I am working on a project and I need to use memcached features to cache the queries and results.
I have followed the tutorial from this.
Do I need to use below code for each query?
->useResultCache(true, 3600)
Is there any alternative like to setup somewhere in services file or config file?
If you're using DoctrineBundle in your Symfony application - then you can, of course, configure Memcached cache use for Doctrine through configuration.
have been searching through the documentation but to no avail... How should I inject Redis cache through Dependency injection instead of using the Redis facade?
You can find all underlying classes in https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/facades#facade-class-reference. For Redis, it's \Illuminate\Redis\RedisManager. But for caching, I recommend using the default cache driver \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory because Laravel will namespace the keys behind the scene. If redis isn't the default cache driver, you may specify the store like this:
I'm starting to learn BW6 and have a project where I need to populate a data cache. For this cache I want to use Redis.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an adapter I can use to do this. There are several java clients I could use but since it's all new to me I wanted to avoid doing custom Java right away. Is there another way to read and write from Redis without custom Java in BW6?
Using Jhipster I have successfully configured and running angularjs application fine from front end. I have created many custom entities also successfully. Now, in the project I want to have a load.java file and make use of those created entities to load the data from csv files to those entity tables. I mean with out using front end (Angulars), I should be able to use to all the created entities and crud operations from load.java, is it possible to do it? If yes, any sample code reference would be helpful, i did not find any documentation on this part on the website.
CSV loading in JHipster is done through Liquibase at database initialisation.
if you want to load CSV at any time you'll have to code it yourself using the repositories generated by JHipster and this is pure Spring data/JPA question not JHipster specific.
I just installed SonarQube to try it out and am trying to setup the Analyzer. Since I just want to trial it, I don't want to setup a separate database. Can I use the embedded database for the Analyzer as well? If so, why is there nothing in the docs around derby in configuring sonar-runner.properties. If I do not configure a database, in sonar-runner.properties does it just default to use the embedded database for Sonar Runner?
By default and in absence of configuration, both the server and runner use a H2 database. While this is very handy for evaluation and will work flawlessly, using a dedicated database is highly recommended on the longer term (for both stability, performance and reliability).
Using spring data neo4j in liferay portlets, Neo4j is locking itself when a portlet is using it, encounter exception like below
Unable to lock store [db.name], this is usually a result of some other Neo4j kernel running using the same store
Is there any way to run multiple portlets with same embedded neo4j db. Can i use Neo4j HA? Looks like Neo4j HA to going to deal with multi-servers, but i only one server. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Did you try including neo4j library files at portal level instead of using at portlet level ?
i.e. to place required .jar files in /lib/ext instead of inside WEB-INF of every portlet.
I'm not an expert in neo4j, but having good experience with liferay. Suggesting above solution from liferay point to ensure common place for all portlets.