Windows 10 looses internet connection after 90 minutes - windows

I have a problem with Windows 10 and I am kinda clueless on why and how I should fix it.
I have a work laptop that was upgraded to windows 10 last month. Ever since I got it I have been having problems with my Internet connection. About every one or 2 hours I stop being able to access the internet. I try and run the Windows diagnostic tool but there are of no help. Only restarting the computer helps, which is a major pain.
I have installed Wireshark to monitor my connections but unfortunately I am not really savvy with it. I can however see that there are quite a few broadcasts being made (they make 90% of all connections being made) but I cannot see from where they come.
I have tried disabling all energy saving options, updating the drivers for the network adapter, reinstalling the antivirus and even a hardware test. Nothing helped. My next step would be to reinstall Windows but I only want to do that as a last resort.
Any ideas what I could do next?

So, I actually fixed my problem. I didnĀ“t really figure out exactly why it happened but I found a work around.
In Windows 10, I opened the Event log to see if there was an error being logged. Thankfully I have been documenting when I lost connection so this was easy to find. I saw that everytime I lost connection, Event 4231 was being logged. I googled the Id and found a solution on this website.
I followed the instructions there and had no more problems ever since.


IIS 5.1 going idle at 1-1.5 weeks

I have a bit of an issue regarding a setup I have to work with. The PCU has Windows XP Embedded running on it, with IIS 5.1. I made an application with IIS as its webhost. There's a touchscreen monitor attached that is always on. Now everything runs fine, no problems, untill about 1-1.5 weeks pass by. At that point IIS, not sure about this, seems to be going on some kind of idle mode, the application stops doing what its supposed to do. But, to me, the weird part is that IIS seems to boot up again once I tap the screen and after that it runs fine again for 1-1.5 weeks. The problem is that I don't really have a clue to where to start searching, I've taken my application apart and looked for any memory leaks or anything that would be causing any issues but it doesn't seem that way. Any suggestions to what to look into would be greatly appreciated!

Win7 : Black screen when switching users / logging off with SCEP av client enabled?

Anyone out there run into this? :
Seeing Win7 Ent machines show black screen and go unresponsive when switching users or logging out while the SCEP client (Microsoft's AV client supplied with SCCM) is enabled. If I disable it, the issue goes away. Just started happening yesterday.
Ran through Windows update reset, SFC, update troubleshooter, update readiness tool, updated latest to latest video card drivers, removed updates deployed in the last round, to no avail. Issue goes away in safe mode, but in clean boot with MS services running, it still happens, so 3rd party stuff ruled out.
Engaged MS support, waiting on a call.. just wanted to know if anyone has found an easy way to fix this
use MpCmdRun.exe to remove definition (MpCmdRun.exe -RemoveDefinitions -All) and search new update definition, this solve the problem.

How to debug/investigate issues with YouCompleteMe for Windows

This question seeks help with tooling - "how do I debug my problem." As I type this, there has been no answers. I did end up stumbling on the solution for the actual problem I was trying to solve and have provided the solution as an answer.
I still would be more than happy to hear any answers on the tooling question though, and if somebody comes up with a workable answer, I'll be more than happy to transfer the checkmark
Original Question
I initially opened an issue with YouCompleteMe at It immediately got closed because there's no official support for Windows. Ok, fine.
I'm now asking the Stackoverflow community, hopefully there are people who are messing with YCM for Windows (there is a "unofficial YCM for Windows" page, so there MUST be SOMEBODY hacking on this thing).
Below is the original content of the issue that I opened.
If somebody actually has an answer that works, great! At this point, I'm looking more for procedures that I can use to run the YCM server under a debugger to see where exactly it's choking
I'm trying to get YCM to work on my Windows 7 machine. I have a few
other XP, Win7, Win8 machines that have no problems with YCM. I've
tried building the support stuff using MinGW, Visual Studio 2010, both
on the target machine as well as the other machines where I have YCM
When I open a Python or C++ file, a message immediately appears that
YCM has crashed and I should restart with :YcmRestartServer. It
mentions that I should set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles in order to see
the log messages. I have done that, but I still don't have any
logfiles and the "set g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles" message is still
I also get ('Connection aborted.', error(10061, 'No connection could
be made because the target machine actively refused it'))
I looked in python\ycm\ and saw that the "logfiles
deleted" message comes up because of an exception in trying to open
the file specified by self._server_stderr (IOError). Right now I'm
suspecting that this is because the server never actually gets far
enough in its startup sequence to actually create the stdout and
stderr files.
What are the steps that I could do to investigate why the server (?)
fails to start properly.
I also had a vague idea that there was a firewall rule blocking
connections, I looked through Windows Firewall, but didn't really see
anything that would point to localhost connections being blocked or
I'm okay with doing debugging, would appreciate advice on the
procedure that I would need to do in order to get Visual Studio 2010
to step into the server process and poke around stuff.
Oh, dunno if this factoid means anything, but I'm able to use
Rip-Rip's clang_complete without issues, but I would very much rather
use YCM.
I never really did get an answer or solution to the central question of "how do I debug YCM under Windows" but I did solve the underlying problem of why YCM wasn't working for me, so for posterity (and other fellow despairing YCM users who may end up here via Google)
For me, YCM immediately crashed and burned. I figured the problem out by seeing a Windows system that had been working fine for me start exhibiting the symptoms.
The change: I had installed Python 3.x and switched it to being the system preferred python (by messing with paths, what do you expect with Windows?).
As it turns out (duh), YCM depends on Python 2.x and falls over when it can't find any of the libraries that it was trying to open.
I started going down the path of trying to locate exactly what the files YCM was trying to access and provide them locally in the YCM directory, but after spending five minutes on it, I decided that I wanted something simpler.
Since I still wanted Python 3.x to be the 'system' version, I settled for manipulating the path WITHIN Vim, so I added this before the YCM load,
if (has('win32') || has('win64'))
let $PATH = 'C:\Python27;' . $PATH
Hope that this saves somebody else some pain

