Why Radar widget is not working in Mavic_2? - dji-sdk

DJI MSDK:4.8.1
Radar widget is not working properly in Mavic_2 where as it works fine in other drones (Mavic_pro,Mavic_air). Is there anything we need to handle so that it works fine in Mavic_2?

You can try to start the UAV obstacle avoidance system in the official application such as DJI Pilot, which can solve your problem at once.


CefSharp TouchInput on Windows 7

I have my application installed on a Windows 7 Pos Ready computer and I've issues with the touch input. It just doesn't work and doesn't respond to any touches. If try to click things with my mouse everything is fine.
The CefSharp version I'm using is v79.1.360 and I use Windows Forms.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Thank you for your inputs.
I figured it out, basically the previous dev was using CefSharp Forms in a WPF project. I exchanged the implementation with CefSharp WPF and it started to work just nicely.

Minmizing OpenGL app while preserving EGL Context results in HUGE PROBLEM

I'm using opengl es 3.0 API with the android studio ndk to create apps.
But I've encountered a very huge problem. I've created a demo app, all it does it change the background color of the screen from white to black and vice versa, every frame. And so when I go to minimize this app, I still see it rendering the background, mostly at the edges of the screen, and not in full color but still very strongly apparent. And it doesn't go away when I close the app, when I restart the device, or when I run "kill apps" on it. Only a factory data reset fixes the issue, so it's not easy for me to debug this.
This is the relevant code that I'm using for when the app is minimized and receives the APP_CMD_TERMINATE event:
engine->display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
engine->surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
I've error checked that eglDestroySurface() is successful.
And I've put debugging messages in to make sure that the main draw loop is NOT executing when the app is minimized. But the problem persists and I don't know what to do about it. Thanks for any help.
UPDATE: well, no one has responded, and I still don't know what to do. Could it be related to threads?
UPDATE: Still can't determine what it is, but for some reason it's messing with the System UI. Willing to upload my entire source code somewhere if someone would be willing to go through this with me, as I'd really like to be able to continue working on my game engine.
Is it the "Strict Mode" developer option on the device settings, perhaps?
That one flashes the screen if an app is blocking.
It would explain why a factory reset changes behaviour.
The answer is not a solution here. The above comment by the user columbo was correct.
I've demoed switching from black to white at high framerates on 3 different android devices, and also my Linux Desktop, all via the openGL api, and it has exhibited this issue on all the devices. So what he said must be correct: this is a problem with LCD monitor technology itself. Interestingly, doing completely random colors does not cause this problem.

How to debug when using Google VR (Daydream) and Unity?

I'm using the latest Google VR SDK and Unity 5.6. I've got a Daydream headset/controller and I'm trying to develop a game. I've been stuck on a problem for a while now, which in a typical Unity environment I should be able to solve very quickly, but because I'm forced to build/run the code to the device each time I want to test I'm unable to view the console nor see any error/warnings which are thrown.
Any idea on how I can debug using Unity, or even emulate the Daydream controller/headset within Unity? I've seen that a controller emulator exists, but it appears you still have to run on the device, only in that scenario you have to have two phones; one acting as the controller and another as the 'screen'.
Check out this asset Log Viewer.
Using this asset you can see the same log console in Unity Editor in runtime. I don't know about DayDream but it worked for me on Android, Oculus, and GearVR.

Unity Game View support Touch Events?

I would like to buy me a Microsoft Surfacebook. But bevore I would like to know if Unity IDE support Touch Events in the Game View of the Editor? Or only if a real device is connect? But the monitor itselft is a touch device.
Thanks for help!
Few days, there was a similar question about touch detection in Unity using Windows tablets.
There is no support for the touch. Input.touches and Input.GetTouch will not work in the Editor Game View. It will only work when you deploy the Game.
For some reason, touches are treated as mouse input.
This shouldn't be a problem at-all because Input.mousePosition and OnMouseDown will work on it so you can use pre-processor to detect when in Editor mode then use input.mousePosition and OnMouseDown and then be able to test your app without having to build it.
Everything else should be fine. Remember, it is not a real computer. It is a mobile computer and is weaker than a real computer. Don't expect a 4K texture game to run smoothly on this device.

Windows Phone 7, does MouseLeftButtonDown translate to the deployed application?

Quick question -- if I code something to respond to "MouseLeftButtonDown" such as the pushing of an image, if I leave the code the same way when I ship the app, will this directly translate to the user pushing their finger down on the same spot, and thus fire the code?
Do I have to change the MouseLeftButtonDown to the gesture listener for this to translate, such that MouseLeftButtonDown is only used in place of non-touch monitors when coding to test things?
As corrected by Matt in the comments, the MouseLeftButtonDown event is not the same as an image tap. However, the result would be the same in that if your code works on the emulator, regarding the tapping, then it should work on the device.
You should try and get your app running on a device though as there can be things easily overlooked in the emulator. For example, performance can decrease on your phone since it's likely to be quite a lot less powerful than your PC. Therefore, if your app is performing fine on your PC (emulator), it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the same speeds on the device.
