Configuring Analyzer - sonarqube

I just installed SonarQube to try it out and am trying to setup the Analyzer. Since I just want to trial it, I don't want to setup a separate database. Can I use the embedded database for the Analyzer as well? If so, why is there nothing in the docs around derby in configuring If I do not configure a database, in does it just default to use the embedded database for Sonar Runner?

By default and in absence of configuration, both the server and runner use a H2 database. While this is very handy for evaluation and will work flawlessly, using a dedicated database is highly recommended on the longer term (for both stability, performance and reliability).


Old style outer join (+) cannot be used with ANSI joins, Oracle Database Error Code ORA-25156

Why I get this error even though i specified the hibernate.dialect as OracleDialect. If you recommend to use oracle10gDialect or Oracle9iDialect please explain, cause Hibernate can find the Dialect using JDBC meta data when it connect to the db in very first time. Correct me if i'm wrong.
I believe your problem is to find the correct dialect. But I believe this is part of the configuration. This is not a programming problem, This is a configuration strategy that you used to manipulate or use of configuration.
you can externalize the configuration with multiple profiles such as dev, UAT, PROD which is based on the environment. Then your CICD
the pipeline will pick the correct profile which has the correct dialect according to the deployed environment.
Or you can add default dialect and override the properties based on
the environment in which the application is deployed.
The reason is application is the component where looking for the database.
or check this post if you wanted to do programmatically ( I haven't try this) :
Is there a way to detect SQL Dialect without knowing the database type?
Also please read the driver specification and JPA dialect usage. some databases expect exact versions of dialect to support full functionality.

Can ElasticSearch be used as a persistent store for Apache Ignite?

I want to know if there's a way to configure the datasource for Ignite as Elastic Search. I was browsing the web. But I did not find a solution.
I want to implement this integration for a Java application.
If I understand your idea correctly there's a way to do it. As far as I can see Elasticsearch supports SQL table-like data access and it's available through jdbc connection. From the Ignite's side we have 3rd party persistance, it uses jdbc to connect to an underlying store system. To be honest I haven't tested it but I suppose it should work.
Also I need mention that you can use GridGain WebConsole to generate simple Ignite project from existing jdbc connection. This functionality could be found on Configuration tab -> Create Cluster Configuration.

How to make Spring Hibernate Application enterprise ready?

So, I have my application based on spring and hibernate. The user produces some data (in my case the data is kind of development itself) which is persisted by hibernate.
But for now this won't be accepted by large enterprises. They want to have a development enviroment, a test environment and a production. What I need to implement is a way to deploy data from one environment to another.
To be clear: I am not asking about deploying the application, but its data.
Are there best practices to implement this feature?
To maintain DDL and use same across various environments use liquibase or flyaway which also integrates with seamlessly with spring.
If you want DML to be migrated then vendor specific data migration can be used.
I think you are mostly looking at DDL only so either of above is better solution

Embed database in spring project with hibernate

In my previous spring projects, I always use hibernate+postgresql to store the data. I rencently start to use spring-boot, and I am looking for a database system which allow me embed it in my project, without be required the installation of a external DBMS.
I try use SQLite, but in my searches I found some afirmations Hibernate isn't compatible with SQLite.
Anyone knows if this is possible and could point me a solution?
We've successfuly used HSQLDB with Hibernate for ages.
This is actually super cool for sales, you can demonstrate a working application on (potential) customers machine with the embedded HSQLDB database. And still be able to switch to "the real thing" later on.
See also this:
Does Hibernate Fully Support SQLite
and this:

Using sonarqube with apache derby

I am planning to use sonarqube. I have successfully installed sonarqube. AT the moment i am using the embedded h2 database which we shall only use for evaluation purpose. I went through the documentations and found out that sonarqube support MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSql. I was wondering if it possible to setup sonarqube with Apache Derby? If yes then can you please tell me how to do that?
Apache Derby used to be Sonar's default embedded database and was recently replaced by H2.
Is there are reason to favour Derby? I'm personally a big big fan of H2. In practice, you are best advised to use something like MySQL for non-trivial Sonar installations.
As you perfectly read on the requirements page, Derby is not supported.
