Unable to connect to Dynamics CE v.9.0 on-Premises - dynamics-crm

I have a problem with connecting my .net 4.6.2 console app to our on-Premises Dynamics CE v.9.0 installation.
I have the following code to connect:
CrmServiceClient conn = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString);
OrganizationServiceProxy = conn.OrganizationServiceProxy;
This is my connectionString
<add name="CRM" connectionString="Url=http://ServerFQDN/OrgUniqueName; Domain=Mydomain; Username=MyUser; Password=MyPW; AuthType=AD;"/>
I followed the instructions on the following page to generate the ConnectionString
Unfortunately is the OrganizationServiceProxy null all the time.
When i look in my CRMServiceClient i do get the following in LastCrmError
LastCrmError = "Unable to Login to Dynamics CRMOrganizationWebProxyClient is nullOrganizationWebProxyClient is null"
I updated all my NuGet packages to the newest Version:
Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies is
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Deployment is
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Extensions is
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Workflow is
Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.CoreAssembly is
Had anyone had the same Problem?
Do you have a tip for me what could be the Problem?
I just noticed, that i am not able to Login via the .NET application but also PluginRegistration and XRMToolBox is not working.
I do assume there is an error with the authentication. Maybe in AD.
When i try to connect i now always get the two following errors:
Source : mscorlib
Method : HandleReturnMessage
Error : The caller was not authenticated by the service.
Inner Exception Level 1:
Source : System.ServiceModel
Method : ThrowIfNegotiationFault
Error : The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.
If i login to the Deployment Manager i can see "Failed" in the Status field. I think this is related to each other.

Try to add this line before creating CrmServiceClient object
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

I was able to fix the issue.
The Problem was, that there was some mismatch in between our DB an the Deployment Manager.
The following Steps fixed our Problem:
Delete the Organization in Deployment Manager
Import the Organization again from an existing Organization in Deployment Manager
Configure HTTPS (i think this was not necessary to fix the problem)
Hope this helps others.
PS: Here is a link that describes how you can configure HTTPS:


ASP.NET Core 6 MVC : adding identity failing

I'm using VS 2022, ASP.NET Core 6 MVC and Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (v15).
Git project: [https://github.com/Wizmi24/MVC_BookStore]
I'm trying to add --> new scaffolded item --> identity.
Default layout page, override all files and mine Data context
when I click add, I get this error:
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'MyProjectName'
I cleared NuGet Package cache as I saw it may help, but all it do is just prolong and this same error is visible after trying to install Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, which is installed. I checked the packages and made sure they are the same version (6.0.11).
I cloned your project to test, and the problem you mentioned did appear. Not sure why, but I finally got it working by updating the NuGet package:
I updated the two packages Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational to version 7.0.1 (you need to pay attention to the sequence when updating), then add scaffolded Identity, and I succeeded.
You can try my method, if the Identity is successfully added, but the following exception is encountered at runtime:
You need to add builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyBookContext>(); before
builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
MyBookContext is the Data context class selected when you add Identity:
In addition, if there is a 404 error in your area routing, you can refer to this document to modify it.
Hope this can help you.
I think it might be a problem caused by naming duplication. Please try to change the name of the context generated by Identity.
As you can see, the ApplicationDbContext generated by Identity is consistent with the ApplicationDbContext namespace in your MyBook.DataAccess:
So naming the same will cause conflict:
So you need to change the naming to avoid conflicts. For example:
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(
builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
As I mentioned in the original answer, if you get a 404 error, you can try to refer to this link to fix the area routing.
The easiest way is to directly change the routing settings in Program.cs:
name: "Customer",
areaName: "Customer",
pattern: "{area:exists}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Then add the Area property to the controller:
public class HomeController : Controller{}
There seems to be a problem with your Repository.cs, so I changed the Index to only output a string to test the result.
public string Index()
return "success";
Test Result:
If your Repository.cs also has problems when you test it, you can make a new post for everyone to help you fix this problem(Because this question strays so far from your original question, one post is better off addressing only one question).
Good Luck.

Xamarin - .NET Standard - Use Azure DevOps Services with VssAadCredential -

I want to create a Xamarin.Forms app where I have to login to a specific Azure DevOps environment/project.
To try out the Azure DevOps Service library I first created a Console App (.NET Framework 4.7.2) to login to the Azure DevOps environment/project. The following code was used for login process (+ extra code to validate the connection actualy works).
public void Login(string _userName, string _pwd)
ProjectHttpClient projectClient;
this.Credentials = new VssAadCredential(_userName, _pwd);
this.Connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(this.DevOpsPath), this.Credentials);
projectClient = this.Connection.GetClient<ProjectHttpClient>();
this.ProjectReference = projectClient.GetProjects(null, top: 1).Result.Where(item => item.Name == this.ProjectName).FirstOrDefault();
When I use the same piece of code in the Xamarin.Forms App (.NET Standard 2.1) it no longer works and I get the following error when executing the last line:
One or more errors occurred. (Could not resolve type with token
0100008d from typeref (expected class
in assembly 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory,
Version=, Culture=neutral,
When using the VssBasicCredential with a personal acces token, the code runs as expected. However I would prefer using the VssAadCredential and not the VssBasicCredential.
I'm not aware that the VssAadCredential is not supported in .NET Standard and can find no documentation relating to the issue.
Has anyone had a similar experience that might solve this problem or can anyone provide me with some documentation declaring that this cannot work as of yet?

