Does Solr 7.x have support for Java 11? - spring

Currently our applications runs with Spring Data Solr + Apache Solr 5.3 + Java 8
We are upgrading our systems to Java 11. Does Spring Data Solr & Apache Solr latest version support Java 11 ?

Solr 7.6 supports "Java 8 or greater". However . . . .
As per the Solr News it looks like 10 is tested and supported
Java is generally backwards compatible although Java 11 release notes might suggest has some backwards compatibility issues that might trip folks up in general
This ticket in the Solr Apache JIRA indicates that "Upgrading to a more recent Java (JDK 11?)" is open and unresolved
More definitively: As of late 2018, Java 11 was not yet recommended according to the good folks at LucidWorks. "The recommendation is to stay with JDK-8 until the Apache project officially supports JDK-11."
Based on the above it sounds like Java 8 is the safe bet, 10 might work but is risky and 11 is "right out" (h/t to Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


Does Docusign SDK compatible with java8

I'm trying to use docusign java launcher, but the documents says that it's compatible with java 11, can I used it with java 8 ?
or can I send Raw request instead ?
This is our minimal supported version. It is possible you can get it working with an earlier version (I heard some folks said they were able to do it), but if you don't - we will ask you to upgrade.

Elasticsearch-dsl python migration - upgrading major versions

Based on Elasticsearch DSL docs (
"you have to use a matching major version" of the library for compatibility.
For Elasticsearch 7.0 and later, use the major version 7 (7.x.y) of the library.
For Elasticsearch 6.0 and later, use the major version 6 (6.x.y) of the library.
What's the best practice then for upgrading from ES 6 to ES 7?
This seems to imply that you can't make your code forward compatible with ES 7 server without making it backwards incompatible with an ES 6 server at the same time.
I'm trying to avoid having two different versions of the code having to exist at the same time by making it forwards compatible in-place first, before upgrading the server. Has anyone done this?
(We have lots of analyzers, tokenizers, multiple Documents, etc that we really don't want to have to duplicate in the code in the middle of the migration.)
There's an upgrade path that you need to follow. There's no need to maintain two different code bases. You should first make sure to upgrade to the latest minor+patch version of the ES 6 releases (i.e. 6.7 or 6.8) and make sure your indexes are compatible with that version.
You should also migrate your clients to the same latest minor+patch version of the ES 6 release, as Elastic makes sure that that version is forward-compatible with the next major version (i.e. ES 7).
Once you've tested everything on ES 6.7/6.8 (and properly backed up your data), you can safely upgrade to ES 7 and your clients will continue to work. Once ES is upgraded, you can upgrade your client to ES 7 as well.

Why are the hadoop releases not in the same order as their numbers?

I've visited the website to download the latest version and I found that 2.8.4 was released after 2.9.1. Why does that happen? And which one should I download?
Why are companies still running Java 6 and 7 while they are end of life? Why is Java 8 still updated when Java 9 and 10 are available?
My point is that at one point, Hadoop 2.7.x was the stable branch. 2.8, 2.9 introduce some potentially breaking or otherwise major, possibly unstable change. The previous releases still need support to address bugs and backport useful features. You're welcome to read the release notes to see what those may be.
It's worth mentioning that the Hadoop vendors like Hortonworks and Cloudera are currently using some version 2.7 with some patches applied on top of what you'd get on the Apache site.
Meanwhile, if you want the latest and greatest, and don't care about stability, you can use Hadoop 3.x, but if you want other things like Spark, Sqoop, HBase, Hive, then I'd suggest staying at 2.7 for now. Or at least read over the documentation for each component and see if you can find installation requirements.

Elasticsearch - Post Data using Java 1.4

We are using Java 1.4 and we would like to push data to the ELK stack.
I checked their site and googled and its mostly turning up artifacts/articles
that need more than 1.5.Are they any options since we cant change the current
java version installed.
Java SE 6 was released in 2006 and if I remember correctly the minimum version for Elasticsearch (first public release in 2010) even in the early days has been that.
The oldest docs available on the Elastic website are for 0.90 and that is ancient. Even if you could run an older version, there are no docs for it, so you really don't want to go there.
While upgrading existing applications can be a challenge, it's still not possible to run new services on newer versions? Anyway, you need to get to Java 6 at the very least or rather 8 for current versions.

Using Java 7-based learning materials when Java 8 is released?

Am an absolute beginner, trying to learn Java for quite some time but recently started serious studying.
My concern is that 90% of the books I have (dozens of books) are based on Java 7, I have two O'Reilly Java 8 guides but they are bridging materials, meaning I should already have vast knowledge of Java for them to be of any use to me.
To cut it short, would using Java 7-based books to learn Java be a problem now that Java 8 is released ? would I be missing something ? would it be easy to learn the new features in Java 8 later on ?
Note that newer versions of some of the books I have are in the making and are expected to be available by mid June.
Java 8 is backward-compatible with Java 7 (and with all previous versions, BTW). The only important things you'll miss are the lambda support, the Stream API, and the new javax.time API, that were added in Java 8.
But everything you'll learn with Java 7 will still be completely relevant in Java 8.
