) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #118-Ubuntu SMP
I have installed go version 1.8 and I can see the folder /usr/local/go/bin. I have added this to the PATH variable as well.
However, when on executing the command go get -u -d, I am getting the following :
no buildable Go source files in /home/ubuntu/go/src/
You probably want to use the updated install outlined at
seems the English docs might be out of date

GLIBCXX_3.4.15, GLIBC_2.15 and GLIBC_2.14 not found - Centos 6.5

I am trying to run an app but I get
/usr/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found
/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBC_2.15' not found
/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBC_2.14' not found
When I do "strings /usr/lib64/ | grep GLIBC" i get a normal list...
I don't seem to find a simple tutorial on how to install the missing libs/files/dependencies, (or Centos 6.5 or anything else for that mater).
Can someone explain how to install whatever might be missing on Centos?
Can someone explain how to install whatever might be missing on Centos?
You need glibc >= 2.15 and libstdc++ >= 3.4.15.
In theory, installing e.g. glibc-2.19 on the system should work (glibc provides backward binary compatibility), but this message suggests that you would not find a standard package for your OS with such an upgrade.
Instead you would have to either install a second version of glibc, as documented here, and redirect your application to use that version by binary-patching the loader encoded into the application, or run your application in a chroot (where you can install any version of glibc you like).
Similar considerations apply to as well, except you don't have to install it into the fixed location -- you can install newer copy anywhere, and point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to it.
Your final (and most likely easiest) alternative is to build the app you are trying to run from source, or obtain a pre-built binary for your distribution (one that doesn't require newer libraries than what you have).

chef mysql install specific version

I want to install mysql v5.5.27 and php v5.3.15 but opscode doesn't show how to do this.
I've checked the recipes and saw the attributes and modified them but still no results.
Is there a way to force this?
Thanks in advance!
For PHP, if you want to install a different version from what is what is available in the distribution's official repository, you can use the compile from source install method instead of package (default).
Simply change default['php']['install_method'] to 'source' and run the default recipe. Alternatively explicitly run php::source ;-)
NOTE: You also need to change the default['php']['url'], default['php']['version'], default['php']['checksum'], etc to suite your needs.
For MySQL, as Mark said, it is up to the distribution (the version from its repository), looking at the mysql::server there isn't easy way to change it, as there is no such option as PHP (install by compiling from source) like the PHP cookbook.
The cookbook only has logic for choosing the version when installing on windows. On Linux the cookbook simply installs the mysql package supported by the package repositories associated with your distro.

PHPUnit xdebug.coverage_enable=On message

How to get through "You need to set xdebug.coverage_enable=On in your php.ini." message?
I have set xdebug.coverage_enable=On in the proper (--ini) php.ini file but it had no effect. Im on mac os x snow leopard
What version of xdebug are you using?
php --ri xdebug
will tell you that version (amongst everything else)
PHP_CodeCoverage 1.0.2 (which is used by PHPUnit to collect code coverage information) has this bit of source code
if (version_compare(phpversion('xdebug'), '2.2.0-dev', '>=') &&
!ini_get('xdebug.coverage_enable')) {
die("You need to set xdebug.coverage_enable=On in your php.ini.\n");
Based on this logic you would get this error only if you have installed xdebug 2.2.0-dev. Which, in my opinion should not be used before it is stable.
xdebug 2.1.0 is stable and works well enough.
If you however are not running 2.2.0-dev, then this starts to look like a bug, and you need to give more information about what versions of everything relevant you are using.
Update - it looks like this was an actual bug in PHP_CodeCoverage that was fixed in 1.0.2 3 days ago. You probably had an older version. Upgrade, and it should be fine now.

How do I install modperl under OS X Leopard's default Apache 2?

My attempts to install modperl under the default vanilla Leopard Apache 2 have failed and all I can find online are variations on this:
I would like if possible not to rely on MacPorts or Fink, though if they can be made to work with the default Apache 2 install that would probably be ok.
Macports has it (think apt-get and the likes on linux, but on OS X)
(you can see it listed here)
Haven't installed myself though....
Why not just give up and build/install your own or port versions of perl, apache2, and mod_perl2? Probably easier than fighting with it. (Worked for me.)
(as per comment)
Mmmkay! Sorry, I didn't intend that to be snarky or imply that it's not a valid question. I guess I'll delete this (if I can.) Would it be useful to edit the question to add your rational rationale for not having a separate installation?
Get the latest mod_perl and set the following var:
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
Compile/install as usual.
Taken from this post, "Building mod_perl2 on Leopard" which also links to further details on how to get Apache2::Request (libapreq) working as well.
(Not that I've been able to test it since I'm personally back on Tiger running Apache 1.3!)
(And let's see if stackoverflow manages to lift this answer to the top since it is the only "correct" answer)
I asked a very similar question a few days ago and got some good answers:
"How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?"
The mc ports install of mod_perl tries to install apache 1.3 even if you specify just the mod perl, so thats not a good option.
Try this:
