How do I install modperl under OS X Leopard's default Apache 2? - macos

My attempts to install modperl under the default vanilla Leopard Apache 2 have failed and all I can find online are variations on this:
I would like if possible not to rely on MacPorts or Fink, though if they can be made to work with the default Apache 2 install that would probably be ok.

Macports has it (think apt-get and the likes on linux, but on OS X)
(you can see it listed here)
Haven't installed myself though....

Why not just give up and build/install your own or port versions of perl, apache2, and mod_perl2? Probably easier than fighting with it. (Worked for me.)
(as per comment)
Mmmkay! Sorry, I didn't intend that to be snarky or imply that it's not a valid question. I guess I'll delete this (if I can.) Would it be useful to edit the question to add your rational rationale for not having a separate installation?

Get the latest mod_perl and set the following var:
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
Compile/install as usual.
Taken from this post, "Building mod_perl2 on Leopard" which also links to further details on how to get Apache2::Request (libapreq) working as well.
(Not that I've been able to test it since I'm personally back on Tiger running Apache 1.3!)
(And let's see if stackoverflow manages to lift this answer to the top since it is the only "correct" answer)

I asked a very similar question a few days ago and got some good answers:
"How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?"

The mc ports install of mod_perl tries to install apache 1.3 even if you specify just the mod perl, so thats not a good option.

Try this:


package-refresh-contents hangs at Contacting host:

I'm running Emacs 24.4 for Windows (installed through Chocolatey) and trying to install CIDER.
When I run M-x package-install [RET] cider [RET], I get [No match]. When I run M-x package-refresh-contents [RET], it hangs on Contacting host:
~/.emacs.d is populated with the GitHub repo recommended by (here). I've reinstalled Emacs and I'm still getting the same problem.
I had this same problem on emacs ELPA wiki they say to set un ELPA you have to modify the emacs init file located at ~/.emacs or _emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el for me it was ~/.emacs-live.el since I have this version.
I just updated that file with the following:
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
Seems that I needed the configuration from where ELPA is going to look for packages.
After that i just ran M-x package-refresh-contents [RET] and M-x package-install [RET] cider [RET] that installed cider.
This guide fixed it for me:
Basically go to:, grab the gnutls library and just uncompress the archive at the root of your Emacs directory.
Afterwards, doing list-packages became near-instant for me. Using Emacs 24.5.1.
I had the same problem with Emacs 24 in Ubuntu 16.04 and nothing seemed to solve the problem. Finally, installing Emacs 25 solved the problem.
New Emacs packages are available here
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelleyk/emacs
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install emacs27
The problem is that the ELPA package signing key has expired. A new Emacs version will include a new key. Note that currently (2020 Oct) there is Emacs 27 available for Ubuntu 16.04.
Also make sure that you use https urls (and not plain http).
Another possibility may be to install new keys to an older Emacs version.
Windows binaries may also be available somewhere.
Other than setting up your package archives, like a previous answer mentions (FWIW I'm using HTTPS directly)
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
one might encounter another problem but with the same symptom of getting stuck at "Contacting host" due to running gpg in batch mode to verify the packages, but needing some input. You can disable that via
(setq package-check-signature nil)
Stack Overflow sometimes deletes chats. Fortunately it seems like I've still got access to a read-only version of the transcript.
From my perspective we didn't get a satisfactory answer. Here are the highlights:
We determined that the variable package-archives contained only GNU ELPA.
After discovering this, the OP wrote
I edited the package.el file. It works!
I suggested that editing a core Emacs Lisp file is not a good solution, but didn't hear anything back from the OP.
Since the referenced init.el file tries to add MELPA, I think there's something else going on. Perhaps the .emacs.d/ directory is in the wrong location, for example.
Editing package.el is certainly not a good solution. Doing more work to determine why the config isn't being properly loaded would be a good approach.
I have faced this issue on Emacs 24.5.1.
I searched here in SO and outside SO, nothing worked for me. I had to circumvent the problem by installing a newer version of Emacs: emacs25.

