What is docsets folder generated by jazzy - jazzy

I am working on generating documentation for swift framework and documents are generated by jazzy.
Please see the image. This is the generated output folder
What is this "docsets" folder. What is the purpose of it ?

Looks like it is intended for tools like Dash to injest the documentation.


Where can I restore Pandoc's configuration

I have Pandoc installed on my system via Anaconda. The Reveal.js slideshows I convert with it do not work, because the inserted links to the Reveal.js code seem to be wrong. The documentation states that the default URL should be 'https://unpkg.com/reveal.js#^4/'. However, in my generated slides they turn out as in for example <script src="reveal.js/js/reveal.js"></script>, so the base part of the URL seems to be missing.
Fixing the URL by setting the revealjs-url variable is unfortunately not enough, because the files seem to be located under 'dist' rather than the various prefixes 'js', 'css' that I find in my document now.
Where could this be configured in Pandoc? I have searched the documentation and grepped for possible configuration files on my hard drive, with no luck so far.
You should be able to fix this by using an URL pointing to a reveal.js 3.* version. The versioning issue has been fixed in newer versions (pandoc 2.10 and later). Instead of always using the latest reveal.js version, pandoc now pins a specific version.
See this pandoc issue for more details.

Images in markdown files in GitHub Enterprise

I'm working on a README.md file in a GitHub Enterprise repository.
It's funny, I'm using the same code snippet I use in my public repositories, i.e.
![alt text](https://raw.github.com/repository/project/master/filename.png)
Unfortunately, this kind of command doesn't work on the enterprise project.
I see one big difference in the raw version of a picture. Specifically, in the enterprise repository I have a the URL of the raw picture file with a query parameter, e.g.
Does someone know how to embed a picture in a markdown in GutHub enterprise?
Have you tried working with using relative links to your images? So trying to do something like ![](img/image_name.png)? The reason why I recommend this is because if they are working with your repo, they should have these images regardless and if they are accessing this online, GitHub will handle the rendering properly. This is assuming that you want this information to be facing towards others to be able to see it.
It is actually recommended by GitHub to not use absolute links such as [Absolute README link](https://github.com/username/repo/blob/branch/docs/more_words.md) Source
Edit: I also found this question/answer on SO that might be useful to refer to about how to solve it. It also mentions with the relative linking:
GitHub recommend that you use relative links with the ?raw=true parameter to ensure forked repos point correctly.
It also talks about how you can have a separate branch that can contain all of your screenshots and you can reference them as:
![Alt text](/../<branch name>/path/to/image.png?raw=true "Optional Title")
Hope this helps!

phpDocumentor relative paths to css and javascript

It's my first time using phpDocumentor 2 and every file in the root folder of the documentation looks fine.
Unfortunately, anything in the subdirectories (classes, namespaces and packages) doesn't look right or function properly, because they don't reference "../css/template.css" but "css/template.css". (Same problem with the JS)
Am I missing some sort of configuration issue? The demo on the phpDoc site seems to include the reference to the parent directory.
Thanks in advance!
Probably not configuration... may just be a bug that's cropped up while working on the beta versions. Open an issue about it at github (https://github.com/phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor2).

Adding Google GTL library to Xcode project

I want to add the Google GTL Objective-C Library to my Xcode project, I just can't work it out and there is next to nothing on the topic that I can find helpful (Google's documentation is awful).
Try this one:
If it won't help you, just grab all needed files from GTL project and manually add all of them to your project.
Something like this:
Don't forget to disable ARC for all those files.
How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?

How can I create Xcode docsets that look and work like the ones in Apple Core Library

I want to create a docset for my API that looks and works like the Apple Core Library docset. For example, look at the page for NSString.
I've tried Doxygen and I've tried headerdoc2html. Neither does very close to what I want.
The files generated by headerdoc don't have most of the higher-level structure that the Apple files do, and the graphics design is different. Down at the more detailed level, like when looking at a specific method, things are closer, but don't have all the detailed structure.
The files generated by Doxygen have a very different high-level structure, not to mention having a very different graphic design.
What else should I try? Or are there parameters to either of these tools that would give me something closer?
Thanks, Pat
The best I have found so far is Tomaz's appledoc. With it I can create apple style api documentation and instal it directly into the DocSets that Xcode is uisng. Works very well and is based on doxygen.
You can use Doxygen to generate Xcode docsets.
Unfortunatelly, the Doxygen output looking and behaving like an Apple Developer Library Document is still to be discovered...
I'm also really interested in this :( Ive been able to generate docsets and doxygen docs but if I could make them look the same (or approaching) as the "normal" apple docs (like SDK ones), that would be better. :/