Using HttpClient to access Web API issue (certificate?)

I have been following this link to understand how to use HttpClient to call a Web API Method.
The code of interest in the article is below with ‘client’ being the HttpClient object:
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:60464/api/"); //HTTP GET
var responseTask = client.GetAsync("student");
var result = responseTask.Result;
Error results as follows:
System.AggregateException: 'One or more errors occurred. (Failed to connect to localhost/'
Please understand my background in networking, IIS and the like is very limited.Most of my time is spent in code and SQL Sprocs. This is a personal project so I have to get this setup myself
If I replace localhost with my machines IP I get the following error:
One or more errors occurred. (java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.)'
So two questions:
How do I install this needed certificate or settings or otherwise (again no idea about this configuration network stuff) but I do have IIS up and running with the Web API hosted and working
If using ‘localhost’ is not supposed to work, what might be the reason this article is using it?
This is only for a personal development machine, yes at some point I am going to want it to work in the real world but for now I just need to get some ‘hello world’ stuff going before the end of times.

Xamarin.Auth - Google authentication won't open in browser

I'm trying to do authentication on my Android application using Xamarin.Auth. Some time ago, Google made the policy that you cannot do this in an embedded web view (for totally valid reasons).
I'm trying to open the account authentication page in a browser, but keep getting the embedded web view. I understand that isUsingNativeUI needs to be true in the following code:
_auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, string.Empty, scope,
new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl),
new Uri(redirectUrl),
new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl),
isUsingNativeUI = true);
At every point in my application, this always equals true.
Elsewhere, I have code that redirects to what should be a browser:
var authenticator = Auth.GetAuthenticator();
Intent intent = authenticator.GetUI(this);
Regardless, I keep getting a dreaded 403 disallowed_useragent error whenever I try to run the project. Is there another element to this that I'm missing?
To my knowledge, setting auth.IsUsingNativeUI = true in the constructor should dictate that it must open in a browser. I've been following this example to try and debug with no success. I even pulled the guy's repo down to my machine and ran it - the Intent variable at the moment of redirection is almost identical.
Could there be something stupid that I'm missing? What else might be going wrong?
I realize this is an old question, but I had the same issue.
You have to install version of the Xamarin.Auth Nuget package. The newest one (version 1.7.0 right now) doesn't work. You'll have to also install the PCLCrypto nuget package in order to get that version to work.

Umbraco - First run - connection string failed

I just downloaded Umraco (via Web Platform Installer).
It takes me to this web page:
How can I just select 'integrated security'?
That connection string is set to a blank database that exists. I have added 'IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool' and 'IIS APPPOOL\UmbracoTest' as database owner. The next screen is like this Database configuration is invalid for connection string Data Source=.;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=UmbracoTest:
That connection string is fine, I've used '.' datasource elsewhere with no problems (SQL Express).
Is there any way to get useful error messages?
How can I get this working?
I just ran into the same issue during an Umbraco 6.1.5 installation. My issue was the providerName being empty as suggested, so when I added:
I was able to install and upgrade my Umbraco 6.1.3 database. My full connection string is:
<add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="server=72.18.**.***,1533;database=mydatabase;user id=emma;password=******" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
The connection string is wrong, trust me :)
Instead of DataSource=. try DataSource=.\sqlexpress
Also ensure that the initial catalog=UmbracoTest is actually the correct name of the database.
Finally, since you are using an Umbraco 6.x version, the log files will be at ~App_Data/Logs but in this case they will just tell you much the same as the install screen, that an SqlException has occurred.
Looking at the Umbraco source, the error you see is raised by the following code:
if (_configured == false ||
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_connectionString) ||
return new Result
Message =
"Database configuration is invalid. Please check
that the entered database exists and that the provided
username and password has write access to the
Success = false,
Percentage = "10"
So my assumption is that you are missing the Provider from your connection string. In your web.config file your connection should look like this:
I had the same issue. I fixed it by adding the IIS_IUSRS user to the Umbraco site directory with "Modify" rights as the setup process is trying to write to the web.config with your connection string. Hope this helps.
