Does Docusign SDK compatible with java8 - spring-boot

I'm trying to use docusign java launcher, but the documents says that it's compatible with java 11, can I used it with java 8 ?
or can I send Raw request instead ?

This is our minimal supported version. It is possible you can get it working with an earlier version (I heard some folks said they were able to do it), but if you don't - we will ask you to upgrade.


Elasticsearch - Post Data using Java 1.4

We are using Java 1.4 and we would like to push data to the ELK stack.
I checked their site and googled and its mostly turning up artifacts/articles
that need more than 1.5.Are they any options since we cant change the current
java version installed.
Java SE 6 was released in 2006 and if I remember correctly the minimum version for Elasticsearch (first public release in 2010) even in the early days has been that.
The oldest docs available on the Elastic website are for 0.90 and that is ancient. Even if you could run an older version, there are no docs for it, so you really don't want to go there.
While upgrading existing applications can be a challenge, it's still not possible to run new services on newer versions? Anyway, you need to get to Java 6 at the very least or rather 8 for current versions.

testcomplete doesnt support developer express 12.2.7?

I am working on a application which includes a developer express Datagrid version 12.2.7 . i have checked the supported list of controls from here :
according to which the version which i have is technically not supported ? does that mean i cannot use testcomplete for that grid ? or do i have to upgrade the version base in my application too?
I think that this means that SmartBear did not test this functionality with this specific version of the controls. Most probably, TestComplete should work without any problems with it.

is it possible to connect to cloudsql in golang?

the google documentation seems to hint that the app engine go SDK should support using cloudsql, but from this snippet of code, it looks like it's not yet supported.
is there a newer version of the SDK that does allow you to interface with cloudsql?
Cloud SQL works with the latest SDK. The online docs haven't been updated. Pick a MySQL driver of your choosing that can work with appengine/cloudsql package and the databse/sql package will work. Some of the working drivers : mymysql or go-sql-driver :

Google drive compile warnings with 1.6 beta

I'm working with the code from google drive in visual studio 2012 (C#). I managed with hours of fiddling around with nuget reference the necessary libraries.
I compiled the test application and got the following warnings:
'Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.DotNetOpenAuth.NativeApplicationClient' is obsolete: 'NativeApplicationClient is not supported any more and it's going to be removed in 1.7.0-beta. Consider using the new Google.Apis.Auth NuGet package which supports .NET 4, .NET for WindowsStore apps, Windows Phone 7.5 and 8 and Portable Class Libraries as well'
'Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.GoogleAuthenticationServer' is obsolete: 'GoogleAuthenticationServer is not supported any more and it's going to be removed in 1.7.0-beta. Consider using the new Google.Apis.Auth NuGet package which supports .NET 4, .NET for Windows Store apps, Windows Phone 7.5 and 8 and Portable Class Libraries as well'
'Google.Apis.Drive.v2.DriveService.Scopes' is obsolete: 'Use DriveService.Scope instead. This enum is going to be removed in version 1.7.0-beta.'
I did not modify the code other than adding in the client_ID and client_secret. Other than that, it appears to run...
I'll also mention that I am using the nuget Google.Apis.Auth package.
The code behind the DriveService.Scopes warning is using DriveService.Scopes not Google.Apis.DriveService.Scopes (look at the code on the link; mine is the same).
With the google admin api being deprecated and google breaking the old api almost every other week it seems, I'm anxious to get on the new API. However, with what I'm seeing here I'm wondering if that's a good idea or not. I could be trading the frying pan for the fire. With that said, what are we supposed to be using if your current example is already obsolete?
First of all you should use the latest version of the library, that's the version that we maintain, provide fixes, new features and so on. You can get it using NuGet.
The sample code in the page you mentioned wasn't updated lately. Take a look in our samples repository (and specifically in the Drive API sample).
Google.Apis.Auth is the right package to use. The reason the old package (Google.Apis.Authentication) is obsolete is based on the fact the we wanted to support different Windows platforms like WP, Windows 8 applications, ASP.NET MVC. We also simplified the OAuth2 "dance" which was so complicated before.
Last thing - If we make any incompatible changes in the library we document them in our announcement blog, so our users will be able to make the right adjustments . I recommend you subscribing to this blog to get updates about our library.
Hope everything is clear now :)

Which Android API to use?

I'm planning on developing Android Apps. I downloaded the SDK and AVD manager, and about to download the SDK platforms.
My question is, I want to develop apps for 2.x platform. Do I need to download API 7-10? Which one to target?
Also, if you have tips regarding this, please mention them. Thank you.
It is not necessary to download all the platforms, just download the latest SDK and make your application compatible with other SDK.
For that you just need to define android:minSDKVersion and android:maxSDKVersion, android:targetSDKVersion.
<uses-sdk android:maxSdkVersion="12"
Here is a detailed article on "Compatibility" in "Best Practices" section at Android Developer site.
In short
For 2.1 you have to download API level 7
For 2.2 you have to download API level 8
For 2.3 you have following choices to download API levels
2.3 - 2.3.2 -- API level 9
2.3.3 - 2.3.7 -- API level 10
For seeing API levels and Android OS versions you must see :API Levels
I recommend you to go through Platform Versions atleast once before you start building any android application.