Always get "Network connection was lost"as a validation issue

I am trying up upload my first app to the store. I had a real issue (wrong syntax on version string) first time so I know I can get as far as validation. When I fixed that issue I now get "Network connect was lost" coming up in the Issues dialog, after quite a pause.
It is not clear if that is a problem with the validation process, between me and apple, or with my app (that does use network connections). My network is pretty solid.
Any ideas what might be happening.
I faced the same issue, then i restart my xcode once. The error gone.
Sometimes Xcode may cause for issues. So use the "Application Loader" to upload app in Appstore.
It is probably caused by unavailability of Apple's servers.
In Apple's developer's forum you can see many people live the same problem at certain times.
The most recent one:
So... wait :)
For me, it succeeds after I change the WIFI my MBP joins.
On Mac, all I did was Renew DHCP Lease on my Wifi Information, and it worked.
You might have an Agreement e.g. Paid Apps amendment that you need to agree to.
I started to get this issue this morning, after successfully submitting builds for the same app just last night.
Remembered there was something I had to agree to when I was uploading last night (one of the two made it successfully last night despite this agreement issue).
Restarting XCode didn't help me.
On Mac, I deactivated MalwareBytes and NordVPN. It worked.

Network problem, suggestions sought

The LAN which has about a half dozen windows xp professional pcs and one windows 7 professional pc.
A jet/access '97 database file is acting as the database.
The method of acccess is via dao (DAO350.dll) and the front end app is written in vb6.
When an instance is created it immediately opens a global database object which it keeps open for the duration of its lifetime.
The windows 7 machine was acting as the fileserver for the last few months without any glitches.
Within the last week what's happened is that instances of the app will work for a while (say 30 mins) on the xp machines and then will fail on database operations, reporting connection errors (eg disk or network error or unable to find such and such a table.
Instances on the windows 7 machine work normally.
Moving the database file to one of the xp machines has the effect that the app works fine on ALL the xp machines but the error occurs on the windows 7 machine instead.
Just before the problem became apparent a newer version of the app was installed.
Uninstalling and installing the previous version did not solve the problem.
No other network changes that I know of were made although I am not entirely sure about this as the hardware guy did apparently visit about the same time the problems arose, perhaps even to do something concerning online backing up of data. (There is data storage on more than one computer) Apparently he did not go near the win 7 machine.
Finally I know not very much about networks so please forgive me if the information I provide here is superfluous or deficient.
I have tried turning off antivirus on the win 7 machine, restarting etc but nothing seems to work.
It is planned to move our database from jet to sql server express in the future.
I need some suggestions as to the possible causes of this so that I can investigate it further. Any suggestions would be gretly appreciated
UPDATE 08/02/2011
The issue has been resolved by the hardware guy who visited the client today. The problem was that on this particular LAN the IP addresses were allocated dynamically except for the Win 7 machine which had a static IP address.
The static address happened to lie within the range from which the dynamic addresses were being selected. This wasn't a problem until last week when a dynamic address was generated that matched the static one and gave rise to the problems I described above.
Thanks to everyone for their input and thanks for not closing the question.
Having smart knowledgeable people to call on is a great help when you're under pressure from an unhappy customer and the gaps in your own knowledge mean that you can't confidently state that your software is definitely not to blame.
I'd try:
Validate that same DAO and ODBC-drivers is used on both xp- and vista machines.
Is LAN single broadcast domain? If not, rewire. (If routers required make
sure WINS is working)
Upgrade to ms-sql. It could be just a day of well worth work, ;-)