Installing Ruby 1.9 on OS X Leopard using /usr/local - RVM issues

I have to run a Rails (3.0.6) app locally that requires Ruby 1.9.2 (plus Mongo). I'd like to install Ruby 1.9.2 alongside my existing 1.8.7 and be able to swap between them as necessary. I prefer installing to usr/local over Macports etc. Any recommendations? I've tried installing RVM but this has proved such a pain on OS X I'd rather avoid that too.
Is there another way of running multiple Ruby versions (maybe with a prefix like this)? I only need to switch to 1.9 for this project. Or has anyone a good solution to the known OS X/RVM install issues? Specifically, on Tiger/10.4 bash doesn't support errtrace.
Update: solved with a new RVM install script: see RVM on OS X 10.4 - possible?.
RVM really is the easiest solution, and I would highly recommend you try and work that issue out first.
The only bit of advice is to make sure you configure your PATH variable to include /usr/local/bin before everything else. In your .profile or .login (depending on your shell), you should have it towards the bottom, in case there is any other lines configuring PATH as well, and then for the Bourne shell family:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH
or for the C shell family:
set path = (/usr/local/bin $PATH)
Running ./configure alone should make it install into /usr/local, but you can explicitly state so with
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
Install Ruby from source and it will default to /usr/local/bin. Adjust your path, the #! line, or your /usr/local/bin/ruby source.rb as necessary to switch between Apple's installation of Ruby, and the one you add.
You can force a new base directory using ./configure --prefix=/... where '...' is whatever path you want. Again, once the files are installed, you can adjust the executing Ruby with one of the above methods.
Do not attempt to remove Apple's installed Ruby. It's there for their use, not for our convenience, and Apple uses it to provide some functionality. Messing with it or removing it could break things, and you probably wouldn't notice for a while.
RE: RVM, It really is the preferred way to install a user Ruby. I have it on two Macs, and a handful of different Linux boxes and the only time I had trouble was with a secured machine behind firewalls, but I can't blame RVM for those problems when it couldn't see the internet at all. And, yes, I got it working nicely, I just had to insert the manually downloaded Ruby archives into the ~/.rvm/archives directory.
If you are having problems and want to use it, it might help to temporarily strip your startup scripts, or create a temporary user, and see what happens. Additionally, the author has been very responsive and helpful the few times I've asked him questions. Contact him at:
If you still cannot find what an answer to your question, find me 'wayneeseguin' in #rvm on
If you download the source and compile it, it should install into /usr/local by default, or you can
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
just to be sure.
Actually, compiling and installing ruby from source is an easy way to be sure you have the latest version, especially if you use git and github:

install graphviz on openbsd issue

I'm facing a problem installing graphviz 2.29 oj FreeBSD system.
./configure works fine but after make i see this:
sftable.c:262: error: 'ptrdiff_t' undeclared
I'm not familiar to FreeBSD so i don't know what to do with this issue.
It seems to me that it's a known bug ( but there's no answer.
Please, help!
ps: gcc version 4.2.1 20070719
FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE-p2
One way to install software that is newer then the port's version is to change the port's version (using graphviz as example):
% cd /usr/ports/graphics/graphviz
Edit the Makefile and change PORTVERSION to match the version you want. Comment any PORTREVISION and leave PORTEPOCH alone.
% sudo make makesum
% sudo make
In a lot of cases this simply works, because the patches that the port maintainer applies to make things work, don't always make it upstream timely. If this don't work and your knowledge is of the ports system is minimal, you might want to stop, if not or eager to learn, then read the errors and try to resolve them.
Well, then try to add this line:
#include <stddef.h>
at the top of sftable.c file.

how to run gambit-c

It's late and I should go to bed and maybe that's why I can't figure this out. I'm on a fedora-13 machine and I just ran
yum install gambit-c
I installed it because I want to follow along in a schemed text book.
but now that it's installed, how do I start the scheme interpreter??
It looks from the RPM listing that the binaries are named gsi, gsix, and gsc, all in /usr/bin. I suspect that gsi is the interpreter.
For more details, there's also the manual entry for gsi.
BTW: I don't know about the Fedora RPM, but I found that the Ubuntu repository's Gambit-C was quite outdated (4.0-ish), with missing features like simple compilation of stand-alone executables. The most recent version is 4.6. If your RPM's version is a few decimal places behind, I'd suggest just installing from source; it's a pretty standard configure -> make -> make install sequence. Just remember the following option when running configure:
./configure --enable-single-host
This speeds things up quite a bit.

How to avoid installing unnecessary dependencies with MacPorts?

I've tried to get postgresql 8.4 via MacPorts (on Snow Leopard) but it seems that the dependencies are endless - including getting older version of stuff that is already available in Snow Leopard, kitchen-sink and who knows if eventually I end up with windows 7 ...
Is there a way to get only those dependancies absolutely necessary to run stuff from command line in Mac?
Especially I'm trying to avoid installing old version of python, Xorg packages and so on.
Any ideas? So far it seems that it is better to avoid MacPorts altogether.
Looking at the port file for postgresql84, the +python variant for it actually means python2.5. Most of the dependencies you find annoying are probably being brought in by the python tkinter module dependency on Tk which by default builds an X11 version of Tk rather than the +quartz variant. You can change that by specifying that variant and reinstalling. The easy way to deal with variants is to add the options you normally want to use as defaults to those in /opt/local/etc/macports/variants.conf.
Unfortunately, at the moment, the tk +quartz variant build is broken on Snow Leopard. So, if you are not planning to use tkinter (or IDLE) with the MacPorts python2.5, you can force the removal after the fact of the unwanted modules:
port installed
port -f uninstall tk Xft2 xorg-libX11 ...
You might want to first do a dry-run by adding the -y option to see exactly what the effects of the uninstall will be.
Note, the python26 port has a handy +no_tkinter variant which could be useful once the portgresql ports are upgraded to python2.6.
It's potentially a bit of grunt work (and definitely violates Occam's razor for this particular scenario)... but if you're positive you know which dependencies you don't want/need, they can always be passed as hyphen-delimited args after the port call:
port install sweetPort -depYouDontWant -depYouDontNeed ...
I know it's been a while since the OP, but I hope this helps... somebody.
